Kagura Chizuru looked at the extent of the damage around her and roughly calculated the time required for repairs. The rear of the mansion, including the shrine and the backyard, were well preserved and only needed simple maintenance. The vestibule was completely destroyed and needed to be completely demolished and rebuilt.

Considering that during this period, Levi needs to use the vestibule as a venue for testing various fighters. The original vestibule seems a bit narrow. Now, it is best to take this opportunity to expand the mansion. Anyway, the nearby land is full of gods. Lejia's, even if it is expanded now, there will be no problem.

Kagura Chizuru said: "Li Weijun, the mansion has been destroyed to what it is now. It needs to be rebuilt and repaired in the past few days. It will definitely make a lot of noise and affect your rest. Do you need me to book a hotel for you?"

Although the damage was only to the room in the vestibule, it would also cause "overloading" of people in the mansion. The servants could just squeeze in, but this would inevitably affect the rest of Levi and others, which made Kagura Chizuru Somewhat regretful.

"It doesn't matter, I'm quite used to living here, but a hotel is inconvenient." Levi said with a smile.

Just after the Kagura family had overcome this crisis, Goenitz returned to a secret stronghold of the Orochi Familia in Tokyo. He had broken an arm and was sweating because of the severe pain, but This kind of pain was still within the range he could bear.

Goenitz sat on the chair and breathed a sigh of relief. Even now, he still has lingering fears. The golden sword contained huge power. If it was directly hit in the torso, he would probably be left there. , now it’s just a broken arm, which is already a very light price to pay.

Goenitz looked at his broken arm. The wound had stopped bleeding. At the same time, a large number of nerve plexuses extended from the wound, and new bones also grew from the wound.

The Orochi Familia all have vitality that far exceeds that of ordinary people. As a leader-level being, the Eight Masters have a regenerative ability that far exceeds that of ordinary Orochi Familia. For an injury like this, his arm can be regenerated within a few hours at most. Complete rebirth.

However, the loss of part of the blood will have a certain impact on his strength. The source of the strength of the Orochi Familia is the blood of the Orochi in the body. The loss of blood will inevitably affect the meaning of strength.

But this decline in strength is only temporary. As long as you cultivate yourself well, the negative state caused by the loss of blood from a broken arm will disappear in two or three months at most.

Goenitz gritted his teeth and muttered to himself: "v This time it was an intelligence error, which caused me to choose a wrong time to act, and it also resulted in the loss of elite members of the family. It seems that we have to stop in the past few months." Some, and that man is very dangerous and will probably become the biggest obstacle to the Patron Saint’s recovery.”

Although the current Orochi family is ready to resurrect Orochi, he is the only one who has awakened the Eight Masters. It is difficult for him to fight against Li Wei alone, so he wants to awaken more members of the Eight Masters. This is the only way Only with the numerical advantage did he have the courage to challenge the opponent.

(Li Zhao) A single group of Eight Elites has no chance of winning against a master of fouls like Li Wei.

"Damn it...the lower animals that were abandoned by the patron saint have surpassed us and other patron saints in strength. What ferocious and barbaric beasts they are!" Goenitz's face was distorted, and there was no one else around him now. People, he doesn't need to control his emotions, and being defeated by Levi caused his self-esteem to be trampled to the ground.

Goenitz has always believed that only the Orochi Familia are truly noble humans, while ordinary people are just abandoned beasts. Although they have the same appearance as them, they are completely different on the inside.

Just like the DNA similarity between chimpanzees and humans reaches 98.5%, they are completely different existences. In Gonitz's view, ordinary people are just a group of chimpanzees. As a noble person, he was defeated by a lowly chimpanzee, which made him unable to accept the pride. .

Chapter 280. Kusanagi family

Levi showed a DIO-like smile from an angle that no one could see, because he received feedback from the system, and Goenitz provided him with a large sum of points.

Goenitz's self-esteem was severely damaged because he lost the battle and lost to humans. He was proud of being a member of the Orochi family, but he could not accept the fact that he had lost. His dignity was shattered. He gained 2,500 points and now has 20,250 points left.

2,500 points is not a small number. Being able to give back so much at once shows how huge the mental blow this defeat has brought to Goenitz.

Moreover, the explanation of the system feedback also allowed Levi to find Goenitz's weakness.

This weakness is Goenitz's pride as a member of the Orochi family. Levi can understand what Gonietz's pride is. He can understand it by directly bringing Goenitz into the racist camp.

It’s just that the racial discrimination of ordinary people is limited to the human group. White people look down on all races except white people. Yellow people look down on black people. Black people in turn look down on yellow people. At the same time, they feel that white people are discriminating against them anytime and anywhere.

But when it comes to Goenitz, it's even more simple and crude. To him, humans are inferior creatures. Perhaps, only those who are members of the Orochi family can be regarded as "human beings" by Go 057 Nitz.

However, Levi's guess was infinitely close to the truth, and Goenitz really thought so.

"I didn't expect that your weakness is your pride in your identity, so let this pride become a tool that I can use to earn more points." Levi showed a DIO-like smile.

Levi and Kagura Chizuru have been out for less than two hours, and there is still some time before lunch. Kagura Chizuru has contacted the construction team very efficiently and is preparing to rebuild the mansion and strive to restore the mansion within three days. Expansion completed.

However, due to the tight schedule, the entire day is during the construction period, and the noise pollution caused by the construction will be relatively heavy.

The casualties of the Kagura family were also calculated. The attack by the Orochi clan caused a total of 5 deaths and 14 injuries. However, the Kagura family bought a full set of insurance for their servants. If the insurance procedures were followed, the Kagura family would The pensions that Lejia needs to pay are within an acceptable range, and Levi's $50 million has already been received. The Asian divisions cannot afford to spend so much. If they use part of it as pensions, it will not affect the Asian divisions. arrangements have any impact.

Sister Kagura will stay at the mansion to command the construction team, and Yuri Sakazaki will also stay. Levi takes Qiong out and prepares to go to Kusanagi Castle to deliver a special invitation.

Levi brought some neon circles to Kagura Chizuru. When he came to neon, he didn't change too many neon circles. Now he needs to use them at any time, so he changed a few more to be prepared.

Originally, Levi wanted to take a taxi to Kusanagi Castle, because the driver who picked him up before was seriously injured in an attack by the Orochi Familia and has now been sent to the hospital to recover.

Kagura Chizuru arranged for a temporary guest driver to drive Levi and Qiong to Kusanagi Castle.

Kusanagi Castle is located in Suginami District. Although this driver is not a professional driver, the family member arranged by Kagura Chizuru is also very familiar with Tokyo. He kept looking for shortcuts along the way and arrived quickly. In front of a majestic small town.

The Kusanagi family is the one with the strongest frontal combat power among the three artifact families. Compared with the Hachiqiong family, it is a bit inferior. It is precisely because of their confidence in their own strength that the Kusanagi family's own industry is better than that of the Kagura family. To be broader, to put it bluntly, it means more money.

Kusanagi Castle is the most intuitive expression of its financial resources and social status. In a modern city, a large-scale castle-like building with a retro style is enough to illustrate its financial resources and social status.

The Kusanagi family had fiefdoms in ancient times, and these fiefdoms are still preserved. However, the core members of the Kusanagi family now live in Tokyo.

Levi and Joan got out of the car, and the driver parked the car in a temporary parking space on the roadside and stayed in the car waiting for Levi and Joan to return.

"It's really a spectacular building. Is this the castle on the Neon side?" Qiong put up the awning with her hands and expressed a sigh.

The Kusanagi family's castle has a huge foundation, so it is taller than the surrounding buildings. It looks like a (cgci) wonder building.

Moreover, this kind of ancient oriental style architecture has an indescribable mysterious beauty to Westerners like Qiong. This can also be regarded as a beautiful filter in the eyes of many Westerners. Anything from ancient oriental things must be It is beautiful, this is an idea that many Westerners have.

Levi smiled and said: "A building of this level is not truly spectacular. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will show you what a real wonder building looks like."

Qiong felt a little moved in her heart after listening to Levi's words. Nowadays, all the wonder buildings in the world have basically become attractions in various countries. Private wonder buildings are very rare, and Levi's words meant to show her Let’s take a look at the family’s unique architectural wonders. She thought that it was possible that Levi had really accepted her and was preparing to train her as a housekeeper and integrate her into his family.

Thinking of this, Joan was still a little excited. Although she was not staying by Li Wei's side the way she wanted, at least this statement proved that Li Wei recognized her and was ready to accept her into his life circle.

Li Wei didn't know that Qiong had misunderstood what he said. What he meant was that later Qiong went to the floating island. There were all kinds of ancient wonders on the island. The Kusanagi family's castle was on the floating island, that is. It's just an entry-level wonder building.

Because the castle building has a foundation, you still need to walk up a flight of stairs before entering the city. Levi took Qiong up the stairs, and it didn't take long to get to the final platform, and knocked on the heavy, retro-styled door. On the city wall, a stooped old man saw Li Wei and Qiong and said, "Guest, please wait." The old man was very fast, and not long after he finished speaking, the door was already opened.

The rickety old man opened the door with a smile on his face and said, "The two guests came from nowhere. Do you have anything to ask the master of the house?"

Levi took out a special invitation letter from his pocket and said: "I am the distributor of the invitation letter for the World King of Boxing Tournament. I am here to hand over the special invitation letter to the head of the Kusanagi family." The old man looked surprised. , said: "This is really a rare guest. Please come in. The master of the house is at home. I will report it right away."

Li Wei nodded and followed the old man into the castle. Entering the gate, there was a very wide martial arts field. The field was made of cement floor with a large number of white pebbles, mixed with fine sand, and made very flat. Various exercise props were placed neatly and orderly under the pergola. Li Wei also saw several stone locks weighing several hundred kilograms. This kind of retro exercise equipment has long been eliminated by modern times. He didn't expect that it could still be used here. See the real thing.

On the way, the old man ordered the servants at home to sort out the living room, and arranged for the servants to lead Li Wei and Qiong to the living room first, while he disappeared in a flash.

In Levi's perception, the old man jumped up to the fourth floor with a slight jump, landed lightly on the middle roof of the castle, jumped up again, jumped directly to the balcony of the castle tower, and walked away briskly. Go in.

There, Levi felt a strong wave of power, and that was Kusanagi Shibafune, Kusanagi Kyo's father, an uncle who was still a bit out of character even in middle age. .

Chapter 281. Bosozoku Kyo Kusanagi?

The rickety old man is a hidden ninja. Although he looks old, his strength far exceeds that of most ordinary fighters. As a ninja who is proficient in assassination and infiltration, he wants to kill a certain fighter. , the difficulty is not high, after all, ninjas are professionals in this field.

Although the Kusanagi family is not the head of the three artifact families, its economic conditions are the best among the three. It is understandable that the overall quality of the servant team is higher.

As the head of the three artifact families, the Kagura family's servants are all ordinary people with little fighting ability. It is not easy for such an experienced and powerful old ninja to gain their allegiance.

Moreover, old ninjas of this age cannot be hired by the outside world. They are members of the ninja family affiliated with the Kusanagi family. They come from the affiliated families that have been loyal to the Kusanagi family for hundreds of years. This kind of loyalty is difficult for outsiders to understand.

After the old man entered the top floor of the castle tower, he saw Kusanagi Shibune sitting cross-legged in front of the TV and playing a game console. He was a middle-aged man who still liked all kinds of young people's things.

"Oh, it's Uncle Monori, is there something important you want me to do?" Kusanagi Shibune put down the game controller.

Kusanagi Shibafune is a middle-aged man with a slightly skinny figure, but he has very strong muscles and the blood of Kusanagi in his body that is as hot as a flame. The hot here is not an adjective, but a scorching heat from a physical perspective, a basic temperature. Blood that has reached over 500 degrees Celsius will backfire on the body without the support of a strong body.

The reason why the Sound Nest Organization has repeatedly failed to clone Kusanagi Kyo is also related to the high temperature of Kusanagi's blood. Ordinary clones cannot withstand such power.

It can even be said that what flows in the Kusanagi family's body is not blood, but flammable and explosive liquid explosives.

The old ninja said: "The people from the King of Fighters Tournament came here to send invitations. They probably want to invite you, the head of the family, to participate in the King of Fighters Tournament."

Kusanagi Shibafune said in surprise: "Isn't the King of Fighters tournament always held in Amei's country? Why did those people come to Neon?"

After Kusanagi Shibafune said that, he jumped directly from the castle tower, landed lightly on the ground, and walked towards the living room. He was very interested in the sudden arrival of the King of Fighters Tournament officials.

The neon people of this era are proud of themselves because they created the post-war economic miracle. They always want to compete with the people who come from Amei Nikan country.

After Levi was taken to the living room by the servant, he patiently drank tea and waited for the arrival of Kusanagi Shibune, while Qiong curiously looked at the layout of the surrounding environment. This oriental charm was full of exotic customs for her. It aroused her inner desire for exploration, making her instinctively observe everything around her like a child in a strange environment.

Levi's patience has now been developed. After all, he is now considered to be "in a high position", so his ability to cultivate Qi is naturally getting better and better.

Kusanagi Shibafune walked into the living room and saw the young Levi. He was a little surprised. My sister, look at the official King of Fighters tournament in China. They would actually send an Asian face to represent themselves and distribute invitations all over the world. This is amazing. What a rarity.

"When a distinguished guest comes to the door, he will be welcomed from afar, but he still hopes to be welcomed by the sea." Kusanagi Shibafune did not put on airs just because Li Wei was a young man. With a warm smile on his face, he sat down at the main seat.

"No, we came to visit rashly, which was a bit rude and rude." Li Wei smiled. Now he is becoming more and more proficient in all kinds of polite words. This kind of politeness also needs to be paid attention to, and it must be taken into account. In order to save the opponent's face, you have to maintain a relatively high profile. Without any skills, you really can't play well.

After the two parties were polite, both of them were a little surprised. Levi was surprised that Kusanagi Shibafune was inconsistent with the information provided by SNK insiders. The information stated that Kusanagi Shibafune was a very unreliable person, but the lean middle-aged man in front of him Uncle Nian was very proficient in all kinds of diplomatic rhetoric. After chatting for a few minutes, both parties basically had a certain understanding of each other.

As the head of the Kusanagi family, Shibafune Kusanagi has two skills. Not only is his own strength guaranteed, but he is also very good at speaking. If Levi didn't have the advantage of thinking speed, he might not be able to speak in a conversation. leading.

...Please give me flowers.

Kusanagi Shibafune was surprised by Levi's youth and maturity that was not in line with his own age. At Levi's age, he was not as mature and steady as Levi.

The communication between the two parties was relatively smooth. Li Wei sighed. Fortunately, he did not have to face Kusanagi Kyo. If he directly faced Kusanagi Shibune, he could leave after talking about all kinds of official things and sending the invitation letter. If it were Kusanagi Kyo in this period will have more troubles. After all, Kusanagi Kyo is now a problem child and is not as mature as he will be after the millennium.

However, when talking about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. In Li Wei's perception, the figure of Kusanagi Kyo appeared. Kusanagi Kyo entered the castle from the winding mountain road behind the castle on a motorcycle. Li Wei estimated Kusanagi Kyo's current age. Kusanagi Kyo is probably not yet an adult (Neon is 20 years old), and he is not even old enough to qualify for a large motorcycle driving license. He can be said to be "incompetent" "Certificate Knight".


Moreover, the shape of Kusanagi Kyo's motorcycle is quite exaggerated, full of the unique style of the bosozoku. Levi almost laughed out loud. Kusanagi Kyo's black history is a get factory.

Kusanagi Kyo seemed to have noticed that there were guests at home, so he walked directly towards the living room, opened the paper wooden door of the living room, and said, "Old man, are there guests at home?" Kusanagi Shibune's face turned dark. He said, "You traitor! Be polite to me, don't you see that your distinguished guest is here?"

Levi looked at Kyo Kusanagi, who was wearing a special attack uniform. At this time, Kyo Kusanagi had an exaggerated airplane head, and his student uniform was transformed into a long robe full of bad style. There were also metal studs on both shoulders. , he doesn’t have the demeanor of the so-called “Noble Young Master of Yan” at all, he looks like a bad boy squatting and smoking on the roadside.

Kusanagi Kyo saw Li Wei and Qiong, and knew that his appearance was not at the right time, so he said: "Sorry, sorry, I thought it was some uncles who came to visit me. Who are you two?" Kusanagi Shibune said: "These two You are the official invitation letter distributor for the King of Fighters Tournament, and you are here to deliver a special invitation letter to our family." Kusanagi Kyo showed a surprised expression. work.

Chapter 282. Challenge of great disparity in strength

Levi looked at Kusanagi Kyo and said with a smile: "This one must be the champion of the All-Neon Alien Fighting Competition, Kusanagi Kyo. I have admired him for a long time."

No one doesn't like to hear compliments, and Kusanagi Kyo is the same, especially now that he is at this age, when he is rebellious, so he often has disputes with his father, and with compliments like Li Wei's, he I really like listening to it. Kusanagi Kyo scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and laughed, "This is so embarrassing. I didn't expect my fame to spread so far." Kusanagi Kyo sat next to his father and said, "Guest, Are you from Amei's country?" Li Wei nodded.

"Guest, you must be very powerful to be the sender of invitations to the King of Fighters Tournament. I want to challenge you and test my own strength." Kusanagi Kyo said seriously.

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