"I understand, I'll be out right away." Levi said.

Zivat Island consists of three main islands and seven large islands. It has a registered permanent population of less than two million people and is an island mainly focused on tourism. The latitude of Zivat Island and its terrain are both very good. It can be said that God will give you food, and it is very suitable for tourism. Therefore, it is full of tourists all year round. Tourists in the northern hemisphere who want to escape the cold like to go here most in winter. While running, this is a place where there is no off-season.

Li Wei could understand why Xiaoyuan took action. To put it bluntly, he didn't want to be caught in pain. After all, the straight-line distance from Xiaoyuan to the island was only dozens of kilometers. If he refused to save him, he would be easily stopped. Speaking from the moral high ground, in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, Little Garden had no choice but to rescue Zewat Island.

It is quite troublesome to seize the moral high ground. Even if you cannot seize it, you must not fall into an absolute disadvantage and be pointed at and scolded by others. Originally, Walsland is already a big tree that attracts the wind, so the small garden must be cautious about this issue... .

Levi opened the floor-to-ceiling window of the balcony, stepped on the guardrail and jumped out. The crystal weapons had been deployed, and the golden armor wrapped around his body.

Erica had already put all the information on his PDA and put the contents of the PDA on the projection screen built into the mask. Levi quickly browsed the mission briefing.

Barbarians are very strange creatures. They rely on nests to reproduce new individuals. Therefore, in the absence of nests, humans do not have to worry about the uncontrolled increase in the number of remaining barbarians on the earth. However, these barbarian individuals have considerable Wisdom, when they successfully land on the earth, they will not carry out destruction as soon as possible, but will find a safe place to lurk and wait for more companions to gather.

When the number of barbarians landing on the earth reaches a certain level, they will form a group and then come out to hunt humans.

According to a large amount of experimental data, the average IQ of the barbarians can reach the level of a human-year-old child. A single barbarian can be defeated even by the regular army of the old era. However, after the barbarians have completed their grouping, only Chong Guo is the only one in the regular army of the old era. Only 4. of the heavy mechanized legions can confront these monsters head-on.

Levi's mission briefing is still being updated in real time. The two leading teams have already arrived over Zivat Island. The martial artists who are good at long-range attacks have begun shelling. The two sides are now engaged in a head-on confrontation. The barbarians outside the city area , was directly blinded by the air strike from the vanguard of the small garden, but those barbarians who had already broken into the city had no choice but to approach the combat-type martial artists to deal with it, and launched artillery bombardments in the urban area. It was not known whether the barbarians would die, but it was too late. Ordinary people who retreat will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Levi was very fast. He had just finished reading the latest mission briefing changes and the real-time comparison of the strength of the two sides on the island, and he had already arrived over the island.

Chapter 4. Urban Warfare

"This is Chris, Coach Levi, can you hear my voice over there?" Chris's young voice sounded in the channel communication. Although Chris is still a newborn, he has already become a leader in the small garden. As a tactician, he is also a genius that is difficult for ordinary people to catch up with.

"The call was very clear. I have arrived at the scheduled location. The situation below is a bit complicated. Should I give priority to the urban area or outside the city?" Levi said.

"Prioritize support outside the city. First clear out all the barbarians outside the city, and then support the troops in the city." Although Chris's voice was childish, it gave people an indescribable sense of cruelty.

Prioritizing the solution of the barbarians outside the city means that the barbarians in the city must be allowed to destroy for a while. Although there are already small garden melee warriors in the city to delay time, the destruction caused by the fighting between the two sides is inevitable. This means For ordinary people in urban areas, casualties will increase.

However, if Li Wei were to make a rational choice, he would also give priority to dealing with the barbarians outside the city, because the barbarians outside the city had no hostages, and there was no need to worry about accidental damage in the small garden, as long as the firepower covered them.

There's no problem that fire coverage can't solve, and if there is, just come back with more firepower.

Originally, humans would still be at a disadvantage when facing barbarians, but with the mass production of the Hundred Armed Crystals, humans will have more advantages when fighting at home.

Kurea had also arrived here with Erica and Liddy at this time, but unlike Levi, the tactical guidance they received was to give priority to intercepting the barbarians in the city. After making a gesture, he led the other two people to continue lowering their altitude and entered the urban area to engage in close combat with the barbarians.

Levi maintained a high altitude and launched an artillery attack. The barbarians' defense was very strong compared to the existing human weapons. If the weak points could not be attacked, even saturated firepower coverage would take a considerable amount of time. Only then can the hard shell of the barbarians be broken. But this is only for ordinary martial artists. For Li Wei, the defense of the barbarians is no different than paper. If it were not for the purpose of controlling the damage to the terrain, Li Wei would directly bombard the entire island.

Levi's bombardment was quite precise, and each golden beam could penetrate the barbarian. He did not deliberately target the weak points like other martial artists, he only needed to hit them directly. It's just that after Levi's golden beam penetrated the barbarians, it did not directly bombard the ground. Instead, it turned a sharp angle only a few meters above the ground, shot straight into the sky, and finally exploded in the sky.

Because Li Wei joined the battle, it didn't take long for the barbarians outside the city to be wiped out, and Li Wei also received tactical instructions from Xinbu. At this time, he could start to focus fire on the barbarians in the city.

However, in order to reduce the damage to urban areas, all martial artists must land on the ground and fight from low to high. Only in this way can the damage to the city be minimized.

Just when Levi was lowering his height, Kureiya and others were hunting the elite individual barbarian. This barbarian was extremely large. Even if it was placed on the set of Ultraman, it would be considered quite big. The top of its head would be at least 30 meters tall. Ten meters long, reaching a length of more than 130 meters, with a pair of huge crab claw-like front legs, with a gentle swing, it cut off buildings like tofu.

When such an elite individual cannot use saturation fire bombing, it is quite uncomfortable to fight, because this kind of barbarian type with strong defense will take a considerable amount of time even if it relies on human sea tactics. Only then can they be piled to death.

The weapon used by Erica is a chain that can be freely retracted. This chain can restrain the barbarians and provide their companions with as many opportunities to attack as possible. After all, the speed of satisfying themselves is not slow. If you want to hit them on the head, It is not easy to find the weak point of the department, so her duty is to assist.

However, for this huge elite barbarian, she still threw out her chain. The chain was like a flexible sea snake, passing between the barbarian's limbs and joints. After completing the circle, it tightened instantly.

The elite barbarian was caught off guard. The rhythm of its attack was instantly stopped. At the same time, it lost its balance and veered sideways, smashing a small high-rise building into pieces.

Erica grasped her chain tightly, and at the same time, the propulsion wings behind her were turned on to maximum power, and the "tug of war" with the barbarians began.

"Liddy! Hit the weak point!" Erica shouted loudly as she tightened her hands on the chain.

"I saw it! This guy's turtle is too thick. The most I can do is break open the protective layer of the crystal on its head!" Liddy has reached the top of the elite barbarian's head, and the propulsion wings behind her are fully opened, and she lifts up towards the elite barbarian's head. dive.

The giant lance in Liddy's hand hit the crystal barrier above the elite barbarian's head, causing a large number of cracks in the barrier. However, this powerful and heavy blow was still unable to break through the elite barbarian's weak defense.

The pain-stricken elite barbarian struggled hard. The huge force was simply beyond what Erica could resist. She was thrown up with her chain attached.

"Erica! Let go!" Seeing this scene, Kulea shouted.

When people are nervous, they will instinctively hold on to whatever is at hand. Coupled with the sudden incident, Erica couldn't react at all and had already lost her balance. The feeling of the world spinning made her tighten even more. hand chain.

But at this moment, the elite barbarian's huge forefoot was raised high and slashed in the direction of Erica.

"Oops!" Liddy rushed towards Erica, but by this time it was too late. The speed of the elite barbarians was far faster than she imagined.

Chapter 44. Emergency rescue

At this critical moment, a Taoist figure suddenly appeared, cut off the chain held by Erica's hand, and led her forward, while the elite barbarian's giant sickle-like forefoot slashed down, splitting the building into pieces. Two cuts.

Kulea and Liddy also breathed a sigh of relief as they watched Erica escape.

When Erica opened her eyes again, she found that she was lying in Levi's arms. Although she couldn't see Levi's expression through the mask, the caring look in her eyes made her excited at this time.

"Don't be so reckless next time. When facing an enemy like this that people can't fight against, just do some local interference." Levi said.

"Lord Levi..." Erica put her hands around Levi's neck. Just now, she thought she would really die from this, but Levi's rescue saved her from this disaster.

Levi didn't say anything, raised his hand, and the torrent of golden light instantly flooded the upper body of the elite barbarian. When the torrent of light dissipated, the entire upper body of the elite barbarian had disappeared, and the lower half of the body, which had lost control, was spread on the ground. , turning the smooth road into a pile of ruins.

This scene was seen by other martial arts practitioners, and they all swallowed their saliva. Although they all knew that Li Wei's strength was amazing, Li Wei usually did not show his true strength. When Li Wei became real, they Only then did I know why Li Wei became the martial artist instructor of Little Garden.

After the elite individuals who were the backbone of the barbarians were eliminated, the remaining barbarians had already entered the countdown to being eliminated. The martial artists from the small garden began to attack from all sides. Although they could not free their hands and feet to fight in the urban area, but in With Li Wei's support, they only need to find a way to lead the barbarian individuals to a relatively open area. The shelling from Li Wei's side can wipe out the barbarians.

Li Wei was like a firefighter, walking wherever he needed help. Soon, the battle came to an end. Only Xing's barbarian individuals were still resisting in the city, and these barbarian individuals were in trouble because of their location. , it is not convenient to divert it directly, so the besieging martial arts practitioners can only find a way to restrain it in place and kill it without causing too much damage to the surrounding environment as much as possible.

Levi looked around at a high altitude and saw a car that had been overturned by satisfaction. The door of the car was kicked open, and a young woman wearing glasses climbed out of the car dragging a girl with pink twin tails.

"Huh? Although she doesn't have much fighting ability, she's not that good~..." Levi said to himself.

The girl with pink twin tails who was dragged out of the carriage is the Kirishima Sakura whom Kurenai mentioned before. Kirishima Sakura herself is also a martial artist, but she is not a type with strong combat power. Her abilities are biased towards Auxiliary anti-gravity and illusion, although their frontal combat effectiveness is very poor, they are very good auxiliary personnel.

The young woman wearing glasses is Kirishima Sakura's manager Soufflé. She was originally a researcher and was an old acquaintance of Charlotte from the small garden, but now she has become a full-time manager of Kirishima Sakura. people.

Looking at the two people who were being chased by the barbarians and running away in panic, Levi lowered his altitude and started to dive, directly knocking the barbarians chasing the two people away. The huge kinetic energy made the huge barbarians get up, and the barbarians who were knocked out adjusted themselves in mid-air. His posture, like a sickle, pierced the ground with his forefoot, forcing himself to stop.

Levi fell next to the two of them. He didn't say anything, but he already had a golden sword in his hand.

"The city radio should have issued a danger avoidance notice. It seems that you are not very lucky." Levi said.

Levi is now wearing a mask, but his magnetic voice is still full of recognition. Even a simple sentence can leave a deep impression on others.

Shufulei looked at the tall figure descending from the sky, with gorgeous and thick golden armor, and several pairs of huge mechanical wings. The existence in front of her gave her the feeling that it was not so much a human being as it was a statue falling into the mortal world. God.

Although the other person was wearing a mask and couldn't see his face, the magnetic voice made her feel that the face under the mask was definitely not much different.

"We started to evacuate after hearing the city broadcast. Originally we wanted to go to the refuge, but there were barbarians on the way to the refuge, so we had to take a detour." Soufflé held Kirishima Sakura in her arms and spoke quickly. said.

Levi said: "々. Now, it doesn't matter whether we want to take refuge or not. This barbarian is the only one left. As long as we deal with it, this matter will be over."

"It's coming!" Shufulei pointed at the barbarians, and because of surprise and fear, her voice unconsciously became louder.

At this time, Levi's back was turned to the barbarians, which made Shufulei want to close her eyes. However, what happened next made her so surprised that she could not open her mouth from ear to ear.

Levi did not look back. He waved the golden sword in his hand a few times casually. The barbarian behind him was cut into pieces. A large number of fragments were scattered on the ground. The yellow blood in the barbarian's body splashed out and scattered everywhere.

Not only Soufflé, but even the disguised Kirishima Sakura was confused by this scene. How powerful is this person? It can cut the head barbarian into pieces so easily, and the extreme speed is already fast. It got to the point where their eyes couldn't see clearly.

Li Wei said calmly: "The mission is completed, all barbarians have been eliminated."

Chris's voice rang in Levi's ears.

"Thank you, Coach Levi. Without you, this battle would never have ended so quickly, and there wouldn't have been the same casualties as now." Chris smiled.

"Although they are not my students, they are still members of Varslan. Naturally, I will not leave them alone. Now I am preparing to return home." Levi said.

"Okay, good work." Chris said.

Levi passed over, the mechanical wings on his back spread out, and at this moment, a crisp voice stopped him.

Chapter 4. Choice of bodyguards

"What's your name?" Kirishima Sakura stood up and asked Levi.

Li Wei turned over and said, "Li Wei. Why do you ask? We won't meet each other in the future anyway."

Kirishima Sakura said: "I have to know the name of the benefactor who saved me, right? And who can say whether we can meet again."

Kirishima Sakura was full of curiosity about Levi. If it hadn't been for Levi's timely intervention, she and Soufflé would have probably encountered something unexpected at this time. Although she is also a martial artist, she is the kind of pure support staff with almost no combat effectiveness. , and her auxiliary ability is also more inclined to the civil war of the human body, because the barbarian's perception ability is very good and does not suffer from the interference of phantom attacks at all, so her ability is not of much value on the external battlefield.

But now she doesn’t need direct combat power, because her current profession is an idol singer, and the two abilities of anti-gravity and illusion are very suitable for her current profession. Using anti-gravity and illusion, she can make various The beautiful fantasy, it is precisely because of this ability that she can stand out in the currently deeply involved singing circle and become a world-famous idol singer.

Li Wei did not stay here longer. After taking care of the last barbarians, he began to return to join the large army.

Looking at the figure gradually receding in the sky, Kirishima Sakura said: "He should be the support team sent from the small garden. At this distance, they are the only ones who can support Zivat."

Soufflé said: "In a few days, we will go to the small garden, and we will naturally meet again then."

Kirishima Sakura said: "If something like this happens, the concert here will probably be ruined."

Soufflé said: "No, the concert will continue to be held, but the theme will be changed. And the concert venue is on another island. As long as there are no barbarians destroying the venue there, the concert will not be disturbed."

Kirishima Sakura was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the concert would still continue after the barbarian attack. However, she would not refuse such a decision.

After all, the preparatory work for a concert is very tedious and complicated. A large number of staff have worked hard for several days to arrange the venue. If it is cancelled, will the hard work of the staff be in vain?

Kirishima Sakura took a deep breath and took off her mask and sunglasses. In order to conceal her identity, she always wore sunglasses and a mask when she was outside, and sometimes she would wear a hat to cover her head. After taking off her disguise, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Suffrey, while we are communicating with Little Garden, can you ask him to come over and help me part-time as a bodyguard for a few days? If such a strong person is here, no matter what danger we encounter, we don't have to worry." Kirishima Sakura said .

Originally, Kirishima Sakura had already decided on the role of bodyguard, but because of what happened before, she changed her mind. That kind of voice that was so magnetic that it made people feel a little bit numb made her curious about what kind of face it looked like under the mask, so she decided to change the target of her favorite bodyguard.

Shufulei said: "If you hope so, I will help you negotiate with Xiaoyuan. However, he does not seem to be an ordinary member. It is still unknown whether he can be your bodyguard for the rest of the trip. "

Kirishima Sakura smiled and said: "Some things always have to be tried. After failure, just think of other ways. Moreover, isn't it normal to provide bodyguards and tour guides for guests? If you negotiate more, the other side will always He will probably let go."

At this time, Kirishima Sakura imagined the face under the mask in her mind. However, not only Kirishima Sakura, Soufflé's heart is also as uneasy as Kirishima Sakura. Unlike a girl like Kirishima Sakura, as a mature woman, Soufflé can feel the charm of the other party, which is simply like It was like a poisonous voice that made people weak in the legs just listening to it. It already poked at her inner weakness.

Therefore, Soufflé will be very serious about persuading the other party to be Kirishima Sakura's bodyguard. If Levi can become Kirishima Sakura's bodyguard, he might be able to see his true face hidden under the mask. .

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