Charmi nodded. She could understand that after all, a superior person like Li Wei should have many things to deal with. If she hadn't been in danger before, maybe Li Wei would still be dealing with those things. Now this Now that the matter on the side has been resolved, it's time for Levi to go back.

"I'll give it to you," Sharmi said.

Levi nodded, and the two of them arrived outside the orphanage. Just when Levi wanted to say goodbye, he felt hot on his face, and then Charmi ran away.

Feeling the warmth on his cheeks, Levi was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. Charmi, a reserved girl, finally took the bold step.

Levi looked at Charmi who was hiding far away, smiled and waved, but Charmi hid directly behind the pillar. At this time, Charmi also regretted his rash move.

Li Wei smiled and said: "I will come back later. I will ask someone to resettle the orphanage. Remember to tell the director to avoid misunderstanding."

Charmi, whose face was red, poked his head out from behind the pillar and whispered: "I know."

Levi waved, said hello, put down Sharmi's bicycle, and left the orphanage.

When he came here, in order not to appear too scary, Levi drove honestly, but now that he was going back, he naturally didn't have to be so particular and just teleported back.

When Li Wei returned to the small villa, Wei Si was sitting on the sofa watching TV. In this year, the technology of color TV was quite mature, but in Li Wei's opinion, the TV programs of this era seemed a bit boring.

The moment he came back, Levi had already changed out of his dress and back into the pajamas he was wearing before.

"Has the matter been resolved?" Weisi asked curiously.

"A local mafia family is causing trouble. The problem has been solved. The mafia organizations in Europe are really silent. They are both so high-profile. Do you really think that no one can control them?" Li Wei said, sat on the sofa, put his arms around Weisi's shoulders, and Weisi leaned into Li Wei's arms.

Weisi said: "The Mafia is a characteristic of Europe. After all, it has been developed here for hundreds of years. The Mafia has penetrated into every industry and has unclear relationships with many people. We want to clear out the Mafia. Party is not an easy thing.”

Levi said: "I am also aware of this. After all, Europe is an extremely economically developed environment and it is very easy for the mafia to breed. Even if one person is eliminated, another person will reoccupy the previous position. It will never be destroyed.”

You know, A-mei, you see, the official ban on alcohol gave birth to the largest mafia organization at that time. By selling private liquor, they accumulated a lot of wealth, and then the scale became bigger and bigger, which in turn affected you, A-mei. It depends on the country's regional officials. Therefore, as long as there is some sign of the existence of the mafia, it will immediately revive.

Levi said: "I know that the Mafia cannot be wiped out, so I plan to control relatively mild Mafia organizations and set rules for them to let them know what they can do and what they cannot do. Put this jackal away Tamed into shepherd dogs, when new wealth wolves invade this territory, these shepherd dogs will protect the local order out of their own interests."

Some things are better blocked than cleared. After all, there are so many countries in Europe that there is no way to have a strong overall execution power like in China. That's why mafia organizations can be so rampant and even influence the official to a certain extent. Mainly anti-customer.

Just like in these small cities, many local council members have entanglements with mafia organizations, but there is nothing that can be done about it, because if many things are not communicated with the local mafia, there is no way to implement them. It's quite troublesome for these mafias to get something done, but it's very simple for them to do bad things.

Weisi felt quite honored in her heart that Li Wei would tell her these things, which showed that Li Wei trusted her very much. After all, these things were very sensitive matters, involving the interests and safety of too many people, which made her feel that she It's like participating in major regional affairs.

Weisi is also very clear about her position. She knows that she is just one of Li Wei's women, so she will not ask for too much from Li Wei. It should be said that what Li Wei has given her now is enough. . Just in the afternoon, Weisi discovered that there was an extra document on the coffee table, and this document was a real estate certificate. She didn’t know when this villa had been designated in her name. Such a surprise made her a little bit nervous. I can't help but feel relieved.

Chapter. A big gift

The next morning, as soon as Sharmi got up, she heard the sound of vehicles outside the orphanage. She quickly got up and looked out through the bedroom window.

The bedroom on the third floor had a very good view. Charmi could see clearly that several high-end black cars were parked outside the orphanage. Such movement not only woke her up, but also made Dean Villante. Wake up.

The old man quickly changed his clothes, opened the door of the orphanage, and came to the courtyard, where Charmi had already arrived before her.

Dean Villante pulled Charmi and said, "What's going on? Do you know these people? They look like the mafia."

The people who got off the bus were all wearing neat black suits, and they looked quite capable. They were different from the ordinary mafia, giving people an elite feeling.

A man in a black suit walked out, stopped in front of the iron gate of the orphanage, and rang the doorbell.

Charmi and Villante came to the iron door and unlocked the iron door from the inside.

The man in the black suit asked politely: "Are they Ms. Charmy and Ms. Villante?"

"I am, what's the matter with you?" Dean Villante was a little uneasy, but she forced herself to calm down. After all, the other person was very polite, and she couldn't say bad words, even though the other person really looked like a mafia. That’s it.

The black suit said: "Good morning, madam, we are entrusted by Mr. Li to renovate the orphanage. I have to tell you about this in advance to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. By the way, Mr. Li's side , we plan to allocate 100,000 euros to the orphanage every year as the living expenses of the children, and this money will also make the operation of the orphanage easier."

Charme held Dean Villante's hand and whispered: "Dean, Mr. Li is the person who sent me back last night."

Dean Villante was a little surprised, lowered his voice and said, "Is he very rich? He is actually willing to help us like this? However, this may be his way of showing favor to you."

Ordinary people show goodwill by buying a bouquet of flowers or a small gift, but a wealthy person's show of goodwill is much more arrogant and directly gives a big gift.

Sharmi whispered: "I don't know, but I know that his name alone is enough to scare the local mafia families."

Dean Villante nodded. He turned out to be a big shot. No wonder he was like this. It is also beneficial to have such a big shot to protect her. At least the local gangsters will not dare to harass the orphanage anymore. This can save her a lot of trouble. In order to protect the children and caregivers in the orphanage, she has He had two pistols on him at all times. Now, the two pistols might be retired.

The black suit said: "Madam, I have brought a detailed transformation plan and contract. Can you find a place to explain it in detail?"

Villante opened the door and said: "Come in, this is not a place to entertain guests. Charmy, go prepare snacks and tea, don't neglect the guests."

Sharmi responded and ran towards the kitchen.

Through positioning, Levi looked at the situation on Charmi's side and knew that his trip was coming to an end. On the European side, Clausa's avatar had already asked his people to send out the special invitation letters. He didn't need more on his side. Tube.

As a superior, there is no need to do many things personally. After all, these things are not only cumbersome, but also very energy-consuming. If it were not for Mai Shiranui, Asamiya Athena and others, Levi would not have planned to receive this invitation. Yes, now that his goal has been achieved, he naturally doesn't need to run around anymore.


Two days later, Levi went to the clothing store again. Charmi was still lying on the counter as usual, drawing her own fashion designs. When she heard the bell hanging on the door ringing, she raised her head and saw Levi opening the door.

Charmi was a little surprised. She didn't expect that a big shot like Levi would come to her small shop frequently.

Li Wei smiled and said: "I am also drawing fashion design drawings today. Are you planning to participate in the Grand Prix when?"

Charmi said with some embarrassment: "I have participated in the Grand Prix competition before, but the judges said that my work was too earthy and only suitable for fat people."

Levi closed the door, put his coat on the hanger at the door, and said, "Those judges are really short-sighted. I think your work can win the first prize in the Grand Prix."

····Ask for flowers····

Sharmi said: "I'm very grateful for your comfort, but those judges don't think so. The style I like is popular in such small cities. I prefer to design the kind that ordinary people can wear without feeling. Clothes that will appear abrupt, but this does not conform to the mainstream aesthetics of the current clothing and fashion circle, what they want to pursue is the ultimate.”

Levi said: "I want to say that I am going back to Asia."

Hearing Levi's words, the smile on Charmi's face disappeared, and she said nervously: "Can't you just stay here?"

Charmi realized that she had asked a very stupid question. If Levi was going to stay here for a long time, he would not make a special trip here to tell her that he was going back to Asia.


Levi shook his head with a smile on his face.

Charmi bit her lower lip. If Levi left Europe, she didn't know when he would be able to come back. She didn't want to miss Levi like this. The long-distance relationship was too torturous for her.

Levi said: "Charmi, I'm here to invite you to leave with me."

Levi's words made Charmi a little unable to recover. She was a little tangled in her heart. Leaving this city meant saying goodbye to her past self and also leaving everyone in the orphanage. But staying here would be very helpful. Maybe it's a farewell to Levi.

She did not hesitate and said decisively: "I'll go with you. My dream is to become a famous fashion designer. Since my style can't be accepted here, then I will change places. I don't believe it. The style I like is There’s no chance of success.”

Sharmi, who was reserved and restrained, found a reasonable reason for herself. At least, this reason could convince her.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Over in Asia, Charmi, the style you design may be able to open up a new world, and I also have a stage for you to perform. Since you can't realize your dream here, then go Go show up in Asia. When you become a world-renowned fashion designer, you can use your achievements to slap those who looked down on you in the face."

Chapter. Long distance becomes short distance

Li Wei gave Charmi some time to say goodbye to the people around him. Now that the orphanage has funding from Li Wei, it no longer needs support from the clothing store, so Charmi can leave safely and boldly. Worried about orphanages.

Sharmi herself is a very decisive person. When she faced the threat of the mafia, she showed her decisive and capable side. She was not as fearful and panicked as an ordinary girl.

In addition, her social circle was very narrow, so it only took a few days to notify all her relatives and friends that she was leaving Europe.

Her relatives and friends were not surprised by Sharmi's departure. After all, they all knew about Sharmi's ambitions. However, on Falasi's side, Sharmi's ambitions could not be developed. In this case, why not It's better to go to other places. If the east is not bright, the west is bright. Maybe Sharmi can go to other places and become a well-known fashion designer.

Before leaving, Li Wei took Charmi to his small villa here, but this small villa was already under Wei Si's name.

In the living room, Weisi looked at Charmi who was dragging a suitcase, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward. Charmi did not expect to encounter such a situation. She knew that she was definitely not the only woman beside Levi, but she did not expect that she would meet other "companions" so soon.

"Hi...Charmy, right? I heard Li mentioned you. I am Weisi, and like you, I am Li's woman." Weisi took the initiative to break the awkwardness. Compared with the introverted Charmi, Weisi, who travels all over the world, is more outgoing, and she has already heard Li Wei mention Sharmi, so she has been mentally prepared for it.

"Uh-huh, I'm Charmi, hello..." Charmi's voice was quite low, and it was Weisi's hearing that was very sharp that allowed her to hear her.

Weisi put Charmi's luggage aside, took Charmi's hand, and said, "Do you find this kind of thing a bit hard to accept?"

Charmi was pulled by Wei Si and sat down on the sand. She nodded. After all, this was her first relationship, but her partner was a big shot who owned many women. She was just from Levi's back house. member.

She didn't dare to tell her relatives and friends about this kind of thing. People around her just thought she was going to Asia to develop, but they didn't know that she went to Asia because of Levi.

Asia was an unfamiliar place to her, and she didn't even know the language there. But even so, she still firmly chose to leave with Levi.

Wei Si said: "You and I are just members of Li Hou's house. Apart from me and you, he also has other women. I have been mentally prepared for this. As for you, you have to rely on yourself." It’s time to adjust.”

Charmi said: "Weisi, you are so amazing! You are able to accept such a thing without any psychological burden. I can't do it."

Weisi smiled and said: "Because I am a Mexican. In Mexico, a rich and powerful man will not have only one woman. The conjugal system is only used to restrain ordinary people. Powerful people, They want to expand their family power and spread it as far as possible, so there will be a lot of women, and they will have many heirs."

Charmi felt incredible in her heart. She had always stayed in the small city of Falaise. Except for participating in the fashion design competition and going to Barney, she had never been to other places.

It is precisely because of this that she doesn't know much about the outside world. She reacted like this after hearing Weisi say that powerful men in Mexico have multiple women.

In fact, this situation is very common not only in Mexico, but also in the eastern region and the White Elephant Kingdom and the Shemale Kingdom in Asia.

In fact, Weisi did not say that many women know that those powerful men have other women, but they still get close to them like moths to a flame. The reason is also very practical, that is, for a better life.

Not every woman wants to get rich through hard work with her own hands. There are also many young and beautiful girls who want to rely on their youth and beauty to give birth to heirs for powerful men, and then the mother will be more valuable than the son. Enter a wealthy family.

Although many girls are deceived because of such things, there are still many girls who are still happy to do such things. Even if they take huge risks, they are still willing to go to those powerful men, even if those men are old enough. Be their father, or even their grandfather.

If those girls know that there is someone like Li Wei, who is not only young and rich, but also handsome and handsome, those girls who want to reach the sky will definitely surround Li Wei. Don't think that such a thing is very strange. Exaggeration, in this rampant country, why the life of the rich is so rotten is because too many people yearn for a better life but cannot get it... .

Charmi was still a little unable to recover and said: "The girls in Mexico are really amazing, but that's not the case here in Europe."

Weisi smiled and said: "That's just the surface. I have been traveling in Europe for a long time. I have stayed in various countries for a while. I don't dare to say that my understanding of the local area can be as good as the locals, but it can be considered There is considerable understanding.”

Charmi showed a curious expression. She had almost never left this small town and her understanding of the outside world was extremely limited. Therefore, Wei Si, who was so knowledgeable, made her a little envious.

Weisi said: "Here in Europe, the French are the most confused about relationships. Polyamory is very common here. The Chinese are particularly fond of homosexuality, and the Germans are superficially conservative when it comes to relationships. , In fact, the inner strength is as wild as that of the Mexicans. Moreover, the average number of partners owned by powerful men in Falaise is the highest in Europe."

When Sharmi listened to Weisi's words, it felt like a new world had opened up.

At this time, Levi, who had already packed his luggage, came back and said: "You don't have to think that this is a long trip. In fact, we are using magic to teleport directly to Asia, without taking a plane. , it only takes a few seconds to come and go. Even if you stay in Asia during the day and come back here to rest at night, it won't be a problem."

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