Colleen said: "Isn't this a matter of course? With a strong master like the master holding the battle, even if we encounter a strong enemy that cannot be solved, the master will guarantee victory. With such an advantage, why not take the initiative?"

Colleen's thoughts were also shared by Crimson Viper and Julie. Chunli, who was next to her, didn't say anything, but she knew that it was best for her not to speak and not to attract Levi's attention.

Chapter 4. A short break

Pedestrians walked along the street and passed by a restaurant. Levi cooked and prepared a sumptuous dinner for everyone.

Although this huge city is uninhabited, there are all kinds of things that should be available. All ingredients and seasonings are available in the restaurant, so Levi can also show off his cooking skills to the public. Next, his cooking skills would be famous even if they were placed in "The Master of a Chinese Primary School".

During dinner time, the lights came on in the empty restaurant. Levi and his friends randomly found an empty table and sat down, forming a circle.

Outside the window, there was a dead city with bright lights but no human beings. In a corner of the restaurant, there was a lively scene.

Pedestrians looked at Levi wearing a chef's apron and felt it was a bit unreal. After all, such a superior being as Levi would actually cook for them. Such a thing was incredible no matter how you looked at it.

"What's going on? Stay here. The food won't taste as good when it gets cold." Levi took off his apron, took off the chef's hat on his head, put it aside, pulled out a chair and sat down. .

After hearing Levi's words, several people finally started to use their knives and forks. When they put the food into their mouths, their expressions instantly lost control, and everyone showed a happy smile.

"Why is it so delicious? 4! I feel like what I ate before was not considered food at all, it was just feed!" Colleen gave a very high evaluation.

As a powerful official of the Illuminati and one of Giroud's right-hand men, Colleen is blessed with wealth and wealth. She has experienced all kinds of enjoyments and tasted delicacies from all over the world. She got by, but no food could make her unable to control her emotions like she was now.

Levi has become accustomed to this. He doesn't cook often now, but every time he cooks, he will use all his strength to do his best.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Everyone takes this time to have a good rest. Starting from tomorrow, the intensity of the battle ahead will definitely increase significantly, so we must recharge our batteries."

Tina and the newly joined Chunli were still a little unaccustomed to such an atmosphere. Both of them noticed that the relationship between Julie, Crimson Viper and Colleen was extra close to Levi. The relationship between the two parties is not like a master and servant in the ordinary sense, but like a couple.

Julie said: "Master, are you staying in the villa today too?"

When she heard "living in a villa", Chunli showed a curious expression. Before she met Levi, she was very casual about living in this area. As long as there was an environment that could shelter from wind and rain, in order to stay hidden, She could avoid all kinds of luxurious-looking places and hide directly in residential buildings.

Now she found that Li Wei seemed to be very particular about food and accommodation, and there was no sense of urgency at all to participate in the trial.

Levi said: "There is no need to take out the villa today. After all, it is within the city, and there are places to stay everywhere, and there is a luxury hotel across the street, where we can stay."

Tina next to her said: "If we rest separately, don't we have to worry about being attacked?"

The Crimson Viper smiled and said: "If we don't separate, wouldn't there be such a problem? In this space, except for trialists like us, there are no ordinary people. Do you want to live in a luxurious suite? One that can accommodate It’s quite easy to find a suite that accommodates everyone.”

"...a room or something? Isn't it a bit too much?" Tina was a little nervous. She still couldn't adapt to the current situation. If she lived in the same room with Li Wei, what if Wan Li Wei wanted to do something to her? , does she resist or not?

Tina's heart became chaotic.

Chunli didn't show any surprise. In her opinion, even if Li Wei wanted to do something to her, she had no room to resist, and she was also a little tangled in her heart. If Li Wei really wanted it, she should How to face your own heart.

It’s not just men who are horny, women are the same. In the eyes of women, an extremely handsome man like Levi is just a big piece of fat. Now this piece of fat is very likely to fall directly into her mouth. , with such a feeling, she felt that she could not refuse such temptation.

Levi said: "From a safety perspective, living in Qi is the best choice. In this way, even if you are attacked by the enemy, you will not be left alone. Now, there are many strong men from other camps. They may have formed a team and actively hunted lone people."

Julie said: "Me, Viper, and Colleen, the three of us formed a team. Before we met the master, we had successfully hunted a lone master from the master's camp. As a team, in this space , is indeed an effective way to increase combat power."

Julie directly hugged Levi's arm and leaned on Levi's body. Because of her unfortunate childhood, she was very insecure, and Levi's presence filled the vacancy in her heart, so now She seemed a little clingy to Levi.

Chunli looked at Julie like this and felt a little hard to accept. After all, the Julie she was familiar with was ruthless and decisive, and there was nothing to do with the little woman who was as clingy as a Persian cat now. Any contact.

However, the reality is that Chunli can only accept this kind of Julie. At least this kind of Julie is better than the dangerous madman before.

Chunli looked at Julie and said, "Have you already had a relationship with your master?"

Julie raised her head slightly and said proudly: "Of course, the reason why my strength has improved so much is because of my fellow practitioners with the master. Otherwise, if I want to be as strong as I am now, It can’t be accomplished without decades of hard work.”

When Chunli heard Julie's words, she showed a surprised expression. She could improve her strength by relying on that. Is there such a good thing in the world?

Julie looked at Chun Li's shocked expression and said, "Otherwise, where do you think my current strength comes from? In just a few days, even if I undergo human body modification, it is impossible for my strength to soar so fast. "

The strength of Julie and others has improved so much because they have accumulated so much and stayed in one realm for a long time without making any progress. Although their combat effectiveness has stagnated, it has also allowed them to accumulate a huge amount of energy in their bodies. Strength, so after breaking through their own limits, their strength will make such progress.

Chapter 4. Common enemy

After enjoying the dinner, the person left the restaurant without clearing the table, crossed the street, and entered the hotel lobby. The hotel lobby is brightly lit and luxuriously decorated, giving you a sense of dignity, but no one cares about such details.

Levi walked to the computer behind the counter, sat down, pulled up the hotel's internal structure diagram, and quickly found a luxury suite on the upper floor. He didn't want to expose his extraordinary perception right now, so he "More of this".

Levi fixed the computer screen on the floor plan of the luxury suite and said: "I found a suite that suits us. It is more than enough to accommodate all of us."

The luxurious suite that Levi found has a full set of facilities, but it also has a special feature, that is, it only has a large bed. The reason why he chose this suite is self-evident.

Levi took out the corresponding room card from the drawer at the bar and brought the spare room card reserved by the hotel. He took everyone in the elevator to the reserved floor, walked through the corridor, and entered the suite near the end of the corridor.

All the lights in the entire hotel are on, so pedestrians don't need to turn off the lights to disguise themselves. As long as they don't make too much noise, there won't be any problem.

After entering the suite, Chunli stood by the window and looked at the night view of the city in the distance. If you just looked at the night view, the city gave people a very prosperous feeling. Of course, you can't look close. If you look close, you will see the city. There are no people at all, and the so-called prosperity will give people a creepy feeling.

Chunli frowned slightly, being forced into this space to participate in a battle that she didn't want to participate in. She didn't know how long such days would last, and she was still free now. All kinds of things happened together, which made her feel a little... not good.

Chunli felt someone behind her, and warm breath blew on the back of her ears, making her feel that her whole body was about to go numb. An indescribable good smell lingered on the tip of her nose, and a gentle voice sounded behind her. .

"Looking at how worried you are, can't you accept the environment here?" Levi put his hands around Chunli's waist and held her in his arms from behind.

"A little bit. After all, it's a bit difficult for me to think about taking someone else's life. My mission is to protect, but what I want to do now is the opposite of my mission." Chun Li said.

Influenced by her father, Chunli has had a strong sense of justice since she was a child. It is precisely because of this that she was able to undergo arduous training and become a peaceful Interpol police officer who protects ordinary people. However, this space now forces her to do the things she hates the most.

Levi said: "I heard from Julie that before entering this space, you were an Interpol police officer. It is not a good choice for a girl to do such a dangerous job."

Chunli said: "I would make such a choice because I actually have my own selfish motives. In addition to the fact that this industry can protect ordinary people, I also want revenge."

"Revenge? Who is your enemy?" Although Li Wei knew the answer in his heart, he still chose to show off his acting skills.

"Vega. I think Master, you should know him, because both Julie and Crimson Viper are working under him, but I didn't know until now that Viper is actually a member of the Intelligence Bureau, working for the Shadow Lo organization, just a disguise. "Chunli said.

Li Wei hugged Chunli's slender waist tightly and said, "Julie's father died from the Shadow Luo organization, what about you?"

Chunli said: "My situation is the same as hers. My father was a Xiangjiang criminal policeman. Because of the drug trafficking case, he tracked down the Yingluo organization. If he continued to pursue it, he was killed. Because of this incident, I I worked hard to train myself and became an Interpol, just to find out who killed my father in the first place, and to completely crush the Shadow Luo organization to avoid more tragedies."

Levi said: "That Vega seems to be the head of evil. I find that you are all more or less hostile to him. Whether it is Viper, Julie, or Colleen, the problems faced are all There’s no getting around this guy.”

Levi knows Vega's ambition, but now he has to pretend not to know.

Chunli sighed and said: "Because he wants to conquer the world. When I learned about this, I was shocked. I didn't expect that personal ambition can be so big. For this purpose, he can do Do anything crazy."

Li Wei was smiling, Chun Li was still a little too young, but everyone knew that the person behind her was, to some extent, a more terrifying existence than Vega.

····Ask for flowers····

Levi said: "If that's the case, then you shouldn't have any objections if I kill Vega."

Chunli smiled bitterly and said: "For a being like this to die in this space, it might be better for the world I live in. When I entered the space before, I was very confused when I found out that I was in the same camp as him. After all, no conscientious person would want to do this kind of lunatic who wants to conquer the world."

There was no fluctuation in Levi's heart. After all, he was a more "evil" existence than Vega. Compared with him, Vega was really nothing. However, in terms of face work, Levi has done a very good job, which is something that Vega does not have.

........ ....

Levi said: "In fact, there is no need to worry about such a problem, because I will win the final victory, and no one from the other two camps will be able to escape in the end."

Chunli felt in her heart that such an ending was a bit cruel, but this space was like this, and only a few people would be able to leave alive in the end. The other two camps were destroyed by Levi's group, and there would definitely be innocent people in them, but thinking that evil people like Vega would also be eliminated, this ending was also a good thing for the ordinary people in her world.

Levi rubbed Chunli's head and said with a smile: "Go to rest early. Starting from tomorrow, the intensity of the battle will increase. Although you don't need to join the battle now, it is still good to be prepared to prevent accidents. "

Chunli saw Levi's smiling face through the reflection of the glass. She was a little surprised and said, "I thought you would do something to me."

"Do we have to do something? If you want, you can do it now." Levi put his chin on Chunli's shoulder.

"I'm not mentally prepared yet, can you give me some time?" Chunli said softly. She knew that such a thing was inevitable, but she had not yet crossed the psychological hurdle.

"Of course, it's best for this kind of thing to be consensual, as forceful melons are never sweet." Levi said with a smile.

Hearing Li Wei's words, Chunli felt relieved, but at the same time she felt a little disappointed. She didn't know why she felt disappointed. Such a change made her feel a little scared.

Chapter 4. Small team battle

Levi knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Chunli's situation was a little different from that of Julie and others, so he didn't intend to play hard. Moreover, there was a legitimate reason for Julie and others to be "punished" on Levi's side, while on Chunli and Tina's side, Levi was prepared to take it easy.

"Get some rest early." Levi let go of Chunli and walked toward the bedroom.

As the night passed, Levi, Julie and others "made a fuss" all night, and ended up "accidentally injuring" Chunli and Tina. The two of them were confused and handed themselves over to Levi. In such a space, they also need the protection of the strong, so Levi, who has independently become the fourth camp, is their best protective umbrella.

Both people have also gained considerable benefits. Whether it is Chunli or Tina, their stagnant strength has grown again. Especially Tina, who comes from the world of Death or Life, compared to the Street Fighter world and the King of Fighters world, she is just an elite ordinary person who is physically stronger than ordinary people and knows some three-legged cat kung fu.

Now Tina has finally surpassed the limits of normal humans and begun to move towards a higher level. With the help of fellow practitioners, she can also reach the level of a fighter in the King of Fighters world and Street Fighter world. For her before, this was what she wanted. Things that I dare not even think about.

On the morning of the next day, before the pedestrians had gone out, they heard an explosion from the distance. There were no ordinary people in this space except the trialists, so such explosions would only be caused by the trialists. They are fighting.

The huge roar could be heard very clearly from a distance. In the distance, two buildings quickly collapsed. The smoke and dust that covered the sky spread outwards. The purple electric light and the blue air waves collided rapidly. There was a great deal of commotion during the fight.

Such movement is enough to attract nearby trialists.

"It's really fun to be so energetic so early in the morning. Let's join in the fun later." Levi said while looking at the big movement in the distance.

His perception has already let him know who the two parties are, Tang Fulu from the King of Fighters camp, and Vega, the underground emperor from the Street Fighter camp and the leader of the Shadow Luo organization.

After a simple breakfast, Li Weibei participated in this big melee. The reason why it was called a big melee was because the battle between Vega and Tang Fulu had attracted too many people's attention, and the nearby trialists began to rush here. By the time he arrives with his people, the battle will probably officially begin.

When Li Wei arrived with his harem group, the scene had become quite lively. All three camps had appeared. The number of people belonging to the Dead or Life camp was the largest, more than ten people, but Li Wei was the only one among them. There were no familiar faces, they were all old men.

Although these people did not appear in the game, they were considered by the Red Devils Space to be among the top players in the current world, so they were brought in. It was like the King of Fighters camp. There were only a few dozen people, and it was quite lively. It is estimated that there are also many people in the Street Fighter camp. After all, there are dozens of characters appearing in Street Fighter 4 alone, not to mention the new characters appearing in Street Fighter.

As for the King of Fighters camp, most of the current top masters are the strong ones from the older generation. The new generation of masters are still growing. If Levi activates the Red Magic Gem after this year, there will probably be more faces from the new generation.

As for the specific situation in the Dead or Alive camp, Li Wei didn't know much about it. He just heard from Tina that there were a lot of people, hundreds of people, or even more than this number. She was not very clear about this aspect. She had been raped before. I was too shocked by the pull-in space, so I didn’t pay attention to such details.

The arrival of Li Wei and others attracted everyone's attention. After all, the three camps were fighting each other like mortal enemies, but on Li Wei's side, there were people from all three camps. Such a combination was really eye-catching. don't know.

There were not many people in the King of Fighters camp, but when they saw Levi arriving, their faces showed relief, and the sense of oppression brought by Vega was diluted a lot.

Vega saw the Crimson Viper and Julie, with a terrifying smile on his face, and said: "Julie, Viper, I think you know the consequences of betraying me."

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