10,000 euros. In an environment like the current one, it may not be possible to generate this kind of turnover in half a year, let alone a net profit.

"This is just the first payment, and that's not all you owe," Carle said.

Charmi was a little irritated. She was open for business here. The old lady handed over the store to her and gave her a very high salary. In addition, most of the income from this clothing store was She invested in the orphanage, so she attaches great importance to it.

However, there are unreasonable mafia members across the street, and there are barefoot people who are not afraid of wearing shoes, but she can't. This clothing store is the only gold that can support the orphanage. If something goes wrong here, then the orphanage will Where does the money come from?

If it weren't for his own worries, Sharmi would have wanted to take action at this time.

Carler said: "I know that 10,000 euros is not a small number for you, but I have a way that will allow you to pay off all the money in a very short time, and you can still make more money."

"Those methods you mentioned are definitely not a good thing." Sharmi said. It's not like she didn't know what these mafia members were like. They bought and sold by force, forced girls into prostitution, sold drugs, and even colluded with local congressmen to do shady things.

Carol smiled and said: "We are all neighbors, will I still harm you? Do you know that Congressman Julian? He has always admired you. Let me give him a message. He wants to invite you to spend time with him." Dinner. If you two can make it, not only will the management fees you owe be written off, but he will also allocate funds to the orphanage every year, and he can also promote legislation to establish a local school specifically for orphans."

Charmi's eyes covered by her bangs already contained murderous intent. She no longer had any hope for the local officials. She knew that Congressman Julian was one of the patrons of the local mafia organization.

How could she listen to the other party's lies? After all, she had already seen through the true colors of these people. These members of the mafia organization were all social scum, and they could be said to do all kinds of evil. People who can get involved with these social scum can also What a good person.

Charmi said: "You are dreaming, don't think that I don't know what that fat pig is planning. Do you really think that you can threaten me? Don't force me, maybe you can make me lose my current status." After all this, I can kill all of you, and when the time comes, let’s see who suffers the most!”

Carler smiled and said: "Really? Let's just wait and see. The period for the first payment is only three days. If you can't raise 10,000 euros within three days, I don't know what I will do." Come to think of it, the children in the orphanage are quite cute..."

Seeing the opponent's teasing smile, Charmi wanted to punch him and let him taste her power, but she restrained her anger.

Charmi was a little confused as to why the members of the mafia organization who would always walk around her when they saw her in the past went crazy this time and came over to collect the first management fee.

Charmi was wondering in her heart. Could it be that the other party had some trump cards, so they dared to be as arrogant as they are now? If this was really the case, then this small shop might not be able to survive.

However, even if he takes the store manager and the children to escape from here, he will never succumb to that fat pig councilman. Even if she is beaten to death, he will not risk his own happiness or the conscience of the other party.

It should be said that the upper echelons of this city are all bastards, because good people cannot sit in such positions. Only by becoming worse and more ruthless can they eventually become superiors in this city...

Levi coughed lightly, breaking the deadlock.

"Outlander, what's going on here has nothing to do with you. We don't want to cause trouble for you, so please don't meddle in your own business." Carler looked at Levi and said with a serious expression.

Levi said with a smile: "I just like to meddle in other people's business, especially those of people like you. I like to meddle even more."

Kaler's face changed and he said: "It seems that you don't know the status of our Iman family in the local area. You are not even a European. Don't cause unnecessary trouble for yourself."

Charmi also said: "Sir, this matter has nothing to do with you. This is a dispute between me and these social trash. There is no need to involve you!"

Charmi was worried that Li Wei would suffer a loss and did not want Li Wei to participate in such a conflict. After all, Councilor Julian also had considerable influence in the local area. It would be difficult for Li Wei, a foreigner, to be with him, no matter how rich and powerful he was. Such a local snake to fight against.

Levi held Shamir's hand, gave her a "reassuring" look, and whispered: "How can I bear with a beauty like you to be threatened by these social garbage. Although I am not a local, I can treat these It is very easy to crush the so-called locals and get a 4."

Levi gently stroked Charmie's bangs. She had very beautiful eyes that were so captivating that men would be immersed in her unconsciously just by looking at them.

Even Li Wei was stunned for a moment. These eyes were so beautiful that they were so beautiful that they were otherworldly. No wonder she covered her eyes with bangs. These eyes were enough to make her a "disaster for the country". Enchantress".

If we say that Charmi, whose eyes are covered by bangs, is beautiful, she is only on par with Mai Shiranui, but with her eyes exposed, her beauty has surpassed Mai Shiranui, Chizuru Kagura and others. He said that Charmi was the most beautiful woman Levi had ever seen, bar none.

"I will protect these beautiful eyes." Li Wei chuckled.

Chapter 4. Perfect acting skills

Levi walked over, faced the mafia members, and said, "Should you go out on your own now, or should I invite you out? Make a choice."

Although these mafia members were controlled by Li Wei using the technique of suggestion, Li Wei deliberately concealed his identity, so they did not reveal that Li Wei was the immediate boss of himself and others. Now Li Wei needs to use code words. Giving instructions to them is like a certain "Italian temptress" in JOJO, hiding herself perfectly.

It is precisely because of this that these mafia members are resolutely carrying out the tasks assigned by Levi. Unless Levi reveals his identity, they will not stop their actions. This technique of suggestion is very overbearing. The target will not realize that there is anything wrong with what he is doing, and will only feel that everything is done under the control of his own will.

Carler said: "Then let's go out and solve the problem. After all, people still have to open their doors for business. If the objects are broken, how can they still do business?"

Mafia organizations also know that the wool comes from the sheep, and they will keep picking out the sheep's wool instead of directly killing the sheep for meat.

Although killing sheep and eating meat can give you a full meal in a short time, in the long run, it is not worth the gain. Mafia organizations will not do such a thing unless it is a last resort.

If it weren't for Levi's suggestion technique, these mafia members would not have come to trouble Charmi.

"It's just right, it's what I want." Levi turned his head, put his bank card on the counter, and smiled at Charmi.

Levi said: "I'll come back as soon as I go. Remember to pack the clothes for me. If you want custom-made clothes, just come at the agreed time."

Looking at Levi's smile, Charmi felt her heart beat faster. Levi was the most handsome man she had ever seen. Otherwise, Levi's handsomeness had transcended racial boundaries, as if he was aloof. The king, or rather the god, just looked at him, and a warm feeling emerged in her heart, as if she was illuminated by the first ray of sunshine in the morning, and she felt extremely comfortable.

"Okay, sir, can you leave your name and contact information? After the customized clothes are ready, I will send them to you personally." Sharmi said.

Levi wrote his name and contact information on the notepad on the counter, and then followed the members of the mafia organization and left the clothing store.

When Charmi chased him out, Levi had already disappeared at the corner entrance of the alleyway. In an old-fashioned small city like this, the streets in the city were very complicated, with a large number of alleyways forming a relatively secret route network.

This is a layout that many European cities have, because most of these old-fashioned small cities were continuously expanded on the basis of the 20th and 20th centuries. There are a large number of old-fashioned buildings within the city limits, and due to the age and technical limitations of the construction, Therefore, the terrain is also undulating, and the large number of lanes, although adding a sense of history to the city, also provides a good cover for various criminal activities.

Above the main road is the normal world for ordinary people, and entering the alleyway is the realm of the underworld where all kinds of criminal activities are rampant. All kinds of shady transactions, as well as robberies and thefts, all happen here.

After Levi followed the opponent into the alleyway, he directly punched and knocked down all the mafia members. He deliberately kept his hands and did not directly knock the opponent unconscious. Instead, he struck as much as possible where the opponent felt pain, supplemented by Mana stimulation allows these people to shout louder.

When Sharmi rushed to the entrance of the alleyway, he saw the members of the mafia organization lying on the ground, and Levi, who was clapping his hands in an understatement.

Li Wei said: "If you don't have the ability, if you follow others and join the society, you may be beaten to death one day."

Kaler struggled to get up, looked at Levi with fierce eyes, and said: "The Yiman family will not give up here. We have made this feud. Foreigner, you will pay the price for this."

Levi smiled and said: "Just what you said, the Yiman family is in trouble this time. By the way, give me a message to that Congressman Julian. The toad also wants to eat swan meat. I will go over and settle matters with him." This is the account."

Carler led his men and disappeared into the depths of the alley in embarrassment. The local mafia organization is very familiar with the alley system of the streets under its jurisdiction. Most people may suffer big losses if they catch up. .

Charmi came to Levi's side. She didn't expect that the battle would end so quickly. Levi actually knocked down everyone on the opponent's side in such a short period of time without any injuries. This kind of powerful strength is still far away. above her.

Sharmi said: "Mr. Li, are you okay?"

Levi smiled and said: "These little minions can't hurt me yet. Let them go for now. When I get to their lair, I will give him a pot and send them all to the police station."

Sharmi sighed and said: "I am very grateful for your kindness, Mr. Li, but sending them to the police station is of no use, because their protective umbrella is the 'masters' who usually don't take care of things."

Levi pretended to be surprised and said: "Is there no legal restraint in this city? Are these mafia organizations allowed to run rampant?"

Sharmi smiled bitterly and said: "The upper echelons of this city don't have that much time to care about ordinary people. The official commission system and the parliamentarians only think about how to make money. As for the demands of ordinary people, they don't intend to pay attention to them. Moreover, these mafia organizations are their assistants in making money, and they are their lackeys. Even if you send these mafia to the police station, at most you will only symbolically imprison them for a few days, and then they will be released."

Levi frowned and said: "It seems that the situation here is quite serious. What I am doing now is not helping. If there is no way to get rid of those mafia organizations directly, you will still be threatened."

Sharmi said: "Even if the Iman family is eliminated, there will still be other mafia organizations managing the neighborhoods here. The upper class of this city has been completely rotten, but ordinary people have no power to resist them. So even if they are charged various exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, no one dares to say no, because everyone has family, relatives and friends, and no one can afford to lose."

Levi said: "Since this incident happened because of me, I will naturally take care of it to the end. Don't worry, nothing will happen to your clothing store."

Chapter 4. Kind-hearted big girl

In fact, Levi's understanding of this city is no worse than that of the locals. After confirming that Charmi was in this city, Levi asked the Krausa puppet to order his people to collect information about the city.

Li Wei is very clear about the shortcomings of this city, but he is not a saint, so before coming into contact with Charmi, he did not intend to care about this matter. After contacting Charmi, in order to show Only when he has an upright face can he selectively intervene in the situation to achieve his own goals.

Levi said: "I was just passing by here originally, but I didn't expect this city to be like this. Since I have decided to help you, I naturally have to solve all the problems."

Sharmi said: "Mr. Li, it's best to end this matter. Don't get involved anymore. Continuing to deal with it will not do you any good, and it will also make you bear too many risks for no reason. And you Individuals have to face the dark side of the entire city, and this kind of showdown with such disparity in strength is really stupid!"

Li Wei smoothed up Charmi's bangs, looked at her breathtakingly beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "I said, I want to protect the owner of these beautiful eyes, and I do what I say. I don’t want these beautiful eyes to be clouded.”

Charmi was moved in her heart. She could feel Levi's kindness to her. After all, for someone else to do something like this, she would have to run as far as possible and stay as far away from danger as possible. Levi not only helped She beat away those members of the mafia organization and wanted to help her to the end. How could she not be moved by such a thing?

Levi said: "Please have some confidence in me. I am not an ordinary person. Even if I face the dark side of the entire city, for you, I can defeat it and trample it under my feet."

Li Wei naturally has the confidence to say this. After all, the influence of the Clausa puppet in Europe is huge. The change of power in such a small city is just a matter of words for the Clausa puppet. It's just a matter, and the people below will naturally handle everything properly.

When the power reaches a certain level, the speed of development will become faster and faster like a snowball. As long as the controller of the power is not stupid, he can fully enjoy this snowball-like dividend.

This small city does not have much oil for the Clausa Puppet, but it is not a bad thing to cover its sphere of influence here. Compared with these mafia organizations that have no bottom line, the underground of the Clausa Puppet The empire is much more particular. The methods of making money are almost incompatible with ordinary people. For such a small city, it is more gentle. At least it will not make ordinary people angry and afraid to speak out like it is now.

Levi and Charmi returned to the clothing store, and the ready-made clothes purchased by Levi had been packed.

Levi took out a gold bracelet from the Consciousness Sea Space, took Charmi's hand, and clasped it on her wrist. The mechanism of the gold bracelet was locked, and the bracelet was firmly placed on her hand.

"This kind of thing is really too valuable! Mr. Li, take this thing back quickly~'!" Charmi was startled by Levi's actions. When he saw the bracelet on his hand clearly, Charmi said Mi knew that such an expensive gift was not something she should accept.

Charmi tried to take off the gold bracelet, but she was afraid that it would damage the bracelet, so she didn't dare to use force. Her strength was far beyond ordinary people. For her, gold, a relatively soft metal, could be pinched and played with at will. .

But what Sharmi didn't know was that what she wore on her hand was not an ordinary gold jewelry, but a magic weapon that could provide positioning and protection functions. Its strength exceeded any material known to mankind. No matter how hard she tried, No matter how hard you use it, you won't be able to damage this magic weapon at all.

"Don't be too busy refusing, listen to me." Levi held down Charmi's hand and told her not to panic.

After Charmi calmed down, Levi said: "This is not an ordinary gold jewelry, but a magic prop with magical power. It can allow you to support a shield when you are about to be hurt, ensuring that It is not threatened. At the same time, it can also locate your position like a radar. Once you encounter any danger, I can use this prop as a base point to use magic to come to you instantly, and it can also be used as a communication Tool usage, using this is much easier than using the phone.”

Because Charmi was a European, Li Wei used the term "magic" as the Romans did, making it easier for Charmi to understand.

"Magic? Mr. Li, you are actually a magician?!" Sharmi showed an expression of disbelief.

Levi snapped his fingers, and the originally gloomy clothing store instantly became brighter. At the same time, various cleaning tools started moving on their own, quickly cleaning the entire store.

Because there was only one person to look after the store, cleaning the store was very troublesome, so the clothing store looked a little old. However, in less than a minute, the entire clothing store was completely new.

Charmi covered her mouth. She felt like the protagonist in a fairy tale who met the prince who changed her destiny.

Levi smiled and said: "々. Now you know why I have the confidence to fight against the dark side of the entire city. But I don't know your name yet, beautiful lady."

Levi held Charmi's hand and kissed the back of her hand gently.

Charmi said: "My name is Charmire Luo Rui. I am a descendant of a declining noble. I am now a salesperson and tailor in this clothing store."

Li Wei smiled and said: "I can see that you like this job very much, but with your ability, you can open a store independently. What is the reason that makes you willing to be an employee in this store?"

Charmi said: "The owner of this clothing store, Grandma Villante, is a respectable person. She is the director of an orphanage, and this clothing store is the only wealth of the orphanage. When she was young, she was also the director of the orphanage. Tailor, she is old now, so I will take over her burden so that she can handle the affairs of the orphanage with peace of mind."

Levi said: "That Grandma Villante is a respectable person, and so are you. You have a kind heart and are willing to be inferior to others for the sake of others."

Charmi was a little embarrassed to be praised by Levi, but she didn't think she had anything to respect, she was just soft-hearted.

Originally, she wanted to leave here and open her own clothing store, but she thought that Grandma Villante was so old and couldn't manage her because she was running around. So she just worked here with peace of mind and lived a happy life here. Very happy.

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