Now for this new krypton gold point, Levi temporarily named it the commander system in general. That is to say, in addition to drawing ship blueprints, players can also draw commanders. Different commanders can give fleets or The base provides different increases. Each port area can accommodate multiple commanders. There is no upper limit on the number of commanders, but there is a limit on the number of commanders that can be effective at the same time.

Each fleet can be equipped with two commanders, a commander and a deputy. The performance of the fleet can be expanded through the combination of different commanders.

Not only do the krypton gold points increase, but the fleet configuration and commander configuration intersect with each other, which can also increase the playability of the game in disguise. However, Levi will not be as greedy as a pig farm and slaughter players like pigs. Compared with the shockingly low shipment rate of the Pig Farm game in the past, Levi is prepared to keep the game's shipment rate at a relatively high position, at least better than that of the same type of Pig Farm game. The game needs to be higher.

Just relying on these functions, the voice actors at PRO Office can get a lot of job opportunities.

Because so far, the games being produced by the game department, that is, various special sound effects have been produced, but the sound effects related to human speech have not yet been started. All this can be outsourced to the PRO office.

The dubbing of the characters of different ship units, the dubbing of different commanders, the dubbing of various facilities in the base, and even the most basic system language dubbing all require a large number of voice actors. It can be said that more than thirty voice actors here are not enough. . Of course, if a voice actor has a very versatile voice, he or she can play multiple roles.

Based on Li Wei's inner calculation, he conservatively estimated that in order to complete all human voice dubbing for the entire game, at least ten voice actors would need to participate in the work, and the workload of each voice actor would not be small.

On the other side, Kawatani Murakushi and Kamogawa Heju signed a contract under the witness of the lawyers of both parties. Now, PRO Voice Actor Office is a member of Zhenghan Co., Ltd. and is at the same level as the game department.

Li Wei briefly chatted with the voice actors for a while, and he also had a relatively accurate understanding of the living conditions of the voice actors in the agency.

The voice actors here at the agency, except for a few top voice actors, are not having a very good life. They all work part-time while doing their own jobs. It is difficult for them to get important roles. Basically, they are just passers-by. Due to the lack of performance opportunities, it is difficult to get ahead, and even job opportunities are becoming less and less. As for part-time jobs, with the global economic downturn, the situation here at Neon is not much better, so there are fewer and fewer places to work part-time, and the income they can get from part-time jobs is also shrinking.

····Ask for flowers·····

Levi did some calculations. He calculated the annual income of all the voice actors he had asked about and calculated the average and digit values. He found that the voice actor industry is indeed hard work.

Excluding a few top voice actors in the agency whose annual income is more than 40,000 yuan, the average annual income of other voice actors is only 10,000 yuan, and the figures are 10,000 yuan. It can be said that except for those top voice actors in the entire agency, the other voice actors have an average annual income of only 10,000 yuan. Everyone is low-income.

.. .........

In addition to those top voice actors, the best ordinary voice actor in the agency now has an annual income of only about 10,000 yuan, which is still a low-income person.

Levi felt that what he took over was not a voice actor agency, but a refugee camp. To a certain extent, these voice actors were really urban refugees. They obviously relied on their voices to make a living. As a result, they couldn't do much in their main business, except for that. Apart from several top voice actors, there were only two people who had their own broadcasts, and they were neither shy nor popular. Regarding this situation, Levi was speechless.

In the past, I always heard many people in the industry shouting that the industry was going to end. At first, Levi thought those people's claims were alarmist. However, after getting to know the animation-related industry, Levi realized that animation was really a dead end.

All the money was made by the investors behind it. Most of the investors were engaged in IP or toy making. They had various channels to recover their investment, but the front-line production staff, including animators, And the voice actors are all miserable haha.

In the entire animation industry, there are dozens of good animation companies and voice acting agencies that can be counted on ten fingers.

Volume 1. The Rising of the Shield Hero

Chapter. Out again

The acquisition of the voice actor agency went very smoothly. Li Wei successfully took over the ownership of the PRO agency. He didn't know much about how to run a voice actor agency, and he had no intention of understanding it in detail. Anyway, as long as there is approval, he can do it at any time. Just use the voice actors you can use.

After all, although business avatar Ryu Kawatani will not enter the animation industry with great fanfare, this does not mean that Levi will not invest in this industry. Levi's investment in animation-related industries is more like a kind of protection. To put it bluntly, The point is to give the industry the benefit of the doubt.

After all, the current economic environment of Neon is very bad. Although Neon is a big animation country, the treatment of practitioners is not guaranteed in most cases. Therefore, after the "golden age" has passed, there will be few animation companies. The company dares to produce purely hand-drawn animation. In the final analysis, it is because of the problems faced by both money and manpower.

The golden age of neon animation was the most prosperous period of the neon bubble economy in the last century. At that time, the animation industry received a lot of financial support, and at the same time, neon also wanted to prove its ability in animation, so it was born. A lot of high-quality work that was made purely with money.

As long as the animators have good skills, the big financiers behind them will be willing to spend money to recruit people, and the treatment will be negotiated, just to make the best animations. Now no one dares to do such a stupid thing.

In the final analysis, current animations serve peripherals. The investors behind them are either toy manufacturers or game manufacturers, or they are adaptations of light novels or comics.

Originally, the animation existed as a separate work, but now times have changed. The animation has changed from a separate work to a promotional video, but this promotional video is relatively long.

Levi can understand this situation. After all, everyone has to make ends meet, and it is impossible for everyone to use AiDian, so there is nothing wrong with pursuing profits. Animation is also changing itself in line with the times, but Levi is Spiritually belonging to the old era, he, the "dead spirit of the old era", would appear inexplicably harsh and picky at certain times.

After taking over the voice acting agency, Levi's life returned to normal. He would go to the university every day to report. Occasionally, he would be called over by old professors to discuss new inspirations and paintings. In the evenings, he would just play games or draw. Every day, his life was quite normal. of enrichment.

Half a month passed, and Li Wei also completed his exhibition work. After taking it to the old professor to look over, and confirming that there was nothing that needed to be modified, Li Wei gave the high-definition photo of the work to the school. management party.

As for the school, in order to prevent the paintings from being damaged due to mismanagement, the exhibited works are kept by the painters themselves two days before the exhibition begins.

Two days before the exhibition, the school will collect the exhibitors' works and hand them over to the school's long-term cooperation gallery for mounting, and then hang them in the exhibition hall for display.

If someone who appreciates the paintings in the exhibition is willing to buy them, the school will act as an intermediary to coordinate. If both parties can reach a purchase and sale agreement, the works can be bought by collectors after the exhibition.

Li Wei's exhibition works during the great period were bought by a promising collector. The painting was sold for 10,000 yuan, which is equivalent to the income of an ordinary person in half a year, or the income of a low-income person for an entire year.

Here in Neon, there are specialized art dealers doing oil painting business. Li Wei tracked it down and found out that the painting he originally sold for 10,000 Neon Yuan, after passing through the hands of several owners, was actually sold for 100,000 yuan. Thousands of neon circles.

But what is sold is what is thrown away. No matter how much money those collectors make by hyping this painting, Levi will not feel envious or uncomfortable about it. As a creator, this is stable. The mentality is still there.

And now Li Wei no longer needs to raise money through such means. Now he is not short of money at all, and painting is just a hobby, not a pure livelihood skill.

After the paintings that needed to be completed for the exhibition were completed, Li Wei got the teacher's permission. In the following time, he only needed to report to the school every week. This is the case here in Neon. Top students have the same rights as others. No privileges.

Li Wei's painting skills are quite famous throughout the school, and many people also conclude that Li Wei will definitely be a famous artist in the future, so they establish a good relationship with Li Wei in advance. For them, It also has considerable benefits. After all, this is how the alumni association came about... .

Levi knew what those people were thinking, but he didn't intend to expose those people's little thoughts. After all, it is better to do less than to do more. In the real world, he is a "Yoshikage Kira" and enjoys ordinary life. He doesn't want to ruin his daily life.

You only need to report to school once a week, which is a good thing for a homebody like Li Wei. At least he can play games until he is in the dark, and he does not have to go to school every day. There is nothing more comfortable than this. .

Sitting in front of the desktop computer, Levi opened the animation of "The Rising of the Shield Hero", and the time point he chose was before the hero Naofumi Iwatani traveled through time.

Levi's figure turned into a ray of light and disappeared from the computer.

For this trip to the world of "The Rising of the Shield Hero", Levi had made a lot of preparations in advance, and the Judal clone that was originally planned to be destroyed was retained by Levi because of this trip.

Levi thought for a while, except for the first world, every time he went to the world, he would make a puppet clone of a key character in the plot, which caused BOSS to gather around him. In this case, we might as well form a BOSS team.

Keith Howard, Wolfgang Clausa von 4... Stroheim, Judal Harvey.

The original bodies of these three puppet clones can be said to be Fang Overlords. Levi thought about it and it would be a pity to destroy such clones.

When Levi was able to see the things in front of him clearly, he found that he had arrived at the stop of his trip, which was the modern world before the hero Naofumi Iwatani traveled through.

"Huhu, little brother of the Shield Hero, let me 'suffer' on your behalf this time. I hope that this trip to another world can bring me more fun." Levi had a smile on his face. With a smile, passers-by noticed his tall figure, especially women passing by, and glanced at Li Wei unconsciously. Even if Li Wei suppressed his own charm, he was so attractive. .

Chapter. Preparation work

Levi has the ability to locate others. He just recited it silently and located Naofumi Iwatani's position. Now Naofumi Iwatani is just an ordinary college student.

After Levi completed the anime of "The Rising of the Shield Hero", he also checked the relevant materials. Although he did not complete the light novel, he still had a general understanding of the entire story.

There are episodes in the anime season, but not much content is covered. According to the original novel, only the first few volumes were filmed, and there is quite a lot of content behind it. But when Li Weibei went to edit the light novel, friends in it said it was best not to do it, because by the end of the original author's writing, the story had become clichéd and not interesting anymore. If you have the energy, go read "On the Line of Realm" The original work of "Horizon" is better than this. Otherwise, if you watch the Monogatari series, it will be better than the original work of "The Rising of the Shield Hero".

According to the Internet, netizens are complaining about whether it is Chongguo or Neon. The production team can be said to be the savior of the original work. They have magically changed many parts of the original work that make people want to complain, and the overall look and feel has been directly affected. If it were made into an animation directly based on the content of the original work, the rating of this animation would probably hit the bottom, or even break through the floor.

Because the anime and manga are quite different from the original work, it can even be said to be a different world line. Therefore, only one season of the anime has been released. No one can say what the subsequent plot direction will be.

The version chosen by Levi is the anime version that everyone is most familiar with. The world line of this version is quite different from the comic version and the novel version. Therefore, some contents of the original novel cannot be directly It's set here.

Most of the relevant information Levi collected on the Internet was summarized by netizens. Although it was extensive, it was not necessarily accurate enough.

However, there is a saying that Li Wei finds quite interesting. The places for the Four Holy Warriors are ranked in order. That is to say, if the person in order cannot go due to certain circumstances, the summoned medium will be ranked in order. If the first person cannot go, the third or even fourth person will be selected, and the selection will continue until someone responds to the call of the world that needs to be saved.

This year’s Four Holy Heroes, the protagonist Naofumi Iwatani is the first in line. He has excellent abilities and mentality. This can be seen from the original novel and even the anime. The tenacity of never giving up in the face of adversity is Not something that ordinary people can have.

The other three heroes, spear, sword and bow, are not ranked first. According to netizens' gossip rankings, the sword hero Amaki Ren is ranked third. There are certain problems with his character. To put it bluntly, it is a bit. The Bow Hero, Itsuki Kawasumi, is the No. 1 hero. Although he pursues justice, he is easily misled and cannot see the surrounding situation clearly. As for Kitamura Motoyasu in Gun Brave, according to the information given by netizens, Kitamura Motoyasu's ranking is actually after the tenth pick. In other words, he is a complete defective product.

The protagonist Naofumi Iwatani can be said to have had the worst start. Not only was he hostile to the country where he was summoned, but he also had to bring three pig teammates. But even in such a bad situation, the three and four cards were the A, and they were beaten by him. alive.

Levi sighed inwardly, if anyone else was in that situation, they would probably have given up on themselves, or started to take revenge on the world for holding them back.

However, Levi went there this time to take revenge on the world for holding him back. He used the summoning mechanism of the Four Holy Warriors to let the people of that world taste the taste of despair.

While watching the anime, Levi felt a little unhappy. Although Iwatani Naofumi was very tough and was able to respond best to the worst situations, Levi didn't like such passivity.

Originally, the world over there had made arrangements to prepare for each major country. Each country would summon a brave man, and then train the brave men with all their strength, repeat the victory of the previous Four Holy Heroes, and save the sub-world.

But this time, due to King Melomaro's illegal summons, he summoned all four heroes in one breath, so a situation emerged where the three gods were defeated. Coupled with personal hatred and hostility against the shield heroes, this led to the Iwatani Naofumi Association. Going through so many hardships.

This is a good call for the brave. Because of the selfishness of King Melomaro, many waves were created out of thin air.

After Levi located the location of Iwatani Naofumi, he began to look for a library where summoning books were often found. Levi, who had extraordinary power, released a large number of paper cranes. These paper cranes served as his eyes and searched all libraries in Tokyo.

The library of the anime has been found by Li Wei, but Li Wei used a thousand paper cranes to search the library all over the place, and did not find the book that summoned Iwatani Naofumi to another world.

Levi speculated that the book should be specially waiting for Iwatani Naofumi. Only when he walked to a specific location in the library could he find the book. Other than that, other methods were useless.

Levi couldn't locate the coordinates of that other world. Although he now has the power to easily destroy a planet, he still doesn't know how to locate other worlds. Therefore, the idea of ​​bypassing the restrictions of summoning and heading directly to another world had to be given up.

After waiting for almost a week, Iwatani Naofumi left his home and went to the library, and Levi was also ready to go.

He was going to replace Iwatani Naofumi, answer the call of the summons book, and go over to make a big fuss.

At this time, Iwatani Naofumi didn't know that he had escaped the disaster. He was wandering aimlessly in the library.

"There haven't been any new light novels recently? The library's book update speed is a bit slow." Iwatani Naofumi whispered to himself, stopped in front of a bookshelf, stepped up his feet, and lifted the top of his head He took the book down, but because the books on top were placed too tightly, a large number of books fell down and hit him on the head.


Iwatani Naofumi looked at the books scattered all over the floor and began to put the books back on the bookshelf. When he saw this thick book with a very simple cover, he showed a curious expression. He put all the books back in their place except this one, and then opened the pages to look at this old book that made him curious.

"As for that book, it's best not to open it. If you don't want to go through hell, you can stop it now."

The magnetic voice stunned Iwatani Naofumi. He turned around and saw a figure that surprised him. It was a tall young man wearing golden armor with several pairs of huge wings on his back. The young man was extremely handsome and had a gentle smile on his face.

Iwatani Naofumi noticed something, that is, the other person was obviously so conspicuous, but the other people reading around him didn't seem to see him.

"Who are you?" Naofumi Iwatani asked curiously.

"Me? It seems that you have forgotten everything, but that's fine. This ordinary happy life now is what you need most. Now, give me the book in your hand, you don't need it. "Levi stretched out his hand and smiled gently.

"Are you an angel?" Naofumi Iwatani asked.

"I'm not a rubbish thing like an angel. If you insist, you can call me 'God'. Although I have many names, people are always used to calling me this name." Levi laughed.

"Eh?!" Iwatani Naofumi noticed the golden halo behind the other person's head. There was a faint golden light lingering on the other person's body, giving people an indescribable sense of holiness. Just standing in front of the other person, he felt that his The body is indescribably relaxed.

Iwatani Naofumi noticed something unusual in the other party's words. The other party said that he had forgotten everything. He thought to himself, wasn't he also a normal person? He felt that the past ten years he had lived were ordinary, without much ups and downs. Although such a life was ordinary, he felt quite happy. Is it really like what the other party said, what kind of powerful person is he?

As a college student with a wide range of interests, Iwatani Naofumi has done some research on various mysteries and metaphysics, and he still understands things like reincarnation. And in current light novels, there are themes of rebirth in many lives.

Levi said: "That book will completely destroy your current ordinary life. You will experience the pain again, and then you will ask me to delete your memory. There is no need to suffer such pain again~"

Iwatani Naofumi lowered his head, looked at the heavy book in his hand, and said, "Is there anything wrong with this book?"

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