Although Mai Zhuo's face is very soft, it is still full of Western style, and it is common for him to be misunderstood as a European. Wan Gui said: "Li Weijun, where did you find a secretary from? How come I didn't know about it?" Li Wei said: "I just started working today. I plan to bring him back to you in the evening."

Wan Gui's expression was a little weird. If Li Wei said that he was going to take him back to the Kagura family mansion, he shouldn't be a mess. It depends on what Li Wei said. Although she didn't mind if there were other girls around Li Wei, But Chizuru's face will definitely look quite ugly. .

Chapter 329. Calm Wangui

Wan Gui looked at Mai Zhuo curiously. She wanted to complain in her heart. It was too easy for Li Wei to attract bees and butterflies outside. If he wasn't careful, Li Wei could bring a girl back, but Li Wei would not bring those things back. Bring back the messy people.

Whether it was the Shiranui-ryu girls or Asamiya Athena, she could understand them after carefully understanding them.

Therefore, when she saw Mai Zhuo, she did not directly curse him like other women, but waited patiently for Li Wei to give her an explanation. She knew that Li Wei had a bottom line.

"Wouldn't you like to introduce this person? Li Weijun." Wan Gui said with a smile.

Li Wei did not sense Wan Gui's anger, and sighed inwardly, Wan Gui really has the demeanor of a big woman, her attitude and temperament are really amazing.

But Li Wei didn't panic. After all, Mai Zhuo's situation was there. He didn't even need to make up a new reason. He could just selectively focus on what happened before.

And Levi did the same thing. After spending a few minutes and talking about the problems between Mai Zhuo and Toyoshima Consortium in detail, Wan Gui couldn't help but nodded with his hands folded, and even showed an expression of indignation.

Wangui said: "That kind of bastard should be taught a lesson. Just turning him into a eunuch is too easy for him. The Amano family behind the Toshima Consortium has never had a good reputation. I didn't expect it to be Li Weijun, you bumped into me. What are you going to do?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "Just kill the culprit. After all, this is a problem for the upper echelons of the Toshima Consortium and has nothing to do with the ordinary employees. But this time, they will have to find jobs again." Wan Gui said: "Li Weijun Are you planning to take action against the Toshima Consortium?"

Levi nodded and said: "I am a very protective person. To me, every girl around me is the most precious treasure given to me by God. Moreover, the vicious dogs of the Amano family dare to attack me. , then the Amano family, as dog owners, must pay a price."

The moment Li Wei said these words, the Amano family, which has a history of more than a hundred years, had already begun to countdown. Novels require logic, but reality often does not. The rise and fall of a chaebol family is determined by a small incident. But the reality is this. The whole world is full of big fish eating small fish, and small fish eating shrimps. In the eyes of ordinary people, the Toshima Consortium is a behemoth that cannot be messed with. However, for the real top dignitaries, they must kill the Toshima Consortium. , is a very simple thing.

Not to mention a strong man like Levi who can directly ignore the rules, even the Kagura family, relying on the methods within the rules of the game, can easily defeat the Toshima Consortium, a new consortium whose family status is only the last noble family. , when faced with higher-ranking Chinese and high-ranking nobles, they were like fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

Wan Gui said: "Do you need help? After all, Li Weijun, you don't have much power here in Neon. Leave such chores to me." 1. "

Li Wei smiled and said: "It won't bother you Wangui. There is no need to expose your true strength because of this kind of bug. The Kagura family has always kept a low profile. Moreover, they also need to deal with higher-level threats, such as this kind of bug. I'm ready to trample him to death myself." Wan Gui nodded. The so-called higher-level threats are the group of Eight Masters. Those lunatics who want to resurrect the snake are the Kagura family's priority. exist.

Most of the power of the Kagura family is trapped in the overt and covert struggle with the Orochi clan and cannot escape.

If it weren't for this reason, the power that the Kagura family can unleash is enough to make everyone look at them. As the head of the three artifact families, they are only ranked second on the surface. That's because the power of the Kagura family is too scattered. Take a walk throughout the neon landscape. If these people gather together, they will be a quite huge force. Although they are not as high-quality as the Kusanagi family's retainers, they have an absolute advantage in quantity. The reason why the Kagura family's economy has been tight is because It is necessary to raise such a huge team, but in order to fight against the Orochi Familia, the money is not spent. Therefore, the Kagura family has always lived a tight life. It was only with the arrival of Levi that this kind of multi-faceted pressure came. be relieved.

Wan Gui said: "Since Mai Zhuo has not gone to live there for the time being, then we can stay at the mansion now."

Li Wei said: "A few days ago, I bought a piece of land here and planned to build a mansion. I have been living there with you, and it feels inappropriate." Wan Gui felt a little unhappy. She felt like this The matter was nothing, and she was very happy to be able to live with Levi.

Wan Gui's favorite thing was that the two of them stayed on the roof chatting at night, drinking snacks and Coke, and listening to Li Wei tell interesting stories. Li Wei's strong writing, knowledge and humor won her heart.

If Li Wei lives in another place, it will be inconvenient to play with Li Wei. Of course, she doesn’t have other concerns like Qianzhe. Even if Li Wei moves to another place, she can just There are benefits to being thick-skinned when you live on Levi's side.

Wan Gui said: "What's inappropriate? Anyway, the house at home is so big. If you weren't here, many rooms would be vacant."

Wan Gui doesn't care at all how many girls are around Li Wei. In her opinion, they can't pose a threat to her status anyway. In comparison, showing her side as a big woman can also win over Li Wei. The girls around me make the relationship between them more harmonious.

Now Wan Gui has brought himself into the role of Li Wei's harem manager, just like the queen in the harem.

Levi said: "Although V is very happy there, as you can see Wan Gui, there are a lot of girls around me, and there must be a place to accommodate them. But the one I bought here The land is also in Chiyoda District, and the straight-line distance from the mansion is only seven or eight hundred meters."

It cost Levi a lot of money to get this land. After all, land in Chiyoda District is very expensive, and he still needs enough connections.

Li Wei asked Krausa's puppet to come forward and make an overseas phone call, and then he finally won the piece of land and made his competitors willing to retreat.

Although Krausa's puppet's sphere of influence is in Europe (the money is good), it must be said that he still has a lot of face, and he easily won the land.

During this economic crisis, many relatively radical families and chaebols in Neon were in bad luck. This piece of land originally belonged to a relatively high-end noble family. Because of the craze in the real estate industry, they had stockpiled a lot of land in advance to wait for the appreciation in value. Sold at a high price.

Who would have known that when the economic crisis hit, the real estate industry collapsed. Not only did the land they originally obtained not appreciate as they expected, but it was cut in half from the original price. All this money was borrowed from the bank by the family. If you don't pay back the money on time, the family will go bankrupt.

So at this time, even though they know that selling land will result in blood loss, they still have to reluctantly sell land in order to recover blood. Selling land can help them survive for a while, and then they can regroup after surviving the crisis. If they don't sell land, they will be left in the cold.

It is precisely because of this that such a good core location was put up for auction, which ultimately gave Levi a bargain. .

Chapter 330. Willful Capital

The land that Levi got was only half the area of ​​the Kagura family homestead, but the overall location was good, so it was put up as the final auction item. Li Wei planned to build a luxurious palace on that land, a set of classical buildings that favored European style.

Originally, Li Wei wanted to build a complex of ancient Chongguo buildings, but although the retro style looked good, it was not suitable for living. The land area was so large that Li Wei couldn't even carve walnuts. In this limited area, you can create the effect you want.

Therefore, he only chose the relatively modern European retro palace style of the last century. This style can hide various modern electrical appliances in the home decoration layout, and can also better create a sense of luxury.

People who have watched "Downton Abbey" should be quite familiar with this style, and Levi is ready to go one step further in this luxurious style, using a large amount of gold as decoration to reflect his wealth and power. Wan Gui asked curiously: "Have you found the construction team? If there is a shortage of people, I can help you find a group of skilled construction workers."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Thank you in advance for the kindness, but the building I want to build is not familiar to ordinary construction workers. Even if it is left to them, it may not be done well."

After hearing what Li Wei said, Wan Gui became interested. Each of the construction teams under the Kagura family was experienced and had participated in the construction of various difficult buildings. Li Wei was not even satisfied with such skilled workers. Could it be that Do you want to build a palace?

"Li Weijun, do you want to build a palace there?" Wan Gui said curiously.

Levi said: "Absolutely. Although the classical neon-style buildings are exquisite, I like luxury and liveliness, and the quiet beauty. When I want to appreciate it, just go to your place. My own residence is naturally Follow the style you like. Don’t tell me, I’m really planning to build a European-style classical manor.”

The Gith puppets have their own "Ghista", a building more than 500 meters high, which is extremely majestic. The Krausa puppet has its own "Imperial Palace", a huge building complex that is even larger than the Buckingham Palace of the Chinese royal family. It is one of the largest classical building complexes in Germany.

Levi felt that as his real body, he was worse than a puppet clone and could not speak. It was a bit unjustifiable, so he planned to build a luxurious manor here. The scale could be smaller, but the level of luxury must reach the highest level in the world.

Only in this way can he set off his power and wealth.

At this time, Levi's mentality is a bit like Gilgamesh's in the ancient Uruk period in the world of Xingyue, and he is still biased towards the "second flash" period, and he has also begun to pursue pomp and face.

But human nature is like this. When you have power, wealth, and strength, people will swell more or less. Levi is naturally the same. He feels that he is already restrained. At least he is not like Gilgamesh in the late Secondary School. Likewise, he felt that other than himself, everyone else was either his subjects or trash that had to be cleaned up. Levi was not yet overbearing to that extent.

Moreover, Gilgamesh also pursued immortality, and Levi has already obtained immortality. From this point of view, Levi is much luckier than Gilgamesh in the moon-shaped world next door.

After there is no life limit, Levi has a lot of time to enjoy life, so his pace of life is very casual. He often does whatever he thinks and does whatever comes to his mind, becoming more and more unrestrained. child. It's just that this "child" has the power to easily destroy all mankind.

Wan Gui said: "If that's the case, then we can't help. After all, the expertise is not suitable. In addition to modern conventional buildings, the construction team here also knows classical neon-style buildings."

Neon people are very traditional, so various ancient families in Neon also like (cgci) to build large courtyards that cover a wide area but have extremely low land use rates. For ancient families, this kind of large courtyard is a symbol of status, and it is a "facade" that must be built if conditions permit.

Li Wei didn't like this kind of courtyard that was more beautiful than practical. He preferred well-proportioned tower buildings, and connected the buildings with covered bridges to facilitate traffic and increase the beauty. Levi likes to build this kind of wonder-like building complex in "Minecraft". Now that he can move the buildings in his mind to this world, it can be regarded as completing a small goal.

The favorite thing of the Wonder Party is to keep building wonders. Even if they build wonders, they are happy to build them. What they enjoy is the process of building.

Levi smiled and said: "Soon you will be able to see an interesting building, but now, it is covered with a special shielding net, so you can't see anything."

Because the construction involved the intervention of extraordinary powers, and the land itself was located in the core residential area of ​​Chiyoda District, it would not be beautiful if others discovered the anomaly if it was not covered up.

Levi estimated that he was probably the most unprofessional time traveler, but this was also related to his own ability. If he was just an ordinary person without strength, then he would not have any connection with the plot of The King of Fighters. Naturally, There will be no intersection with the characters in the plot. Under such circumstances, if you want to embrace the beauty, you must spend more energy and time.

But his own strength is already so strong that he can crush most of the characters in the plot. Except for Orochi, Levi is not afraid of anyone. With such strength, combined with all kinds of endless conspiracies, he can naturally achieve his goals quickly. The goal is to win the beauty back as quickly as possible.

After that, I naturally enjoyed life to the fullest. With a group of warblers and swallows around me, I couldn't do anything without learning how to enjoy myself.

After sorting out everything in the company, Li Wei took Mai Zhuo and followed Wan Gui back to the mansion. Mai Zhuo's appearance did not surprise anyone. After learning about Mai Zhuo Zhuo's experience, Mai Zhuo quickly integrated into the group of people.

However, this is also related to Mai Zhuo's own personality, which tends to be happy-go-lucky, and the social life has smoothed her edges. If not for this, she would not have been able to integrate into the small group of people so quickly.

Because there are more guests in the mansion now, every dinner will be done in the banquet hall. The servants will clean the banquet hall in advance and prepare separate dishes for everyone.

It was the first time for Mai Zhuo to experience such a battle, and she was restless, but the others were similar to her. After dinner time, Mai Zhuo returned to the single room Qianhe had prepared for her. What happened today, For her, it was too exciting. She felt like her heart couldn't bear such ups and downs. .

Chapter 331. The power of the big snake

After Mai Zhuo returned to her room, she breathed a sigh of relief. Living alone for a long time made her accustomed to being alone, and suddenly entering a lively environment made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Now that she was alone, she felt very relaxed and took out the "Collected Works of Maupassant" from the bookshelf. She was going to kill the time before going to bed by reading under the bright light.

The single apartment she rented before had a very bad environment. Not only did the whole room have an unpleasant musty smell, but in the middle of the night, she could hear the couple next door having sex, quarreling downstairs, and the people living next door. , the sound of a bar band practicing.

It can be said that this kind of quiet and reassuring environment was simply a luxury for her before.

The guest rooms at Kagura's house are decorated in a simple, elegant and quiet style. If it weren't for the bright lights overhead, it would really feel like traveling through time. Although this is only a temporary shelter, Mai Zhuo likes this environment very much. At least here, she doesn't have to worry about her personal safety and can still read quietly.

Just after she opened the book and took out the bookmark she had put in before, she heard a knock on the paper wooden door.

"Wait a minute, the door is unlocked." Mai Zhuo stood up from the cushion and was about to open the door, but at this moment, the door was opened, and outside the door was Kagura Mangui wearing a witch robe.

Kagura Mangeme had a faint smile on her face, and her holy temperament made her smile full of contagion.

"Miss Wan Gui, do you have anything to say to me?" The seller closed the book in his hand and put it aside.

Wan Gui gently pulled up the paper wooden door, walked slowly in front of Mai Zhuo, and sat down upright, his every move filled with the sacredness of a witch.

"Actually, it's nothing, I just want to have a chat with you." Wan Gui said with a smile.

Just after dinner, Levi came to her and said that Mai Zhuo was probably the carrier of the power of the Eight Masters who had not yet awakened, which made her feel incredible.

The Kagura family has always been against the Orochi Familia, and their understanding of the Orochi Familia is far better than anyone else, but as a guardian witch, she did not detect the power of the Orochi in Mai Zhuo.

However, what Li Wei said must have his basis, so she came over to see if she could verify the power in Mai Zhuo's body.

The power of the Eight Masters will continue to revive in various parts of the world through reincarnation. Therefore, the Eight Masters of all generations are different. If Mai Zhuo is really the carrier of the power of the Eight Masters in this generation, then as long as Mai Zhuo can ensure If the power in Zhuo's body is not revived, it is equivalent to destroying a high-end combat power of the Orochi Familia.

As a guardian witch, Wan Gui naturally supports such a good thing with both hands. If Mai Zhuo is really the carrier of the power of the Eight Masters, then Mai Zhuo's value will be great. If you can find a way to draw Mai Zhuo into the anti-Orochi Familiar camp, it will be even more profitable.

"Miss Wan Gui, I thought you would go to Li Weijun." Mai Zhuo said.

Wan Gui smiled and said: "I will go there later, but now, I have some questions to ask you. Maybe you don't know how special you are."

Mai Zhuo was a little confused, special? Apart from being more beautiful and stronger than ordinary people, what else is special about her? If she really wanted to say it, she felt that the Kagura Mangui in front of her was a truly special existence, and that kind of temperament was not something ordinary people could possess.

Mai Zhuo said: "What can be special about me? I am just an unlucky guy who was chased and made homeless."

Wan Gui said: "It's just that you don't realize your differences. Your differences will bring you a lot of trouble, and even bring disaster to the people around you." Mai Zhuo frowned slightly, Wan Gui said. Turtle's words made her feel a little uncomfortable. Mai Zhuo said: "Miss Wan Gui, what exactly do you want to say?"

Wan Gui said: "Please don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about what happened this time. To Li Weijun, the Toyoshima Consortium is just an ant that can be easily crushed. What I want to say is that the thing hidden in your body is An extraordinary force, a terrifying force that can bring catastrophe to mankind."

Mai Zhuo raised her delicate brows. Wan Gui's statement seemed to her to be sensational. Maybe Wan Gui had other purposes and just said it on purpose.

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