Moreover, this crystal has also undergone Li Wei's immortal transformation. Although it is limited by the material of the raw material and the quality of the magic weapon, its performance is still far superior to all existing hundred-armed crystals.

If the crystal used by Kureia is a "special machine", then the crystal used by Levi is a pure product of magic modification, the kind that would make people dry just by activating it.

Kulea was ready to take action, while Levi looked relaxed. This posture made Kulea feel a little unhappy inside, and she felt that she was being underestimated. Now, knowing that she would lose, she still wanted to fight with all her strength, making Levi realize that underestimating her was a very bad choice.

And Li Wei said that he will not take the initiative to attack. Only after she attacks, he will passively fight back. In other words, although there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides, because of this rule, fighting now The initiative is in her hands.

Kureiya opened the distance between the two parties at the first opportunity. After all, she had already experienced Levi's speed. If the distance of the shot was too close, it was very likely that Levi had already suddenly made a move as soon as she made the move. It came to her face.

The shuttle-shaped floating cannon behind her that looked like a dragoon had all its muzzles aimed at Levi and began to accumulate power at the same time. Kurea planned to start maneuvering the moment after firing, although this was just a way to delay time. But no matter how long it can be delayed, it is good.

However, at the moment of firing, Kulea noticed something abnormal. She felt a hand pat on her shoulder. When the flames of the floating cannon fired dissipated, there was still Levi's shadow in front of her. If she looked over, she could Seeing Levi's beautiful smile.

Levi smiled and said: "Your idea is very good. This way of coping is correct for ordinary battles. However, you misjudged the strength gap between us. If I want to kill you, At this time, your head has already fallen to the ground."

Kulea nodded. Although Levi did not show his own destructive power, this terrifying speed, even if the destructive power only reached the lowest standard for martial artists, was enough to crush the vast majority of barbarians.

And Kulea felt that Levi was definitely not just fast. Otherwise, his brother with his eyes above his head would not invite Levi to such an important position as the chief instructor in the small garden.

Kulea was convinced in her heart. Although Levi only showed his speed, this extreme speed was enough to deal with most battles.

Kulea said: "It's still some time before school starts. When do you plan to go to the small garden?"

Levi said: "I can leave here at any time. Anyway, I don't have anything important to do recently."

Kulea said: "If that's the case, I will take the transport plane back to the small garden tomorrow, let's get started then."

Levi nodded, both of them put away their weapons and walked out of the training ground.

After Levi and Kureiya separated, they returned to their current place of residence, while Kureiya went directly to the office of Judar's clone.

Judar's clone was still facing the computer. Kurea didn't know what he was busy with, but she felt that as the commander-in-chief of a giant corporate organization, there would definitely be a lot of trivial matters every day.

Judar's clone saw Kulea and said, "How is it? Have you tried it?"

Kureiya felt that her brother was a little anxious, which was very rare in her opinion, but for a talent like Levi, she could understand that her brother would be like this.

"I only know that he is very fast, and when he gets close to my back, the armed alarm system has no effect, and even the armed shield does not activate on its own," Kulea said.

Judar's clone showed a surprised expression and said, "If it were him, such a thing would be understandable."

Kulea continued: "But I haven't been able to test out his offensive ability. In the battle with the barbarians, although fast speed can have a certain advantage, but without the decisive offensive ability, it is just a scraper. .”

Judar's clone said: "You don't have to worry about this matter. In terms of offensive ability alone, his offensive ability is definitely strategic. He personally has the ability to end all wars. I spent a lot of money to We reached a cooperation agreement with him."

Kurea became interested after hearing her brother's words. She was curious about what price Judar's clone had to pay to convince a strong man like Levi to join her side.

Chapter 4. Emergency situation

Returning to his temporary place of residence, Levi showed a smile. Everything was according to his plan. It has to be said that after mastering the puppet clone technique, the difficulty of his layout was suddenly reduced from the normal mode to the easiest. model.

No one would have thought that the powerful Judar was now his puppet clone. Every decision made by Judar's clone was directed by him behind the scenes.

In the current situation, it is still very difficult for humans to completely solve the problem of barbarians, but if he intervenes, it will be another matter.

On the next day, Kulea contacted Levi early.

However, Levi was also practicing all night long, so when Kureiya called, he picked up the phone without ringing twice.

"I'm sorry to have to disturb you now, but we have concluded that the transport plane will get up in the morning." Kulea said on the phone.

"Okay, I can come out at any time." Levi said.

"Eh? It's only around 40 o'clock now. I thought I would call you at this time. You are still sleeping, so I was mentally prepared to be punished." Kulea said.

"I just happened to get up early. I will be at the airport around ten o'clock. See you then." Levi said.

"Okay, my starting position is LTG4. Your permission card allows the staff to guide you. It's easy to find the transport plane on the tarmac." Kulea was afraid that Levi would not be able to find the way, so she also gave special guidance.

In fact, Levi's perception ability does not require such guidance, but he will still thank Kulea for her kindness.

Before dawn, Levi had already arrived at the airport. He was now considered one of Varslan's senior staff. Although he was not directly in charge, he had a detached status. Levi said he wanted to go to the airport, so naturally someone would take him to the predetermined place.

On the transport plane, Levi saw Kulea wearing the uniform of Little Garden Academy. Ordinary student uniforms are dark in color, but as the student council president and the captain of the Maritime Academy City Ship, she has enough privileges. , you can wear uniforms that are completely different from ordinary student styles.

"Sorry, I have to let you come over now, but this transport plane is the fastest flight back to the Maritime Academy City Ship." Kulea said.

The environment inside the transport aircraft is relatively harsh compared to a normal passenger aircraft. The seats in the passenger area are all folding chairs leaning against the inner wall of the cabin, which is full of military atmosphere.

In the cargo hold of the transport plane, there were a large number of fixed small containers. Levi's senses scanned them all. They were filled with various medicines and equipment. Two of the containers contained various armed crystals, which were probably prepared for new students.

"For a night owl like me, this time is nothing," Levi said.

Kulea said: "Your uniform is still being customized. It is estimated that it will take two days to complete. There is your armed uniform in it. I heard from my brother that you don't like to wear armed uniform. This will not affect Crystal’s power?”

Li Wei quickly pulled out a folding chair from the inside of the cabin, sat on it, and fastened his seat belt.

Levi said: "For me, it doesn't matter whether I have bottom clothes or not. But as an instructor, you still have to wear bottom clothes. I still won't make such a bad start."

Levi thought of Char Aznable from the Gundam UC Era. At the beginning, Char was very dashing and didn't wear driving uniforms at all. However, after suffering a few injuries, he also wore them honestly. Put on the driving suit.

Li Wei will later serve as the instructor of Little Garden. There are more than 2,000 martial artist students in Little Garden. If Li Wei makes this bad start, those students may follow the same example and not wear underwear. Because Levi has his own strong strength as a foundation, he does not need the assistance of the base suit. If an ordinary martial artist dares to play like this, he will suffer muscle strain or fracture at the slightest, and concussion or internal bleeding at the worst.

The weapons embodied by the Hundred Armed Crystals are also a considerable burden on the martial artists themselves. Without adequate protection, the martial artists cannot fully control their own weapons.

Under the instructions of the airport, the transport plane drove onto the runway. The acceleration was far more powerful than that of a passenger plane, making the transport plane's climbing efficiency much higher than that of an ordinary passenger plane. After a brief vibration, Levi could feel that he was tilting , the transport aircraft climbed at a large angle, quickly reached a high altitude, and stabilized at the predetermined height.

Rivera opened a porthole and looked at the increasingly smaller ground scene below, squinting his eyes slightly. The height of the transport plane is now much higher than that of ordinary passenger planes. Ordinary passenger planes must consider the physical endurance limit of passengers, so It can't be too high or too fast, but transport planes don't have such concerns, so both speed and altitude are much stronger than ordinary civil aviation aircraft. It didn't take long for the transport plane to leave the coastline. , officially entered the high seas and airspace.

····Ask for flowers·····

At this moment, a voice came from the cockpit.

"Miss, there is new news from the control tower. There are barbarian individuals falling on our route. According to calculations, if we continue to move forward at the current speed, we will hit them head-on in two minutes." The co-pilot came to the cabin and said.


Kulea said: "What's the number? Are there any special individuals?"

The co-pilot said: "It is an individual. Whether it has a special individual is still unclear. Now the joint force has sent an interception force to intercept it. But how many can be intercepted is unknown. It will take them ten minutes to intercept it. In place.”

In order to deal with the barbarians that broke into the atmosphere from outer space, the major powers formed a joint force. This force has considerable authority and can act expediently under special circumstances.

Kulea said: "The number is a bit large, so let's leave it to the interception force to deal with it."

At this time, the co-pilot pressed his earphones, as if he heard something, nodded and said: "Miss, the situation has changed. All the barbarian landing individuals this time are of the same species, and they have escaped. With the airdrop bag in hand, the landing speed was faster than expected."

Kulea said: "Let's take a detour and avoid the other party first."

Levi said: "There is no need to avoid it. Since the interception force has no time to intercept, then let us intercept it. This place is too close to the coastline. If they are allowed to complete the landing here, it will be very difficult for the land. The threat from the direction is too great.”

Kulea looked at Levi in ​​surprise. She did not expect that Levi would have such an awareness and said: "There are a lot of people on the opposite side. Are you sure you want to intercept them here?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "I am still confident in my own strength." Shan.

Chapter 4. Instant Kill

Kureiya herself is a person who insists on "noblesse obligation". She doesn't care if others think she is proud or that she is consciously superior to others.

Kulea has always believed that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. As a strong person with power, fighting for the weak who cannot fight is an honorable and correct thing.

This slightly upright character is not very suitable for a commander, but she has become the idol of many students. Her strength and her noble spirit like a knight who keeps the command have influenced many martial arts. or students.

And Li Wei's statement was very appealing to her. Originally, she wanted to avoid the edge temporarily and let the people of the joint force deal with the barbarians. After all, not only everyone in the joint force was an elite, but every time they were dispatched, they were... The team acted as an organization, relying on quantity and quality to confront those powerful barbarian individuals head-on.

Although Kulea has a certain degree of confidence in her own strength, there are crew members on the transport machine. The crew members are just ordinary people, and there are also important medicines on the transport machine, as well as crystals that the freshmen need to use. These are all There couldn't be any important strategic objects that could go missing, so just now, she was thinking of taking a detour.

Levi smiled and said: "Kureya, I think you are very curious about my strength, right? In this situation, if the joint forces come here, those gangs may have already moved closer to the coastline. In order to To avoid this worst situation, as a martial artist, I have the responsibility and obligation to intercept these barbarian individuals."

"Fight for those who can't fight!" Kulea was a little excited in her heart and said the admonition she often talked about.

Levi snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Yes, that's it. Since you have become a martial artist, you should fulfill your responsibilities and obligations. As a martial artist, you must prove yourself by hunting barbarians. "

Levi knows what kind of person Kulea is, so naturally he will not show his selfish side at this time. Moreover, for him now, such a thing is just a piece of cake and will not cause any loss to him, so It's done.

Because of the information provided by Judar's clone, Li Wei is not unfamiliar with the barbarians. At least he is very clear about the classification of the barbarians and the general strength of their individuals. The barbarians of the lineage are relatively rare. The ten barbarians who invaded this time are all of the lineage. This is a rare situation in the history of confrontation between humans and barbarians.

Kulea said to the crew: "Keep the course, but slow down and open the tail hatch. We are going out."

The crew heard what Kulea said and began to prepare for the two people's attack. The structure of the transport aircraft is different from that of ordinary passenger aircraft. The tail cabin can be opened. The large transport aircraft that pedestrians are currently riding can even transport two units at once. Old main battle tank.

Levi took off his shirt, revealing his strong, sculpture-like muscles. At the same time, he took out his Hundred Arms Crystal. The golden crystal exuded a soft light, and everyone around him could feel the power contained in the crystal. of huge energy.

Kulea pulled out the temporary dressing curtain and quickly took off her uniform, revealing the armed underwear inside. In order to prevent various emergencies, she habitually wore the armed underwear as underwear. This was convenient It is to cope with the current emergency situation.

After taking off her uniform, Kureya opened the changing curtain. She looked at Levi's perfect figure and felt a little hot inside. When she went to the beach to play in the past, she had seen a lot of handsome men with bare upper bodies. , but this was the first time she had seen a perfect figure like Levi.

The conductor with the safety lock was already standing at the open tail cabin and said: "Miss, the airflow behind is relatively stable, you can attack now!"

Kulea nodded, trotted out of the transport plane, spread her arms, and her long golden hair was blown upward by the strong wind.

"hundred!" Kulea shouted, the red sci-fi style armor already covering her body.

And she quickly stopped her falling, using the armor's unscientific ability to climb to the top of the transport plane in an instant, and she also saw the barbarian tribe coming towards this side.

After Levi jumped out of the transport plane, he deployed Jing's fully armed mode. The armor was gorgeous and simple, like a golden sacred garment, covering Levi's whole body, and he also quickly increased his height and came to Kulei. Ya's not far away.

The communications between the two parties have been connected, and intelligence can now be exchanged through channel-style conversations.

Kulea was a little surprised when she looked at Levi's gorgeous and sacred armor, which was as majestic as a god. The power brought by the Hundred Armed Crystal is an idealistic power that cannot be explained by modern science, and its armed appearance is also a reflection of the martial artist's innermost being... .

Kulea looked at Levi's gorgeous gold and silver armor, and inferred that Levi must be very arrogant in his heart, and only such an arrogant person could embody such divine armor.

A light suddenly flashed in the distance. Seeing this, Kureiya instantly became alert. At the same time, she unfolded a wide-area shield, wrapping herself and the transport plane below. In an instant, a golden energy torrent hit the shield in a semicircle. The shaped shield ejected the dissipated energy in all directions. After a few seconds, the energy torrent with exhausted potential completely disappeared.

"You can still bombard so accurately from such a long distance. The ability of the walking species is really annoying." Kureiya felt that the current situation was a bit tricky. The mobility of the barbarian walking species was very strong, and she still had We have to protect the transport plane, and with our hands tied, there is no way to let go.

Levi said: "Kureya, please be optimistic about the transport plane, and leave those barbarians to me to deal with."

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