However, this beautiful girl who was the darling of destiny in the past, now has to hide everywhere like a refugee.

Xin said: "My lord saved me. To him, our strength is no different from that of ants. If he wants to kill us, there is no need to make any traps."

Lei Fang was dubious and said, "Really?"

Kokoro nodded, and the Nyotengu next to him said: "We are here specifically to save you. You have semi-detached from your original camp, and now you have created your own camp. This camp is ours." Umbrella."

Lei Fang was still a little bit unable to recover. Originally, he had been waiting for death, but he didn't expect that things would turn out unexpectedly.

Chapter 4. Space Mechanism

Lei Fang looked at Li Wei with curious eyes. After knowing that Li Wei would not hurt her, she breathed a sigh of relief and became curious in her heart. After all, a charismatic existence like Li Wei would not be able to harm her. Women, as long as they still have such a secular heart, cannot ignore Li Wei's charm, and girls of Lei Fang's age are at the age when they long for love, and they also have many fantasies about existences like Li Wei.

The longing for love is something that no young girl can avoid. Even Lei Fang, who is a great beauty in the eyes of ordinary people, will long for his own Prince Charming in his heart. However, real life does not exist. A true Prince Charming, and limited by her good upbringing, she has no intention of "puppy love".

It is precisely because of this that she is an intracranial love expert with rich theoretical experience.

Li Wei also noticed Lei Fang's gaze and said: "The location here is not bad. It can be used as a base for the time being. Before the next safe zone is reduced, the rescued people will gather here first. But I need Strengthen the defense here. After all, with your strength, I don’t expect you to be able to fight against the masters from other camps.”

"To say this directly, it always hurts people's self-esteem." Lei Fang said softly.

"But this is the fact. Today I encountered masters from other camps chasing me. If it hadn't been for your timely rescue, you wouldn't have been able to see me at this time." Xin said.

"There is such a thing?!" Lei Fang showed a surprised expression.

"Otherwise, after all, this space itself is a huge colosseum. It seems boundless, but in fact we are all fighting beasts in a cage." Xin said.

Levi said: "This description is quite appropriate. Moreover, do you know what the gladiator's repertoire is?"

All three people showed curious expressions.

Li Wei continued: "Now it's just a fight between gladiators. The repertoire of gladiators is fighting with beasts. This was the favorite thing for nobles and ordinary people during the ancient Roman Empire~' .”

Nyotengu showed a solemn expression and said: "Sir, you mean that in this space, in addition to those of us who participate in the trial, there will also be beasts. Is that true?"

Levi nodded. After all, he was the initiator of this trial. The Red Magic Gem was under his control, and using the system, he was very familiar with the various hidden mechanisms of the Red Magic Space.

Although Fuji was also a person who participated in the Red Devils battlefield, he also kept a cautious eye and did not tell all the bad situations in the Red Devils space. Without a system, Levi could only try and make mistakes by himself and use exhaustive methods. Fa Lai stepped on all the traps in this space one by one.

But with the convenience of the system, Levi directly scanned the system's functions to determine the various mechanisms of the Red Devil Space and what kind of chaos would appear under what circumstances.

It has only been a short time since the start, so those messy monsters and monsters have not appeared yet. If the initial number of people is not reduced to half by the limited time, then the space will take action by itself and refresh all kinds of things in the space. Powerful monsters, use this method to eliminate extra survivors.

However, when the initial number of people drops to half, the space will still not stop refreshing monsters. This is one of the most annoying aspects of the Red Devils space. For ordinary "competitors", the experience is .

Moreover, the countdown is fast, and in a few days at most, the space will begin to enter a new stage. How "turtle" the trialists in the Dead or Alive camp are now, how miserable they will be after the monsters are refreshed. Because these monsters belong directly to space, they know the location of each trialist very well. As long as the trialist stays in a certain place for more than three hours, the monsters will come to them.

Even if they don't stay in one place for a long time, the monsters wandering outside will consciously attack the trialists in groups. Although these monsters are still within the range that the trialists of the King of Fighters camp and Street Fighter camp can deal with. , but for the trialists of the Dead or Alive camp, these monsters are quite deadly.

Waves of monsters, namely Hayabusa, Hayate and Rachel, can still be dealt with by a few existences, but now Hayabusa is dead, Hayate and Rachel are also lone wolves, wandering in the space, using their own attack abilities Characteristics, to attack those lonely trialists from different camps.

However, the vast majority of people in the Dead or Alive camp cannot face the waves of monsters. It is estimated that many people will fall under the waves of monsters before they can be wiped out during the space settlement.

Levi processed what he knew, concealed some sensitive information, and spoke out.

After listening to what Levi revealed, the three of them felt a little numb.

Nyotengu sighed and said: "々. If we hadn't met an adult, among the three of us, I would probably be the only one who could have sustained it longer. After all, I can rely on my walking ability to avoid areas with dense monsters, and stay in high-rise buildings as much as possible. If you stay on the rooftop and count the time, you won’t be surrounded by monsters.”

Levi said: "Your idea is good, but what you don't know is that among the monsters that are refreshed in space, there are also monsters with the ability to travel. The sky is not your back garden alone."

Nyotengu's smile froze on her face. She originally thought that her ability would be an advantage. Even if she couldn't be beaten, it would still allow her to escape from danger. But she didn't expect that even the sky was no longer safe. In this case, wouldn't it be gone? Way to survive.

Nyotengu felt a little lucky in her heart. She was able to meet Li Wei. With the protection of a strong man like Li Wei, at least the most basic safety could be guaranteed. However, other people in the same camp did not have the protection of a strong man like Li Wei. The outcome is probably not much better.

Lei Fang said with some curiosity: "How do you know so much about this space? We don't know these things, but you do."

Levi showed a confident smile and said: "Because I am strong enough to interfere with the movement of space to a certain extent, space has given me some privileges in exchange for my relationship with it in order to prevent its own structure from being unstable. the most basic peace in the world.”

Levi's words shocked all three of them. It's unbelievable that a man is strong enough to let space give him the green light. However, reality is often more exaggerated than novels and movies. This can interfere with space to a certain extent. The lucky ones are masked right in front of them.

Li Wei continued: "I am a compassionate person, so I will help you, but I can't go too far. I am still testing the bottom line of space, but I think space will not let me change. That is the fate of most people.”.

Chapter 4. Unraveling Lei Fang

Li Wei's explanation frightened the three of them. Looking at their slightly pale faces, Li Wei knew that they were aware of the seriousness of the problem.

At this time, I was glad that I could meet Levi. No one likes death, especially this kind of untimely death.

Xin Xin sat on the sand, hugged the stuffed doll beside him, and said, "Sir, you will save us, right?"

Levi nodded, he knew that the girl in front of him was insecure at this time, and now he would become the spiritual pillar of the opposite party.

"This is a matter of course. If I hadn't pulled you out of this fire pit, I would have left the space long ago. This space is eager for me to leave now, so as not to hinder its future luck." Levi said.

Levi snapped his fingers, and the coffee table was piled high with sumptuous dishes. Food from all countries could be found here. Looking at this scene, although the three people were all surprised, they no longer had the initial shock. After all, isn't it normal for a strong man like Li Wei who can affect the fate of space to have magical powers?

Lei Fang's stomach rumbled unsatisfactorily, and she covered her belly in embarrassment. She hadn't eaten for several hours. In order to avoid exposing herself, he picked up some fast food and snacks from a nearby small store. , keep these convenient things to satisfy your hunger. After all, the sound of cooking is quite big, and the smell can easily spread.

Fighters have very good perception abilities, so she can only pay attention to her details as much as possible to avoid exposing her traces.

Nyotengu sighed and said: "I didn't expect to be able to enjoy this kind of food in a place like this. If it were before, I wouldn't have much mood to enjoy these things."

Li Wei conjured up a few small stools and sat down first. Among the others, except for Li Wei who had gotten rid of his dependence on food, the appetites of the several girls were much larger than those of ordinary people. Since ancient times, there have been poor literature According to Tomitake, people who practice martial arts consume more nutrients than ordinary people every day. In order to keep their bodies from being depleted, they will eat more food than ordinary people.

After the dinner party, Levi went to the roof of the old apartment and began to set up various defensive formations around the apartment. Before the next safe zone shrinks, the hidden old apartments will belong to Li Wei and others. It's a hiding place, so running it well can also prevent Levi from worrying about his home being robbed.

On the rooftop, the three people who watched Li Wei lay out one unknown magic circle after another in an understatement felt even more in awe of Li Wei.

Levi said: "Okay, this way, no one else can set foot in this area without my permission. The bracelet on your hand is the permit. Rest for an hour, follow me and go to the next place. Tengu, you and Lei Fang just stay here and don’t run around.”

Nyotengu nodded and said, "Sir, I understand, we will guard this area."

Levi said: "Before you, I have taken a group of people out of space. When the first group of people are gathered here, I will take you out of space."

"Eh?! Can we leave the space directly? Is there such a good thing?!" Lei Fang said excitedly.

Levi said: "How can there be such a good thing? I will take you out of this space and go to my world, a space that belongs to me. You can regard it as the world of gods or heaven. If you want to go back to where you are, World, I can’t help you with this.”

Lei Fang was a little disappointed, but she didn't show her emotions on her face. She was already very satisfied with the current situation. After all, she had no tomorrow before, and she didn't know when she would end. Now, anyway, It was a blessing to be able to survive, and she also knew that she couldn't ask for too much.

Lei Fang said: "I'm sorry, I'm too greedy, sir."

Lei Fang knew very well in her heart that she had no choice now.

Levi said: "I can understand your thoughts. After all, in the world you came to, there must be your relatives and friends. If you suddenly disappear, they will be worried about you, and you will miss them. This is the nature of human beings." It’s common sense, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Lei Fang was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Li Wei could understand her thoughts and didn't think she was too greedy.

Levi smiled and said: "But when there is no choice, accepting the reality becomes the only way out. At least, you are still alive, right?"

Lei Fang nodded. Li Wei's words could be regarded as breaking the confusion in her heart. In the past few days, she had been missing her home so much that she couldn't even rest well at night, but now Li Wei The words made her realize that she had to look forward. It was meaningless to continue to dwell on the past that could not be recovered. It was better to take the next road well, so as not to waste the new life she had gained.

"I know what I should do. Although I will still miss my hometown and family that I can no longer see, I will not indulge in such things anymore. Now I have to live well!" Lei Fang There was a determined expression on her face, and she patted her cheeks with both hands to cheer herself up.

After arranging the defensive array, the pedestrians returned to the old apartment. Under Levi's transformation, the interior of the old apartment had become extremely livable, which was considered a bit of luxury for a temporary stronghold. After resting for more than an hour, Levi left the apartment on a blanket with his heart in mind, and moved forward slowly at high altitude.

Xin Xin looked at Li Wei's tall figure sitting on the blanket. Being alone at this time made her feel a little embarrassed.

"Sir, why were you pulled into this space? A strong person like you should have the right to refuse." I didn't want to continue to be in such an embarrassing atmosphere, so I randomly found a topic.

Levi turned sideways and said with a smile: "There is no need to use such an unfamiliar title as you. I do have the right to refuse to join here. If I don't agree, this space cannot pull me in."

Levi is not bragging. Even if others play this trial game, he can still refuse the pulling behavior of the space, and it is not difficult for him to break through the space and leave. After all, the Red Devil Space is the basis of the Red Devil Space. The gem itself is just a small gem worth tens of thousands of points. He has hundreds of ways to counter or even destroy such a prop.

Xin Xin said curiously: "If that's the case, then why do you respond to the invitation of this space, sir?"

Levi showed a thinking expression and thought for a few seconds before saying, "I have a hunch that good things will happen when you enter this space."

"Eh? A good thing?" Xin showed a puzzled expression.

Chapter 4. Save someone on the way

Looking at Xin's confused expression, Levi smiled and said: "This space is indeed a hell for ordinary people. Not only do they have to fight other trialists, but they also have to fight against the mechanism of the space itself. Moreover, you and I have to fight before The monster refresh mentioned is just one of the deceptive mechanisms of this space. Once certain conditions are met, more troublesome things will happen in this space. But to me, this is a harmless playground."

When I heard Levi use the playground as a metaphor for this space, I felt a little complicated in my heart. Maybe this is the different feelings people of different heights have when looking at the same thing. When a child looks at a chair, he feels that the chair is very high and he cannot climb it. Go up, but adults can easily sit on the chair.

She knew in her heart that the difference between Levi and them was far greater than the difference between adults and children.

Li Wei could feel the complex psychology in his heart at this time, but it is impossible for anyone to remain calm when encountering a situation like this. There are only two types of people who can remain calm in such a space. The first is ignorance. There are those who are fearless and arrogant who don't know what situation they are about to face. There are also those who have absolute confidence in their own strength, and at the same time, their own strength can compete with the strong men of various mechanisms in this space.

The blanket gradually lowered its height. Although I was a little curious, I didn't show my curiosity.

Levi said: "The plan has changed. There is a situation below. Please deal with the situation below before leaving. The overall strength of the camp you were in before is still a bit poor. Now everyone regards you as a job to earn points- Tool."

In the battle below, those participating in the battle are one of Li Wei's acquaintances, the hungry wolf Terry from Nanzhen and the Muay Thai master Dong Zhang. Terry and Dong Zhang, who are still slightly young, have not yet reached their peak period. But it was more than enough to crush the fighters from the Dead or Alive camp.

On the other side of the battle, there were Helena, Ayane, Mary Rose and Nico who were all bruised and bruised.

Li Wei watched the battle below from a high altitude. The battle below was clearly a four-on-one battle, but the Dead or Alive camp, which had the numerical advantage, was completely suppressed. If it weren't for the tacit understanding between each other, the four would have been defeated long ago. .

Like Crimson Viper, Nico has her own fighting skills, combined with the fighting style of technological props. However, her physical fitness is far inferior to that of Crimson Viper, so after being equipped with technological props, she is still no match for her opponent.

Although the other three members of the Dead or Alive camp had their own methods and even used weapons, they were still no match for the King of Fighters camp. Ayane's shuriken hit Terry and Tojo. , was bounced away directly, and the sharp long knife struck the two of them, directly breaking the blade. Even weapons cannot break the defense, so she became a containment type. Helena and Mary Rose are both close combat types, but due to their physical fitness, they always suffer in a head-on confrontation. .

"There's a fight down there!" Xin Xin said, lying on the barrier of the blanket, looking at the situation below.

Levi said: "We are about to land. The people below are from my superior camp. This time, the other side must give me some face."

Levi and Terry have also dealt with each other. At the same time, Terry is one of the few who knows Levi's true strength. After all, in the battle with Orochi, Terry saw some fighting scenes below, but Terry was participating later. After the battle to encircle and suppress the Orochi Familia, he followed the large army to evacuate.

When the blanket descended rapidly, both sides of the battle distanced themselves. Neither side knew whether the person on the blanket was an enemy or a friend. Worried that a third party was participating in the war, the two sides tacitly chose to stop.

When they saw that the person who came down was Li Wei, both Terry and Dongzhang were a little surprised, while Helena was also a little surprised when she saw that the girl who came down was her half-sister Xin, because the camp prompted , now her heart is no longer on her side. How could she not be surprised by such a thing.

"Xin, why did you go to other camps?" Helena said in confusion.

Xin came to Helena's side and said: "This matter is a long story. Let's solve the immediate problem first. Let the adults handle this matter."

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