The body with Gang Fist landed on the ground. Li Wei found a cloth bag from Gang Fist's arms. Inside were several thread-bound books that looked very simple. Browsing its content expertly, in addition to the traditional techniques of the Wave Style, Steel Fist also privately added the training methods of the Wave of Killing Intent and the Power of Nothingness at the back. For others, this thread-bound book can be called Secret treasure.

In Jin Yong's world view of martial arts, this kind of skill is not under the "Tai Xuan Jing", "Dragon Elephant Skill" and "Yin Zhen Jing", especially the fluctuation of murderous intention and the power of nothing, these two traditional fluctuation flows No matter which path you take, as long as you master it, you will be a "god on earth".

The steel fist relies on the power of nothing to fight with Akuma, who can smash asteroids with his palm. The steel fist and Akuma represent the two advanced routes of the wave flow. In the ordinary martial arts world, they are also inseparable. It is a skill that can be used easily.

"It's a bit of a gain. Although it's not of much use to my body, it's just right to give it to the puppet clones." Li Wei also has two puppet clones in the real world, and uses the training techniques of the wave flow on the two puppets. As for the avatar, it's quite an interesting thing.

Returning to the battlefield of the melee, the melee is coming to an end. With the top players in the camp being eliminated by Levi, the balance of power between the two sides has changed. When Levi returned, what he saw was Street Fighter. The corpses of the strong men in the camp lay scattered everywhere.

Although some people in the King of Fighters camp were injured, the injuries were still within the controllable range. Tang Fulu, who was the most seriously injured, had a secret method of quickly recuperating his injuries. Generally speaking, this small team battle was profitable with the blood of the King of Fighters camp. Finish.

After the team battle ended, everyone was in a good mood. After all, our own camp had taken advantage of it and was one step closer to victory. No one would be unhappy about such a thing.

Zhen Yuanzhai said: "Mr. Li, are you going to get up next?"

Levi shook his head and said with a smile: "That's all. I still have my own things to do."

Li Wei thought to himself, how could he get together with the old man? Next, he would have to work hard for his wife. With the help of positioning spells, he has located several girls from different camps. He has to rush there before anything happens to these girls. Otherwise, it would be a pity if these girls encounter unexpected events and die.

After saying hello to other people in the same camp, Levi took his beauties and left the already messy neighborhood.

The battle affected a very wide area. Levi and the others walked for a few minutes, and most of the glass on the street was broken.

Julie asked: "Master, what should we do next?"

Having just experienced a battle, the positive feedback from the victory made Julie eager to fight more enemies and end this trial as soon as possible. In her opinion, Li Wei, who killed Vega, was no different from a god. Now, she worshiped Li Wei to the extreme, just like Fang did to Vega.

Chapter 44. Thousands of flowers passed by, I moved all the gardens away

Levi said: "Of course I want to rescue more girls like you. This space is not friendly to girls, so I am ready to rescue them."

Levi made no secret of his purpose. After all, he finally encountered two worlds, Street Fighter and Dead or Alive, where there were many female fighters. With thousands of flowers passing by, how could he not take away the entire garden with him?

Levi is a very greedy person. For him, children only have multiple choice questions, while adults want them all. Although this sentence is just a joke to others, for Levi, this sentence is his plan of action. He is not a good person, and will be bound by morality and law. For him, as long as it is If you want to do something, just do it.

Chunli felt a little disgusted when she heard what Li Wei said. After all, Li Wei had just been with her and he blatantly said such flirtatious words. However, she thought that she could join Li Wei's camp and ensure that she could survive. This in itself is already a very lucky thing, but she was lucky enough to escape. What about the others?

There were quite a few female fighters she had seen before the Street Fighter camp came out. If they were not allowed to join Levi's camp, would they all be killed?

Chunli felt that she couldn't do such a thing yet. She had already landed, but could she still add insult to injury to those who were still struggling? Thinking of this, she swallowed the words that came to her lips. Levi was willing to do this, to a certain extent, he was saving them. Although such a rescue requires a certain price to be paid, it is better than death no matter what. When a person dies, there is nothing.

Levi said: "It's a bit slow to use it like this. Originally I didn't plan to take it out, but in this situation, it's no longer necessary. I'm going to take you to a place where it's absolutely safe. It won't If anyone can hurt you, it will be like a paradise in myths and legends, and there will no longer be any sad things to threaten you."

After hearing Li Wei's words, everyone showed curious expressions, but the magical methods shown by Levi made everyone a little numb. Even if Li Wei now said that he was a god, they would not refute it.

The girls only felt that they were in a new place. They appeared on a huge platform. In the distance, there were majestic mountains and magnificent buildings.

"Where is this?" Crimson Viper asked curiously.

Levi opened his hands and smiled: "Welcome to my world, my girls, you are safe."

The Crimson Viper said with some confusion: "Master, your world? Isn't this the Red Devil Space anymore?"

Levi tapped his temples and said with a smile: "Now think about it in your mind and see if you can still connect to the Red Devil Space."

The Crimson Viper nodded, as Levi said, and began to try to contact the Red Devil Space, but did not receive any response.

"This is no longer the Red Devil Space?!" Crimson Viper had a surprised expression on his face.

Levi said: "This is similar to the Red Devil Space, but it belongs to me alone. You will not be forced to participate in battles with extremely high mortality here. Here, you only need to enjoy life to the fullest."

Levi's floating island is a utopia where there is no need to consider livelihood. The girls here can each do what they are interested in, and there is everything here, and the fun of life is no worse than the outside world.

Chunli asked curiously: "Are we going to live here from now on?"

Levi nodded and said: "Yes, this place is a bit like a paradise in myths and legends. It has everything ordinary people want, there is no pressure to survive, there is no need to consider food and clothing, the climate is livable and there are a variety of environments. Whether it is tropical beaches, European coniferous forests, or the hills and mountains of Okinawa, there are various environments for living. Moreover, there are also entertainment facilities from other worlds, as well as a collection of hundreds of thousands of books. A huge library, whether it is material enjoyment or spiritual enjoyment, this place can satisfy you."

Li Wei took the people around the floating island, and they all chose their favorite environment. With Li Wei's help, they built their own houses and settled down on the floating island.

Although the floating island is huge, after Li Wei popularized the internal teleportation device, the transportation is now extremely convenient. Girls can teleport directly from home to all fixed public teleportation arrays, and the golden equipment on their bodies allows them to use it directly to return to the city. , after becoming familiar with each transmission node, they can travel quickly even on a forbidden floating island.

Chunli chose the hilly area to build her own classical-style Chongguo small building, while others placed their residences in the relatively lively seaside area. After settling the girls around him, Levi returned to the Red Devil Space. As the initiator of this trial, Levi has a considerable degree of privileges. At the same time, he is also the hidden boss of this trial. According to the rules of the Red Devil Space, If someone can defeat Levi, this trial will be terminated directly, and the person who defeats Levi will get a chance to make a wish.

But this is a hidden mechanism in the Red Devil Space, and those who participate in the trial need to explore it themselves. However, considering Li Wei's strength, no one can test out this hidden mechanism.

The Yingying Yanyan around him all entered the floating island, and things around Li Wei suddenly became quiet again. Next, he had to fool more girls. There were more girls around him, and some things were not so convenient, so, He just decided to send them all to the floating island, and because of the fixed mechanism of the Red Devil Space, the girls who were sent to the Floating Island were already counted as dead in the statistics of the Red Devil Space.

With no one following him, Li Wei decisively used the line and started his journey to find the person. However, the person closest to him is a rare being in the Dead or Alive camp who has the ability to act.

On the roof of a building, a beautiful female Tengu dressed in black and Japanese-style clothes with wings on her back was silently recovering from her injuries. Just a few hours ago, she experienced a difficult and fierce battle. She tried her best to She was still no match for the man who called himself Karl. If she hadn't had the ability, she would have been killed by the opponent now.

But at this moment, Tao's sudden voice almost scared her soul out.

"々. It seems that you are very troubled."

A magnetic and pleasant voice sounded from behind, but there would be no normal people in this space. No one in our own camp had such a voice, so Nyotengu instantly made a judgment that this voice was from the enemy Song!

Nyotengu spread her wings and instantly rose into the sky. She looked down at the person who appeared behind her without anyone noticing. He was a man who was a little too good-looking. If he were outside, she might have taken the initiative to strike up a conversation, but now , there was only fear in her heart.

Chapter 4. Nyotengu

Under the surprised gaze of Nyotengu, Levi's body slowly floated up and came to a position at the same height as hers. The sky was her last means of defense. As long as she was in the sky, she would be invincible, even if Whether she can't beat him or not, it's up to her to decide whether to stay or go. However, now, her last line of defense no longer exists.

Nyotengu's beauty turned pale, and her pretty face was full of fear. Levi was able to reach high in the sky without using any external force. She also needed to use her wings to walk. Facing such a completely unreasonable existence, did she still have any chance of winning? Moreover, Levi was in the same camp as the man who called himself Karl. Thinking of the fierce battle a few hours ago, the Nyotengu thought to himself that he still had no way to escape this disaster.

Levi crossed his arms and said with a smile: "Actually, you can choose to surrender. There is no need to be as afraid as you are now."

Nyotengu was a little surprised. She observed Li Wei carefully and discovered the problem. Li Wei turned out to be the fourth camp besides the basic three camps, and he had established it with his own efforts and belonged to his own force.

Levi said: "You have two choices, surrender to me, or be destroyed by me."

Levi stretched out his hand and pointed it at a building. The fingertips flashed with light, and the beam of particles flowed out, instantly piercing the target building. A few seconds later, the entire building exploded tragically, exploding into fragments all over the sky.

Seeing this terrifying scene, Nyotengu covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes even more horrified. This destructive power that far exceeded that of modern weapons brought her great shock. Levi has the power to destroy an entire modern army single-handedly, and is more powerful than Karl she encountered before.

Nyotengu was already panicking at this time. Looking at Li Wei's beautiful smile, she hesitated for a moment and then made a decision, that is, to surrender to Li Wei.

Now, in order to rush for time, Levi could not slowly communicate with these girls. He could only gather them by his side first, ensure their safety first, and the relationship could be cultivated slowly later.

Now Levi can be said to be racing against death. Once he delays on a single target for too long, the probability of other girls facing danger will be greatly increased. In order to save as many girls as possible, Levi can only use the current This is a quick fix. But most of the quick-player games are basically like this, in a hurry.

Nyotengu landed lightly on the rooftop, knelt down on one knee, and said, "I am willing to offer my loyalty."

Levi said: "There is no need to be so cautious. In fact, I am saving you. With your little strength, you can only bully ordinary people. When you meet a real master, you just rely on your ability to escape. And in space At the final settlement, all members of the loser camp will be wiped out. Even if you can run away now, you will not be able to escape the final level."

Nyotengu nodded. At the beginning, everyone looked full of confidence, but after several battles, the tragic casualties told her the fact that the three people in this space Among the camps, her camp is the one with the lowest overall strength and personal strength. Several of her previous temporary teammates have died. This is a bloody lesson.

A reminder from space sounded in Nyotengu's mind, and her camp had changed to Levi's camp.

Levi landed on the rooftop, squatted down, pinched Nyotengu's delicate and tender chin, made her look up at him, and said, "What's your name? I can't just call you feed."

"Adults, you can call me Tengu. I don't have a specific name." As a monster who grew up in the mountains, Nyotengu has no need to use a name because she lives alone. Others call her "Tengu". Just use "Tengu".

"Are you the Crow Tengu in Neon Monster? This is the first time I have seen a living Crow Tengu. After all, existences like you have only existed in legends." Levi smiled.

Nyotengu came into close contact with Li Wei, and she could even detect the huge gap between the two sides. Li Wei gave her the feeling that she could not see the limits of his strength at all. She wanted to spy on Li Wei, but was afraid. After being noticed by Li Wei, this entangled mentality made her quite uncomfortable.

Levi stood up and said: "If you were given a chance to escape from this space, but the price was absolute loyalty, what would you choose?"

When Nyotengu heard Levi's words, she fell into a tangle. This space that eats people without spitting out bones is completely driving her to death. She cannot defeat the trialists of the enemy camp. If she insists on it, she will only lose her life. However, If you continue to escape, you will eventually be wiped out by space, and there will be no choice at all.

But now, Levi has given her a new way to survive, but the price is freedom and loyalty. This is a difficult choice. After all, she doesn't know what Levi's character is. If Levi is a A mean person, offering absolute loyalty to Levi would be torture to herself. If that were the case, she might as well be obliterated from the space.

This is a big gamble. If Li Wei's character passes the test, then she will make a profit. But if there is a problem with Li Wei's character, then what she has to face is not as simple as death, but a life worse than death.

"I don't know how to choose." Nyotengu answered the question honestly. She was not familiar with Levi yet, so she didn't dare to make a rash decision.

Li Wei knew Nyotengu's concerns and said gently: "I know, this is a major matter related to your future. You can't make a decision easily. I won't force you now. Just stay with me for the time being." , when the time comes, you will know what kind of person I am, and at that time, the choice you will make is all your business."

On the surface, Levi gave Nyotengu a choice, but in fact, there was only one final answer. This was not a word game. Levi was just using the rules of the Red Devil Space. As the hidden boss of the Red Devil Space, he took advantage of some loopholes. For him, it's not a big deal.

Nyotengu didn't expect that Levi didn't force her to make a choice now, but gave her some buffering time. After spending some time together, she could at least get a rough idea of ​​what kind of person Levi was. Or choose to be obliterated by space, at least there is a choice.

"Thank you for your tolerance, sir." Nyotengu said humbly.

Levi said: "I know your concerns. I don't like to force others. The choice is always in your hands."

Nyotengu followed Levi and said, "Sir, where are we going next?"

"Go rescue someone, just a girl from the same camp as you." Levi smiled.

"Girl?" Nyotengu was a little surprised. She felt like she had caught some important clue.

"Yes, girls, I am a compassionate person. I don't want to see girls suffer, so I want to save you. After all, the Red Devil Space is too cruel for girls." Levi smiled.

Nyotengu knew why she was let go, but this reason always made her feel a little ridiculous.

Chapter 4. Jiquan Girl

Nyotengu said, "Are you going now?"

Levi said: "Of course, if we arrive too late, we will have to collect her body. Saving people is like putting out fires, so there is no need to delay."

Nyotengu followed Levi and moved forward quickly in the air. Having the ability to move was a good thing, and his mobility was much stronger than that of ordinary fighters. It only took the two of them a little more than two minutes to get there. on site.

At this time, a battle with a huge disparity in strength is going on. Al Ford from the Street Fighter camp is fighting against the heart from the Dead or Alive camp.

The girl with long black hair and straight hair in a cherry-colored kimono was already in a state of disarray. Her originally delicate and fair skin had large areas of bruises and abrasions. The kimono on her body was not only covered with dust, but also had some damage. , which made her look quite embarrassed.

The girl in cherry-colored kimono saw the landing of Nyotengu and Levi, and said in surprise: "Miss Tengu, why are you here? It's very dangerous here."

Nyotengu said: "We are here to save you. This lord can provide shelter for you and me. Now, I have taken refuge in this lord."

Nyotengu introduced Levi.

The kimono girl's name is "Kokoro". Although she is wearing a kimono, she is a being who uses Jiquan. It has to be said that in the world of Dead or Alive, there are still a lot of such "mixed~matches".

Levi looked at his miserable body, but still couldn't hide his natural beauty. He sighed inwardly. For those who couldn't cheat, the Red Devil Space was indeed a hell.

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