Levi said: "Yes, whatever I do, besides doing it for you, I do it for myself. Becoming an idol is your dream and something you enjoy. If you put the cart before the horse and make yourself feel If you feel uncomfortable, then this kind of thing should stop. After all, if an idol cares too much about the opinions of others, or the opinions of fans, then sooner or later he will be kidnapped by his own psychological baggage, and will eventually become more and more tired. Then one day, I will be exhausted and quit the idol industry.”

Levi believes that no one owes anyone anything in his life, so don’t care too much about other people’s opinions, just do your own thing well and live in the present.

Asamiya Athena is not one of those people who become idols for the sake of living. With him, Asamiya Athena will not be short of money and will not have any problems in life, so she becomes an idol just to satisfy herself. Just a dream.

Therefore, what Levi has to do is to try not to cause psychological pressure on her as much as possible, and at the same time let her know that she does not owe strangers who she does not know at all, and there is no need to add psychological pressure to herself because of some messy things. burden.

Athena Asamiya said incredulously: "Don't idols exist to satisfy the wishes of fans? Can this kind of existence that goes its own way be called an idol?"

Levi said: "Athena, you rely on your works to speak, rather than simply pleasing fans. As long as you don't make obvious mistakes and don't have any bad habits that ordinary people cannot accept, then who cares what you like to do?" Got you? It's okay to be kind, but not everyone deserves to be treated kindly. You will find that some of your fans are not even good people, so all you have to do is not directly offend them. If anyone If you dare to push it, I will help you deal with it."

It's the New Year, and the Internet has not yet developed, so it is much easier to deal with trolls who like to spray randomly than from outside, and it is also easier to control the impact to a minimum.

In Levi's view, Asamiya Athena is still too soft-hearted, and she has not yet realized how terrifying the evil of human nature can be.

Without his protection, Asamiya Athena's road to becoming an idol would never have been smooth sailing. She would have suffered a lot of injustice. Only after paying the full tuition fee would she know what she should do.

"Oh, I always feel like what you said, Li Weijun, is very profound, but I know you won't harm me, so I listen to you." Asamiya Athena said with a smile.

Athena Asamiya stopped in front of a marshmallow stall, pointed at the marshmallows being made, and said with anticipation: "Can I eat this?"

"Of course, but there are many more delicious things here, why would you want this?" Levi said with a smile.

"Because when I was abandoned by my parents, I was so scared that I cried. The master saw me in the mountains and made a marshmallow for me using the candy he was carrying at the time. So I stopped crying. So when I saw the marshmallow , I always think of many things." Athena Asamiya had a smile on her face. She had faced up to her past and was able to deal with such sad things calmly.

Because of her own experience, Athena Asamiya is more mature and sensible than her peers, but this maturity and sensibleness is actually based on the fear of being abandoned and her inferiority complex.

It took Zhen Yuanzhai several years to untie the knot in Asamong Athena's heart, so that she would not lose control of her emotions now that she thought about her abandonment.

Levi gently rubbed Asamiya Athena's head and said, "An Xin, you have me by your side now, and I will make you one of the happiest girls in the world."

Athena Asamiya smiled and said: "I am already the happiest girl in the world now."

Li Wei paid the money, and the owner of the marshmallow stand quickly made the marshmallows. Now the marshmallows are getting more and more fancy and can be made into various shapes. Originally, Li Wei only wanted to give Ma the marshmallows. Gong Athena bought one, but when she knew it, she couldn't help but bought one herself.

A tall and handsome man with a height of 4 meters and an Araki line on his face, holding a cute marshmallow in his hand. Even Levi himself felt a little embarrassed by this scene. He didn't care about other people's eyes, but When people in the whole street looked at him with expressions like "Oh, so you are such a tough guy," even Levi, who was as thick-skinned as a city wall, couldn't resist.

Athena Asamiya looked at Levi with a tangled face and smiled. At the same time, she was laughing in her heart. It turns out that a "tough guy" like Levi can be as cute as he is now.

"Ahem, I'm just nostalgic for my childhood. Yes, I also liked marshmallows when I was a child. But when I grow up, I am embarrassed to buy marshmallows anymore because it will make me look like a child." Levi broke the jar and said.

Athena Asamiya smiled and said: "But I heard Miss Wangui say that men are childish. Even if they are ten years old, they will be as childish as a 10-year-old child."

Levi's mouth twitched, he felt like he was shot, he was that childish person who was "too old" and still liked to play with plastic little figures. He obviously couldn't play Yu-Gi-Oh Duel, but he still collected cards.

When Levi passes the model shop now, looking at the exquisitely made models, he still looks like a child with longing eyes. Wan Gui's words, to a certain extent, can be regarded as poking him into a sieve.

Chapter. Special gift giving

The invisible camera made by Levi constantly captures beautiful photos of Asamiya Athena. It has to be said that when the beauty reaches a certain level, there is really no blind spot. No matter which angle you take the photo from, it is So beautiful.

In particular, Asamiya Athena turned around with a half-bitten marshmallow, and the dancing threads, as well as the little bits of sugar residue stuck to the corners of her mouth, made her look even more adorable.

Things like marshmallows are just fake. They look big, but in fact they are only small balls when pinched. After a while, the two of them finished their marshmallows.

Both of them are big eaters, so they started a food-foraging journey, and all kinds of snacks went into their stomachs. In addition, Asamiya Athena also tried to shoot cans with an air gun. Her marksmanship is better than that of ordinary people. Even though she didn't use super powers to cheat, she still got the prize, a soft and furry crab doll.

"Unconsciously, it's almost dinner time. After eating such a snack in the afternoon, can I still eat dinner?" Levi said.

At this time, the two of them were sitting on the bench, with a lot of cardboard boxes piled up next to them. These garbage were all made by the two of them.

Athena Asamiya blushed a little and said, "After eating so much, I feel like I'm only half full."

Levi said: "Actually, I feel the same way. Do you feel embarrassed? A girl eats too much or something?"

Athena Asamiya nodded and said nothing. She always has a large appetite. After all, whether it is the growth of superpowers or martial arts training, a lot of nutrients will be consumed, so her appetite is larger than that of adult men. Eating enough food for several people in one meal is just a drizzle. If Mai Shiranui and others weren't around, she would have controlled her food intake even smaller.

After all, with big eater like Mai Shiranui and others around, her big eater attribute won't be so conspicuous.

"However, have you gained weight?" Levi laughed.

Athena Asamiya shook her head. She had a physique that would not make her fat no matter how much she ate. All the food and nutrients she ate were consumed by her daily superpower and martial arts exercises. Coupled with her daily exercise, her figure It is very well-proportioned, and because of exercise, her skin is tighter than that of ordinary people.

"Isn't that enough? As long as you don't get fat, there will be no problem. Okay, let's go back now, but we have to go back to the company first. After all, in the eyes of others, we should still be in the company." Levi said.

Athena Asamiya nodded, and the two found an alley. Levi activated the teleportation, and the two figures disappeared from the alley in an instant.

After all, Levi and Asamiya Athena have hidden their abilities from the outside world. It is precisely because of this that they need to go back to check in first. After returning to the agency, Athena Asamiya put on her previous uniform. After getting ready, Levi took her out of the agency and teleported directly back to the Kagura family mansion.

Levi's mansion here could actually be completed in a matter of days, but in order not to be too shocking, Levi had to delay the completion of the mansion for a while so that the completion of the mansion would not appear so abrupt.

However, if we calculate the time, it is a relatively appropriate time to complete the mansion in the past few days. After all, this generation of neon is called an infrastructure madman, so the completion at this time is still within the acceptable range of ordinary people. within.

After returning to the Kagura Family Mansion, the Fire Snake Puppet rushed to the Kagura Family Mansion. Li Weibei asked the Fire Snake Puppet to send the photo to Chongguo, and related to the photo, there was a letter written by Asamiya Athena to him Letter from master and senior brother.

The ever-changing fire snake puppet, after changing its appearance, came to the Kagura family mansion grandly and took the letter from Athena Asamiya from Levi's hand. As for the photos, they are stored separately in order not to leave any evidence.

The photos have been specially processed. After Zhiquan Chong browses the photos, those photos will be automatically destroyed. Even if Zhiquan Chong has super powers, he cannot prevent such a thing.

After getting the letter, the Fire Snake Puppet used the transmission beacon arranged in advance by the main body to directly come to the small town at the foot of Mount Lu. There was not much time difference between Neon and Chongguo, so it was appropriate to send the letter at this time.

At this time, the Fire Snake Puppet transformed into a young man in a black suit and drove into the town in a car that had been prepared in advance. At this time, the number of cars in the country is not high, and the number of luxury cars is very small, so the new Mercedes-Benz sedan that Levi moved from the future attracted the attention of the town residents.

The train puppet parked the car outside Zhenyuanzhai Courtyard, got out of the car, opened the trunk of the car, and took out various gifts prepared in advance.

After dinner, Zhen Yuanzhai, who was enjoying the cool air in the yard, was a little surprised when he saw a car parked outside the yard.

Zhen Yuanzhai looked at the young man in black suit who knocked on the wooden fence of the courtyard, stood up from the folding chair, walked to the door, and said: "Young man, who are you looking for?"

The Fire Snake Puppet smiled politely and said, "Is this Mr. Zhenyuanzhai?"

Zhen Yuanzhai, who was smoking this dry tobacco, put out the pot in his hand and said, "I am Zhen Yuanzhai."

The Fire Snake Puppet said: "Then I'm not looking in the wrong place. I have a letter from Miss Fengma Palace Athena here, as well as some gifts. These gifts are from Miss Athena's heart."

Zhen Yuanzhai was a little surprised and said: "I didn't expect this kid to still remember me, an old man. I just accepted the things. Have you had dinner?"

The fire snake puppet smiled and said: "I dealt with it briefly in the car. After the things are delivered, I have to go back to recover. By the way, is Mr. Zhiquan Chong here? There are some things here prepared for him. .”

Zhen Yuanzhai said: "They are inside, you can see them when you go in."

The Fire Snake Puppet nodded and carried all the gifts into the house. At the same time, he also saw Zhi Quan Chong who was watching TV. Zhi Quan Chong also noticed the Fire Snake Puppet entering the house and went too far. Come on, looking at the big and small bags, I still can’t get back to my senses.

"Who are you?" Zhiquan Chong asked.

"Hello, Mr. Zhiquan Chong, I'm here to send a gift to my boss. My boss respects Li Wei. I was here last time and sent an invitation letter. This time, I'm here to send a gift to my boss. These are It’s all Miss Athena’s wish.” The Fire Snake Puppet smiled.

Zhiquan Chong nodded. He still felt panicked about the fact that Asamiya Athena left Chongguo. He felt uneasy when he thought that his beloved girl was by the side of a strange man.

After learning that the person in front of him was sent by Li Wei to deliver gifts, he felt even more unhappy.

Chapter. I will take good care of Athena

Zhiquan Chong said: "How is Athena doing at Neon?"

After the fire snake puppet put down all the gifts, he said: "Miss Athena is doing well in Neon, please don't worry."

"Is that so..." Zhiquan Chong felt that his heart was severely blocked. He hated himself for being so powerless that he couldn't even protect his beloved girl.

The fire snake puppet said: "By the way, my boss asked me to send something to Mr. Zhi, please wait a moment."

Under Zhi Quan Chong's gaze, the Fire Snake Puppet took out a brown paper envelope from his pocket and placed it in front of Zhi Quan Chong.

"What is this?" Zhiquan Chong asked doubtfully.

"I don't know either. I only know that the boss asked me to give it to you, sir. I don't dare to dismantle the boss's things. Since the things have been delivered, I will leave first." The Fire Snake Puppet said with a smile.

Zhiquan Chong nodded and said, "Let's go slowly without seeing him off."

After watching the fire snake puppet leave, Zhiquan Chong no longer suppressed his curiosity and opened the brown paper bag. Inside was a stack of very clear photos.

"These photos...are they Athena?!" Zhiquan Chong said in surprise.

The first photo shows Athena wearing a short kimono, holding a marshmallow in her hand, looking back and smiling. This scene was captured by the camera and became an eternal moment.

The astonishing beauty came to his face. Zhiquan Chong felt that his mind went blank. He did not expect that Asamiya Athena, who had changed her clothes, would be so beautiful. It must be said that Athena looked stunning in this outfit. Really beautiful, Zhiquan Chong felt that he was at a loss for words. After searching in his mind for a long time, he didn't know what adjectives he should use to describe the beauty of Asamiya Athena.

Zhiquan Chong felt that he could treasure this photo because Asamiya Athena in this photo was so beautiful.

He took the first photo away and looked at the second photo below. However, this first photo almost made him so angry that he had a cerebral hemorrhage, because the first photo was in the dance practice room;??'?,;备' :Use;'."!,";:,,!'''",:,'In the scene, Levi and Asamiya Athena are hugging each other, the two people are close to each other, their eyes are facing each other, that kind of ambiguity The atmosphere is almost overflowing and 『"::;.,』;':"?.':?.『:.'"'"!』;!!.?;.;"' comes out.

Seeing this photo, Zhiquan Chong's teeth were almost broken. The first photo was immediately wrinkled by his grip.

Zhiquan Chong endured the anger in his heart and continued to read. The photos that followed were all the ambiguous interactions between Levi and Asamiya Athena in their lives. Looking at the shy expression of Asamiya Athena in the photo, Zhiquan Chong I just feel like my heart is bleeding.

There is a scene of Levi and Asamiya Athena sitting on the corridor eating watermelon, a scene of two people holding hands in the courtyard, a scene of two people sitting on the roof admiring the moon, and two people leaning on the railing by the river, feeding Picture of ornamental fish in the river.

Every photo here is like a sharp knife for Zhiquan Chong, stabbing his heart with blood.

When I saw the last photo, there was a small note on the photo, which said in dragon and phoenix handwriting, "Athena is very happy. Brother, please rest assured, I will take good care of her and prevent her from being wronged."

Seeing the words on the note, Zhi Quan Chong was completely outraged and kicked over the table next to him.

Zhiquan Chong was breathing heavily, his eyes were blood red. He was now like an angry beast. Any living creature that appeared in front of him would face his attack.

Zhen Yuanzhai, who happened to walk in, saw Zhi Quan Chong, who was ejaculating. He frowned and said, "Why are you so crazy? The table was overturned by you. How angry are you? You have to vent your anger on things." .”

"Master, photos!" Zhiquan Chong said unwillingly.

"What photo? What nonsense are you talking about." Zhen Yuanzhai was stunned for a moment and looked around, but he didn't see the photo that Zhiquan Chong was talking about.

Zhiquan Chong looked around. He could no longer see the photos of people dancing in the sky. What he saw just now was like an illusion.

"Is it an illusion?" Zhiquan Chong touched the back of his head with a confused expression on his face.

"Hmph, brat, I asked you to watch some pornographic tapes. You will hallucinate. The amount of training will be doubled tomorrow." Zhen Yuanzhai said with a glare.

"Ah? Master, the amount of training this month has been doubled. If it is doubled again, people will die!" Zhiquan cried out.

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