Chapter 205: A rising star in the music world

《The grand occasion of”Small World” swept across the country like a tide. Su Ran stood at the top of this wave, looking at the glory in front of him, but a new desire ignited in his heart. The enthusiasm of the movie premiere gradually faded, and Su Ran walked alone on the street late at night.

Neon lights flashed, cars were busy, and this city that never sleeps was still prosperous as usual.

However, in Su Ran’s eyes, all this seemed a bit monotonous and boring, and his pace unconsciously quickened.

“At the corner of”990”, a 24-hour coffee shop came into view.

Su Ran pushed the door open and was instantly enveloped by the warm light.

The aroma of coffee filled the air, and soft music flowed in his ears.

Su Ran found a corner to sit down and ordered an Americano.

The coffee was quickly served, steaming hot.

Su Ran held the cup with both hands, letting the temperature slowly pass to his palms.

He looked out the window, and his reflection was reflected on the glass.

The young face was full of fatigue, but also revealed a bit of determination.

“《The success of”Small World” is just the beginning.”

Su Ran whispered to himself, with a bit of ambition in his voice, and his eyes became deep, as if he could see through the darkness and see farther.

“I have conquered the film industry, so what is the next goal?”

Su Ran’s fingers tapped lightly on the table, and the rhythm coincided with the music playing in the cafe.

Suddenly, his movements stopped. A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“music…Yes, it’s music!”

Su Ran stood up suddenly, almost knocking over his coffee cup. He walked quickly to the counter, paid the bill and rushed out of the cafe.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

The night wind blew in his face, blowing away the tiredness on Su Ran’s face. He walked quickly, and a new plan had already begun to come up with in his mind.

“I want to build an all-round entertainment empire! Movies are just the first step, music will be my next goal!”

Su Ran’s eyes were burning with fire, and he was full of energy. He took out his mobile phone and called his assistant Xiao Wang.

“Hello, Xiao Wang, contact all the major record companies immediately. I want to meet their heads.

Before Xiao Wang on the other end of the phone could react, Su Ran had already hung up.

He looked up at the night sky, which was dotted with stars. Su Ran took a deep breath, as if he had seen the glory of the future……

“Su Ran, you have to believe in yourself. You have created miracles in the film industry, and you can do the same in the music industry!”

With full of enthusiasm, Su Ran set out on the road home.

The next morning, Su Ran came to the company.

When he opened the door of the office, he was greeted by a pile of documents and reports. Xiao Wang was already waiting there with an anxious look on his face.

“Boss, I have carried out your instructions last night. But…”

Xiao Wang hesitated to speak, with a look of worry in his eyes.

Su Ran raised his eyebrows,”What’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

Xiao Wang took a deep breath and said with courage:”The attitudes of major record companies are not very friendly. They think you want to use the popularity of”Small World” to attract traffic on 4.3, and they all declined the request to meet.”

Su Ran was stunned. He didn’t expect to be treated so coldly.

For a while, the office fell into silence. Xiao Wang looked at Su Ran nervously, fearing that his boss would get angry.

However, Su Ran smiled.

This smile surprised Xiao Wang. He had never seen his boss so calm when faced with setbacks..

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