Liddy said in a low voice: "I am not good at talking. Anyway, you have already said everything I want to say, and I don't have anything to add."

Kulea looked at the two of them and smiled. Although the two often bickered over trivial things, they actually had a very good relationship.

Erica and Liddy both came from orphanages and had clean backgrounds. It was precisely because of this that Valslan could trust them. The more complex the social relationship, the more difficult it was for people to pass Valslan's internal review.


On the other side, Levi invited Soufflé out.

Although Soufflé was surprised that Levi would invite her, she still kept the appointment.

Today, in order to meet Levi, she put on home clothes that she didn't often wear. A slim-fitting shirt paired with a black long skirt and a white vest gave her a girlish look that was inappropriate for her age.

Li Wei can be regarded as a person who has read all kinds of flowers. He has never seen any kind of beauty, but Soufflé has a special temperament, which makes her look very special.

Soufflé is cool and charming with a hint of quietness. Although her appearance is only considered a charm in Levi's harem, but with the bonus of temperament, her charm will not be lost to anyone. No matter where she is, she is quite eye-catching. That one.

Soufflé gently stroked her head that was blown by the wind. As a huge naval vessel with a length of four kilometers, the Little Garden sailed very smoothly, just like on land. There was almost no shaking, but the sea breeze here was still strong. small.

Levi smiled and said: "You are very beautiful today, and you have a completely different style than usual."

Soufflé usually restrains herself and is willing to be a green leaf. When she starts to show her charm, a young girl like Kirishima Sakura has no way to compare with soufflé.

"Thank you." After Shu Fuli finished speaking, she didn't know what to say. This was the first time she had experienced a situation like this. Whether she was doing experiments or handling company affairs, she was able to stay organized. Only When it comes to relationships alone, she is a novice with no experience.

Levi smiled and said: "Let's take a walk. The ship is quite lively now and there are many interesting things."

"Well..." Shufulei nodded. Now she was a little panicked. Since she didn't know what to do, she just followed Levi's rhythm. Moreover, Li Wei rarely took off his mask. Looking at Li Wei's profile, she felt an indescribable feeling of happiness in her heart.

The two of them walked around on the boat for a long time. They talked and laughed on the way. The talented man and the beautiful woman made others envious.

The two of them found a barbecue restaurant and stopped, ordering some barbecue and two cans of beer, thinking it was a temporary break.

"I'm very happy to be with you, but I will leave here in a while." Levi said.

Soufflé hadn't yet realized what Levi meant by leaving, and said, "Is the work in Valslan not going well?"

Levi said: "It's not about work, but I will leave this world."

Soufflé looked over at Levi and said, "Leave this world? I don't understand what you mean."

Levi smiled and said: "I come from another world. Now that I have finished my work here, I will leave this world after it is done."

Levi repeated the same rhetoric he used to deceive Kulea. As his clone, Judar didn't have to worry about such lies being exposed.

Soufflé was in shock at this moment. She didn't expect that the first time she met the man she loved would end like this.

Levi continued: "I would like to invite you to leave with me."

Soufflé was a little surprised. She didn't expect Levi to invite her, but this invitation really moved her heart, because she really didn't have much concern here. Except for Kirishima Sakura, there was no one she cared about. ... .

Shufulei did not doubt whether Levi was lying, nor did she doubt the authenticity of the other world. For her, as long as she could be with the person she liked, it didn't matter where she was.

After all, most of her memories in this world are sad. If she hadn't been saved by Kirishima Sakura, she would have committed suicide at this time, so leaving with Levi was a good thing in her opinion.

Soufflé said: "Can I bring others with me?"

Levi said: "You want to take Sakura with you, right?"

Souffle nodded. After all, before she met Levi, Kirishima Sakura was her most important person, so if she wants to leave this world now, she will find a way to take Kirishima Sakura with her. After all, besides her, In addition, other people will not treat Kirishima Sakura sincerely, and will only use Kirishima Sakura as a cash cow.

Rather than letting Kirishima Sakura encounter an unkind situation, it would be better to take her with her and follow Levi. At least she wouldn't have to worry about livelihood issues. Kirishima Sakura could survive even if she didn't sing.

Soufflé said: "Sakura's fame is too great now. If I were here, I could barely protect her. 4. But if I were separated from her, she would be chewed clean by those who were originally with her skin and bones. After all, she is not a combat martial artist, and she does not have the trump card to flip the table."

Levi nodded. Privileged entities like martial artists, even the plutocrats of the old era, would give them as much preferential treatment as possible. After all, these beings who have mastered the top level of human martial arts can drag their opponents to death together if they are unhappy. The destructive power of a martial artist's self-destruction is comparable to that of a nuclear bomb, and ordinary people really don't dare to provoke it.

But if Kirishima Sakura, a special martial artist with little fighting ability, really encounters a problem, the only option left is to escape. Therefore, even if she encounters any problems in the future, the initiative will not be on her side, and Soufflé has reason to worry.

Chapter. A wonderful future

Soufflé said: "I will discuss it with that child Ying, but I will not force her. If she wants to stay here, I will comply with her wishes."

Soufflé is not the kind of old-style parent who likes to mess around. She will discuss various key matters with Kirishima Sakura instead of making arbitrary decisions directly for the other party.

Levi nodded and said: "As an independent person, she has her own ideas. This approach is reasonable."

Soufflé's attitude towards Kirishima Sakura also made Levi sigh inwardly. Such parents are relatively rare in China. After all, tradition is here, and some things are not so easy to change.

After leaving the barbecue restaurant, Souffley and Levi separated. Souffley went back to do Kirishima Sakura's ideological work, but such a thing was not difficult for her.

After all, over the years she and Kirishima Sakura have been together, they have become each other's family, and it is impossible for her to leave Kirishima Sakura alone here to face the dangerous world outside.

And Levi also has his own things to do. After all, there is still a lunar war waiting for him, and he also has to make some preparations. Although it was just a miscellaneous fish, considering the huge number and the fact that he was fighting on an away field, it was not an easy task even for him to eliminate the barbarian nest without destroying the moon.


In a rather simple-looking office, the old man who had communicated with Li Wei before sat at the side of the long conference table.

While the old man was waiting, another old man opened the door.

"I kept you waiting for a long time, Lao Liu. It looks like you are in a good mood." The old man in a suit sat down and said with a smile.

The old man who was called Lao Liu said: "Leader, you are in a much better mood than me. The meeting is over. Have we discussed the charter?"

He smiled and said: "Not yet. Taking over such a huge business empire is not a simple matter even with the cooperation of the other side. After all, this is not a simple business handover, but involves a lot of confidential technologies and military affairs. The connection of power, this is the first time I have experienced such a big battle in my entire life."

The old man said: "Did you learn anything about the cruiser you brought back?"

He smiled and said: "There are some results, but with the technology we have now, we cannot mass-produce such good things before receiving what the other side sends. The other side really wants to hand over that behemoth. We don’t have any problems with the cruiser’s internal systems, and he even left some Easter eggs for us inside, which made the researchers extremely happy.”

The old man smiled. He believed in Li Wei, and Li Wei was willing to believe in them.

The old man smiled and said: "After all, he is our compatriot. Although he does not come from the same universe, I believe that sooner or later, our people will spread throughout the multiverse, and the advanced stage where everyone can achieve happiness will be achieved by our Future generations will realize it step by step.”

The leader sighed and said: "When talking about Chongguo, many people will immediately think of the word "vast land and abundant resources", but in fact, in terms of per capita, we are relatively backward.

The old man nodded. He understood this kind of thing. In recent years, he has paid too much in order to catch up with the advanced foreign countries. Regardless of the previous barbarian invasions, Chongguo suffered the least losses, but this is just a shortcoming. The cost has just been moved elsewhere.

The leader said: "The other party left behind planetary environment transformation technology in the cruiser's system. According to relevant experts, with this technology, we can build homes on most solid and liquid surface planets, as long as we don't encounter Jupiter. In that kind of extreme environment, you can take root anywhere.”

The old man's eyes widened and he was stunned. He didn't expect that the gift Levi left on the cruiser would be such a precious technology.

The leader smiled and said: "Those foreigners have stuck their necks for hundreds of years, and now it's finally our turn to choke other people's necks. We old guys discussed it and decided to fight tooth for tooth and completely solve the trouble."

The old man felt that his mind was not keeping up with the rhythm. This technology of transforming the planet was really valuable to the current Chongguo. If part of the population can be moved out to explore outer space, then the country will have a first advantage and seize the opportunity in the age of space exploration. The domestic population pressure will in turn turn into a population advantage. Now young people who want to live in peace will , as long as you are willing, you can go to outer space or even an alien planet to develop.

The leader said: "In addition to planet transformation technology, Levi also left us the technology of jump engine and jump engine. According to the description of the material, the speed of the jump engine can reach 4, 4AU per second. We have fully understood this technology. In the future, traveling to and from Mars will only take minutes at most. The jump engine can allow us to jump a light-year distance once. Ten consecutive jumps within an hour are a distance of 70,000 light-years. The mystery of the universe, in our lifetime, Maybe it can be revealed.”

The old man patted his thigh and laughed and said: "This is a good thing! I have long been unhappy with those guys in the country, Amei. Now, I have to kill them on the earth. However, you must do a good job in preventing spies. , these technologies were sent to us by that little friend across the universe, we can’t let those bastards steal them!”

He laughed and said: "Don't worry, the confidentiality level of the information is the highest. As long as we don't nod, it can't be leaked. Just like you said, we plan to kill those enemies on the earth. We are ready to equip the jump engine and After the starships with jump engines reach a large scale, they will completely control the high-altitude orbit of the earth, making them unable to reach outer space without slippers, and pressing them firmly to the ground. By that time, the entire outer space will be ours. For billions of people!”.

Chapter. The Battle of the Moon Begins

After a two-hour meeting with his staff, Ling Zai was already a little tired, but his spirit was quite high. He was so excited that he fell asleep thinking that he would soon be able to launch a vehicle in outer space and increase the number of people occupying it per capita. Can't sleep.

Although the secretary repeatedly reminded him that it was time to rest, he still insisted on coming over to meet the old man surnamed Liu.

The door of the conference room was opened, and Secretary Nian walked in and said, "Leader, it's already two o'clock in the morning, it's time to rest."

The old man smiled and said: "It's time for me to say goodbye. After all, I will be the one to argue the case next."

The leader nodded and said: "I have to leave it to you to handle the matters on the negotiation table. We will provide you with all the support we can and release smoke bombs as much as possible. We must not let the other party notice our true intentions. intention."

The old man nodded, indicating that he understood. He had been at the negotiating table all his life and had seen all kinds of messy scenes, so he knew very well what he was going to do next.

After ordinary people get good things or big prizes, some people will have difficulty controlling their desire to show off and show off everywhere, eventually attracting prying eyes from interested people.

For a professional like him, such a problem is a low-level mistake that would never be made. Although we now have technical advantages, these technologies have not yet turned into real power, so the play must be performed. , the soy sauce should be beaten, and it should be beaten. You can neither hide your capabilities and bide your time, nor be too tough, letting the outside world notice the clues. This kind of tightrope-like micro-management is difficult for people who have not been in this position for decades. Very good.

Seeing the leader leaving accompanied by his secretary, the old man smiled. He also had his own battlefield. Now everyone is working hard for the great rejuvenation.


Levi successfully handled his personal issues. With the superior technology provided by him, Varslan's fleet quickly took shape, both in terms of personnel and ships, at a faster speed than before. Rally.

More than ten large starships assembled in orbit. Such a large formation attracted the attention of the world. The total number of all large starships in the world was just over one, and nearly half of them were in the hands of Varslan. This time, in addition to various non-combat starships, Varslan was full of troops. Valslan can enjoy national-level treatment as an enterprise because of its huge military power. No one wants to force Valslan to become that barefoot person.

A huge fleet, with more than 10,000 people on board, and a huge personnel establishment, cannot be afforded by ordinary countries.

At this time, Levi was staying on the command bridge of the flagship, sitting in the staff position, while the clone Judar was sitting on the commander's seat, giving orders.

In fact, Judal is not responsible for the professional command. Judal is just the spiritual symbol of the fleet and sits at the core. Neither Levi nor Judar will stay in the ship after the war begins. Levi and his clones serve as the strategic force of the entire fleet, responsible for preventing various emergencies.

On the other auxiliary ship, there are two clones of Gith and Krausa, and Levi's body plus three clones. With such combat power, let alone hitting the moon, even if it can tear the earth into pieces, it is just It's just a matter of time.

"Commander, there is a reconnaissance ship from the country following us. Please give us an order..." The navigator turned around and said to Judar who was not far behind him.

Judar said: "The pulse cannon locks onto the opponent and sends a warning to the opponent. If the opponent continues to follow us, it will directly sink the opponent."

"Understood!" The navigator turned over and conveyed the order issued by Judar to the central command podium. All the secondary guns of the huge flagship were locked on the reconnaissance ship located at the rear of the fleet.

After a while, the scout ship took the initiative to widen the distance between the two sides.

The fleet continued to sail forward and soon arrived at the best bombardment position. With the current technology of mankind, it is possible to bombard the moon directly from the earth. However, if you do that, there is no way to ensure the accuracy of the bombardment, and it will be easy to hit the moon. deviation, thereby causing unnecessary damage to the moon.

The moon is an important factor that affects the earth's tides. If irreparable damage is caused to the moon, humans themselves will be the unlucky ones in the end. It is precisely because of this that humans have taken advantage of the situation and have no way to fight. But the technology possessed by the Valslanders was enough to support the fleet to reach a relatively close position.

Just when the fleet arrived at the predetermined position, a large amount of light came towards the fleet, and a large amount of light instantly enveloped the entire fleet. However, every large ship in Walsland's fleet was equipped with a solid shield, and its own The armor also uses special energy-resistance technology. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as "々. Demonic and martial arts", which can restrain the barbarians quite well.

The fleet continued to move forward, withstanding the firepower of the barbarians, but without any pressure. Although the shields of each ship were rippled by a large number of beams, no ship was truly breached. The fleet was constantly Close to the moon.

When the fleet's formation was perfectly deployed, the counterattack began.

After all the starships and weapon systems were able to accurately lock the entrance to the barbarian lair on the moon, the concentrated fire began.

Pulse cannons, kinetic energy cannons, cluster rays, heavy cluster torpedoes, and various weapons began to pour out firepower. The firepower of the barbarians was suppressed in an instant.

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