Chapter 310. Arriving at Lushan Mountain

Because the Fire Snake Puppet had scouted the local routes and terrain in advance, Li Wei also knew the layout of the city quite well. After more than an hour's drive, the vehicle drove into the parking lot of Nan Chang Hotel.

Fortunately, now that we have entered the 1990s, you do not need a letter of introduction to stay in a hotel as you did in the 1970s and 1980s. With the beginning of opening up and economic construction, the upsurge of public-to-private transfers has gradually spread. In order to develop the economy, various places have begun to It's all about money.

The mainland's economy began to gradually transform from a ticket system to a normal currency system. Tickets such as cloth stamps, food stamps, and meat stamps began to withdraw from people's sight, and were replaced by soft coins that could be used anywhere.

The black suit under the Gith Puppet had been exchanged for a large amount of cash in advance before coming here. This cash was all prepared for Levi. Anyway, it is very cost-effective to exchange US dollars for soft sister coins now, so I exchanged more. Some.

After staying in the largest hotel in the area, everyone was finally able to have a good rest after flying in the sky all day.

Although you can rest in an RV, the relatively cramped environment is not always as comfortable as a big bed in a hotel.

Active ninjas need strong willpower, but now that the Shiranui-ryu ninjas have transformed, there is no need to torture themselves like this anymore.

The group did not plan to stay here for a long time. This time Li Wei returned to his motherland in this world, mainly to send two special invitation letters, one was prepared for Zhenyuanzhai in Lushan, and the other was for Drink and save Snitch Village to prepare.

Li Wei found the location of Fei Thief Village in Hebei Province by locating Zuolong. No matter when Li Wei positioned Xiaolong, he found that there was no girl Xiaolong in this world, which made Li Wei feel a little regretful. After all, Xiaolong was also a uniquely charming girl who first appeared in "The King of Fighters." Xiaolong from "Extreme Impact" is also a character with a story.

However, there are too many characters with stories in the King of Fighters series, and each one has a unique past. If I really wanted to talk about it, even a long story would be endless.

Without the existence of the girl Xiaolong, Li Wei naturally did not plan to stay in Snitch Village any longer. He planned to leave after sending the invitation letter.

Early the next morning, after enjoying breakfast and packing some food in advance and sending it to Levi's sea of ​​consciousness space, the group left the hotel and returned to the RV.

As we get closer and closer to Lushan Mountain, the road conditions become worse and worse. It is not yet after the millennium, so the road conditions are limited.

Fortunately, Levi, who had foreseen this in advance, prepared an RV with an off-road chassis. The passing ability itself reached the level of a wheeled armored vehicle. In addition, Levi used his own magic power to assist in moving forward. Various obstacles were encountered along the way. The complicated road conditions did not hinder everyone's progress.

The RV stopped in a small town at the foot of Mount Lushan. This small town was where Zhen Yuanzhai and others lived in seclusion.

The real world is not like the movie, where mysterious masters always live in seclusion in valleys. After all, it is really inconvenient to live in seclusion in valleys in modern society.

Although the development of the mainland is still lacking, the towns and cities have water, electricity and gas after all. Staying in the mountains where there are no birds, just going out to buy something is extremely inconvenient. Zhenyuanzhai did not stay in the mountains. Levi thought this was normal.

Just as the RV stopped outside the town and the group of people got out one after another, Levi's puppet clone Fire Snake, which had been ambushing the town in advance, was dispatched.

At this time, Zhen Yuanzhai was lying on the couch, with the wine gourd casually placed on the ground, and his fingers gently rubbing his red rosacea nose.

Not far away, Asamiya Athena and Zhiquan Tong are working hard to practice basic skills. Although both of them have special superpowers, they cannot make up for their shortcomings if they don't work hard to hone their bodies. All round powerful.

People with super powers have existed since ancient times, but they were not called by this name (CGCI) before. If a pure super power user does not pay attention to physical training, once he is approached by a warrior, he will be crushed overwhelmingly.

Therefore, superpowers can only prove that they have enough destructive power on the offensive end, but on the defensive end, superpowers are not omnipotent. If there is not a strong enough body, once the shield supported by the ability is broken, it will Get killed instantly by the opponent.

It is precisely for this reason that Zhenyuanzhai supervises the training of two disciples. The 16-year-old Zhiquan Chong has steadily improved in strength as his body gradually grows.

Athena Asamiya, who is only 14 years old, has not achieved ideal progress in her training because of her extremely violent abilities. Her overly violent abilities have destroyed the balance in her body, so she needs to spend more time communicating with her body. , regulate the meridians, and calm the riots of one's own abilities.

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzhai felt a huge and undisguised killing intent.

This murderous intention was so shocking that even masters like Zhen Yuanzhai showed solemn expressions. He stood up and landed lightly on the ground with his feet. Looking towards the direction where the murderous intent was emanating, he saw a tall figure walking towards this side unhurriedly. The terrifying pressure made even him feel... There was sweat on their foreheads.

Athena Asamiya and Zhiquan Chong have stopped practicing. Even Zhenyuan Zhai can't resist the unabashed murderous intention, let alone them who are still at a half-baked level.

"What's going on with that man?!" Zhiquan Chong said in a rich dialect.

"Stand back! The one who comes here is evil!" Zhen Yuanzhai protected the two disciples.

"Master, let's run together!" Athena Asamong whispered. Different from Zhiquan Chong's dialect, she spoke standard Mandarin because of Zhenyuanzhai's targeted education.

"I can't run. I've been traveling around the world for decades, and this is the first time I've seen such a terrifying master. It looks like he's a master of the evil sect." Zhen Yuanzhai said with a bitter tone.

As a legend in the world, Zhen Yuanzhai has been wandering all his life and has seen many masters, but the one who came this time is the strongest master he has ever seen.

The fire snake gradually approached Zhenyuanzhai and stopped only ten meters away from the three people.

The fire snake raised its head slightly and said in a hoarse voice: "Old man, I'm not here to find you. Could you please get out of the way?"

Although the fire snake said a question, its tone was extremely certain, as if it were saying to an ant, I am going to trample you to death, are you ready? That condescending attitude made Zhen Yuanzhai feel particularly uncomfortable. .

Chapter 311. Old enemy seeks revenge

Zhen Yuanzhai is an old man who has been traveling around the world for decades. He has seen all kinds of storms and waves, but even if he is besieged by many evil sect masters, the pressure he faces is not as great as this time. Zhen Yuanzhai said: "Friend, if you talk too much, don't flash your tongue."

Zhen Yuanzhai also has a temper. Even if he has a good temper, he will be angry if he is despised like this. The fire snake showed a weird smile, opened its mouth, and its tongue, as long as a chameleon, snaked out, and said with a smile: "I can't dodge."

Although the Fire Snake maintains a human form, it has non-human characteristics in many places. This is also deliberately done by Levi in ​​order to increase the pressure of the Fire Snake.

"A monster?!" Zhiquan Chong looked at this scene and was frightened. There have been legends of monsters in Chongguo since ancient times. Huangpizi called people to borrow some excuses, and the Broken-tailed Snake has been seeking revenge for many years. Many children have heard this. As I said, Zhi Quan Chong is no exception. The fire snake showed a strange smile, gave a thumbs up, and said with pride: "A lowly thing like a monster is worthy of being compared with me? I want to become an immortal and a god."

The arrogant character of the Fire Snake is also to enhance its recognition, and at the same time, it can also make it appear more ferocious. After all, since this identity is an extremely evil villain, as a villain, he must be more professional.

"Zhenyuanzhai, you are old. Now you are just a withered skeleton in the grave. You can only expect your apprentice to inherit your mantle. Because of this, you will be abandoned by the times." Fire Snake said with a ferocious smile.

Zhen Yuanzhai was confused in his heart. Huo Snake's words gave people a feeling that he was very familiar with him. Zhen Yuanzhai guessed that Huo Snake should be a person of the same era as him, but because of some secret methods, he maintained his youthful appearance. attitude.

Zhen Yuanzhai thought of Tang Fulu's Butterfly Transformation Technique. Although Tang Fulu looked old-fashioned, relying on the Butterfly Transformation Technique, he could return to the peak state of his youth at any time.

It is very likely that the other party has mastered a similar secret method, but due to the side effects of this secret method, he has become neither human nor ghost.

"Are you familiar with me?" Zhen Yuanzhai asked cautiously.

"Haha, it seems that you are a noble man and forget things. Fifty years ago, I fell into your hands. Unfortunately, I should not die. I found the lost and unique martial arts in a cave on the cliff. Now, I'm back." Fire Snake narrowed his eyes slightly, looking resentful.

Zhen Yuanzhai looked confused. Although he was so old that his figure had begun to shrink, his memory was no worse than that of young people. He did not remember that he had such an enemy at all. This was not a martial arts novel. Falling off a cliff would There can be adventures.

But fiction requires logic, but reality does not. Now that the person opposite has appeared in front of him, this matter must always be solved.

"I really don't remember having an enemy like you. Have you found the wrong person?" Zhen Yuanzhai asked doubtfully.

"Fuck you! I still have the knife mark you left on my chest, and you actually said you don't know me?! Okay! I'm going to disembowel you too." Ease the hatred in my heart!" The fire snake looked furious.

The scene was a little awkward. Zhiquan Chong and Asamiya Athena, who were still a little scared in their hearts, had already stepped aside and looked at Zhen Yuan Zhai as if they were looking at a heartless man. However, Nao Nao has not made any move yet. Fire Snake, quite a bit like a resentful woman.

The dangerous atmosphere was diluted, and instead a touch of embarrassment took over the scene.

"Master, have you really done such a thing? Now people are coming to your door." Zhiquan Chong said in a low voice.

Zhen Yuanzhai glared at Zhi Quan Chong and said: "Don't listen to the nonsense on the other side. I have acted openly and aboveboard in my life. No matter whether I have done good things or wrong things, I will not hide it. Moreover, it is a matter of human life. How could I Do you remember?!" Li Wei, who controlled the Fire Snake Puppet from behind, secretly laughed. Zhen Yuanzhai is indeed a senior and has a masterful manner. He has never had a dark history. It is also interesting to cause some trouble for the opponent.

"Zhenyuanzhai, give that girl to me, and I can let you and your other apprentice go. Otherwise, your other apprentice won't be able to keep it either," said the Fire Snake Puppet.

"What do you want to do?!" Zhen Yuanzhai couldn't sit still. The disciple on the other side who wanted to take away his disciple must have some bad intentions. Athena Asamiya followed him away, which was definitely a sheep in a tiger's mouth.

The Fire Snake Puppet did not hide it, and said: "The technique I practice requires a female with pure Yuanyin ability. I can use a secret method to extract the core of her ability, and then combine it with her whole body's blood to make a medicinal bath. This will allow me to Gain powerful power and become immortal. I have killed 48 pure Yuanyin female ability users, and I am just short of the last one to achieve the feat." …. Asking for flowers.

Zhen Yuanzhai was shocked and confused. He did not expect that the other person would be so honest and answer all questions. But after getting the answer, his heart became even heavier.

The technique practiced by the other party must be the method of evil demons and heretics. The current appearance of being neither human nor ghost is probably caused by the technique. The opponent is only one step away from the mastery of magical skills, but even so, the strength should be better than his. He has probably surpassed his limits as a human and has become like a real monster.

Zhen Yuanzhai made up his mind. No matter what, he must stop the other party's actions. If such a cruel person is allowed to succeed in cultivation, there will definitely be a bloody storm in the world, and even ordinary people will be affected. .


He, Zhen Yuanzhai, has been a chivalrous and righteous man all his life. He cannot back down just because the enemy is too strong. Some things must be done even if he knows that he may not be able to accomplish them. In this world, we need people with courage to take on responsibilities and open up a way forward for those without courage.

Zhen Yuanzhai took a deep breath, put on his own "Eight Drunken Immortals" posture, and said: "As long as I am alive, you can't take her away, come here and let me learn your magic skills! "

The Fire Snake Puppet turned into an afterimage and was already approaching Zhen Yuanzhai. The half-human and half-animal claws waved out a blade of light. The wine gourd in Zhen Yuanzhai's hand flew out like a cannonball. The wine gourd and the claws collided. Together, there was a sound of metal colliding, but Zhenyuanzhai's wine gourd was instantly smashed into pieces, and the terrifying claws continued unabated, digging towards Zhenyuanzhai's heart.

Zhen Yuanzhai quickly lay down on the ground. When the Fire Snake Puppet was above him, he suddenly rose up. With a move of rabbit kicking the eagle, he directly hit the Fire Snake Puppet's lower abdomen. The huge impact made both sides retreat. Some distance behind.

Before Zhen Yuan Zhai could regroup, the Fire Snake Puppet attacked again and struck Zhen Yuan Zhai away with a powerful blow.

"Master?!" Asamiya Athena was so frightened that she screamed. The situation took a turn for the worse. She never thought that her master, who had great prestige in the world, could not even sustain three moves in front of the opponent. work.

Chapter 312. Arriving in time

The fire snake puppet raised its hand and made a grasping gesture. Asamiya Athena felt a huge force dragging herself. She instinctively used her superpower to fight, but the power gap between the two sides It was too huge and her resistance would have no effect.

Athena Asamiya flew up and fell into the hands of the fire snake puppet, who choked her neck.

Asamiya Athena's little face turned red, and a strong sense of suffocation invaded her nerves, making her unable to breathe.

"Put down Athena!" Zhiquan Chong saw this scene, and the anger in his heart gave him courage. He struck three times with "Dragon Fang. Earth Dragon" and hit the fire snake puppet.

However, Zhiquan Chong's attack was in vain. The Fire Snake Puppet kicked out, sending Zhiquan Chong flying away and falling to the ground, unable to move.

When the strength gap between the two sides reaches a certain level, the winner can be determined in the moment of the fight. The current young boxer is still too immature. Compared with the first time he participated in the King of Fighters Tournament in 1994, his strength is The gap is huge.

It is precisely because of this that even if the Fire Snake Puppet has been released from the water, Zhiquan Chong still cannot withstand the Fire Snake Puppet's kick.

Athena Asamiya, who could barely open her eyes, saw that her master and senior brother were lying on the ground, feeling extremely desperate.

The fire snake puppet brought its face close to Asamiya Athena, showed a cruel smile, and said: "I will condense the core of your ability into your heart, then dig out your heart and suck out the blood from your body. , used for medicinal baths. Your qualifications are better than those of the previous 48 people. The reason why I keep you here is because the quality of your blood is much higher than the others."

Athena Asamiya's heart was constantly washed by fear, and she felt a strong sense of suffocation, making her feel that she had never been so close to facing death.

"Help..." Asamiya Athena glanced at her master and senior brother from the corner of her eyes, but what made her despair was that both of them fell to the ground and could not get up. It seemed that they were both seriously injured.

"Am I going to die? I'm really unwilling to give in. I still want to show myself on a bigger stage... everything will end here..." A large number of pictures flashed through Asamiya Athena's mind like a revolving lantern. .

She had heard before that when a person is about to die, his thinking speed will accelerate to the extreme. In just a few seconds, he can recall his life, beautiful, embarrassing, sad, all kinds of memories. flooded my mind.

Looking at the ferocious smile of the fire snake puppet, Asamiya Athena closed her eyes. She knew that she was going to have a very painful experience.

However, at this moment, a harsh sound of breaking wind sounded, and Asamiya Athena felt the hand holding her loosen. The moment she opened her eyes, she felt like she was being hugged.

At this time, Levi arrived at the scene "in time".

Levi opened the distance between him and the Fire Snake Puppet. Asamiya Athena saw that the Fire Snake Puppet's wrist had been cut off, and the hand that originally grabbed her neck had been cut off and fell to the ground.

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