In this regard, Levi feels that Kamachi Kazuma, who wrote the Demon Forbidden City, did a very good job. "Hippo" is a writer who is particularly good at opening up his imagination. The super power battles he wrote are quite exciting and have become a popular choice for many people in the industry. It is the object of imitation by peers, but most light novelists cannot write that kind of feeling because of their insufficient skills. Painting a tiger cannot be an anti-dog.

The vast majority of writers rely on a large amount of preliminary information. If you want to write something well, you must have a certain understanding of something before you can write.

Except for a few talented writers, most writers must go through this step and use this knowledge as the basis for their writing.

"I understand. If I encounter any problems later, I will ask you directly, Li Weijun."

At this time, Levi got a reminder from the system. An Yilun also had a quarrel with Eiri Sawamura. He was depressed and tired of making games. He received 300 points and a balance of 1,500 points.

Levi was confused. He hadn't done anything yet, but he got feedback from An Yilunya, a tool man. After looking at the prompt carefully, he found that it was caused by Eri Sawamura. Levi was a little confused. An Yilunya and Eri Sawamura were so out of their minds again.

But what Li Wei didn't know was that the cause of this incident was still on him. An Yilun had worked so hard in the past two days to complete the plan that his hair had begun to fall out, and he was quite irritable inside.

At this time, Eri Sawamura sent the improved painting to An Yirunya, wanting to show it off to him. It was not a big deal at first, but when An Yilunya heard that the painting was... Based on Li Wei's modifications, he felt a sense of betrayal in his heart, so he said something strange and angry, which angered Ying Lili.

Ying Lili would not spoil An Yilun in everything, and An Yilun's two words also stimulated her, so the two began to quarrel online, and eventually broke up.

After cutting off the contact, An Yilun threw the notebook on the desk directly and hit it against the wall. On the other hand, Ying Lili felt more and more aggrieved as she thought about it. She felt that An Yilun had also changed, becoming petty, paranoid, and extremely jealous, which made her a little unbelievable. He was still the gentle and gentle person in her memory. Is An Yilun also reliable? The huge psychological gap made Yinglili cry. She felt like a fool. It was obviously for An Yilun, but the other party not only didn't appreciate it, but also said strange things to her.

At this time, Li Wei didn't know that Sawamura Eri and An Yilun, a pair of friends who had been at odds with each other for several years, were on the verge of breaking up because of a painting.

Chapter 54. Yinglili is out of state

Levi couldn't figure out what was going on, but it was always a good thing to gain points. This method of directly targeting the protagonist is not as laborious as changing the world on a large scale. Levi felt like he was eating hot pot and singing songs, and earned the points just by sitting down. In one word, cool.

It was not too late to play games with Kasumigaoka Shiu, because the next day was the grade test for the third grade. Although as a "top student" who was admitted to Hayei University in advance, he did not have to worry about entering a higher school, but this kind of Kasumigaoka Shiyu will still take daily tests seriously.

Therefore, Kasumigaoka Shiyu went offline before 12 o'clock, leaving Li Wei alone to continue fighting passionately with foreigners and shooting at each other with cannons.

The next day, when Li Wei arrived at school, he saw An Yilun with a stinky face. Li Wei, who was a little gloating, pretended not to notice anything unusual about the other person and was just watching the fun.

An Yilun no longer wants to play games. Levi would not agree to this kind of thing, so he squeezed out less than 2,000 points. As a tool, An Yilun didn't want to do it anymore. This was related to Li Wei. An Yilun had the final say in the plan to increase points.

Levi was going to find out what was going on with Eri Sawamura first, at least to let him know what happened so that he could prescribe targeted medicine.

When school was over in the afternoon, Levi and Kato Megumi arrived at the activity room. Sawamura Eiri and Kasumigaoka Shiu had already arrived at the activity room and were doing their own things.

"Senior, how did you go in today's test?" Levi found a place to sit down.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu showed a confident smile: "Does that need to be said? Of course I am the first in the grade. For a test of this level, even if I doze off, I can still get good results."

Kasumigaoka Shiu has now studied part of the university courses by herself. For her, high school level knowledge is very simple, just like asking high school students to do projects for junior high school students, it is a complete crushing blow. It is precisely because of this that she, who has already been ahead of ordinary students, can sleep in class and get the first place in her grade in every exam.

Compared with the energetic Kasumigaoka Shiha, Sawamura Eiri seems a little distracted now. She is facing the drawing board, her eyes are a little wandering, the hand holding the brush is leaning on the edge of the drawing board, and she will not move for a long time. .

Kato Megumi noticed something strange about Sawamura Eiriri, came to her side, stretched out her hand, and shook it in front of Eiriri's face, who was in a daze.

Although Kato Megumi's presence was very low, this extremely close interference still made Eiriri aware of her presence.

"Eiriri, you don't look very good. Are you feeling unwell?" Kato Megumi said softly.

Yinglili showed a somewhat forced smile and said, "I was just thinking about something, and I was fascinated by it."

Li Wei, who knew that Ying Lili was upset because of his quarrel with An Yilun, did not intervene in the conversation between the two. Instead, he sat down and started today's work. Now he is not in a hurry to write the second volume, but I opened the drawing software, took out my hand-drawing tablet, and prepared to draw an illustration.

Anyway, the second volume is not in a hurry to be released, and the entire content of the second volume is in his mind, so there is no need to worry about forgetting it, so he takes advantage of this time to prioritize the illustrations, reduce the printing workload in the library, and also be able to Let the first volume of his new work be released better.

Li Wei and Kasumigaoka Shiyu on the side said: "Senior, tomorrow is Friday, do you have any plans?"

"No, during this period of time, I have been busy writing the first volume of my new work. Because of the change of style, the writing efficiency is not as good as before." Kasumigaoka Shiyu's coding speed slowed down, she couldn't help but Like Levi, who can multitask, talking will naturally lead to a decrease in coding efficiency.

"Is the writing not smooth?" Levi asked.

"It feels like that. Although I was able to write what I wanted to write in the end, I needed to consider the words and it took more time than before." Kasumigaoka Shiu said.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu feels that her state is not that she is absolutely uninspired, but that she is not familiar with the new subject matter. When writing, she is not proficient enough, so her efficiency slows down from time to time.

"Would you like to go out and play to change your mood?" Levi said.

People who write will have problems if they sit in front of the computer all day long. Therefore, going out for a walk occasionally can not only change your mood, but also adjust your state to a certain extent.

People who paint are more familiar with this aspect of things. After all, painting is equivalent to changing your mood. Levi's lecturer often told him not to stay in his rented house all the time, but to go out more often and look outside. world, which can play a certain role in improving one's own painting skills.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu left the keyboard with her hands, clasped her fingers gently, and said: "I don't care. Anyway, the new book is not in a hurry to be released, and the editor didn't rush me. Going out for fun can just change my mood."

Kasumigaoka Shiu looked at Sawamura Eiri who was talking to Kato Megumi not far away, and said: "Eiri is in a very wrong state today. She probably encountered something unsatisfactory. I just took this opportunity to ask her to change." Feeling."

Different from the incompatibility in the original plot, because Levi intervened in this world, the original plot has been changed beyond recognition by him, and there is no conflict. There is neither much friendship nor much friendship between Kasumigaoka Shiu and Sawamura Eri. There is no contradiction. The relationship between the two parties is that of companions in an activity club, and it is still the kind of unfamiliarity.

However, as a companion, the most basic companionship is still there. Sawamura Eiri was in a very bad state today, so she just went with the flow and agreed to Levi's suggestion.

Chapter 55. Decided to go to the beach

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked around the activity department room and said, "Why don't you see An Yilun? Isn't he still thinking about playing games? Why can't he even see anyone now?"

"It's probably something that delayed him. Even if he doesn't come, he will still call us. And if he wants to go out to play, he has to be notified," Levi said.

Although he was going out to play, Li Wei never thought of excluding An Yilun. After all, such a useful tool man couldn't always swing a stick, and he still had to give the sweet dates that should be given.

Levi walked up to Kato Megumi and Sawamura Eiri and said, "Do you have time this weekend? Senior and I plan to go out. If everyone is okay, we can go together."

"Going out to play? Where are we going to play?" Kato Megumi showed a curious expression.

Sawamura Eiri on the side also pricked up her ears. This can be regarded as a serious club activity. Going out with friends from a club is always more enjoyable than hanging out with current "friends" whom you are not familiar with. , at least in front of her club companions, she doesn't have to wear a mask to disguise herself.

"The initial plan is to go to hot springs and beaches. For hot springs, go to the hot spring town in Saitama, and for the beach, go to Moriya Beach in Chiba Prefecture. Both sides are less than two hours' drive away. For the time being, I We plan to leave directly after school tomorrow afternoon and come back on Sunday evening. There will be a special car to pick us up and drop us off," Levi said.

Levi has already made arrangements here. Whether it is going to a hot spring town or a beach hotel for vacation, it is very convenient.

"Do you want to go to the hot spring or the beach?" Levi said.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu on the side said: "The seaside."

"Senior and I have the same idea." Kato Megumi said slowly.

"I also want to go to the beach. I feel that the beach is much more fun than the hot springs." As soon as Sawamura Eiri heard that she could go out to play, her originally depressed mood gradually improved.

Levi took out his mobile phone and said: "There are five people in the game production department. If three votes win, it is decided to be the beach, but I also prefer the beach. After all, it is easy to get bored walking around the hot spring town. Except There is nothing else in the hot springs, but there are more things to do at the beach.”

"In this case, the beach has four votes." Kato Megumi said.

"I'll call An Yijun." Li Wei dialed An Yilunye's number.

The phone didn't ring twice before the person on the other end was connected.

Li Wei said: "An Yijun, you didn't come to the activity room today. Did you encounter some emergency?"

"Sorry, I forgot to call everyone to report that I was safe. I felt I had no inspiration, so I went out to collect materials. I didn't mean not to call."

"It's okay, just say something. What I want to say is that this week, the club is going to Moriya Beach in Chiba Prefecture. Remember to be prepared tomorrow. We will set off by special car after school in the afternoon and come back on Sunday evening. So I have to prepare two or three sets of clothes.”

"Sorry, Li Weijun, you can go play and don't worry about me."

"Huh? We are members of a club. We all went and you were left here alone. What's the deal?"

There was silence on the other side for a while.

"Li Weijun, I need to calm down alone. I have my own arrangements for the past two days. I hope you can understand."

Li Wei didn't say anything more, and An Yilun was probably still having trouble with Eiri Sawamura, but he couldn't handle this kind of thing well and could only discuss it later.

An Yilun also hung up the phone, and Li Wei said to the three girls: "An Yijun said that he has his own affairs and can't hang out with us."

Sawamura Eiri snorted slightly and turned her head slightly. The volume of Levi's cell phone call was relatively loud, so she could hear part of what An Yilun said there. In her opinion, An Yilun is now extremely petty, and he doesn't dare to face her. He doesn't even come to the activity department. This is clearly an escape.

An Yilun also thought that she was in love with Li Wei, and it was precisely because of this that the two people quarreled. But now Sawamura Eiri found that compared with the immature and narrow-minded An Yilun, Mature and reliable Levi is the man who really makes people's hearts beat.

An Yilun is also jealous of Levi. In Ying Lili's view, it is all-round, and this also makes her feel that An Yilun cannot match the image of her childhood. An Yilun has also changed and become " Ugly".

It is precisely because of this that Sawamura Eiri carefully observed Levi. She found that it was very normal for An Yilun to be jealous of Levi. It should be said that Levi had something that would make 99% of men. All have the trait of jealousy.

"Forget it if he doesn't go, we will. If he doesn't go, it will be his loss." Sawamura Eiri did not save face for An Yilun.

"Then it's agreed. I'll start making arrangements after we get back, including the pick-up and drop-off vehicles and hotel reservations. I'll handle all the trivial and messy things. You just need to bring your backpack and a few changes of clothes. And this All the expenses for a short trip are all mine." Levi smiled.

"How is this possible?" Sawamura Eiri said.

On Neon's side, the AA system has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Not only Sawamura Eiri, but even Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Kato Megumi have this attitude.

Levi said: "In Chongguo, when men and women go out to play, the man usually pays the bill. Although this approach seems a bit chauvinistic to a certain extent, it is also a habit of Chongguo. .”

In fact, in the prosperous bubble era at the end of the Showa era, the same was true here in Neon. Men and women went out to play, and most of the consumption was borne by men. But with the bursting of the economic bubble, the assets of most people in the entire society, except for a few privileged classes, have shrunk significantly. This horrific Great Depression has also changed the consumption habits of most people, just like men asking for women. , it gradually evolved into the AA system. Unless the relationship is confirmed, it is like this.

The reason why Levi said he wanted to treat him was because he considered Kato Megumi's financial resources. Eri Sawamura is the eldest daughter of the Spencer family. Although she is not a direct descendant, her monthly pocket money is 200,000 to 300,000 yuan. Plus her income from drawing illustrations and books, her income is higher than that of ordinary people. There are many office workers. And Kasumigaoka Shiu is a pretty good light novel writer. Just one copy of "Metronome of Love" has earned her more than 20 million neon yuan. She can be called a little rich woman. Among the three girls, now The person with the worst financial resources is Kato Megumi, so Levi doesn't mind spending a lot of money to protect Kato Megumi's face.

But what Levi didn't know was that Megumi Kato had always been a handmade OEM. No matter how rich he was, he could barely live an independent life. He could barely afford to go out for luxury like this occasionally.

Chapter 56. Preparation before departure

After staying in the activity room for more than an hour, the group of people dispersed. Kato Megumi took a few light novels from Levi. These light novels were carefully selected "teaching materials" by Levi. It played a certain role in Megumi Kato’s light novel career.

In the activity room, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was quietly coding, while Levi and Sawamura Eri were drawing their own works. Eri Sawamura is preparing a new fanfic for the Winter Comic Con, while Levi is busy drawing illustrations needed for the library.

In just over an hour, Levi completed the drawing of two illustrations. This time, everyone did not disperse individually, but left the activity room collectively, preparing to buy swimsuits for use at the beach.

Although there are swimsuit shops on the beach, the items sold in swimsuit shops on the beach are very expensive. The price of buying swimsuits there is two or three times more expensive than usual. The three girls did not want Levi to spend too much money, so they chose to shop in Tokyo. Prepare your swimsuit here so you don't get ripped off when you get to the beach.

Because of Eriri's suggestion, the group did not go to Ginza in Chuo District, but to Shinjuku District. There are specialized swimwear shops in Shinjuku District. The quality is not much different, and the price is much more affordable.

As the eldest lady, Eiriri is not someone who likes to spend money randomly, but following the group of "friends" who are now posing as friends, she is forced to learn a lot of knowledge outside the home circle, such as consumption in various areas of Tokyo. Level, she was not interested in this matter, but because of that vote of "friends", she had to know something about this knowledge.

In Eiri's view, as long as you avoid the high-consumption areas of Chuo, Minato, and Setagaya, the consumption level in other areas will be relatively good.

Because there were only four people, a group of people took a taxi and came to Shinjuku District. Eiri, who was familiar with Shinjuku District, took Li Wei and others walking on the street. Not long after, they were at a large water sports club. He stopped at the door of the equipment mall.

"This store has a good reputation, and the products they sell are very professional. This is also a place where knowledgeable people like to come. The quality of the products is good, and they are not expensive." Sawamura Eiri led everyone into the store.

"Eiriri, you are very familiar with this place." Kasumigaoka Shiu looked around. The atmosphere in the store was quite professional. Not only did they sell various swimsuits, but they also had various diving equipment that looked quite high-end at first glance. They were professional. The breath hit my face.

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