Abel, Gulie.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Levi smiled.

"Tsk, it's really troublesome to meet people from the hostile camp at this time..." The blond young man wearing a blue Taoist uniform and strong muscles showed a solemn look on his face.

Next to him, Gu Lie was wearing his own uniform with the National Army logo, a dark green vest and wear-resistant camouflage combat pants, big-toe military boots on his feet, and a string of "dog tags" hanging around his neck. That was what he had already done. Wei's relic left behind by his comrades.

Gu Lie has an exaggerated broom head. Amei, you see, the Chinese army has no special requirements for shapes, but a unique shape like Gu Lie's is rare in the entire army.

However, considering that he is a major in the Air Force, it is normal to have some privileges. Others would not dare to keep such a type, but he does.

"Abel, step back, my body is feeling fear. This guy may be more powerful than we thought." Gu Lie's face also looked very ugly.

Chapter 4. Double kill

Gu Lie's sensitivity surprised Li Wei. He is quite low-key now. He controls his own strength and does not appear too strong to the outside world, which is just higher per capita. But even so, Gu Lie still An abnormality was detected.

Levi said: "What, do you want to play?"

Gu Lie took two steps back and said: "We are still in a hurry and have no time to fight you here. Moreover, if we go further, we will be surrounded by those spiders. I hate bugs."

Abel whispered: "Retreat?"

"Let's retreat. This guy is very evil. Have you noticed that where he is, those spider monsters don't dare to approach, as if they are afraid of something." Gu Lie said in a low voice.

Abel heard Gu Lie's reminder and found that this was indeed the case. Wherever Levi went, there was no shadow of spider monsters, and there were no signs of fighting around him. However, those spiders could still be seen here. Cobwebs left by monsters.

In other words, those spider monsters were avoiding the man in front of them. Those who could do such a thing were simply inhuman.

"Augui and Giroud-level masters?" Abel said softly.

Gu Lie nodded and said: "I don't plan to die here, so withdraw."

Abel nodded and said loudly: "Suddenly, I found that there are still some things to deal with, so we will leave first. I wish you good luck, sir."

Just as Abel and Gulie quickly retreated, Levi smiled and said: "Wish me good luck? My good luck is meeting you. You two, how about you lend me your heads?"

Gu Lie's face changed, and he threw out the sonic hand knife, the green 『,?':'』;.:".'.::.,『.;;:""',』;'!?"?" :Cyclone, fast...''!!,?Backup.,;!'""" came towards Levi.

"Amei, did you see the military fighting skills? It's interesting." Levi waved casually, and the sonic hand knife was smashed into pieces.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Abel had already rushed in front of Levi from the low position. Gulie's sonic hand knife was a feint to obscure Levi's sight and create opportunities for Abel's attack.

"Caught!" Abel instantly hit Levi's waist and abdomen with a shoulder thrust, knocking Levi back some distance.

But when Abel grabbed Levi's lower back and tried to lift Levi up and beat him, he found that he was holding a mountain, unable to shake Levi at all.

Abel tripped his leg behind Levi's calf and tried to trip Levi down, but Levi's body did not move at all.

Levi grabbed Abel's arm and shook it gently, and Abel was thrown out. Abel's huge strength, which could easily flip over an African elephant and strangle a salty crocodile with naked strangulation, when facing Levi , as weak as a young child.

Abel's attack failed, and Gu Lie threw out a series of sonic hand knives. Gu Lie is a person who is accustomed to fighting with his brain. Even Abel, who is far stronger physically than him, can't shake Li Wei. So fighting Li Wei in close combat is definitely not a good choice for him. In comparison, creating offensive opportunities for Abel is safer for him.

A series of sonic hand knives blocked Levi's movement from all directions, preventing Levi from pursuing Abel, but the next scene almost shocked Gu Lie's eyes.

Levi endured a series of blows from the sonic knife and caught up with Abel, who was thrown away. Levi grabbed Abel's ankle and smashed it down hard. Abel's whole body hit the ground, causing huge cracks. It started to spread from his body.

Blood spurted out from Abel's mouth, and he felt that his internal organs were wailing at this moment. The huge impact kept reverberating in his body, making it impossible for him to stay awake.

"Abel!!!" When Gu Lie saw this scene, he didn't care that his physical fitness was not as good as Abel. After quickly closing the distance, he hit Li Wei with a heavy "Horizontal Whip Hammer", and Li Wei Wei's head was hit hard.

Levi is taller than Gu Lie, but now because Levi is still holding Abel's ankle in his hand, the height of his head is exactly the optimal height for his "Horizontal Whip Hammer".

Looking at the fist coming towards him, Levi calmly leaned back slightly to avoid the blow. At the same time, his whip leg hit Gu Lie's side.

Gu Lie went out in an instant, rolled down on the ground a few times to relieve his strength, and barely stood up. Gu Lie could feel that his ribs were broken where he was kicked.

Gu Lie looked at Abel, who was unconscious in the pit, and his face was extremely ugly. Abel was unconscious just after taking the opponent's blow. If he had to bear the heavy blow just now, he would probably be more than just unconscious. Already... .

Levi said: "If you resist, you will only suffer extra hardships. Isn't it better to be obedient?"

Gu Lie gently touched his wound. Although his ribs were broken, they did not penetrate his internal organs. They were still within the limit of what he could bear. There was no problem in continuing to fight in a short period of time.

"Is this my last struggle..." Gu Lie has never been as desperate as he is now. Even when he was captured with Nash and endured several days of torture, he had never been as desperate as he is now.

"I don't intend to let you struggle at all. Look at the person next to you. Doesn't he sleep like a baby?" Levi said with a smile.

"Then you can't wake up, right?" Looking at Abel who was unconscious, Gu Lie didn't know how to complain.

"Such a painless ending is what you enjoy." Although Levi does not hate Abel and Gulie, in order to reduce potential enemies, he will still take action to eliminate individuals from different camps. After all, Abel and Gu Lie Gu Lie is the kind of person with great potential. If you really let them grow, it will be troublesome to clean them up later.

Levi raised his hand, and a large amount of light shot out from his palm, instantly covering Gu Lie and Abel. In an instant, the entire block disappeared, leaving only a large, round pit.

Due to the absolute difference in strength, both Gulie and Abel rushed to the street before they could show their true strength.

"How does it feel to watch the excitement? Can you come out now?" Li Wei turned around and looked to a certain direction behind him, where a Taoist figure slowly emerged.

What appeared in front of Li Wei was a tall, mature woman wearing a fashionable windbreaker. She had a cold face, and a long gauze scarf slowly swirled around her like a flexible snake.

"Rose, right?" Levi said calmly.

After being called out by Levi, Rose said: "Is it an honor for me, a transcendent who cannot be seen to see my destiny, to let a strong man like you know my name?".

Chapter 4. Rose’s Surrender

Rose was also a little nervous at this time. She was quite confident in her own hiding ability, but Levi saw through her existence with his own eyes, which made her feel scared in her heart. This showed that the strength gap between the two sides was so big. level, so she couldn't hide it in front of Levi.

"Do you know about me?" Rose said warily.

Levi said: "Of course, because I have already killed Vega, before killing him, I read part of his memory and saw some pictures, so I know some things related to you."

Rose walked up to Levi. She knew that if Levi wanted to kill her, it would be very simple. Instead of acting like a petty person, it would be better to be bold. Even if he dies, he will not be too embarrassed before he dies.

What also surprised Rose was that Levi, who had just dealt with Abel and Gulie, had no murderous intention towards her, which made her feel a little incredible.

After all, the two sides are in different camps, and people from different camps will fight to the death when they meet, so the current situation is quite abnormal in her opinion.

"So, what do you want?" Rose asked.

The Levi in ​​front of her was a being whose destiny could not be glimpsed by her "soul magic". If she wanted to explore deeply, she would have a creepy feeling. If she really did this, something bad would happen to her. thing, and she will pay a huge price.

It is precisely because of this that Rose only dares to use words to trick Levi's words, instead of acting as a magic stick when facing other people. Levi's nature was so special that she would feel endless pressure just by facing him. She felt that everything about her was invisible in front of Levi, and there were no longer any secrets. The feeling is very bad.

"Not really, I just want to ask you, have you thought about your future." Levi smiled.

"What do you mean by this?" Rose said warily.

"Do you have any way to avoid obliteration?" Levi said.

Rose hesitated and said: "The winner is still undecided. The winning camp may be my camp."

Levi said: "You also said it, maybe, which means you are not completely sure that your camp can win the final victory. In fact, with me here, the probability of your camp winning now is basically does not exist."

Rose could feel that Levi was not telling lies. Levi had absolute confidence in his own strength, so he said such things. But this made her feel absurd. Could Levi alone be able to fight against the entire camp here? Such thoughts were thrown out of her mind, she could not imagine such a thing.

Levi said: "If you are just pure optimism, then it's time to think about how to avoid being obliterated. After all, you are not just a person now. According to Vega's memory, I know that you also have a person named Maynet. My apprentice is also in this dimension. She was a very cute girl, and it is such a pity that she was wiped out like this."

Rose's expression was a bit ugly. Maynette could be said to be her weak point. She and Vega were once brothers and sisters. Vega once went to her village to learn skills from a teacher. The two of them once studied under a teacher. Knowledge of the spirit and soul. Later, Vega's evil ambition was discovered, and the full-fledged Vega directly slaughtered the entire village. Everyone except her was killed by Vega.

Vega didn't kill her, he wanted to use her as his own mental power reserve battery. It was for this reason that she managed to survive. After getting rid of Vega's control, she wandered around the world, giving people divination and working as a professional fortune teller.

Later, when she was passing through Egypt, she met a very talented little girl. Being alone, she saw her past self in the little girl, so she took the little girl with her and taught her carefully. And this little girl is Maynet.

Maynet, who was born with spiritual energy, was regarded as a monster by the local people before they met her, just like she was regarded as a monster by the local people before she was adopted by her teacher when she was young.

This little girl who grew up has now become a beautiful girl. At the same time, she is also her only relative and her weakness.

Thinking of the cruel fate that Maynet was about to face in the future, Rose gritted her teeth. This was not the first time that she felt so powerless. The more she peered into fate, the more she realized that many things could not be changed at all, just like... Her and Maynet's fate.

"I can save you." Levi said.

Rose was surprised, because when Levi said these words, her and Maynet's fate actually changed. Originally, both of them would be wiped out at the end of the trial, but now, she saw a brand new future, A bright future in which both she and Maynet could survive.

Thinking that her destiny would change because of someone's words, Rose felt a little bitter in her heart. No matter where she is, the world is so cruel. The strong can control the fate of the weak at will, and the weak can control the fate of the weak at will. Even if you want to resist, there is no chance of success.

The fate of herself and her disciple Maynet lay in the hands of the man in front of her. Although it was only a blurry picture, she could be sure that she and Maynet had indeed survived.

"I believe you, I will call Maynet over." Rose said.

Now, it was Levi's black man's turn to ask questions. He had just started, and the whole set of words he was preparing for had not yet started. Rose actually believed his words, which made him feel like "I haven't tried hard yet." , you fell down" feeling.

Rose said: "Since you have seen Vega's memory, you also know that I can see the future to a certain extent. I saw fragments of the future. Although it was very blurry, Menate and I both survived. And we had a great time, we actually sunbathed on the beach, which is really an incredible future.”

Compared with the fate of being wiped out before, the change now is like flying directly from hell to heaven. This huge contrast makes her heart unable to remain stable. Now she looks at Levi's eyes. Everything had changed. In this space like a colosseum, there was actually someone from a different camp who sincerely wanted to save her. The impact that such a thing had on her heart was undoubtedly huge.

Levi said: "Since you have seen the picture of the future, there is no need for me to waste any more words. For now, let Maynet come over first."

Rose nodded. Although she was quite confident in her own strength, as long as she didn't encounter a very few top masters, she could protect herself. However, such a dangerous place is full of uncertainties, even if there are many It is dangerous to stay still for a second, so taking Maynet out of danger as quickly as possible is the most important thing for her now.

Chapter 44. Menet

Rose followed Levi's footsteps. The road was very calm. There was no spider monster to stop her. She felt like she was taking a walk.

Levi briefly introduced himself, and Rose directly called Levi "Sir". Although this title was a bit unfamiliar, Levi was used to others looking up to him, so it didn't matter with such a title.

The two of them were in a fast food restaurant at home when they saw Menet, who was wearing a cool Egyptian-style dress and an apron, and was operating the kitchen utensils to fry chicken.

Seeing Master Rose, Maynet quickly threw away the things in his hands.

"Menet, I've said it many times, eat less fried chicken, it's not good for your health." Rose sighed, looking at the shameful apprentice with French fries in his mouth, not knowing what to say. That's good.

"I haven't started eating yet!" Maynet quickly chewed up the fries and swallowed them.

Maynet looked at Levi beside her master. The tall and handsome Levi was very attractive to a girl of Maynet's age. When she saw Levi for the first time, she couldn't take her eyes away. .

Seeing the stupid look on her apprentice's face, Rose felt helpless. Maynet was very talented in spiritual magic, but after all, she was only in her teens and was not that mature mentally, so many times Seems a bit naughty and childish.

Of course, in the eyes of men, Menate's character is called innocent and cute. Anyway, for a man who is good-looking, he can always find words of praise for his good looks. If it were an ugly girl with a character like Maynet, she would only be criticized by others and have no self-awareness.

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