Li Wei smiled and said: "Are you willing to give me such a good thing?"

Fu Ji said: "This secret treasure is too dangerous for us. After participating in two Red Devil battlefields, the tribe in the distant place suffered heavy casualties and was on the verge of annihilation. So the patriarch Zhai Si ordered me to destroy this secret treasure. But I couldn't bear it, so I found a fake and destroyed it in front of everyone. They all thought that this thing had completely disappeared. However, the danger to us is not a problem at all to you, sir."

Li Wei picked up the ruby. The ability of this ruby ​​was exactly as described by Huoji. This gem was indeed very dangerous to the tribes in the distant land, but for him, it was a good place to farm. .

Moreover, Levi also knew the origin of this gem. The plot of "The King of Fighters vs. Street Fighter" is the beginning of the CVS series. Unexpectedly, all of this was done by the Far Far Away Tribe behind the scenes. It has to be said that the Far Far Over Tribe is indeed the top troublemaker in the world.

But now the plot has undergone huge changes. This gem that can open the "battlefield" fell into his hands. This gem can do a lot of things.

In fact, Huoji's description is still inaccurate, but considering that the distant tribe has only participated in two bloody battles, it is good to be able to describe the ability of this gem to this extent.

This gem can pull at least two, and no more than four world's top experts into the space to participate in a big brawl, and the prize is also uncertain. It may be power, it may be treasure, or it all depends on the winner. What is the deepest desire in your heart.

And this gem also has a "backdoor", which is the opportunity for the initiator to escape from the space without loss, which is equivalent to bringing an invincible return to the city. This is something that the tribe in the distant place does not know.

The tribe of the distant place was able to win two bloody battles. It can be seen that the overall strength of the opponents in the first two bloody battles was not too strong. With this gem, after Li Wei prepared to deal with the big snake, he went to that space to see if there was any oil. Can be fished.

Levi smiled and said: "I like this thing very much. I am not a harsh boss."

In the palm of Levi's hand, a delicately decorated golden box appeared. When the box was opened, there was a fragrant elixir inside.

Fuji could feel the huge energy contained in this elixir, and his eyes almost went straight.

After taking the elixir, Fuji quickly put it into his storage space, as if he was afraid that Li Wei would take it back.

The tea in the cup in front of Levi came out and formed a string of numbers in the air.

"If you have anything to do, just type this number. Normally I won't restrict you. You can do whatever you want. I just hope that when you need to execute the order, you can complete it beautifully." Levi smiled.

"I promise to live up to your trust." Fu Ji made a hand gesture.

"Okay, just do what you have to do. I think that guy from Zhaisi has also assigned you a lot of tasks. You can be considered a busy man." Li Wei smiled lightly.

"Then I'll take my leave first." Fu Ji stood up, the space was distorted, and he had already ran a thousand meters away.

As a clan from a distant land, the one who is most slippery with space abilities is the LV version of Shirai Kuroko, who is also physically extremely powerful and can form an army with brute force.

Li Wei knew that Fu Ji would not be loyal to him, but it would be good to use Fu Ji to achieve things that he would not be able to do, or even make him worship in disgust.

Levi looked at the ruby ​​​​in his hand. This ruby ​​alone would cost more than 70,000 points in the system's redemption options. Strictly speaking, he made a lot of money this time.

Chapter. Results of the semi-finals

When Fuji had left Li Wei's range of perception, Li Wei withdrew his gaze. In his opinion, Zhai Si was the most unworthy boss among all the previous boxing kings, so that his subordinates were alienated from each other and started fighting among themselves. The whole clan was in a state of uproar.

Look at the Orochi Familia. Although there are some children in the clan, they are very united as a whole. As the leader, Goenitz is also a charismatic being, so he is loved by the clan members.

As for Zhai Si, he completely relied on violence to rule the clan, especially after Zhai Si killed his subordinate Wu Jie (the final boss of The King of Fighters), which caused the entire clan to become alienated. Even a loyal and meritorious member of the clan like Wu Jie can kill him. Who dares to work as a laborer for such a boss?

So in "The King of Fighters", when Zhai Si dies, the entire tribe in the distant land immediately falls to the ground and scatters, and everyone runs away. No one will think about inheriting Zhai Si's legacy or avenging him, but Zhai Si How unpopular it is to be enshrined in the clan.

Even a person like Fu Ji, who has a high status in the clan, is thinking about jumping off the ship. You can imagine how much pressure Zhai Si puts on the people around him.

Zhai Si's character is too arrogant. He is a despicable existence for human beings. This is understandable, after all, the positions are different. However, the companions of the Zhaisi clan are all weak and cannon fodder that can be discarded at will. This is a bit too much. Goenitz from the Orochi clan next door has never used his subordinates as cannon fodder, but instead tries his best to use them as cannon fodder. It enhances the overall strength of the clan. This alone can tell the difference between the two people.

Levi shook his head, feeling a little regretful. All three of his points collection quotas in this world have been used up. One was given to Goenitz, one to Zhiquan Chong, and one to Andy Bo. Gad.

He didn't expect that the tribe from the distant land would appear at this time, so the three quotas were completely used. If possible, he would like to give a quota to Zhaisi.

Zhai Si, who is extremely proud, is a good target that can squeeze out a lot of points. For such a thing, Li Wei can't do anything else except say it's a pity. If he couldn't extract points, he would be a waste. If it weren't for the evil spirits who came to surrender, he wouldn't want to pay attention to the people from the distant land clan. As long as they didn't actively sabotage his plan, he would be too lazy to come out and swat the flies.

Levi sighed and said: "It's a pity that when the red magic gem brings powerful people from other worlds, they choose the world randomly. Otherwise, it can cause trouble. After all, I am not a good person. If I don't do some earth-shattering bad things, I always feel that I am not doing enough." Something happened~'."

The arrival of Fuji did not affect Li Wei's plan. Li Wei was still paying attention to the movements of the Orochi family. He didn't care at all who lost or won the current King of Fighters tournament. His fundamental goal was Orochi.

The three artifact families who worked together to defeat the incomplete Orochi in the original plot were nothing more than a medium to Levi. And now that the official competition has begun, the Orochi Familia can gather emotional power much faster. The fanatical emotions of tens of thousands of people provide continuous movement power for the huge magic circle lurking underground.

In order for the big snake to appear as soon as possible, Levi also pushed behind the scenes, setting the ticket price at a relatively favorable price, and organizing various activities to attract as many tourists to the venue as possible, turning these tourists into underground giants. The power of the magic formation comes.

Now, both Levi and the Orochi Familia were smiling happily.

After the preliminary round, the game finally entered the second half, and various characters familiar to players of the King of Fighters series also began to emerge at this stage.

However, Levi is not very interested in big men fighting on stage, and with this level of strength, for him, no matter how many times he comes, it is just a gift. Just like an adult, would he like to watch three-year-olds fighting? Levi is now in such a situation. To ordinary people, a fighter who is extremely powerful is just a child wrestling with his bare hands.

The underground energy-gathering array has gathered extremely huge power. The power of the array is turned into electrical energy, which is enough for humans around the world to use it for hundreds of years and still have a surplus.

If the emotional energy technology mastered by the Orochi Familia could be applied to individuals, it might be possible to mass-produce an incomplete version of the Hulk. The angrier the Hulk is, the stronger he gets, and this method of emotional energy can also make a person more excited and stronger. From this point of view, the two are very close.

After more than half a month of competition, the competition has entered the final process, and the four teams in the semi-finals have already determined their candidates. They are the hostile team led by Kamian, the protagonist team led by Kusanagi Kyo, and the extreme flow team of the extreme flow dojo. The last of the four teams in the semifinals is the angry team that was not favored before, led by Hardiron. A mercenary team composed of Ralph and Clark.

This team, which had never participated in the King of Fighters competition, defeated all its opponents and made all the viewers realize how terrifying these mercenaries were.

For the semi-final draw, Levi claimed that he used a computer draw to ensure absolute fairness, but in fact he used a secret operation to avoid the early duel between Kusanagi Kyo and Kamian. After all, these old enemies would not be able to win in the semi-final. If the winner is determined, it would be meaningless.

Therefore, the semi-finals were played behind closed doors and turned into a hostile team versus an angry team, and a protagonist team versus an extreme team.

Team Fury and Team Extreme Style were both led by senior masters. The teams led by Kamian and Kyo Kusanagi both won relatively ugly games.

After all, both Kusanagi Kyo and Shinan are relatively young now, and their strength is not as mature as it will be in the future, so it is very difficult to face the older masters.

On Kusanagi Kyo's side, two masters, Daimonro and Kaido Benimaru, defeated Ryo Sakazaki and Robert. In the end, Daimonro used injury-for-injury play to create a chance for Kusanagi Kyo to win.

On Shen'an's side, his teammates performed pretty well. Tenhei Kusama from Iga Ninja defeated Clark, and the mysterious young man Kammu from Naomi Okikuni unexpectedly fought with Ralph to the death. The two of them laughed and fainted at the same time.

But it's not that Shenwu's strength can be compared with Ralph, but that Shenwu was lucky enough to hit Ralph's valve, so they were able to fight to the death.

Half an hour later, Ralph woke up, but Shenwu was seriously injured and sent to the hospital. According to the doctor's diagnosis, he needed to recuperate in the hospital for half a year. This is the result of Ralph not taking a heavy blow. If Ralph showed his true strength, Shenwu would probably be beaten to death in the ring.

On Shin'an's side, they faced the opponent's final player Hardilon in the semifinals, and the win was not good-looking. Hadilon was not a professional fighter, but a professional mercenary who knew how to weigh the pros and cons. After determining that there was no benefit in defeating Shen'an, and that he had completed his employer's mission, he used a casual tactic to lose to the nunnery. He defeated Shen'an and allowed Shen'an to remain in good condition to face his old enemy.

However, Shen'an, who was arrogant in his heart, did not accept Hadilon's kindness. On the contrary, he felt humiliated because of Hadilon's letting go.

Chapter. Final moment

After the semi-finals, the King of Fighters competition also ushered in a rest period. After all, the finals to determine the champion require both players to return to their peak condition in order to create a relatively fair competitive environment.

Kyo Kusanagi suffered a serious injury in the duel with Takuma Sakazaki, and on Kamian's side, due to serious injuries to his teammates, additional players were needed to start the finals.

As one of the winners of the semi-finals, under special circumstances like this, Shen'an has special rights to select a player from all the losing teams to be "resurrected" and participate in the finals as a member of the semi-final winning team.

Shen'an also chose Terry Bogarde as his teammate with great foresight. Although on Levi's side, Terry was used as a combat power calculation unit for a long time. But this does not mean that Terry is weak. Terry can be said to be the most powerful player among all the contestants, excluding the older masters.

While the players and spectators were repairing, the venue was also being renovated. After all, the fighters were very destructive, and the arena used for the competition had already been damaged into tatters, so they took advantage of the "rest". At this time, the Kagura family also sent its construction team to renovate the arena.

This kind of thing frightened the Orochi Familia, and Goenitz couldn't eat for several days, which made Levi, who was watching all this behind the scenes, want to laugh.

In fact, the Kagura family knew about the huge energy gathering circle under the venue because of Li Wei's advance notice, but because of Li Wei's guarantee, they turned a blind eye and pretended not to have seen it.

Otherwise, as long as the Kagura family is willing to explore deeper into such a huge energy-gathering array, they will always be able to find some clues. However, in order not to ruin Li Wei's plan, Qianhe and Wangui both acquiesced to the existence of the energy-gathering magic circle and asked the construction team to avoid touching the underground parts and cracks as much as possible when renovating the arena. Just fill it with mud. You only need to fix the top part so that there is no problem from the appearance.


Li Wei's mansion, a small garden full of flowers, Li Wei and Wan Gui sat opposite each other in the pavilion.

"I didn't expect that the decisive battle would come so soon. The efficiency of the Orochi Familia's actions was far faster than we imagined." Wan Gui said with a sigh.

The mission of the Kagura family for thousands of years was finally coming to an end in her generation, which made her feel emotional and very excited. In the past, she always thought about how to maintain a relative balance with the Orochi Familia. As long as she could ensure As long as Orochi's seal is stable, how could it be like now that there is such an idea of ​​​​completely solving Orochi.

Levi said: "After all, we have cooperated so well. If we pretend to be blind again, I will have to doubt Goenitz's judgment. This is an opportunity for them, but it is also an opportunity for us. They will not think that I After using some tricks on the energy-gathering array, and setting up more matching restraint arrays on the periphery, the big snake will be shackled with heavy shackles the moment it revives."

Before mastering the emotional energy technology in the hands of the Orochi Familia, Levi had to pay a certain price if he wanted to restrain the Orochi. He was mentally prepared to use his points, but the technology given by the Orochi Familia, Allowing him to save a huge amount of necessary expenses.

"It's finally over..." Wan Gui's mood is very complicated now, and she can't describe her mood at this time.

"My mission is finally over. Once I finish this mess here, I plan to take a long vacation for myself." Levi said with a smile.

"Li Weijun, aren't you on vacation right now? Anyway, I rarely see you, Li Weijun, doing serious business." Wan Gui said with a smile.

The corner of Levi's mouth twitched. Although he was a fish monster, he still got down to business. It's just that his body was not busy. The Gith clone and Krausa clone were mediating with the Orochi Familia during this period. Try to make the plan advance as smoothly as possible, but it is impossible for Levi to say these things.

After all, the art of puppet avatar is his core technology, and it is also a core secret. He does not want people to notice the connection between himself and the puppet avatar, so he deliberately keeps a distance from many things and tries to avoid his role in the incident as much as possible. of effort.

It is normal for Wan Gui to think that Li Wei is trying to fish. People believe that what they see is what they see. If they cannot see, they will naturally not believe it.

"Next, it will be my busiest time. I have to make sure there are no problems with the magic circle." Levi said.


After the rest, the King of Fighters Tournament ushered in the finals. On this day, fighting enthusiasts from all over the world packed the entire venue. The audience cheered before the game even started. With colorful flags, latte art, whistles, and their enthusiasm, the audience turned the entire venue into a carnival venue.

Li Wei came to the lounge where Shen'an and others were. Shen'an looked at Li Wei, frowned, and said, "Are you here to see my joke?"

Levi smiled and said: "Young man, you are the one who won the semi-finals. No matter what happens, you will be the runner-up in this competition. You may still have a chance to win the championship. Who do you think is qualified to laugh at you?"

Any fighter who can reach the current height is proud enough. The extreme flow dojo has gained a lot of popularity during this period. The fighting style is very wide-ranging, and the completion time is shorter than other extreme styles. During this time, there were dozens more disciples, and these disciples came from all over the world to see the promotion effect of the King of Fighters Tournament.

Although the Shen family does not need disciples, they themselves are in the neon elite circle. In this King of Fighters competition, the Shen family has made its name. During this time, Shen'an's father has received a lot of hospitality. Few distinguished guests. Although no direct benefits can be seen in the short term, fame itself is a kind of wealth, and it is not a complicated matter to monetize fame.

"If you participate, the champion of the King of Fighters competition will definitely not be anyone else, but you. If you don't participate, this competition will be like a farce." Shen'an said.

Although Shen'an has not directly fought against Li Wei, he is quite well-informed. You can find out what Li Wei's past record is by asking around. Even his arch-rival Kyo Kusanagi was defeated miserably by Levi, and he was killed instantly in just a few moves.

In other words, even if he faced Levi, he would be killed within a few moves. It was precisely because of this that he felt that this competition was a farce, and that he and Kusanagi Kyoto had become clowns on the stage.

Chapter.Additional head

Levi smiled and said: "I am not participating because I have more important things to do."

"Is it more important than the title of the champion of the King of Fighters Tournament?" Shen'an still looked cold on the surface, but he was a little curious on the inside.

"Of course, soon, the King of Fighters Tournament will turn into a deadly stage. I have made preparations to evacuate people, and you and Kusanagi Kyo will be involved in this incident whether they like it or not. "Levi smiled.

"Do you have to say it in this riddle-like way? What I hate most is to only say half of the words and then let people guess the answer." Shen'an said with a cold face.

Although Shen'an is proud in his heart, this pride can also be divided into objects. A strong man like Li Wei is worthy of his respect.

Li Wei smiled and said: "For this kind of thing, if you think about the historical mission of the Three Artifacts Family, you will know -"

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