"Know a little bit." Levi once again demonstrated his "fingertip universe".

Kulea was surprised in her heart. If Levi hadn't been bragging, then his abilities were indeed genius level. After all, personal energy is limited and it is impossible to do everything well, so ordinary people can only become An expert in a certain field does what he is good at to the best of his ability. It is not easy to be proficient in multiple fields.

Kulea said: "It feels like you know a lot of things, is there anything else you don't know?"

Levi smiled and said: "There are actually a lot of things I don't know how to do."

Levi wanted to complain in his heart, at least something like giving birth to a child, he personally couldn't do it without the cooperation of the girl. Of course, using human cells to create a puppet clone from scratch is another matter. This goes beyond giving birth to a child.

When the two of them were walking, they passed by a piano on the street. Levi sighed inwardly that Valslan was really willing to give up. The public pianos provided for passers-by to play on the pedestrian street were all top-of-the-line models worth hundreds of thousands. However, the security here is quite good. Even if such a valuable thing is left outside, no one will make a mistake. If you look at the country in the real world, I am afraid that the entire piano will not be sold for RMB. gone.

Levi opened the key cover of the piano, adjusted the height of the stool, and sat down. Kulea stood behind Levi, folding her hands, ready to appreciate how high Levi's music level was. Generally speaking, most people who have the courage to say that they are good at a certain instrument have two brushes.

Levi said: "Then I'll just improvise."

Although Li Wei also knows how to appreciate those classic classical piano music, he doesn't like them that much. In comparison, he prefers to improvise according to his current mood. For him, musical instruments are a way to express his feelings. medium, but those classic tracks are the feelings of others. It is not easy for an individual to integrate himself into the role of others, so he prefers to be himself.

A melodious and crisp voice sounded. Although Kulea had never learned piano, she still had the ability to appreciate art. After all, the elite education she received included the subject of art appreciation, from painting to music, to She has a very high appreciation of sculpture and literature.

The moment the piano sounded, she knew that Li Wei's accomplishments on the piano were not as simple as just a few clicks. It could even be said to have reached a master level, because Li Wei's hands were so steady, and between each note The connections were very stable, and the music was coherent and smooth. Although it was a score she had never heard before, she already had a complete picture in her mind, and she seemed to see the city of Venice.

Chapter 4. Familiar feeling

After the song ended, Kureiya was still a little unable to recover. Levi's music weaved a beautiful picture in front of her. She was intoxicated with the picture, but was forcibly brought back to reality by the stop of the music.

Kulea looked at Levi with complicated eyes. This man was one of the best men she had ever seen, and he was more attractive than others. Just staying by his side would make her feel comfortable. Such charm is already cheating.

Levi let go of his hand. He didn't need to be like those professional pianists. He needed regular practice every day to stay in shape. For him, the piano was more of an entertainment that cultivated his sentiments.

Li Wei said: "I haven't practiced for a long time and I feel a little rusty. Do you want to play again?"

Kulea came back to her senses and said: "Can we continue? Then let's play another song. It would be a pity to end it here. Of course, - one more song is enough."

Kulea knew that playing the piano was tiring. She had practiced the piano before. Although she failed to persist in the end, she also knew how difficult it was to play the piano. It would not take long for her to reach Levi's current level. It is impossible to practice hard.

She did not disturb Li Wei while he was playing. In her opinion, it was quite rude to disturb others while enjoying their performance. Moreover, Li Wei's performance was so wonderful. If she did this, She will never forgive herself.

Unknowingly, there were more people around and heard Levi's impromptu performance. Pedestrians passing by stopped and kept silent, enjoying Levi's performance.

Some people even took out their PDAs and started videotaping Levi while he was playing.

The scene was very quiet, and only the melodious and lively sound of the piano could be heard. At this time, because Li Wei was in a happy mood, his playing style also tended to be relaxed and lively, with a little bit of girlish cuteness and a little bit of boyish jumping. , the highly sweet notes made the people who appreciated it smile unconsciously on their faces, as if they were recalling happy things.

During the several-minute long performance, no one made any sound from the people who stopped. It was not until the end of Levi's performance that people gave thunderous applause.

Li Wei stood up, put one hand on his chest, and saluted everyone like an ancient nobleman.

This scene also made everyone smile. The personnel who can be stationed on this Maritime Academy City ship are all very qualified, so after seeing Levi's salute, they all returned the salute in their own way.

After saluting, Levi and Kulea left.

"It seems that everyone likes you very much." Kureiya said with a sigh.

However, given Levi's conditions, it is normal for him to be so popular. After all, people respect musicians quite a lot. This is especially true where the economic foundation is better and the per capita education level is higher. Judar will build this place as the capital of his future kingdom, so everyone here has passed multiple reviews, whether it is personal ability or moral quality, they must pass the assessment before they can enter.

That is to say, only the privileged class of martial arts students can lower their standards in this kind of review. Non-martial arts students, even regular soldiers stationed here, will not have any relaxation in the review standards.

Levi said: "Only the people here would have such an idea. The reason why this Utopia is called a small garden is because in Judal's view, it is pure and clean, and everyone's spirit They all look very good. However, if this kind of protection lasts for a long time, the people here will no longer adapt to the harsh environment outside."

Kulea said: "I am also aware of such things, but this is my brother's decision, and I will not interfere rashly. Moreover, this environment is quite good, and we have the ability to protect them."

Levi sneered: "That's why I think that guy Judar is an elitist who likes to divide people into three classes, and he also has a very serious moral obsession, but this is also the reason why I think the same as him. If the overall moral environment of a collective is clean, then the per capita moral quality of the collective will increase, because people with low quality will be abandoned by the group, regardless of whether the individuals in the collective really have high moral quality or are just pretending. Well, overall, the overall moral quality has been improved."

Kulea said: "There is a saying in Chongguo that one's deeds do not matter one's heart. If a person with an evil heart has done good deeds in his life and does not break the precepts even when he dies, then he is a good person. In this regard , My brother and I also have the same view. Only rules can bring order and happiness to everyone, and what we have to do is to prevent those with power from trampling on the rules."

····Ask for flowers·····

The name Little Garden was born for various reasons. This is one of the reasons. Kulea herself is not an elitist, but she insists on her own moral knowledge. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. But she also knows that this kind of idealistic idea can only work in a place like a small garden where the per capita moral quality is high. If it is in the outside world, she will not get any reward for her efforts.

The two walked to a place where they needed to separate.

"Then I'll go back first. I'm very happy today. Your music made me forget the troubles caused by trivial matters." Kulea put her hands behind her back.

Levi smiled and said: "If you like, I can play it specially for you, and the improvised tune today is actually played for you."

Kurea's breath was stifled, and then she turned away and said, "Is the feeling I give you complicated?"

Kulea also knows music. From the first song, she heard liveliness and cheerfulness, and also heard heroic spirit. When she heard this song, she felt an indescribable sense of familiarity. Unexpectedly, this song was written It's her.

Kulea said: "You seem to know me very well. Did your brother tell you about me?"

Levi smiled and said: "I only composed that song based on my first impression, but when I talk to you, I always feel like I'm meeting an old friend. Maybe I do understand you."

Kulea hated Levi's charm in her heart. It was just ordinary words, but when they came out of Levi's mouth, there was an indescribable sultry feeling. It was almost like a confession, which made her heart beat faster.

However, when she was with Levi, she enjoyed this feeling very much. Just like Erica said, when she was with Levi, she always felt like she was in love, because Levi was very fond of girls. It was so gentle. She knew that such gentleness was not just for her personally, but she still couldn't control her heart.

Kulea sighed and said: "I have to go, see you tomorrow. As a coach, you still have to prepare a speech for the opening ceremony. Don't just stand on the stage and forget to say what you said."

"This kind of thing is not difficult for me." Li Wei said with a smile.

Chapter 4. Opening Ceremony

After returning to his dormitory, Levi began to prepare his speech for the opening ceremony. This kind of thing was not difficult for him, but now that the plot has changed so much, will there still be conflicts with the opening ceremony of the original plot? An unknown number.

The original plot, the plot of the opening ceremony in the first episode, destroyed any good impression Li Wei had towards the heroine. As a Chongguo native, and someone who understands the spirit of Chongguo soldiers, he was disgusted by the heroine's idiotic remarks. Extremely.

Time flies by, and the start of school is gradually approaching. The small garden is also ready to welcome new students. Some of the new students who came early have begun to become familiar with the environment of the school, that is, the martial arts club. Because of the inspection There are many projects, so the procedures for freshmen to board the ship are relatively troublesome. For freshmen from other colleges, Li Wei checked the internal information and found that they have already arrived.

Although the male protagonist of the original plot, Kisaragi Hayato, has not reported to school yet, he has already attracted the attention of many people because of his highest crystal reaction value in history.

Of course, Levi did not disclose his crystal reaction value. If Levi disclosed his crystal reaction value, then Hayato Kisaragi's results would be nothing. But Levi didn't want to be in the limelight on this kind of thing, so he left this score of reaction value to Hayato Kisaragi.

On the first day of school, Kisaragi Hayato took a special transport plane to pick him up and rushed from Neon to the small garden. The inertia of the plot was also quite huge. Things still unfolded like the original plot. Two newly admitted grades The female freshmen pulled up a banner on the side of the airport runway, which said something like "Welcome Kisaragi Hayato to school", in preparation for a welcoming ceremony for Kisaragi Hayato.

Hayato Kisaragi, who didn't want to be in the limelight, simply slipped away and met the white-haired heroine Emil (pseudonym) on the road. After a rough fight, the two headed towards the venue where the freshman opening ceremony was held, and the two The girl who greeted Kisaragi Hayato also missed the opening ceremony just like in the original plot.

Regarding such a thing, Levi could only sigh that it happened after all. However, he did not sympathize with the two female students. In his opinion, the two female students had the problem of ignoring school rules and disciplines, which was a very fatal problem for martial arts practitioners.

The opening ceremony will proceed as usual, and there will be no special waiting just because of the two people's absence.

In the spacious venue, not only this year's freshmen, but also the senior students who entered the school before are all here. In the entire venue, only the students' whispers can be heard, although the opening ceremony has not yet been officially opened. At first, they all instinctively suppressed their voices.

At the viewing platform located above the podium, relying on high-tech equipment, Li Wei and others only used the equipment to scan the students sitting below and already knew the students' attendance status.

Liddy looked at the feedback on the external output screen of the instrument and said to Kurea and Levi beside her: "Ms. Kurea, Coach Li Wei, here at the venue, there are two people who should be present and who are actually present. I am personally absent from work.”

Kulea said: "Don't tell me that you got lost on the road or encountered some unexpected situation. I want their information and positioning history."

Erica typed a few times on the external keyboard of her laptop, and two personnel documents popped up. She pointed the computer towards Kulea.

"Noya Sheldon and Liu Xuemei, I remember these two names. I am very familiar with all the freshmen materials this year. It's a pity for these two people." Kulea said.

Liddy said: "Lady Kulea, I have also checked their real-time positioning history. The two of them stayed in the starting area for too long and missed the best time to leave. Now it will take ten minutes for them to arrive. This side of the venue.”

Kulea said: "The start of school is also on schedule. I know how to deal with the two of them. Martial arts practitioners are also members of the military. Although they can only be regarded as reserve forces now, they are also members of the military. The two of them only It can be used to kill chickens and scare monkeys."

Li Wei, who crossed his arms, also nodded and said: "I have no opinion on this. You all know that I come from Chongguo. For soldiers in Chongguo, orders and military discipline are everything. Their combat effectiveness comes from discipline and orders." , who violates military discipline and orders, no matter what kind of punishment he suffers, is not worthy of sympathy..."

Kulea nodded. Liu Xuemei was Li Wei's compatriot. Since Li Wei had no objection to her decision, she didn't need to have any scruples.

After the time was up, the opening ceremony started normally. Kulea began to give a speech on the podium. For this opening ceremony, she memorized the speech of more than 100 words in advance. Although there seemed to be not much to say, Taking into account the change in tone, it will take a certain amount of time to finish speaking these more than 100 words.

After Kureiya finished saying what she wanted to say, it was Levi's turn to take the stage. Levi did not expect that this villain would be done by himself, but it didn't matter. Anyway, he was very interested in "Hundred Arms of War" "The male protagonist and female protagonist don't have any good feelings, and they don't worry about offending each other.

Just when Levi was halfway through his speech, the side door of the venue was gently pushed open, and two figures crept forward towards the auditorium.

Levi snapped his fingers, and two spotlights suddenly lit up, illuminating the two figures who sneaked in, and said: "The opening ceremony has been starting for a while now, classmate Noah Sheldon, and Student Liu Xuemei, you are already more than ten minutes late."

The two girls seemed to have been electrocuted, frozen in place and not daring to move.

Levi, who was wearing a mask, said: "Your current behavior can be said to be a serious violation of discipline. According to the rules here, please be prepared to drop out of school."

At this time, the Taoist figure stood up and said loudly: "This is really too much! It's just ten minutes late, but you have to expel someone from school. This kind of rule is so unkind!"

The person who spoke was the white-haired heroine, a pretty girl who now goes by the pseudonym Emil. Next to her, Hayato Kisaragi grabbed Emil and wanted to make her sit down, but at this time Emil also became stubborn and pushed her away. He took Kisaragi Hayato's hand and said, "Don't stop me. I will definitely stop this unfair thing. And the fact that those two girls became like this has something to do with us."

Kisaragi Hayato didn't know what to say, because what Emil said was true, and whether he chose to stop it or not, it was wrong.

Chapter 4. Small disturbance

Levi looked at the white girl disguised as a man, her true expression was hidden under the mask, so Emil couldn't see the joking expression on Levi's face now.

Levi said: "Do you have any opinion on my decision?"

"Of course, if they are only ten minutes late, the most they can do is record a major demerit and expel them directly without any room for buffering. This is really too much!" Emil said loudly.

All the freshmen looked at her. At this time, Emil attracted everyone's attention, but some senior students also showed pity in their eyes. Compared with the freshmen who didn't know much about Levi, they were already at the training ground. Old students who have seen Levi's strength can only lament that Emil simply does not know the heights of the sky, and he does not understand that the privileges enjoyed by the students of the Martial Arts Department come with a price.

Li Wei said calmly: "Emile Crawford. Do you know why I gave the order to expel the two of them so decisively? And Liu Xuemei is still my compatriot, but I still did it."

"Who would know such a thing,,?!,'?!;..?『';!."!』?,:,.:,..?'."',『",":.』 .,!"',!,'.',;:Save for use."""?;.You hide your head and show your tail!" Emil said loudly.

Regarding Emil's harsh words, Levi was extremely calm. A privileged class like Emil could not understand the meaning of order and discipline.

Li Wei said calmly: "My motherland has the world's number one army. Although the status of the conventional army has dropped a lot with the birth of the Hundred Armed Crystal, they are still the world's number one martial artist support force. why is that?"

Emil didn't answer because she didn't know much about this matter. If she answered hastily, she might fall into Levi's language trap.

Li Wei continued: "Because they have iron discipline, they are like millions of people! This is the real secret why they are so powerful! Once upon a time, Chong Guo and Amei, you see, Guo had a tragic life in Bangzi Country war. The soldier of my motherland was hidden in the grass, and the flames wrapped him. In order not to reveal the position of his comrades, he gritted his teeth and was burned to death by the flames! Even until death, he did not move, even He screamed because he knew that doing so would expose his own attack sequence. There was also a battle in which the entire company of soldiers was ambushed in the snowfield. They were frozen alive into ice sculptures, and no one moved randomly, because the soldiers above The order was for them to ambush there and wait for an opportunity to attack. So, they used their lives to carry out this order!"

There was silence in the entire auditorium. What Li Wei said was extremely shocking to them. This kind of absolute execution of military discipline and orders was the first time many of them had heard of it. This level was not common in the army. It can be done.

Levi pointed at Emil and said: "If you have been trained now and have become qualified martial arts practitioners, intercepting the barbarian invasion on the front line, behind you will be the lights of thousands of families, and in front of you will be a terrible enemy! And this However, due to chaotic reasons, the two people failed to arrive on the battlefield in time, delaying the fighter plane and causing the entire defense line to collapse. At that time, it was not just as simple as killing a few people, but the entire city would be massacred by the barbarians! Thousands, or even tens or millions of people, died because of the negligence of these two people! Tell me! Is it reasonable or excessive for me to expel them from school?!"

After speaking, Levi slapped his hand on the podium and said it loudly in an almost roaring tone.

As for Noah Sheldon and Liu Xuemei, their faces were pale and their eyes were filled with tears. They had never realized that their tardiness would be so serious.

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