Chapter 180: War without Gunsmoke

Chapter 180: A War Without Gunfire

The office was silent, and everyone’s heart was stirring.

Su Ran looked up and looked around, and wherever he looked, he saw a determined look.

These loyal partners never backed down in the storm, and always fought side by side with him.

At this moment, their eyes were bright and their fists were clenched, as if they were brewing a shocking counterattack.

That kind of momentum of seeing death as the way home made Su Ran’s blood boil.

“”Everyone!” He slapped the table and stood up, his voice loud and firm.

The huge echo reverberated in the office, as if it was going to overturn the ceiling here.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Su Ran, waiting for his speech.

“We choose our own path, even if it is full of thorns, we must persevere and finish it!”

Su Ran spoke each word with great force.

“Those bigwigs in Hollywood may hold great power in their hands, but they can never dominate our destiny!”

“What we rely on is the passion for creation and the courage to uphold justice. These are things that no one in power can deprive us of!”

Su Ran’s voice was sonorous and powerful, hitting everyone’s heart. In the office, pairs of eyes were burning with fighting spirit.

“The boss is right! We can’t be intimidated by them!”

“We cannot bow to evil forces, we must fight back to the end!”

“Believe in the facts, believe in justice, we will win this battle in the end!”

For a moment, shouts and slogans rose and fell, merging into a surging force that swept across the entire Huanmeng Film and Television.

Su Ran looked around at this group of like-minded comrades, tears welling up in his eyes.

With them by his side, no matter how great the difficulties were, he would not be afraid.

“My friends, thank you.”

Su Ran choked up and bowed to the end.

“Even though the future is uncertain, I am extremely fortunate to be able to fight alongside you”

“Let’s join hands to meet new challenges!”

As soon as the voice fell, applause rang out like thunder. People hugged each other excitedly, tears and smiles intertwined.

At this moment, Huanmeng Film and Television is more like a big family, a community of shared destiny with common weal and woe and common hatred of the enemy.

Su Ran took a deep breath and sat down at his desk again. He turned on the computer and stared at the screen with his eyes.

On it was a long memo-the next battle plan.

When facing evil forces, we must plan ahead. Every step must be taken steadily and powerfully.

Su Ran first checked the company’s financial situation. Although there is an injection of new investment, more sufficient capital is needed to maintain an advantage in the litigation war.

He called the financial director and asked him to comprehensively sort out the company’s assets to see what else can be realized.

At the same time, we must continue to look for potential investors everywhere, even if it is borrowing, to replenish the funds as soon as possible.

Then, Su Ran contacted the company’s public relations team.

Since the appeal has been accepted, it means that we will soon be in court in a larger public opinion field.

If you are not careful, you may become the target of the other party’s criticism.

“We must take the initiative and strike first.” Su Ran said to the public relations manager

“We want to let the public know that we filed this appeal to uphold justice and safeguard a healthy competitive environment in the industry.”

“At the same time, we must also expose their vile behavior of suppressing dissidents by any means necessary. We have solid evidence and must let the world see their true colors!”

The public relations manager nodded repeatedly and quickly wrote down Su Ran’s instructions.

She knew very well that from now on, her team would be the sharpest spear of Huanmeng, pointing directly at the opponent’s vital points.

The most important thing was the preparation of the lawyer team. The court was their battlefield, and evidence and arguments were the weapons to win.

“Is the evidence we have strong enough? Can it stand up in court?”Su Ran called the chief lawyer and asked straight to the point.

The lawyer’s confident voice came from the other end of the phone:”Don’t worry, Mr. Su, the evidence is solid and the logic is rigorous.”

“As long as the judge is not a puppet of the other party, we are fully confident of winning the case.”

Su Ran’s heart was relieved. The legal team is an important guarantee for the company. Their professionalism and dedication are what Su Ran trusts the most.

But he also realized that the other party would definitely make trouble in secret, perhaps bribing the judge or threatening the jury.

He asked his assistant to contact those influential people in the judicial community to see if he could win their support.

At the same time, he also had to pay close attention to the selection of the jury to prevent the other party’s spies from getting involved.

Phone calls, emails, meetings……Su Ran worked non-stop, his shirt soaked with sweat.

The sky outside the window gradually dimmed, and the lights in the office became brighter.

This place has become a command center, a war room. Everyone is doing their best for this battle.

In front of the computer, the financial director frowned and quickly transferred funds on the report.

The public relations manager spoke sharply to the media on the phone to explain his position.

The legal team buried their heads in the case files, carefully considering every detail that might be attacked by the other party….

The battle horn has been sounded, and every Dreamer is at his post, burning with fighting spirit and enthusiasm.

Su Ran exhaled deeply, looking over the desk, through the French window, and looking out at the night.

There is the brightly lit Hollywood, the most desirable center of this business empire.

The neon lights are flashing, the lights are bright, like a city that never sleeps.

And behind this sanctimonious brilliance, how many shameful secrets are there? How many intrigues and battles?

He thought of those noble faces, those big guys who smiled modestly under the spotlight.

At this moment, are they sitting upright in the leather seats, elegantly tilting the red wine in their hands? How dare the unknown little director challenge them?

On his side, they are just a group of young people who have just started out, with neither background nor capital.

In this circle that only cares about money, what kind of storm can they stir up?

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Su Ran’s mouth: You won’t know if you can stir up a storm until you try.

At worst, you can start over again.

Struggle, fail, and struggle again, isn’t this the fate of every entrepreneur? Business is like a battlefield, and victory and defeat are commonplace.

He held the U tightly in his hand. There was the code to break it all, a ray of light in the darkness.

The storm was coming, but as long as he held the sword in his hand, he would never be afraid of the road ahead.

He took a deep breath and let the cool night breeze fill his lungs.

It’s time to meet those who can’t wait to put him to death.

The second hand of the watch moved so slowly.

Su Ran stared at the night outside the window with burning eyes, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

A rapid phone call broke the silence of the office.

Su Ran frowned slightly and answered the phone

“Hello, are you Mr. Su Ran?”A low and slightly hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone, with a little subtle tension.

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