"Now I have mastered the power beyond ordinary people, but this is not enough. In most daily dramas without extraordinary power, this level of ability can already control the overall situation. However, my ambition is not limited to I have a lot of things I want to do as I go about my daily routine..." Levi sat down on the sofa.

With the ability to travel across the world, if you don’t do something, you always feel like you’re missing out. After all, when he was watching anime before, he saw too many tragedies. If he could, he didn't want to see those tragedies happen.

In the past, he could only watch such things, but now he has the ability to participate in the situation. Now, he feels that he has control of the future.

Chapter 65.Okay, let’s watch a horror movie

Everyone's pursuit is different. Some people pursue wealth, some pursue power, and some simply enjoy fame. But Li Wei knows very well that as long as he can master extraordinary power, whether it is wealth or power, everything will be the same. It's just an accessory.

Levi restored the room to its original state. He had checked the two suites beforehand. There were no pinhole cameras in the suites. It was precisely because of this that he dared to test his extraordinary abilities in such a place.

And this ability is far beyond Li Wei's imagination. Although he is only a rookie Qi practitioner in the Qi training period, he has already mastered magical methods that ordinary people can't imagine.

The current Levi, if placed in those martial arts novels, is a land immortal who has broken through the limits of human beings. No matter where he is, he can leave his own legend.

"But this level of power is not enough now. In some anime worlds with high-end combat power, if I rush in now, I will just add cannon fodder." Levi was not carried away by suddenly gaining such power. mind.

Not to mention dangerous worlds like "Dragon Ball" and "Doraemon", even in those anime worlds of a few levels below, Levi can't guarantee that he can escape unscathed after participating in the plot, so without Before he has enough strength, he will not run into those extremely dangerous worlds when his brain gets hot.

It is true that the greater the risk, the greater the return. But if you can develop steadily, there is no need to try to be fast for a while. Running fast is useless. Only by running steadily and far can you have the last laugh.

Just when Levi turned on the computer and was about to play games for a while, he heard the sound of the door opening. There are two suites. Kasumigaoka Shiyu and the others have the spare key to the suite here, but for the suite next door, Levi does not have the spare key.

The three girls came to the living room and saw Levi sitting in front of the computer.

"Have we disturbed your work?" Kato Megumi said softly.

"No, as for the illustration, I stayed up all night and finished it. I don't have any work to do now," Levi said.

Levi is not the kind of social animal who likes to be squeezed by deadlines, so he likes to complete his work in advance.

Of course, this is also related to Li Wei's individual profession. After all, illustrator is a fairly free profession.

If you are in a company, most social workers will complete tasks on a deadline because they do things too fast, and their bosses will think that there is still enough potential that has not been tapped, and then they will be assigned a bunch of messy work.

It is precisely because of this that every experienced social animal is a fisherman who is good at paid shit.

"Staying up late is not good for your health. Even now, I have begun to change my work and rest time." Kasumigaoka Shiyu said.

"Eh? Senior sister, a night owl like you has actually changed your personality? It's incredible!" Yinglili looked surprised.

"I'm just going back to my normal schedule, there's nothing to make a fuss about." Kasumigaoka Shiyu had an expression that said, "You don't see much of this." However, being a night owl, she had a purpose for adjusting her biological clock so decisively.

Although it's great to stay up late playing games with Li Wei, the damage to the skin is huge, and women want to please their appearance. Kasumigaoka Shiyu doesn't want to show her tired and sloppy side in front of Li Wei. She wants to show her tired and slovenly side in front of Li Wei. Levi's face glowed with brilliance, and changing his schedule was just the first step. And in the past two days, she has also been studying makeup and dressing up, all in order to better show her charm in front of Li Wei.

In fact, Li Wei also noticed the subtle changes in Kasumigaoka Shiyu, but he saw through it without telling him. After all, the reason why Kasumigaoka Shiyu was so cautious was also related to him. He was happy to see Kasumigaoka Shiyu change. of.

Yinglili approached Levi's computer, looking curious.

Levi's computer desktop is very clean. In addition to the drawing software and coding software he uses daily, there are various folders. Too many icons will make the desktop cluttered, so Levi always creates folders. , put the shortcuts of various software into various folders by category to avoid desktop clutter. It was impossible for Yinglili to see his usage habits through the computer desktop.

"It's time now, do you want to watch a horror movie?" Ying Lili said excitedly.

Hearing Eiri's words, Kato Megumi and Kasumigaoka Shiu's bodies trembled, but they were both good at disguising themselves and did not show fear.

However, Levi's perception enveloped the entire room. The tiny movements of Kato Megumi and Kasumigaoka Shiu could not escape his perception, and he could also feel the fear.

The powerful perception ability can not only strengthen Levi's five senses to the extreme, but also allow him to perceive the emotional changes of other people to a certain extent.

For example, the current Kato Kei and Kasumigaoka Shiu are slightly scared in their hearts, while Eiri is in a happy mood, although Levi doesn't know what is so pleasurable about watching horror movies.

"Eiriri, aren't you afraid of nightmares at night?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked calm on the surface, but her words were a little hasty.

"What's there to be afraid of? After all, aren't we sleeping together, and I'm not alone." Ying Lili said with a smile.

Li Wei sensed a certain change in Ying Lili's mood, and she also felt nervous. This meant that she was also afraid of horror movies, but because there were so many people, her fear was diluted and she had the courage to choose to watch them at this time. Horror film.

"This..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't know what to say, but she felt a little embarrassed to reveal that she was afraid of horror movies. Even this girl Yinglili is not afraid. If she shows fear, wouldn't it mean that she is not as good as Yinglili?

"Senior, don't be brave." Megumi Kato said softly.

"Okay! Then let's watch a horror movie!" Kasumigaoka Shiyu's voice increased unconsciously.

Kato Megumi had a helpless expression on her face. She didn't expect that her reminder would have the opposite effect.

Chapter 66. Come on, hurt each other!

Although Kato Megumi looks calm now, she is actually a little scared. It should be said that girls who are not afraid of horror movies are rare.

Kato Megumi could see that both Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eiri were actually afraid of horror movies, but both of them were tough talkers and would not admit it even if they were scared.

"Hoho, I didn't expect you to have such courage, senior. Don't be so scared that you can't sleep at night." Eiri looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu, trying to see the details of fear from the other person's subtle expression, but , Kasumigaoka Shiyu was stable and was not seen through by her.

Li Wei, who can sense emotional fluctuations, also noticed that Eiriri and Kasumigaoka Shiyu were trying to trick each other, but a fun-loving person like him didn't intend to stop the two of them.

On the contrary, Levi has a pretty good horror movie here, and he is going to give the three girls a hard time. Although Kato Megumi is a little innocent, it is best to drag everyone together when watching a horror movie. For play.

Originally Levi didn't like watching horror movies, but after mastering the extraordinary power, even if the ghosts in the horror movies really exist, facing him, they are just targets to be beaten, except for eliminating a few buggy monsters. , most of the monsters in horror movies are relatively easy to solve in his current opinion.

It is precisely because of this that Levi no longer refuses to watch horror movies. The horror level of horror movies has plummeted. For him, they are just alternative documentaries.

Levi opened his movie library and found the movie he selected, "After the Lights Out" in the horror movie category.

The overall plot of "After the Lights Out" doesn't have anything particularly impressive, and it's not one of those extremely scary works. However, this work has a setting that is very popular among horror fans. In this work, when the lights are on, everything is normal, but when the lights are turned off, you can see the terrifying spirit lurking in the house.

Previously, the short video of "After Lights Out" became popular on the Internet for a while. This movie is not particularly well-known in China, but it is famous in the United States. The production cost of this movie was only 4.9 million US dollars. The low-cost film earned a box office return of nearly 150 million U.S. dollars, a profit of nearly 30 times, which also gave the Chinese director who shot the film both fame and fortune.

The world here does not have that Chinese-American director who can be called a horror genius, so there will be no "After Lights Out". Levi would choose this movie that does not exist in the world here, and he also has his own purpose.

Ordinary women are not fans of horror movies. Therefore, Levi judged that the three girls would not be able to know that this movie was not from this world at the first time. When they found out, one of Levi's purposes was to It can also be achieved.

Levi placed the laptop on the coffee table, connected the data cable to the projector and audio equipment in the suite, then turned on the movie, and then turned off all the lights in the entire suite so that the projection equipment could be as clear as possible. Place the image on the screen.

Ordinary hotel rooms naturally do not have these facilities, but most of the facilities for enjoyment are available in top-level suites. After all, some guests have such peculiar hobbies and like to watch movies in their suites. It is precisely because of this that the hotel puts various enjoyment equipment in top-level suites.

"It feels like a private theater. I didn't know there was such a thing in the suite." Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with a sigh.

Kasumigaoka Shiu also started to get nervous. She originally thought she was just watching it on her laptop, but she didn't expect that there was a home theater equipment in the hotel suite.

This kind of experience is like watching a movie in a movie theater. Although it is very enjoyable, if it is used to watch horror movies, it is another matter.

Not only Kasumigaoka Shiu felt nervous, but also Eiri and Kato Megumi unconsciously nestled on the sofa and moved as close to the middle as possible.

Levi, who was sitting in the middle, felt a squeeze from both sides.

"The movie hasn't even started yet. Is it too early to start getting scared now?" Levi said.

He has watched this movie twice. The first time was just to experience the horror. The second time was to dig deeper into the setting, hoping to find some inspiration for the novel. However, the setting of this movie There is not much depth if you dig deeper, it is still the same as the devil of the west.

He has watched it twice, and he already has extraordinary power. Even if the ghost in this movie appears in front of him, he is confident that he will completely trample the opponent to death within thirty seconds. Therefore, this movie The movie no longer has any sense of horror to him.

"Stop talking and watch the movie." Kasumigaoka Shiyu said briefly, but the strength of her hand holding Levi's arm revealed the fear in her heart.

Levi decisively shut his mouth. As the movie started, the three girls were so scared that they shrank their necks and grabbed anything they could around them.

Anyway, Li Wei's hands were scratched by Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eiri with a lot of nail marks. An ordinary person would probably have cried out in pain. It's also because Li Wei's current physical defense is sufficient, so it looks like it was left behind. It's not a shallow mark, but it actually doesn't hurt at all.

Kato Megumi, who had nothing to grab, leaned tightly against Kasumigaoka Shiu, holding a large pillow in his hand. From time to time he would close his eyes to avoid those scary scenes.

The air conditioning temperature in the suite is relatively low, only 25 degrees. This temperature is very suitable for the atmosphere of a horror movie. At least, the three girls around Levi were frightened. Megumi Kato closed her eyes to escape the horrific scene, while Shiu Kasumigaoka and Eri Riri refused to admit defeat and supervised each other not to close their eyes or They were almost diverting attention and hurting each other the whole time.

The biggest feature of the movie "After Lights Out" is that it is close enough to life. At the same time, the character's IQ is always online, looking for various ways to solve the crisis.

It is precisely because of this that this movie has a sense of real life that other movies do not have, and this also makes the movie more terrifying.

Terrorist events that happen far away and terrorist events that may happen around you at any time are completely different. The degree of terror of the latter is exponentially multiplied.

Unknowingly, the movie had ended, and Levi's expression remained normal, while the three girls around him didn't look very good.

Levi stood up and came to the lighting console, turning on all the lights in the entire suite. As the environment became brighter, the scary atmosphere was quickly diluted. However, this movie itself is related to turning on and off the lights. Even if the surrounding environment becomes brighter, the sense of security of the three girls is still insufficient.

Chapter 67. Coaxing children

Levi said: "It's getting late now. Let's go to bed early so that we can go out and play energetically tomorrow."

Although there are no specific arrangements for tomorrow, the three girls are not like Li Wei, who has energy beyond ordinary people. Even if they don't sleep for half a month, there will be no problem. Going to bed early is of great benefit to women. Harmful.

Yinglili said dissatisfied: "The horror movie I just watched, strange things will appear as soon as the lights are turned off. Even hiding under the quilt is useless. This is too shameless. How can I sleep?!"

In ordinary horror movies, as long as the characters hide under the covers without exposing their heads, close their eyes tightly, and not face to face with ghosts, there will be no problem.

But the movie I just watched was made for Americans after all, so I didn't care about Neon's hidden rules of horror movies. It was precisely because of this that Yinglili felt much scarier than watching other horror movies. When she first watched "Sadako", she had never been as scared as she is now.

Levi walked to the refrigerator, took out a few cans of drinks, pulled the tab, and put the drinks into the hands of the three girls.

"Then it's impossible not to have a rest at night, right?" Levi said.

"It's all your fault, Li Weijun. Why is there such a scary movie on your computer? It's too scary!" Ying Lili put the drink on her face. She was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat and felt sticky. No, it feels very uncomfortable.

"You said you wanted to watch a horror movie. There aren't many horror movies on my computer, so I just picked one at random." Levi had an innocent expression on his face.

"Then why don't you stop me? I regret watching this horror movie. This is no longer as simple as having a nightmare at night. I can't sleep well at all." Ying Lili had a scared expression on her face. When she was watching the movie before, , she was so scared that she almost screamed. She hugged Levi's arm tightly and leaned desperately into Levi's arms. Thinking of this, she felt ashamed.

Li Wei felt a little helpless in his heart. Arrogant girls are often so overwhelming.

Ying Lili was also so cute, and if a three-dimensional girl spoke in such a tone, Li Wei would not bother to talk to her at all.

But Li Wei also knew that Yinglili was just unforgiving in words, but she was still quite soft in her heart. Compared with those women in the third dimension who were so realistic that people felt terrible, she was already very good.

Yinglili is arrogant on the surface, but actually coquettish. She is different from those double-standard dogs in the third dimension who label themselves arrogant and treat men like cattle and horses. This is why the second dimension is more attractive to otakus than the third dimension, because girls in the second dimension are far less likely to have malicious intentions than in the third dimension.

Most of the "evil women" in the third dimension are good at pretending. Ordinary otakus cannot see through the true colors of these people. It is precisely because of this that two-dimensional women with a strong sense of feedback are so popular.

Yinglili put her hand on Yinglili's head and said in a coaxing tone: "Be good, go to bed early, you will never have nightmares, because I will protect your dreams."

Ying Lili's cheeks turned red and she slapped Levi's hand away, her voice rising twice unconsciously: "I'm not a child, don't fool me with such a coaxing tone!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu on the side crossed her hands and said, "Oh? But from the perspective of others, Eiriri, you are only a junior high school student."

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