Both the Gith clone and the Krausa clone have very powerful anti-air capabilities, and they also have the ability to stay in the air for a short period of time. Gonitz, who has air superiority, will be restrained by Gale Fist or Caesar Wave every time he wants to escape from the battle. , time fell into a bitter struggle.

Goenitz's defeat was only a matter of time, and the Orochi Familia faced an encirclement and suppression by two heavily armed members of the organization, and the casualties were also quite heavy.

It is true that ordinary weapons can't do anything to the Orochi Familia. After all, these are monsters that can dodge bullets per person. However, for the Gith clone and Krausa clone, their people brought out various weapons that were still being tested, including Electromagnetic accelerators and laser weapons, no matter how fast the Orochi Familia are, can they be faster than the laser particle flow? A special warhead faster than electromagnetic acceleration?

Relying on various high-tech weapons, the casualty rate of the Orochi Familia broke through the warning line in a very short period of time. Goenitz saw this and was anxious in his heart, but he was held back by Levi's two clones and was unable to rescue the members of the family. In this battle, the family would suffer heavy losses even if the entire army was not annihilated.

Chapter 4. Orochi’s transformation

The battle situation on the ground has become very clear. Faced with the encirclement and suppression by the two organizations, the Orochi clan is in doom. Even if they can escape a few kittens and puppies, it will not affect the overall situation, and Goenitz is firmly trapped. The Gith clone and Krausa's clone were entangled, and it was already too much to take care of.

In the sky, the battle between Li Wei and Orochi is still going on. Orochi has finally wiped out the existence of the ancient immortal cultivators, and is now resurrected in full glory. Naturally, his strength is beyond words, even if he has been suppressed to this level. , the confrontation with Li Wei still failed in a short period of time.

"Your family members are about to be destroyed. Are you just going to watch like this?" Levi likes to use words to stimulate his opponents. Even when facing a big snake, he will still use this technique.

"They have completed their historical mission, and my dependents will not die in the true sense. They will just return to the center of the earth. After recasting their souls, they will still return to me." Orochi said.

The Orochi Familia is to the earth what the immune system is to the human body. The ecological balance of the earth must be maintained by the Orochi Familia. Therefore, the Orochi has made preparations in advance. The fallen members of the Familia will respond in various ways. Resurrection.

When humans are wiped out, the members of the Familia will no longer stick to their human form, but will resurrect in various animal forms to adapt to the current ecological circle. The members of the Orochi Familia now maintain their human appearance because this appearance allows them to move easily in human society.

Of course, the convenient life in human society has also caused some members of the Orochi Familia to become "corrupted" and no longer want to eat their hair and drink their blood like before.

"Really? Then if you, as the subject, are killed, they will have no hope of resurrection and can only be lonely ghosts." Levi laughed.

"If you can do it, give it a try, human." As a being who has survived for who knows how many years, Orochi's mentality is far beyond that of humans. He has experienced all kinds of storms and waves, and faced Levi's trash talk. , there is still no sadness or joy on his face, and there is no fluctuation in his heart.

For Orochi, Jieji is like the immune system in his body, and it is also a useful tool. If the tool is damaged, it will not affect his mood.

Although his movement is blocked by the golden chain, Orochi still has certain advantages in maneuvering in a small area. With his spatial ability, he can appear anywhere, and even use the space superposition effect to make himself appear in different places at the same time. In all directions, attack at the same time.

However, what surprised Orochi was that his attack was only slightly better than tickling for Levi. All kinds of attacks hit Li Wei, who did not dodge, but they were all absorbed by the golden armor on Li Wei's body. His attack had just made some cracks in the armor, and the golden armor's powerful self-healing ability was enough. The previous damage has been repaired.

Orochi's expression became solemn. Li Wei was far from being comparable to the ancient immortal cultivators he had defeated before. This layer of armor alone made him somewhat incompetent.

Li Wei had a smile on his face that said he was sure of victory. He calculated mentally or not, and with his equipment advantage, he now had the tail of victory in hand. He has never been a hot-blooded person who likes taking risks. Compared to having an upright and passionate duel with the enemy, he prefers to be like a spider spinning a web, making preparations in advance and then killing the enemy.

After testing the attack limit of the big snake, Levi knew it in his mind. In his opinion, the big snake was not good at fighting. He is a dodge-type "~" who has enough defense but not enough offense. For an enemy like this with insufficient damage, he can completely exchange injuries with the opponent.

Faced with the current situation, Orochi knew that he was in great danger. A large number of golden chains not only isolated the connection between the inner and outer spaces, but also continuously extracted the energy of this space, putting him in a dilemma of being unable to replenish energy. Once this happened If the film environment is drawn into a "vacuum" state, he will be in danger.

Li Wei smiled and said: "I consulted a lot of literature just for this moment. Now, it is time to decide the outcome."

"As you wish!" The big snake folded his hands on his chest, and dazzling white light erupted from his body, covering the entire space in an instant.

This move is "Hun·まろかれ", which is nicknamed "Sunshine" by domestic players. The official translation is "Everything ends in nothing".

In an instant, Levi felt his defensive pressure rising suddenly. Fortunately, such an attack was still withstood by the golden armor, but as a price, the golden wings protecting him were all destroyed, and the gorgeous "sacred clothes" Suddenly he degraded to the level of "Golden Saint Cloth". But apart from some minor cracks, the main body of the armor had no other damage. Naturally, Levi's body was able to survive this round of killing without any damage.

At this time, Levi had also completed charging up, and the golden spear in his hand was radiant. Thunder, lightning and flames wrapped around it, and it was thrown out like a stream of light. It instantly pierced the chest of the big snake, and at the same time blocked the blockade caused by the golden chain. A big hole was blasted into the space, and the golden spear shot into space with terrifying kinetic energy. A big hole was pierced in the entire atmosphere in an instant. In an instant, all the clouds above the neon were blown away.

The unabated golden spear soared through space, surpassing the speed of light in an instant, and then collided with the unlucky Mars. The relatively large incident angle directly cut off the corner of Mars, and a large number of debris scattered outward. space.

The golden spear, whose potential energy was completely attenuated, disappeared without a trace, and returned to Levi's hand using its own teleportation ability.

The big snake lowered his head in disbelief, and the hole in his chest told all this.

"々. How is this possible?! A mere human cultivator can actually hurt my roots!" The big snake's expression of neither sadness nor joy was completely unbearable, and he showed a horrified expression.

Li Wei, who was breathing heavily, smiled and said: "Who told you that I am an immortal cultivator? Misjudgment of my strength is one of the important reasons why you lost so miserably. Now, it is time to give you the final blow." .”

"You want to kill me! You're just an ant!" The big snake's expression became ferocious. At the same time, his figure skyrocketed, and his original human form completely collapsed. He who used the body of the Seven Flails Society to descend was now completely unable to see Emerging from the shadow of the Qiluo Society, he now seems to have entered a state of transformation. A layer of bone armor appears on his body surface. At the same time, the surface skin of his body becomes like snake scales, and his mouth is cracked. When you reach the position of the back molars, you can see a mouth full of sharp teeth when you open your mouth.

The big snake at this time, just like its name, is like the legendary snake demon, weird and terrifying.

"Torochi?" Li Wei looked at the big snake's current appearance and was happy.

Chapter.The defeat of the serpent

At this time, Orochi felt the threat of death. He had never thought that he would feel such fear in a human being. It was precisely because of this that he directly activated his trump card, true Orochi mode.

Because the previous severe injury to his chest had hurt his soul, he could not maintain this posture for a long time. Now he could only fight quickly and defeat Li Wei as quickly as possible, and then Find a safe place to recover.

Now Orochi no longer expects to be able to kill Levi. The strength that Levi has shown is enough to challenge him head-on. Even if the two sides compete fairly, he may not be able to win Li Wei.

When Levi saw the big snake opening his third form, he knew that he could no longer hide his clumsiness at this time, so he decisively crushed the mana crystals he had reserved. A large amount of mana was integrated into his body. The skyrocketing mana also made his momentum stronger. Climbing up, in turn suppressed the serpent in its third form.

The golden spear in his hand was thrown again, and Levi followed closely behind the spear, holding the sword with both hands, and moved towards the big snake. A large number of golden chains bound the hands and feet of the big snake. These special golden chains have the characteristics of blocking and absorbing energy, and they have excellent malleability. The big snake struggled twice, but before he could react, the golden spear penetrated him again. On his chest, light red blood spilled out.

Levi knew that he had succeeded. He did not hesitate, followed closely with a long sword in his hand, and chopped off the head of the big snake. At the same time, he took out the golden bottle of sealing props prepared in advance. The soul of the big snake that wanted to escape had just left his body. , I felt a huge suction pull and was sucked in by Levi's gold bottle.

With the defeat of the big snake, the abnormal weather began to dissipate, and Levi could feel the planet under his feet wailing, and at the same time, part of the "spirituality" of the planet was gouged out.

The Orochi was cut off from the planet by the seal prop. Now, the Earth has lost its soul, and the planet will become troubled in the future due to the decline in self-regulation ability. Although the Orochi is hostile to humans, it is It regulates nature to a certain extent. Without the big snake, the earth has lost its soul. It is like a computer whose bottom-level operating system has been deleted. Most of its functions are almost directly scrapped. Next, human beings will have to rely on their own strength to face the problem. to various natural disasters.

After completely sealing the snake, Levi breathed a sigh of relief and dispersed all the arrangements he had made.

In the next few days, the Kagura family, Gis Club, and the Emperor Organization were all dealing with the aftermath of what happened during the finals of the King of Fighters Tournament. Because they had purchased sufficient insurance for the tournament in advance, compensation was provided by each insurance company. The company will bear the bulk, while the organization under Levi's side only needs to use part of the money as compensation.

Levi didn't intend to spend too much money on this kind of thing, so he naturally didn't want to spend more of his own money if the insurance company could be taken advantage of.


Levi's mansion.

In the concert hall, Levi was sitting in front of the piano, improvising music without score, while Qianhe and Wangui were sitting on both sides of him.

"My historical mission is finally over. After solving the King of Fighters Tournament and dealing with the clan from far away, I am ready to leave this world." Levi said.

"Leave this world? What does this mean?" Qianhe didn't understand what Levi meant.

"I am not from this world. The reason why I came to this world to defeat Orochi is because I heard someone in this world calling for help. He was shouting 'Save humanity', so I came here. Now Orochi We have been completely defeated, the Orochi Familia have also been wiped out, and my promise is about to be fulfilled." Levi was now lying without blinking an eye, finding a high-sounding reason for himself to come to this world.

Chizuru found it difficult to accept this statement and said, "So after completing the agreement with that person, are you planning to leave?"

Levi stopped his hands and said: "Now, I will stay for a while, but when I solve all the problems, I will inevitably leave this world."

Qianhe said: "What about Wu and Qiong? And Athena, and... me."

After knowing that Levi did not exist in this world, Qianhe began to worry about gains and losses. If Levi left this world, what would the girls around him do? She began to worry about such problems.

Levi smiled and said: "Of course I left with everyone. I will not leave anyone around me behind."

Qianhe's expression was a little complicated and he said: "Li Weijun, I have always felt that I know you well enough, but every time I feel that I am close to you, you will get farther and farther away from me. Being able to seal the big snake head-on, If you are able to do such a thing, in the eyes of ordinary people, you are a god."

Levi gently lifted Qianzuru's chin and said with a smile: "Then are you willing to be my miko? A miko who exists only for me."

Qianzhe gently patted away Levi's hand. Levi always liked to have sex with his mouth, but she didn't hate this feeling.

Originally, Qianhe had been hesitant about whether to get close to Li Wei completely. After all, Li Wei was a very carefree man and already had a lot of girls around him. But after learning that Levi was leaving this world, she knew that she had to make a choice. Compared to the Kagura family's status and wealth, she wanted to stay with Levi more.

Wan Gui put his hands on the piano and took over from Li Wei.!.:,";"??':;".,.Backup?"!!『!:』.;'!."『".,,』 ".!;":;?!,?"!?:!;,." started to play and said with a relaxed expression: "Anyway, wherever Li Weijun goes, I will go."

Compared to Qianhe who is making her decision now, Wangui has already made up her mind long ago. She already knows Li Wei and will follow him wherever he goes. However, Li Wei did not disappoint her. He said that the Orochi could be solved before the millennium. She originally thought that it would take a few years before the decisive battle came. Unexpectedly, Li Wei had already made sufficient preparations. Orochi and his family members directly served the pot.

But this is also a good thing for her. At least now she no longer needs to abide by the constraints of the guardian witch. After all, the Kagura family has completed its historical mission, and there is no problem with whatever she wants to do now.

Levi said: "I plan to take you somewhere."

Qianhe asked curiously: "Is this your world, Li Weijun?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "That's right, welcome to my kingdom of God."

Qianhe and Wangui felt that the scenery in front of them had changed. The three of them had appeared on a high platform. Looking out, they saw the magnificent mountain scenery and the miraculous and magnificent buildings in the distance.

"This is...the Kingdom of God?" Qianhe showed a shocked expression. Although she was a neon person, she still had a certain understanding of the Cross Religion, whether it was the Cross Religion in Europe and the United States, the Divine Bishop, or the Eastern The color religions in the region all have legends about the Kingdom of God. Although these legends are different, they all have one thing in common, that is, the Kingdom of God is a world used by God to accommodate his people. It is a world where only those who are virtuous and do good deeds A pure land that can only be entered after death.

Qianhe looked at Levi, whose identity was already revealed. She finally understood why Levi was able to defeat the big snake, and why Levi came to this world after hearing the call for help, because Levi was a god.

Chapter. Choice

Qianzhe looked at this magnificent world, and she couldn't get back to her senses. After all, the world she was in didn't have such beautiful scenery as a picture scroll.

Levi said: "This is the world where my followers and people live. They gather here for various reasons. Some of them are because their world has been destroyed, and some of them voluntarily follow me and leave their original world. There are all kinds of reasons in the world.”

Compared with the beginning, the area of ​​the current floating island is more than twice as large as before. The reason why the floating island can grow so quickly is because there are strong people like Li Wei providing growth. The motivation is to switch to another person, who has probably been sucked into the floating island.

As one of the golden rewards in the system, the floating island is quite overbearing in its ability and can absorb the holder's cultivation to grow. As long as you are willing to invest, this small island that started out with only a few hundred square kilometers will become An empty continent.

"We will continue to live in this world, right?" Wan Gui asked.

Levi said: "Yes, you don't have to worry about material supply here, and there are all kinds of entertainment facilities, as well as a special library. Whether it is material or spiritual enjoyment, this place can satisfy you. "

As the floating island became larger and larger, the terrain Li Wei built on the island became more and more diverse. He even built a coastal beach environment on the island. In addition to not being lively enough below, the environment above was actually The scenery is pleasant, coupled with the simulated tropical climate, it can be said to be a resort.

"What a beautiful scenery..." Chizuru sighed.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Whatever scenery you want, I will find a way to create it for you, including your residence, and I will try my best to satisfy you. I am still very confident in my architectural skills. "

Levi snapped his fingers, and a Baroque-style courtyard appeared in front of the three of them.

"This is really magical!" Wan Gui said in surprise.

Levi smiled and said: "In this world, I am the creator who can create almost everything, even life. But out of respect for life, I will not do such a thing, so you are not allowed to do this in this world." There will be servants, so you have to get used to doing everything yourself, but the environment here is unique, so you don’t have to worry about all kinds of chores."

To a certain extent, this small world can be regarded as a utopia, because Li Wei's rule is quite gentle, and he is good at using various means to appease women, so the small world develops very well, and among the girls The relationship between them is also relatively friendly. Even if there are some minor conflicts occasionally, it is quite simple to adjust. After all, the people who can enter here have been carefully screened, and the most basic qualities can still be guaranteed.

Levi took the two of them away from the floating island and returned to the concert hall.

Levi said: "The Kagura family has a big business after all, so even if you want to leave, you have to arrange the way for the people below before leaving."

Qianhe nodded and said: "That's the reason. After all, those old people are loyal people who have followed the family for many years. We can't treat them badly in such a matter. The name of the Kagura family comes from their leader. It’s inherited.”

Chizuru still doesn't want the Kagura family to end like this, but on the Neon side, the importance of family inheritance is to value the family name more than the bloodline, so as long as someone can pass on the Kagura family name, Kagura The Le family is not considered dead.

Levi, who knew Neon quite well, knew what Chizuru was planning, but it was Chizuru's freedom to deal with such matters. He didn't care at all about the future of the Kagura family.

Wan Gui said: "I don't have anything to arrange here. The family shrine will be left to the people below. It doesn't matter what they want to do with the shrine."

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