Kulea said: "Brother, is the situation there dangerous now?"

Levi said: "That's about it. There was another assassination attempt against him in the past two days, but it failed. Through reverse tracing, the people in the intelligence department figured out who was behind this plan."

"Who is it?!" Kulea asked quickly.

Levi smiled and said: "It is the consortium forces in North America. Some are old consortiums that control financial power, and some are the military-industrial complex that sells arms all over the world. Judal blocks their way to wealth, so they are ready to get rid of them." Judar.”

Kulea nodded. She could understand such a thing. After all, the existence of Valslan Society had made it difficult for traditional military enterprises. It was not surprising that they would use such means to target her brother. After all, the North American military-industrial complex has always had a long tradition of giving away machines to its competitors.

However, Valslan's strength is far beyond what the military-industrial complex can match. Unless the other party can use the power of the entire country, it can pose a threat to Valslan, and it is only a threat.

Valslan possesses the world's most advanced armament crystal technology, and the weapons it manufactures are sold all over the world. All major countries use their own manufactured armed crystals, but for small countries that do not have strong economic and scientific research capabilities, Varslan's mass-produced armed crystals, relying on their extremely high cost performance, have overwhelmed the products of each major country and cannot be sold at all. go out.

An arms order like this is actually a small country's declaration of surrender to a big country. I buy your arms for the opportunity to follow your big brother. However, Valslan broke this traditional relationship with the certificate of investment. Valslan, with its powerful force, can guarantee the interests of its customers and has proven its capabilities in several actual combats. That's why those small countries will choose Valslan's products. .

In Levi's view, Judar is indeed a tycoon with two skills. Even if he is not controlled by him, if it continues to develop like this, Varslan will grow into a global behemoth, but his arrival has accelerated It’s just a process.

Kulea said: "々. I believe that my brother can handle these matters. What I have to do is to guard this rear area for my brother."

Kulea knows the importance of the small garden. The small garden is an important scientific research and military base in Valslan. The relatively closed environment is the best environment for scientific research confidentiality. Nearly % of the core scientific research institutions in Valslan are on this ship. It's a giant ship with a length of four kilometers, so there can't be any mistakes here.

Just as the two of them were enjoying the slightly warm atmosphere, Kulea's PDA rang.

Kurea connected the communication, and Liddy's voice rang out: "Ms. Kurea, I'm sorry to bother you at this time. The radar reported that there is a supersonic speed unit about kilometers northeast of the small garden. Approaching, the countermeasure team determined that it was an anti-ship missile. And above us, there was an invasion of barbarian airborne individuals, and now we are contacting Instructor Levi."

Levi said: "I'm right here, starting with Kulea."

Erica's voice came from over there, saying: "It's really great to have Coach Levi here. The emergency response team has been sent out to intercept the incoming anti-ship missiles. The barbarian airborne troops are entrusted to Coach ”

Levi raised his head, and the slightly gray sky was lit up with small light spots. He relied on his far superior eyesight to see clearly what those small light spots were. They were several oval-shaped objects. Although barbarian individuals have the ability to physically penetrate the atmosphere, they will use airborne capsules to reduce the consumption of themselves when entering the atmosphere. They are also quite intelligent beings.

Chapter 4. Interception

Kulea said: "My side will launch interceptor missiles directly, and Levi's side will launch them immediately."

Just above the two of them, more than a dozen heavily armed martial arts practitioners had passed by, heading at full speed in the direction of the missile, preparing to intercept it.

Kulea hung up the communication and said to Levi: "Don't leave the barbecue yet. I'll go back here. When I come back, the fish should be ready for baking."

Li Wei quickly turned over the octopus skewer and took out his armed crystal. Both of them quickly completed their armed dressing. Kureya jumped lightly and was already high in the sky, chasing in the direction of the troops that had already left. Levi also soared into the sky and climbed straight up.

Levi's PDA communication has also been connected, and he remembered a slightly immature male voice on the other side.

"Coach Levi, this is Analyst Chris. Please open the tactical visual interface. I will directly project the content to the tactical perspective interface."

A machine in the style of a Dragon Ball combat power detector was also hung by Levi on the left eye of his mask. In an instant, a large amount of information began to display. The system that can be controlled by brain waves allowed Levi to quickly browse the mission briefing. This kind of technology surpasses existing technology in the real world by at least thirty years.

Levi's height increased rapidly, and soon reached the same height as the barbarian airborne capsule. Then he discovered something was wrong. A device that seemed to be a man-made object was steadily lowering its height below the barbarian. According to the tactical visibility, According to the movement trajectory calculated by the interface, the landing place of these airborne troops composed of dozens of barbarians happened to be the small garden.

"It's a good trick to kill someone with a borrowed sword. I didn't expect that Judal had already been put into actual combat before he could realize it." Li Wei sent this information back to the headquarters in the small garden.

This device, which looks like a fallen satellite fragment, is camouflaged in appearance. If Levi hadn't possessed extraordinary perception that far exceeded machinery, it would be easy to mistake this device for a fragment of some kind of machinery.

Satellites in the earth's high orbit are now easily attacked by barbarians, so satellite fragments will fall into the atmosphere from time to time. People have become accustomed to such things.

And now that there are martial artists, the cost of launching satellites is much lower than before. In the past, each satellite launch required a large battle and a hugely expensive launch vehicle to take the satellites out of the atmosphere. However, martial artists are now wearing clothes. After being armored, it can easily break through the atmosphere from the ground, so now all it takes to launch a satellite is for a martial artist to drag the satellite upwards, and the cost has been reduced from the original millions of dollars to the current luxury dinner.

Barbarians often attack human satellites, so humans will launch more satellites into the sky. If you knock out one of my satellites, I will immediately replace it with ten satellites. Moreover, after the launch costs and maintenance costs have been reduced to a minimum, humans have deployed a large number of armed satellites in outer space. These satellites are not only a mutual strategic threat to each other internally, but also the first line of defense to intercept the barbarians.

Therefore, armed satellites are often shot down, which is a very daily thing for the general public, and there is nothing to make a fuss about.

Levi knew that the other party was taking advantage of this psychological blind spot to make small moves.

Levi quickly lowered his height and dragged the "fragment" that was as big as his own body.

"I have recovered the device that sent the special message. Someone will come and take it. I am now ready to deal with these barbarians." Levi said.

"Okay, the recovery team has arrived. Please leave a locator on the device. The recovery team will rush to the fall route immediately." Chris said in the communication.

Levi took off the locator from his forearm armor and attached it to the fragments. At the same time, he threw the fragments in another direction. The huge force directly caused the orbit of the powered fragments to deviate. A special information generation device disguised as satellite fragments, with a large number of vector jets all over its body. It can freely adjust its falling trajectory before falling to the ground. However, Levi's power is too huge. If he throws it at will, it will Its trajectory has completely deviated.

After the signal generator deviated from its orbit, the airborne capsules of the barbarian individuals also began to change their trajectory and began to move in the direction of the signal generator. Now their falling path has changed. They fell in this direction, away from the original landing point of the small garden. It deviated by at least hundreds of kilometers.

Levi looked down, and several small dots began to move in this direction. The feedback given by the armor was that the recovery team was starting from the direction of the small garden.

Levi turned his head and looked at the barbarian airborne sacs chasing in the direction of the messenger, and launched a bombardment. For a strong man like him, no matter what kind of barbarian individual they were, they were ants that could be crushed to death with just one finger. The sky was full of ants. The torrent of golden light instantly annihilated all the airborne capsules.

After Levi completed the task, he located the real-time coordinates of Kulea and others, and began to dive to lower the altitude, moving closer to Kulea and others.

When Levi arrived, Kulea and the interception team had already intercepted three anti-ship missiles. Anti-ship missiles entering their terminal state can reach speeds above Mach. Even an elite martial artist like Kulea would find it difficult to intercept them.

"There are two more, relative angles, heights, ready to intercept!" Kulea kept adjusting her angle, but now the shooting angle of the entire team is not very good, and it takes several interceptions to knock down the last two. .

A large number of energy beams weaved into a firepower net. An anti-ship missile directly hit the energy net. It was comparable to the high temperature on the surface of a star, and detonated the anti-ship missile in an instant.

But another anti-ship missile got through the gap in the energy network and continued to move forward.

"Be prepared to chase!" Kulea said loudly.

With the defense power of the small garden, anti-ship missiles are not worthy of scraping the outer shield, but she is a bit perfectionist and does not want to miss this anti-ship missile.

At this moment, the condescending golden particle impact stream hit the missed anti-ship missile, and the explosion of fire shot into the sky.

The pedestrians raised their heads and saw Levi who was slowly lowering his height.

"We're done." Levi smiled. Although he was now wearing a mask that covered his entire face, his voice was still so contagious. Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw him.

Chapter 4. Matryoshka Doll

After intercepting the missile, the pedestrians began to return home. Levi and Kulea had only been out for a few minutes. For the two of them, the task of intercepting missiles and barbarians would not be too difficult until a third party intervened. Much difficulty.

The two people who returned to the ship enjoyed a barbecue dinner and then went to the core command area in the small garden.

Arriving at the command center, Levi and Kulea saw Charlotte Diamandius who had just finished her work. Although Charlotte looks like a little girl, her true age is a mystery. According to speculation, she should be over 10 years old, but her appearance is like the cute teacher from "A Certain Magical Index", which is full of deception.

Charlotte was wearing a student uniform, a scientific researcher's white coat, small gold-rimmed glasses on her nose, and a lollipop in her mouth.

"Eating sweets at this time will cause tooth decay." Kulea said -.

"I'm not a child anymore. I brush my teeth well every day. How could I get cavities? Don't go off topic, Kulea, I've taken apart the thing Levi brought back and studied it. There's nothing there. What a huge gain.”

Kulea said: "Is there no way to trace it back?"

Charlotte spread her hands and said: "This kind of thing is simply impossible. This thing landed from outer space and made a lot of orbit changes on the way. I checked the orbit change record of this thing and traced it back to the high orbit. The most original landing point, but it was connected to the general database of Varslan. There were no satellites at that location at the time. Of course, it is also possible that this thing was manually thrown by a martial artist. Anyway, no matter how much I checked, there was no satellite. There’s so much useful information you can get out of this.”

Kulea said: "Please pass this matter to your brother and let the intelligence department at the headquarters be responsible for the investigation. This matter cannot be let go like this."

Charlotte said: "There are several suspected countries and forces. It is impossible to determine who is behind the scenes just by relying on the information we have now."

Kulea said: "What about those anti-ship missiles? Did the satellite capture anything?"

Charlotte still shook her head and said: "I have submitted an application to the headquarters and collected satellite videos from most of the world. No suspicious ships were found. I suspect that the submarine on the other side should be used for diving. Shoot. That’s why we couldn’t find the target.”

The reason why Charlotte did not suspect that the other party was launching from a land base was because Varsland's satellites have locked onto all countries with ultra-long-range strategic cruise missiles. If it were launched from a land base, there would be no way to avoid satellite surveillance. Moreover, from the video brought back by Kulea and others, it can be determined that the type is not up to par. The land-launched strategic cruise missile is much larger. Only in this way can the strategic cruise missile be able to cross half of the earth. Has enough acceleration to hit the target.

However, according to the content of the video, the missile intercepted by humans is much smaller than the land-based missile. It looks like a close-range sea-based anti-ship missile.

If you can't find a shooting ship, then you can only use submarine launching. There are only a few big countries with this kind of submarine launching technology, and there are not many suspects.

Levi said: "You can be sure that those anti-ship missiles are just bait. The real killer move is the barbarian airborne troops above us. You should have seen the video I brought back."

Charlotte said: "Of course I have seen it. I have to say that you are really powerful. It was a large airborne team, with more than ten of them, and you were able to kill them all in one round of attacks. If it were another interception team, they might lose their troops, and they wouldn't be able to stop all the opponents."

Levi said: "Check the dispatch records of the joint interception force and see if there is any usable information."

Charlotte nodded. On Levi's side, Judal's puppet had begun to move. The small garden was also a very important logistics base for Levi. The other side actually plotted against him. Such a thing, he Naturally, I won’t pretend that I never gave birth.

However, it is not easy to investigate this matter clearly.

The height you stand at is different, and the scenery you see is also different. In the original plot of the anime, it unfolds from the perspective of Hayato Kisaragi, so most of the time it is a youth campus comedy, but Levi, as one of the top executives of Valslan, even if he is Ming His official status can be said to be of high authority, so all kinds of conspiracies and intrigues are coming at him, and it is difficult even for him to avoid all kinds of agency schemes.

····Ask for flowers·····

The next few days were uneventful in the small garden. Ordinary personnel had no idea about the previous attacks. Whether it was the interception of anti-ship missiles or the interception of barbarian airborne troops, they were kept secret from ordinary personnel and only a handful of people participated. Only the personnel who completed the mission and the core personnel of the command center knew about this incident.

However, the information coming from Varslan headquarters made some people gather together again.

In the small conference room next to the command room, Levi, Kulea, Liddy, Erica, Charlotte, Chris, and the core members of the ships sat down around the conference table.

The projector projected on the wall interface was important information coming from the headquarters.

Charlotte said: "After a lot of effort, the intelligence personnel at the headquarters finally caught the little tail on the opposite side. After checking down the road, they found the head of Amei You Kanguo, but things didn't go that way. It's simple. I continued to investigate and found out that it was the Koreans who took advantage of Amei and caused this. They made two preparations, but unfortunately, they were still found out by our intelligence personnel. For this information, the intelligence community paid the price of two lives."

. .

Kulea said with a sigh: "I'm still such a troublemaker, I like to hide behind the scenes and plot others."

Although Kureiya is of partial Yin descent, she also knows what those so-called Yin Lun gentlemen are like, and if she puts herself in their shoes, she can also understand why they do what they do.

Since ancient times, the United States has been fond of engaging in "offshore balancing". The most common thing it has done in history is to sow discord among all parties, and then let them fight to the death, reaping the benefits for itself.

This time, it is estimated that it will be like this again. Whether the anti-ship missile successfully bombarded the small garden, or the barbarian airborne troops landed on the head of the small garden, it will be a very embarrassing thing for Varslan. If it can It would be even better to cause direct losses to Varslan.

And if the intelligence this time cannot be thoroughly dug out, then Varslan will directly confront Amei and the country. If two tigers fight, there will be injuries. No matter which side loses, for those Yinglun gentlemen Said, it's all a good thing, she understands them too well.

Chapter 4. Slapping the table

Levi crossed his hands and said: "There will definitely be a reaction from Judal. All we have to do is wait. The Judal I know is not a person who only suffers in silence."

Li Wei knew that the Harvey family had a lot of connections in the country, but after Judal founded the Valslan Society, the situation of the Harvey family in the country became quite delicate. The Walslan Society was established in the country. But it does not belong to the huge organization of the country.

No matter which big country it is, it does not want to see the rise of Varslan, so this small move will not be the first or the last time.

But as long as the two sides don't break up openly, many things can be discussed. Moreover, there have been many cases where the British country has stolen the chicken but lost the rice. Before, the Federation of Britannia was independent because of the collusion and manipulation of those Yin Lun gentlemen. Now, the Yin Lun gentlemen, who care about food but not fight, The trouble started again.

After the meeting, Kulea followed Levi's footsteps and left the meeting room.

In the not-so-long passage, the two people walked forward slowly.

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