Chapter 12 Isn’t this bringing glory to the country?

Dragon Country.

The latest issue of”Singer” officially kicked off under the expectation of all.

Netizens prayed one after another, hoping that they would not be abused too badly in this issue!

They no longer dared to expect victory.

In front of the singing skills of Vanxia and Shantimo, it felt that the two sides were not in the same dimension at all. The other party was a college student, and they were still in kindergarten.

This huge gap made the people of Dragon Country feel ashamed.

Especially Teacher Amu!

The ancient singing style and strange pronunciation made people extremely embarrassed.

However, ideals are full, but reality is always skinny.

The singer of this issue is named Adam!

No one doubts the influence of these two words!

No one doubts the super strength of this person!


He did not participate in the official competition of”Singer 2024″, but as a special surprise singer. To put it bluntly, Adam did not participate in the ranking, but just came here to perform a song.


His song”How can I have a prosperous husband” killed the entire domestic entertainment!

His arrival made people realize that the sound of Mango TV this season is so good!

His arrival made people realize what a truly powerful singer looks like!

His arrival made people thoroughly understand that in the past few years, the Chinese music scene has relied too much on tuning!

Singers don’t need to hone their singing skills, they just need to perform well.

Can’t reach the high notes?

No problem, we can tune them!

Singing out of tune?

No problem, we can tune them!

Too obvious breathing?

No problem, we can tune them!

In this environment, there are not many good singers in the Chinese music scene!

The entire network is completely disappointed, as if a shadow has been cast over their heads, and they are completely disappointed in Chinese singers.

“The Dragon Kingdom is about to be defeated!”

“I was looking forward to the third episode, but now, all my expectations have vanished.”

“There is a feeling of despair. Looking at the entire Chinese music scene, is there really no one who can compete?”

“To be honest, there is no shortage of good singers in the Chinese music scene, but the atmosphere has been so bad in recent years that all the good singers have been forced away!”

“Yes, for example, Huang Xiaoyun and Su Ran! Su Ran clearly won at that time, but ended up like that.”

“Su Ran, come back soon, it was our fault before!”

“I hope you can forgive the little mistakes. No matter what, you are a singer in the Chinese music scene, you should not ignore it.”


New York, the United States.

Su Ran looked at the messages on Weibo and sneered.

At first, this group of people criticized and criticized, just like the executioners in ancient times, holding knives in their hands.

Now, this group of people know that they regret it, and they stand on the moral high ground, claiming that you need to work for the Chinese music scene.

It’s ridiculous!

Su Ran shook his head, turned off his phone, and didn’t bother to pay attention.

He also watched the third episode of”Singer 2024″ yesterday, especially Adam’s performance. It must be said that Adam is very strong. If he confronts head-on, he must show 100% of his state.

And the choice of songs should also be cautious.

Ordinary lyrical songs are absolutely not to be chosen. On this kind of stage, facing strong enemies, showing off skills is the first choice.

Su Ran closed his eyes and reviewed the familiar songs in his mind.

In the end, he chose a world-famous song from his previous life,”Opera 2″!

The difficulty of this song is very high. It is no exaggeration to say that the high pitch of this song alone can dissuade 90% of singers.

Su Ran has strong singing skills. He has practiced this song before, but the high notes have always had some flaws. Now that his singing skills have been perfected, I think those problems should no longer exist.


The next day, the Grammy Awards ushered in the third round of competition.

In the last round, five singers were eliminated, and in this round, five singers were replaced.

From this, we can also see that there are many talented singers in Europe and the United States.

Su Ran came to the lounge and waited for the list of opponents to be announced.

A female staff member knocked on the door gently,”Hello, Mr. Su, are you there?”


Su Ran responded.

The other party continued:”Can I come in?”

“Of course.” Su Ran nodded in agreement, then stood up and stretched out his hand to open the door. What came into view was a beauty in her twenties. Su Ran had some impression of her name, Anna, and she was the host of a show.

As for why Su Ran could remember her, the main reason was her amazing figure.

When she lowered her head, she couldn’t even see her toes.

In addition, Anna was also wearing a sexy red dress with a tube top design, which would make anyone stop and take a few glances.

“Hello, Mr. Su.” Anna said sweetly,”I really like the song you sang last time.”

“Thank you.” Su Ran thanked him politely and said,”Is the game about to start?”


Anna nodded gently and said,”There are three minutes left before the list of contestants is revealed. The reason I came here early is that I hope you can give me an autograph.”

“”Okay, okay.”

Su Ran would not refuse, and was even a little happy.

In a small way, he had been in the United States for two years.

But in the whole two years, he had never made a name for himself.

In the past two years, he had never met a fan, let alone been asked for an autograph.

Anna’s behavior now proved Su Ran’s progress, which was worth celebrating. In a big way, he had conquered another big bear girl from the United States. Wasn’t this a disguised way of winning glory for the country?

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