Although this kind of thing is somewhat unfair to the successor of Jie Ji's strength, it is also an inevitable sacrifice for the sake of humankind. What they can do is to try their best to find a chance for the successor of Jie Ji's power. If nothing can be done, they have to prepare for the worst.

The best outcome is to reach an agreement with the other party and seal away the Jieji power in the other party's body. Secondly, you can also negotiate terms with the other party and feed the other party well, as long as it doesn't cause trouble. If the other party is unwilling to accept the conditions here, or has awakened, then the Kagura family will have no choice but to kill them.

Never make terms with the awakened Jieji, it is useless. The awakened Jieji is no longer a human being at all, but a humanoid natural disaster that wants to destroy humanity. This is after the Kagura family paid the price with blood. the conclusion.

Li Wei, who was pretending to sleep, was a little surprised when he heard the news. He didn't expect that the intelligence power of the Orochi Familia was so powerful, and they actually found a new Jieji, but the other party was in Europe, and he didn't know where Jieji was. Bit.

The power of the big snake is diverse, so the power mastered by each generation of Jieji is also different. You can re-select your own attributes when you are alive.

On Li Wei's side, according to the original setting, Jieji corresponds to a variety of powers, but Jieji has too many power options to choose from during his lifetime.

Therefore, Li Wei really doesn't know who is the successor of power in Europe. It might be Chris, it might be Charmi or Weisi, or it might be Yamazaki Ryu.

As for the Seven Flails Society, they have already awakened. The subordinates of Clausa's puppet have appeared in the Seven Flails Society operating in Europe. He is a lunatic who does not take human life seriously at all. Judging from his performance, it should be The power within the body has been awakened.

Another semi-awakened Jiadilu had been abandoned and executed by Goeniz, which also resulted in Lianna losing all her relatives and being adopted by Hardilon.

Jie Ji itself is full of stories, and the setting draft Li Wei got here contains a lot of materials related to Jie Ji.

Wan Gui sighed: "When Li Weijun wakes up, let's tell him the news. Originally, I should have done this kind of thing, but I am not Gonitz's opponent. If I do it, it will be very difficult for me to do it." The probability is that something bad will happen~'."

If Li Wei wasn't around, Wan Gui would be prepared to take it hard. There are some things that she must perform as a guardian witch, even if she risks her life.

But now she has a solid chest that she can rely on. Now, unknowingly, she has become accustomed to relying on Levi like a little woman.

Qianhe said: "It's our luck to be able to find Mai Zhuo this time. We hope it will be smoother in the future. However, when the news came, Goenitz had already boarded the plane, and we had to It’s time to hurry up.”

Qianzhe also felt a sense of urgency in her heart. After all, Goenitz had really awakened Jijie, which was not a good thing for them.

Sensing that Levi seemed to be waking up, Qianhe and Wangui were a little panicked, and left Levi's room quietly but quickly.

The moment the two left, Levi opened his eyes, sighed, and said, "々. If only one person is here, will something happen?"

But Levi just sighed and stood up to get dressed. Anyway, these two sisters were already meat in his mouth. It was up to him to decide when to swallow them, and he was not in a hurry.

However, the conversation between Chizuru and Wangui also made him realize that not everyone on Gonitz's side was fishing. The Orochi Familia was working hard for Orochi's recovery all the time, at least that was the case for most of the family members.

After putting on a loose bathrobe, Levi snapped his fingers, folded the bedding on the tatami in mid-air, and went to the open closet. After the bedding was arranged inside, the closet closed by itself.

Levi is used to using spells to be lazy. He is used to using spells to do most of the things in daily life. He has even completed the intelligent programming of spells and made some daily housework processing spells into something similar to a program package. When encountering such a situation, you only need to activate the package, and the entire set of spells will naturally take care of the related housework.

When Levi pushed open the paper-wood door of the room, he saw Chizuru in the courtyard, holding a pair of small pruning shears, arranging the branches of the dry mountain trees.

Levi smiled at Qianhe, and Qianhe seemed a little flustered. The small pruning shears in his hand slipped and he cut off the small branches in front of him that did not need to be trimmed.

"Good morning, Qianzhe." Levi smiled.

"Every time Li Weijun you can clearly distinguish me and my sister, I have an incredible feeling." Qianhe said.

"To other people, you two look alike, but to me, you are unique. Is there anything important that comes here so early?"

Chapter. Traveling to Europe

Levi walked up behind Qianzhe, hugged her from behind, rested his chin on her shoulder, and pressed his face against his face.

Levi held Qianhe's hand holding the pruning shears, and took her hand, sliding it gently, slowly pruning the dead trees that had not been taken care of for a while.

Chizuru felt Levi's body temperature and felt that her heartbeat was so fast that it almost seemed to jump out of her chest.

She was a little afraid that such a scene would be seen by others, but she couldn't bear to leave Levi's arms. This was the first time she had such close contact with Levi.

Although Chizuru was shy in her heart, she also knew that she had to tell the truth now, so she told the details about her informant's return from the Orochi Familia.

Levi put his other hand on Qianzhe's waist, keeping her close to him, and said: "I already know the matter, you don't have to worry. I will naturally deal with Goeniz's side, the more Jieji who are revived , the greater the chance that the big snake will recover in a complete form. I cannot sit idly by and ignore this kind of thing."

Qianhe raised her head slightly, and the hot air blown by Levi hit behind her ears, making her feel numb all over her body.

Qianhe said: "So Li Weijun, when are you planning to leave?"

Levi said: "Of course now, I have teleportation coordinates in Europe, and I have many friends. I want to monitor the actions of the Orochi Familia in Europe, but it is just a matter of talking on the phone. And what I have to do The thing is to keep an eye on Goenitz and determine what kind of person the successor of Jie Ji’s power is. I don’t like to kill innocent people indiscriminately. If the other party can be saved, I want to try it.”

Qianhe nodded, she didn't expect Levi to have such a method. Levi's network of contacts exceeded her expectations.

Levi said: "I have a good friend named Wolfgang Clausa von Stroheim. He is doing well in Europe. He can get his men to move and help the big snake. The Familia's manpower in Europe is causing some trouble, so I'll teleport over after breakfast. Anyway, I will definitely arrive before Goenitz."

Hearing the name Li Wei said, Qianhe wanted to complain in his heart. The "uncle" Li Wei mentioned could no longer be explained clearly by saying "he is doing well."

She didn't expect that Levi would be friends with the underground emperor who actually ruled Europe. Krausa's influence could easily change the power trend of a country with just one sentence.

It can be said that Clausa is one of the most noble people in the world. He is the underground emperor who truly rules Europe. Although he has not officially crowned himself, he has actually ruled the entire underground world in Europe. Most of the superstructures of European countries are also controlled by him. This is a real "emperor", which is not comparable to the mascot-like royal family of the United States.

Qianhe said: "If you, Li Weijun, are friends with that 'emperor', then Goenitz's side will definitely be quite aggrieved during this trip to Europe. They will taste the feeling of going against the whole of Europe."

Qianzhe sighed inwardly, the man she loved was indeed not an ordinary person, and the person who could be friends with Clausa, the underground emperor of Europe, would never be as simple as he appeared to be.

She was also a little happy in her heart. At least this proved that she had a good eye for people, and the man she wanted was a very powerful person.

Li Wei gently stroked Qianhe's length. There was a faint fragrance on Qianhe's body. Li Wei could be sure that this was not the smell of washing or shower gel, nor skin care products. This smell was like a clear spring in the mountains. The feeling made him a little intoxicated.

"Thank you for your hard work, Chizuru. The Kagura family has been under a lot of pressure, and in the end this pressure fell on the shoulders of you two sisters. It's really unfair when you think about it." Levi said.

Qianzhe sighed: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. There is nothing we can do about it. Moreover, everything the family does is for the future of mankind. My sister and I feel honored to be able to participate in such a cause. .”

Sometimes Qianzuru's heart would feel disparate. She worked hard for the continuation of mankind in an unknown place. However, such efforts did not receive any actual reward, not even flowers or applause.

Such a gap would make even a mature Chizuru feel uncomfortable inside.

But now this kind of thing doesn't matter anymore. As long as Levi is by her side, she no longer cares about other people's opinions.


After breakfast time, Levi briefly greeted the girls and then activated the teleportation spell. In an instant, he appeared on the other side of the earth, next to Krausa's puppet.

Because of the time difference, it was night in Europe, and there were no outsiders. Levi had no idea of ​​performing a double act with his puppet clone, and left the palace of Clausa's puppet directly.

Krausa's puppet has already given the order, and the people responsible for tracking Charmi and the people tracking Weisi along the way have sent back the news. The two are now safe for the time being.

On Levi's side, out of the desire to destroy Goenitz's plan, no matter who the successor to Jieji's power Goenitz finds this time, he will do his best to stop him.

Weisi herself is an elusive backpacker, constantly wandering around Europe. Now Weisi is just stronger than ordinary people. If it weren't for the people under Clausa's puppet who were secretly protecting Weisi, Weisi would Something happened within a few days.

Weisi cheated in an underground casino. Although she was not caught, she also won more than 1.3 million euros from the casino and ran away. This offended the boss behind the casino, and now the boss behind the scenes mobilized his men to pursue Weisi. , wanting Weisi to spit out the money, these people fled, Weisi has now fled to France, and coincidentally, the place where she is hiding is the small town where Charmi is, and the straight line distance between the two people, Less than kilometres.

If Goenitz came here for Charmi, and there was no intervention from Li Wei, he might be able to pick up a "double yolk egg" and awaken the two heroes for the first time.

Of course, Levi has also been prepared. Wei Si's whereabouts were uncertain before, so it was very difficult to locate her, but near where Charmi lives, Krausa's men have already arranged a teleportation device for Levi. The golden beacon, he can activate the teleportation at any time.

He only cares about Charmi and Weiss. As for Yamazaki Ryu and Chris, who are they? Do you know it? So what if he's awakened? Can't we just deal with it directly?

Chapter. First meeting with Qilao Club

In the small town where Charmi was located, due to the orders of Krausa's puppet, his men established observation posts here, and also prepared a temporary stronghold with a comfortable environment. This stronghold was Levi's temporary residence.

Levi used his magical power to locate the current position of Konitz. Konitz is still on the plane, and the plane is still quite far away from Europe. It will take a few hours at the fastest before Konitz can land. .

He then located the Qilao Society, Chris and Yamazaki Ryu. The Qilao Society has arrived in this small town and is currently resting in a small hotel, while Yamazaki Ryu and Chris are still living in their respective places, and this time The events have no overlap.

Li Wei decided to go to Qilong Society first. Although he was not afraid of being besieged, he did not want to let go of the unstable factor of Qilong Society. Now the Qiluo Society still has value, and he won't get rid of the other party now, but using the Qiluo Society to stimulate Gonitz can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

At this time, Qilongshe was staying in an inconspicuous small hotel, lying on the bed and reading a book, waiting for the arrival of Goenitz.

Although they are both Jieji, his power is far inferior to that of Goenitz, so it is best for Goenitz to awaken, so as to ensure that the target can be fully awakened, instead of being like Jiadi who has been dealt with. Lu Xian is just an incomplete dabbler.

Qijiaoshe was turning the pages of the book, and at this moment, there was a knock on the wooden door of the room.

"Sir, the late-night snack you ordered has arrived." Accompanied by the knock on the door was a young and magnetic voice, speaking fluent native French, as if there was thick phlegm stuck in the throat and unable to spit it out, making Qilongshe He felt a little unhappy. He didn't like French, and he also hated German.

However, he directly looks down on all human beings. As a noble Orochi family member, he is naturally superior to human beings and is one of the most advanced beings on earth.

"I didn't order midnight snack, you made a mistake." Qiyongshe was too lazy to get out of bed and said loudly in the direction of the door.

"Sir, you must have ordered a midnight snack. I didn't read the house number wrongly." The young voice outside the door said calmly.

"Then tell me what I ordered?" Qiyongshe was annoyed. He had never ordered a midnight snack at all. The idiot outside was just a fool.

"Sir, your midnight snack is a fat beating!"

With a loud banging sound, the door panel instantly broke away from the door frame and smashed towards Qi Ye She. Although Qi Ye She was lying on the bed, the strength of his arms directly smashed the door panel into pieces.

Qiluoshe also saw clearly the "waiter" outside the door. He was a tall Asian young man who was almost as tall as him, but his figure was slightly slender. However, the figure of the other party could still clearly see the solid muscles that were like sculptures. Qiluo Society judged that the human being looking for trouble in front of him should be a difficult and ruthless character with both strength and speed.

"I don't remember ever provoking anyone." Qi Ye She stood up and took off his shirt, revealing his rock-like muscles.

Although Qilongshe looks down on human beings, he will pretend to be kind and kind most of the time when interacting in human society, so he doesn't have any decent enemies.

The Qiluo Club has a mission, and his mission is to find unawakened members of the Jieji who are living outside. This kind of traveling work is very troublesome. In order to make his search easier, he naturally needs to "make good connections" .

Li Wei smiled and said, "You must be Jiezhi. I finally caught you. Before, you were running around the world. It was not easy to catch you."

The expression of Qiluoshe changed instantly. As a member of the Orochi Familia, although he did not deliberately keep it secret, not many people knew his identity. It was obvious that the person in front of him was specifically looking for trouble.

The Qiluo Society's expression changed, and they attacked Li Wei. They swung their heavy fists like air hammers and blasted towards Li Wei. The relatively narrow terrain was not conducive to the development of throwing skills, so the Qiluo Society chose the fastest one. Strike directly, control Levi as much as possible first, and seize opportunities for the next series of attacks.

Li Wei stretched out his hand, lightly grabbed the fist of Qiluoshe, and said, "Please, you are weak."

Qiliaoshe wanted to withdraw his fist, but found that Li Wei's hand was like a pair of pliers, firmly fixing his fist, preventing him from pursuing it.

····Ask for flowers····

Qilong Society knew that Li Wei had an absolute advantage in strength, and there was a huge gap in strength between the two sides. It was hard for him to accept that a lowly human being could be more powerful than Jie Ji.

Looking at Li Wei's face carefully, Qiluo Society realized that the young man in front of him was probably the one who made Gonitz break his arm and run for his life. Qiluoshe suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Even Goenitz was not the opponent's opponent, and he certainly wouldn't be. After clearly judging the strength gap between the two sides, Qiluoshe did not hesitate. He raised his other hand high and wanted to cut off his own arm. escape.

Anyway, for extraordinary beings like them, regeneration of a broken arm is a very simple matter. In order to escape, let alone a broken arm, it doesn’t matter if half of the body is missing. As long as the heart and brain are not damaged, give him a safe place. In this place, he will soon be able to fully recover from his semi-disabled state, but he will only experience a period of weakness.


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