Chapter 194 Brand Cooperation

Chapter 194 Brand Cooperation

When the reading was over, there was silence in the conference room.

Suddenly, thunderous applause broke out.


“This is simply a miracle!”

“I can’t wait to see the finished film!”

Cheers came one after another, and everyone’s face was filled with excited smiles.

Su Ran stood up and signaled everyone to be quiet.

“This is a great first draft, but we still have a long way to go.

Next, we have to polish every detail to make sure it is both scientifically accurate and artistically appealing.

He looked around with a determined look.

“I believe that as long as we keep working hard,”Small World” will become a classic!”

Sitting on the chair, Su Ran turned on the computer, the blue light of the screen reflected on his face, adding a bit of mystery to his tired face. His fingertips flew on the keyboard, quickly sorting out the key points of today’s meeting and the next work plan.

Suddenly, a hurried knock on the door interrupted Su Ran’s thoughts.

Looking up, he saw���Director Guan Zhang Li pushed the door open with an excited smile on her face.

Zhang Li walked quickly to the desk, placed her hands on the table, and leaned forward slightly. This action made her look like a bird ready to take off, full of energy.

“”Boss, I have good news for you!”

Zhang Li’s voice was filled with unconcealed joy.

Su Ran raised his eyebrows and signaled her to continue.

“Just now I received calls from several large cinema chains. They are all very interested in”Small World” and want to reserve a screening schedule!”

This news was like a heavy bomb, exploding in Su Ran’s heart.

He stood up suddenly, and the chair made a harsh friction sound because of the sudden movement.

“Really? What did they say?”

Su Ran’s voice was trembling, both surprised and unbelievable.

Zhang Li nodded, and the smile on her face became brighter.

“It’s true! They said the concept of”Small World” is very novel and the trailer is very impressive. They think the film has great potential and want to finalize the release date as soon as possible.”

Su Ran took a deep breath and tried to calm down his excitement. He knew that this meant that the popularity of”Small World” was continuing to rise and even began to cause a sensation in the industry.

“Great! This is such a pleasant surprise.”

Su Ran clenched his fists, his eyes sparkling with excitement, and Zhang Li nodded with a proud smile on her face.

“That’s right, and it’s not just cinemas. I’ve also received calls from several brands who are very interested in the popular science elements of Small World and want to discuss cooperation.”

Su Ran’s eyes lit up, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind. Brand cooperation can not only bring extra revenue to the film, but also expand the scope of publicity, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

“What types of brands are these? Do you have any specific cooperation intentions?”

Zhang Li took out a document from her bag and handed it to Su Ran.

“I have put together a briefing. There are technology companies, educational institutions, and even a cosmetics company, all of whom are interested in the microscopic elements of Small World.”

Su Ran took the document and quickly browsed it. Every potential partner made his heart beat faster, as if he saw the future of Small World becoming more and more promising.

“Great! If these cooperations can be concluded, it will be a great help to us.”

Su Ran clapped his hands on the table excitedly, making a muffled”bang”.

This sound seemed to be the horn of the”Small World” project to take off, making people excited.

“Zhang Li, you contact these brands first and arrange a preliminary meeting. We must seize this opportunity.”

Zhang Li nodded, her face full of enthusiasm.

“Got it, I’ll arrange it right away.”

After saying that, Zhang Li turned and left the office, her steps were as brisk as if she was dancing.

Su Ran watched her leave, her heart full of gratitude. With such a group of excellent team members, the future of”Small World” will definitely be brighter.

Closing the door, Su Ran sat back in his chair, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and let this series of good news settle in his mind.

However, at this moment, a shrill cell phone ring broke the silence.

Su Ran frowned, picked up the phone, and the caller ID showed an unfamiliar number


“Excuse me, is this Director Su Ran?”A deep male voice came from the other end of the line.

“Yes, I am. May I ask who you are?”

“Director Su, I am Mr. Wang from Southern Film Group. Excuse me for interrupting you. I want to talk to you about”Small World”.

Su Ran was stunned. He didn’t expect that even a large group like Southern Film Group would take the initiative to contact him.

He immediately sat up straight and his tone became more serious.

“Hello, Mr. Wang. It is a great honor to receive your call. What do you think of”Small World”?”

Mr. Wang’s voice was full of admiration.

“To be honest, I am shocked by your creativity. This kind of film that perfectly combines popular science and art can be said to be a pioneering work in China. We are very optimistic about this project.”

Su Ran was delighted, but still remained cautious.

“Thank you for your affirmation, Mr. Wang. Do you have any specific ideas?”

Mr. Wang chuckled and his tone became more enthusiastic.

“It’s like this, we want to talk about cooperation, if possible, we hope to participate in the production and distribution of”Small World”.”

This proposal made Su Ran’s heart beat faster. The strength and resources of the Southern Film Group are obvious to all in the industry. If they can get their support, it will undoubtedly make”Small World” more powerful.


But at the same time, Su Ran also realized that this might mean giving up some control. He couldn’t help but hesitate.

“Mr. Wang, your proposal is very tempting. However, we have very clear requirements for the creative concept and final presentation effect of”Small World””

“I wonder if there will be any conflicts in this regard if we cooperate?”

Mr. Wang seemed to have expected Su Ran to have such concerns and immediately made a promise.

“Director Su, please rest assured that we fully respect your creation. Our goal is to provide more resources and platforms for”Small World” rather than interfere with the creation. You are still the soul of this project.”

These words made Su Ran feel relieved. He thought for a moment and decided not to rush to agree.

“Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Wang. This proposal is indeed very attractive. However, it is related to the future of the entire project, so I still need to discuss it with the team. I hope you can understand.”

Mr. Wang was obviously not surprised by this answer.

“Of course, this is as it should be. We are not in a hurry. You can take your time to think about it and contact me anytime when you have the result.”

After hanging up the phone, Su Ran breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the night view outside the window again.

The lights of the city were still bright, as if reflecting the bright prospects of”Small World”.

However, at this moment, a hurried knock on the door interrupted Su Ran’s thoughts again.

The door was pushed open, and the assistant Xiao Wang rushed in breathlessly.

“Boss, something bad has happened!” Xiao Wang’s face was filled with anxiety, with beads of sweat on his forehead.

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