Levi can feel that his luck is better now than before. Just sacrificing a green homemade prop has already made such a significant improvement. If he sacrifices a more advanced prop, the effect may be better.

The lottery shop here in Neon, like the pachinko shop, will never be short of people. After all, there will be no shortage of people who want to get rich overnight.

However, when it comes to lottery tickets, it is better to play Pachinko directly. At least if you play Pachinko well, it will be more than enough to make ends meet. It is not difficult to become a little rich. But when it comes to lottery tickets, no matter where you are, It's all a bottomless pit.

Levi came to the boss, took out the stack of fortune cards, and said: "All the money here will be exchanged for scratch-off tickets."

"Okay!" Seeing how generous Li Wei was, the boss quickly took out a box of scratch-offs from under the counter and said, "々. There are a total of boxes, all of which have just arrived unopened. Can you count the guests?"

Levi took the integrated scratch-off ticket and said, "No, it doesn't matter if you have more or less, I just want to have fun."

Levi sat on the high chair next to him and, like the other lottery players around him, focused on what he was doing.

Levi didn't use any cheating ability. He didn't see through it or change the pattern in private. He relied entirely on his own luck.

After scratching out the first piece, Li Wei put it aside and received three thousand neon yuan, a small prize for his money back.

No. 1, no prize.

The third one, no prize.

The fourth one, the grand prize of ten thousand yuan.

No. 1, no prize.

The first one, the special prize of 100,000 yuan.


Levi stacked the scratch-off tickets separately, stacking those with prizes and throwing those without prizes directly into the trash can at his feet.

As Li Wei scratched out more and more lottery tickets, he also attracted the attention of other lottery players. They simply put down their work and gathered around Li Wei to see how many lottery tickets Li Wei could scratch out. Bonus comes.

"Drink! Another special prize! It's amazing!"

"Damn, boss, do you still have scratch-off tickets like this? Give me a box!"

Seeing that Li Wei had scratched out more than thirty lottery tickets and had already paid back his money, the lottery players around him couldn't sit still. Such a high winning rate is simply terrifying. If you don't take this opportunity to take advantage of it, it will be terrible. I feel sorry for my reputation as a deep colorist.

Because of the craze caused by Levi, the boss quickly sold more than 30 boxes of scratch-offs, and the store's scratch-off inventory was sold out.

"Boss, are there any scratch tickets?!" a lottery player asked impatiently.

"It's gone! It's really gone! I only won this much, do you want other lottery tickets?" The boss was so anxious that he was sweating.

"No, I want scratch-off tickets like his!" The lottery player pointed his finger in the direction of Li Wei. Beside Li Wei, the number of scratch-off tickets exceeded ten. Not only did he get his money back, but he also Still making money with blood.

Chapter 44. Experimental results (I have been taking exams these two days, please forgive me)

The owner of the lottery shop is also confused now. He knows how pitfalls lottery tickets like scratch-off tickets are. After all, he runs a lottery shop. For ordinary scratch-off tickets, if you can get one out of ten, it is considered good, and you can get your money back and so on. , which is even more unthinkable for ordinary lottery players.

But now the situation on Li Wei's side is beyond his control. The prize rate is so high that it's really a scratch-off?

Anyway, the owner of the lottery shop couldn't believe it. He had been selling lottery tickets for more than ten years, and this was the first time he had encountered such a situation. He even wondered whether the workers at the lottery printing factory had made a mistake when packing the boxes, and the big ticket had been damaged. Most of the tickets with prizes have arrived.

After a while, the customers in the store began to sigh.

"Damn it, how can he have such a high prize rate? I don't have anything here. On average, Zhang Cai has a prize, and the prize is the minimum small prize of 3,000 yuan!"

"Damn it! I don't have anything in this box, they're all worthless!"

"Alas, I barely managed to get my money back. I got two hundred thousand and one thirty thousand, plus a few bits and pieces. I can only say it's not a loss."

Everyone looked at Li Wei, who was still slowly drawing the prizes. Now there were thick stacks of prize tickets around Li Wei. It was estimated that there must be at least seventy tickets.

Everyone has nothing but envy. After all, luck is something that cannot be explained clearly.

Some jealous lottery players even began to curse Li Wei in their hearts for using Yang Shou in exchange for bonuses.

Li Wei didn't care what the people around him thought and continued to scratch the lottery tickets. When the last lottery ticket was scratched, Li Wei calculated that he had scratched out a winning ticket, and the total prize was 40,000. Yuan, in 2009, was equivalent to two years' income of an ordinary Neon person.

"Boss, claim your prize." Levi placed the lottery ticket at the boss's counter.

The boss was speechless, but Levi's bonus had a special bonus account to redeem, and he only needed to connect the card swiper to the Internet.

I made a phone call and contacted the customer service staff at the backend. After explaining the reason, the boss took out the POS machine and said, "I can only go to the bank, is that okay?"

Levi nodded and said, "It's okay, it doesn't matter."

The mentality of the lottery players around me was very complicated at this time, with some being envious and some jealous.

It’s just that Li Wei himself knows that this round is a loss overall, because he sacrificed a golden suit and consumed all his luck, so he only got this little profit. If he did other things, the impact would not be too big. That’s it.

There is no need to explain the value of gold. Generally speaking, this "krypton gold" order is a loss to my grandma's family, but being able to raise the scratch-off lottery with less than % prize rate to more than %, this kind of luck can be considered reluctant It's enough. It's quite useful to add such a buff at critical moments.

Moreover, Li Wei only sacrificed one piece of equipment for this experiment. If the number of sacrificed equipment is too high and the quality is high enough, this ability can improve his luck to a very exaggerated level in a short period of time. Overall, It is the ability to do more good than harm.

The matter of krypton gold is indeed a troublesome matter for ordinary people, but for him, it is still within the acceptable range, because his gold is too easy to get.

Directly using money to purchase gold, in Levi's view, is not efficient enough, and the gold circulating on the market is only a very small part of the earth's total gold reserves. The earth still has a large amount of gold buried deep underground. This kind of supernova explosion The closer the special precious metals are to the earth's core, the greater the reserves.

It is with this in mind that Levi has begun to develop a spell to find gold, as well as a matching puppet. These puppets have a giant scorpion-like appearance. When combined with various escape spells, they can maneuver under the ground very quickly. Combined with spells for finding specific metals, only a few of these non-humanoid puppets are needed. Levi You can collect gold quickly without having to spend a lot of money to buy it in this market and have to be slaughtered.

Of course, for the current Li Wei, money is actually paper, not of much use, and he will leave this world sooner or later, so before leaving, it is right to spend all his money in this world. A very normal thing. He just doesn't like being taken advantage of. After all, in addition to buying gold, the money in his hand can also buy other things, which is much more cost-effective than buying gold directly.

As for gold, he was going to give it to his non-humanoid gold-seeking puppet. After staying here for a while, he would dig out enough gold and leave.

After simply calculating the input and output, Levi left the lottery shop with the bonus, leaving behind dissatisfied lottery players and a helpless lottery shop owner.

Not long after Levi left the lottery shop, he received a call. The Big Brother these days had not yet received a call notification. Levi took out the Big Brother out of habit, and then realized that this thing was not a smartphone at all. , you have to pick up the call to know whose call it is.

After answering the phone, an old but angry voice came from the other side.

"Brother Li Wei, I am Tang Fulu."

"It turns out it's the old man. I'm calling you at this time. What's the matter? I guess it's still late at night for the girl who's waiting on you." Levi said.

Tang Fulu smiled and said: "I just came out of the Red Devil space not long ago. Now my biological clock is out of sync with my sister's work and rest in the country. I called because I wanted to say thank you. If it weren't for Li Wei With your efforts, little brother, we will most likely be annihilated this time, but you saved the top experts in the world."

"If it's just this kind of thing, there's no need to express thanks, right?" Levi said.

"This may not be a big deal to you, but you did save everyone. Do you want to hold a party to celebrate?" Tang Fulu said.

"Let's forget about this kind of thing. I don't like trouble, and I don't care if other people will thank me." Levi said.

"That's really a pity. Ignatius also wants to invite everyone to celebrate for you. If that's the case, then this party can't be held." Tang Fulu said with a bit of regret in his tone.

Levi wanted to complain that someone as ambitious as Igniz wanted to hold a party for him, so he probably took this opportunity to test his attitude.

After all, Levi’s strength lies here. If he doesn’t agree, Igniz will not be able to rule the world. What is an ambitious man like Igniz thinking in his heart? As a member of the evildoers, Levi also thinks in his heart. It's just that he's not interested in things like ruling the world.

Chapter 44. Return to the real world

Although he has not dealt with Igniz directly, because he has the original plot as a reference, Levi knows much more about Igniz than anyone else. It can be said that an ambitious man like Ignatius will embark on the old path of conquering the world, even if he is not instigated by people from the distant land tribe behind him.

Levi will leave this world soon. As for what will happen to this world after he leaves, he does not consider this kind of thing at all, but if he kills an interesting person like Igniz, he always feels that It's a pity, leaving him in this world and letting him continue to entertain the world is also an interesting thing. It can also be regarded as a prank gift left by his evil deeds to this world.

Before the phone was hung up, Levi said: "I'm too lazy to contact Igniz and sue him for me. I have no interest in what he is going to do. The same is true for Giese and Krausa. He likes You can do whatever you want, it has nothing to do with me."

The current Levi will be after I left, no matter how prosperous he is, so finding some fun for Kusanagi Kyo and Shinan, who are still young now, can be regarded as the "gift" he left behind as a fun person.

Tang Fulu said: "I will sue him, then I won't bother you anymore -"

"It's time for me to say good night, old man." Levi smiled.

Although Tang Fulu's strength is far inferior to him, out of the most basic courtesy, Li Wei is older than himself and has enough goodwill towards him, so he will remain quite polite, although he is an out-and-out Evil person, but when it comes to etiquette, he will never let others find fault with him.

In the following days, Levi was not disturbed by anyone, which also allowed him to focus on mining underground gold mines. In just half a month, he was digging under the surface of the earth in the King of Fighters world. More than fourteen thousand tons of gold were produced.

The large amount of gold reserves makes Levi feel at ease, because all his abilities are linked to gold. Whether it is making props or improving luck, gold is the best medium, so the more war preparations like this, the better. of.

However, half a month of actually controlling the puppet gold mine made Levi temporarily feel bored, and he felt that he needed to rest.

After exchanging all the gold from the two huge underground forces for various items, Levi made the Gith clone and Krausa clone disappear from the public eye. The two puppet clones who had completed their historical missions were directly recovered by Levi. Placed in the underground space of the floating island.

The Gith clone and the Krausa clone themselves are also pretty good. Levi also put a lot of effort into these two puppet clones. It would be a pity for Levi to simply abandon or destroy them, so he simply put them first. Recycling these two puppet clones, maybe they can be used in a useful place in the future, and they can continue to shine and heat these two puppet clones.

After finishing the trivial matters here, Levi did not stay here any longer and decisively returned to the real world.

Because of the difference in time flow between worlds, the time when Levi left will be the same time when he came back. Levi stayed in the King of Fighters world for nearly a year, but only a few seconds passed in the real world. .

And these few seconds were all the time that was delayed when Levi started to calculate time again after he returned.

After traveling through three worlds, Li Weibei has been cultivating himself in the real world. He has more and more friends on the floating island. His current cultivation and overall strength are constantly growing, although he is still far from the expected goal. There is quite a gap, but by moving forward step by step now, one day, he will be able to achieve his goal and go to those relatively dangerous but high-reward worlds to maximize his own interests.

Although Levi's life on the floating island is very decadent, in the real world, he uses magic to cover up his charm and still maintains the rhythm of life in the past, just like a golden salaryman who longs for a peaceful life. , living an inconspicuous life in the city of Tokyo.

It was vacation time again. Levi stayed in his apartment and enjoyed the fun of glue-making. He had boasted to people on the forum before that he wanted to make the MG Eclipse Gundam and MG Aegis Gundam into a whole, keeping the same While the style is unified, it must also have considerable aesthetics, so that outsiders cannot tell that the two Gundams are temporarily assembled.

Now that he has boasted about it, he has to realize it. He skillfully cuts off the plate and uses pliers to quickly and accurately trim the mouth. In Li Wei's mind, the entire He has gone through the assembly procedures of the model, and now he can put two models together even with his eyes closed.

····Ask for flowers·····

Just as Li Wei was assembling the model, the cell phone beside him suddenly rang. Li Wei saw the incoming call notification on the screen, which was his home phone number. When he was in the King of Fighters world, the Big Brother there had no incoming call notification, so before picking up every call, Levi could only guess who was calling, which he was not used to.

When the call was connected, Levi switched the mode to hands-free so that he could answer the call without affecting the model making in his hand. He can use his extraordinary power to quickly complete the model, but he feels that the model made by this method has no soul, so he prefers to do it himself and complete the model bit by bit, only using his extraordinary power in some subtle places. Auxiliary, rather than all being crafted using supernatural powers.


"Mom, why are you calling me at this time?" Levi said.

"Can't you make a phone call if you have nothing to do? You haven't talked to your family on the phone for several days. Now that your wings are strong, can you ignore me and your dad?" A gentle and playful female voice smiled. said.

"Didn't I just call three days ago? I'm not a child anymore. I have to call home every day to report." Levi said.

"But to us, you will always be just a child. How have you been during this time? Have you made any new friends in Neon?" Levi's mother said with a smile.

"As always, dealing with those little devils is very troublesome. A few acquaintances are enough. Anyway, after graduation, we will no longer have any contact with each other." Levi said nonchalantly.

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