Chapter 178 Special measures, are you ready?

They never expected that this fledgling Chinese director would dare to openly challenge their authority.

“I want to see what kind of waves he can make!”

Under the double attack of Su Ran’s press conference and the lawyer’s letter, the life of several Hollywood giants was not peaceful.

Within a few days, the entertainment sections of major media reported on this matter.

The headlines were all full of incitement:

“Chinese director sues Hollywood boss, the inside story is shocking!”

“《The mastermind behind”The Amazing Spider-Man” was exposed, causing an uproar in the film industry!”

“Huanmeng Films strikes back! The truth behind the joint encirclement of Hollywood giants!”

For a time, the wind direction of the entire Hollywood changed. Su Ran and Huanmeng Films, who were originally regarded as weak, turned out to be representatives of the resistance force and received a lot of sympathy and support.

The image of those big companies has become increasingly glamorous.

Some media broke the news that they did everything they could to suppress their competitors, and even used underground networks.

Some employees also revealed that unspoken rules were rampant within the company, and senior executives were fighting for profits.

Overnight, several major film companies became the target of public criticism. The stock price fell, and partners began to back off.

Su Ran’s counterattack obviously worked. But he knew in his heart that this was far from enough.

To completely reverse the situation, stronger evidence and more sophisticated means were needed.

He began to work on the second step of the plan-exposing their underground transactions and capital flows.

This requires some”special means”.

Su Ran met with several friends who have made great achievements in the security field and asked them to help invade the other party’s internal system and collect evidence.

“Lao Su, you want us to be hackers, right?” His friends were a little uneasy.”For such a big company, the security system is no joke.”

Su Ran said calmly,”I know there are risks in doing this. But I have no choice. I can’t just watch them get away with it, right?”

His friends sighed,”Okay, since you are fighting for the justice of the industry, we will go all out.”

At the same time, Su Ran asked his legal team to draft a complaint, ready to file a formal lawsuit after obtaining solid evidence.

He also personally visited several respected seniors in the industry, hoping to get their public support.

“Su Ran, you are going against the entire Hollywood system. It won’t be easy to go down this road.”

Su Ran bowed and said,”Senior, I know it’s not easy. But someone has to stand up and say no.”

“If everyone backs down, it will only make their actions more rampant.

The old senior patted him on the shoulder and said,”Young man, you have courage. Don’t worry, I will do my best to speak for you.””

“But you have to be careful, the other party is not that easy to deal with.”

Su Ran nodded and thanked him. He knew that he had embarked on a road of no return.

The next few days were destined to be full of smoke.

At the entrance of Huanmeng Film and Television Company, reporters set up their long guns and short guns early in the morning, waiting for an opportunity to block people.

“Director Su, what evidence do you have?””Can you tell me the details of the prosecution?””What do you think the chances of winning are?”

Su Ran faced the cameras and looked calm:”Everyone, the details of the case are still being verified.”

“When the time is right, we will inform everyone. What I can say now is that there is only one truth and justice will be served.”

He strode into the company gate without looking back, leaving a group of reporters who were disappointed and looking at each other in bewilderment.

In the office, the legal team and the investigation team were busy.

The lawyers were writing furiously, and the indictment was densely filled with clauses. The investigators stared at the computer with frowns, trying to find clues from the numerous data.

“”Boss, we found a suspicious flow of funds.” A young investigator shouted excitedly,”The amount is not small, and the source is very hidden.”

Su Ran leaned over to take a look, and raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth:”Well done. If we continue to investigate, we will definitely find their lair.”

While Huanmeng Film and Television were fully preparing to fight back, the bigwigs in Hollywood were not idle either. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“This Chinese kid must be taught a lesson””Yes, let him taste the price of going against us.”

“First, ban him from the industry so that he has no movies to shoot.””Ruining his reputation and cutting off his chances of success”

(ajab) Several bigwigs had gloomy faces, each of them thinking of ways to deal with Su Ran.

Soon, Huanmeng Film and Television felt pressure from all sides.

First, someone spread rumors that Su Ran did not hesitate to fabricate evidence for hype.

Then, several actors who had agreed to cooperate broke their contracts one after another, citing”schedule conflicts”.

What’s more, several”guests” from government departments also came, calling it routine inspections, but in fact making things difficult everywhere.

Su Ran faced many obstacles, but he had no intention of backing down.

He said to the employees with high morale:”Isn’t it our persistence and courage that the company can get to where it is today? These little winds and waves will not overturn us.”

Looking at Su Ran’s resolute expression, the employees couldn’t help but cheer up and their morale soared.

Finally, with the lawyer team working day and night, a thick complaint was formally submitted to the court.

At the same time, the investigation team also collected a series of key evidence, enough to prove the various illegal practices of several major companies.

“Boss, we have prepared the evidence and the complaint.” The lawyer team put a whole box of materials in front of Su Ran,”What should we do next? Should we disclose it directly?”

Su Ran shook his head:”No, since they like to play dirty, let’s play with them to the end.”

He asked his assistant to contact several mainstream media and prepare to hold a press conference.

“We have officially filed a lawsuit, but we will not disclose any details or make public the evidence in our hands before the court makes a ruling.”

“Why?” The assistant was puzzled,”Aren’t these our trump cards?”

Su Ran smiled slightly:”Think about it, if we reveal all the evidence, it will give them the opportunity to make extensive clarifications and quibbles.”

“But if we only spread rumors without providing any real content, they will be uneasy, not knowing what we have. This uncertainty is often more terrifying than the truth.

The assistant suddenly realized:”I understand. This is to play the long game to catch the big fish.”[]

Su Ran nodded:”To deal with those cunning guys, we have to use what they fear most – suspicion and anxiety.”

The press conference was held as scheduled.

Facing the camera, Su Ran had a serious expression:”Thank you all media friends for coming.”

“I hereby officially announce that Huanmeng Films has filed a lawsuit in court for unfair treatment and malicious suppression.”

The reporters were immediately shocked and rushed to ask questions:”Who is the defendant?”

“What is the cause of action?”

“Do you have any evidence?”

Su Ran said calmly,”The defendant and the reasons for the lawsuit are all detailed in the court documents…….”

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