In front of Levi, Himejima Akeno didn't want to hide her true self. Moreover, others usually relied on her, but in fact she also wanted to find someone who could rely on her.

In the Demon Realm, it's not like there are no people proposing marriage to the Gremory family. The Gremory family is beyond their reach, but they can still take a look at the members of the Gremory family.

However, Akeno Himejima has no interest in those big bosses in the demon world. After all, in the demon world where power is supremacist, male demons are crazy about pursuing power, and this attitude of pursuing power will lead to their own distortion, so the demon world should transcend It is a powerful male superior demon 4., the more twisted and perverted it becomes.

Himejima Akeno didn't want his partner to be a violent martial arts madman, so he had no interest in the so-called "high-quality stocks" in the demon world.

Human men are much gentler. Unfortunately, the lifespan gap between humans and demons is really too big. For demons, a hundred years is just a blink of an eye, but it is the life of an ordinary person. For various reasons, Ji Shima Akeno has not decided on her future until now.

Akeno Himejima wants to be powerful while still maintaining the outlook and humor of a normal person. Unfortunately, such an existence is very rare in the demon world.

And Levi's appearance let her know that her fantasy was not just a fantasy, the perfect man in his mind had appeared.

Chapter. Chiba is full of stalks

After Levi and Ubelluna said hello, they left the attic. Ubelluna lay on the railing outside the attic, biting her lower lip as she watched Levi and Akeno Himejima walking away.

After Levi and Akeno Himejima left Kuoh Academy, Rias followed them.

After Levi realized that the person following behind him was Rias, his mind raced and he instantly understood what was going on. Originally, he wanted to teleport directly with Akeno Himejima, but now, honestly Taking transportation is also a good thing. Because, if she uses teleportation, Rias will most likely lose them both.

Because the strength gap between the two sides was too huge, even if Levi deliberately slowed down the teleportation speed, Rias still couldn't keep up with his pace.

Levi and Himejima Akeno walked side by side and said: "Today we are just ordinary people, so we will use the most common means of transportation to travel. Anyway, we still have plenty of time now."

Himejima Akeno nodded. She had no objection to Levi's proposal. Anyway, being able to stay with Levi, even if it was just walking side by side like this, was an enjoyable thing.

Rias, who was following behind, heard jealousy stick in her throat when she heard Levi's words, unable to go up or down, which was particularly uncomfortable. Now, she could do nothing but hide in the dark and bite the handkerchief. After all, she couldn't rush out and get angry in front of Levi, so she couldn't do anything.

Rias, who was feeling depressed, could only follow behind obediently, looking at the two people walking side by side in front of her, and thinking of other things to distract herself.

Rias felt that she was lucky. If Levi took Akeno Himejima and left directly using teleportation, she would not be able to catch up. Now if she uses transportation, as long as the distance is further away, she will be discovered. The probability is very small.

Levi and Akeno Himejima took the train to Kaan City, Chiba Prefecture. The amusement park they were going to was Tokyo Disneyland. Although this amusement park has Tokyo in its name, it is actually in Chiba. It's within the prefecture, but it's very close to Tokyo, so it's barely within Tokyo's radiation area.

Speaking of Chiba Prefecture, it is not unfamiliar to the residents of Jigen. After all, Chiba County is nicknamed "the hometown of girl control", and the stage of many girl control animations is in Chiba. The more famous works in the real world, "My Sister Can't Be So Cute" and "There's Really Something Wrong with My Youthful Love Story", are all set in Chiba Prefecture.

The various place names under Chiba Prefecture are also quite interesting, because there is also a city here called "My Grandson City". Anyway, when Li Wei knew this name for the first time, he had a problem in his throat and didn't know. How to say it. As a Chongguo person, this name can be said to be full of flaws, but for Neon people, this place name is very normal. Some people even use this place name as their surname. In Li Wei's opinion, this surname can be said to be the most popular. Among the weird neon surnames, the weirdness level is still higher than "pig bear", "pig nose", "go to bed", "soy sauce" and "dung".

Don’t think that these Neon surnames that Li Wei knows are false. There are really many people in Neon who use these surnames. Although Neon locals think there is nothing wrong with these surnames, from the perspective of the Chong people , these surnames are all for fun.

Moreover, in the Tokyo Metropolitan University of Arts where Levi studied in the real world, one of his classmates had a boy whose surname was "Big Shit", and his full name was "Big Shit Fujihun". Well, it was really a name full of flavor and a sense of déjà vu. .

Because it was a holiday, there were not too many people on the tram before the peak period. The two of them found a seat near the door of the carriage and sat down.

The two of them attracted a lot of attention in the carriage. Whether it was Levi or Himejima Akeno, they were both good-looking. This combination of handsome men and beautiful women was naturally quite eye-catching.

However, neither of them is afraid of other people's eyes, so even if they are noticed by the entire carriage, they still communicate in a low voice and give dog treats to the people around them.

Although some people were dissatisfied with the behavior of the two people, because the two people did not speak loudly and did not harass other people around them, even if they wanted to find an opportunity to have a fight, there was no suitable reason.

Himejima Akeno said in a low voice: "It's been a long time since I took a tram like this. Having said that, human trams are still quite crude. I saw in the library the tram-like transportation of humans in the last era. The tools are much more advanced than the thing we are sitting on now.”

Levi said: "Humans in the last era, before they were destroyed, their technology had developed to a considerable height. Unfortunately, the gap between their strength and the gods was still too big."

Humans in the last era have mastered controllable nuclear fusion, and have developed quite high branches of the science and technology tree in terms of materials science and energy science. Unfortunately, the enemies they have to face are those who can stand up to Big Ivan. God, although humans have mastered relatively mature outer space navigation technology, they are still driven by the gods to kill them all.

The moon in this world is a fortress weapon made by the humans of the last era. The humans of the last era discovered this secret and wanted to escape to the moon to continue resisting. As a result, they were intercepted halfway and the entire army was eventually annihilated.

Then, there is the history of human development in this era. However, the power that humans in this era now possess is still too immature compared to their predecessors. The moon hanging high above their heads, the power of today's humans I only know that the moon has a lot of helium, but I don’t know the real secret of the moon.

Human beings in several epochs have developed to the highest level, that is, the gods do not allow human technology to reach too high a level, so human beings in several epochs, when their strength is at its peak, still cannot get rid of scavenging. Limitations of civilization.

The so-called scavenger civilization is a civilization that relies heavily on fossil energy. Even after previous generations of humans mastered controllable nuclear fusion, fossil energy and natural gas still did not withdraw because the construction cost of controllable nuclear fusion equipment was too high. history, but parallel to nuclear energy.

Akeno Himejima whispered: "Compared to the predecessors of previous generations, this generation of humans is the most useless generation, with the slowest development efficiency. But this is not a good thing, at least it can make this generation of humans Survive longer.”

Levi just smiled when he heard Himejima Akeno's words. He would stop such a thing. Even if he wants to judge some of the current human beings, only he, as a human being, has such a character and can judge human beings. , will only be human in the end. god? He will kill them all.

Chapter.Girl’s heart

Chiba Prefecture and Tokyo are very close, so it didn't take much time for the two of them to arrive at their destination. Then Li Wei called a taxi, and the two of them were taken directly to the entrance of the amusement park by taxi.

I have to say that taxis here in Neon are really expensive for ordinary people. Unless there are special circumstances, most people rarely call taxis. This is shown in many Neon TV series and animations. details.

Himejima Akeno looked at the exquisitely designed and relatively grand gate of the amusement park, her eyes sparkling.

Akeno Himejima said with a trembling voice: "Li Weijun, you know, I actually like Disney's princess series very much. However, in school, I didn't dare to show my interest in this area at all. I was afraid of being criticized. Laughing at childishness.”

Levi smiled and said: "What's the matter? I also really like "Crayon Shin-chan". Everyone has their own hobbies, no matter whether others can understand them or not, as long as they feel happy. Of course, this kind of hobby is The premise is not to hurt others, but if it hurts others, then you have to say something else.”

Himejima Akeno looked at Levi with surprised eyes and said: "I didn't expect that Li Wei would also like Xiaoxin. I also watched Crayon Shin-chan. I am very envious of the happy daily life of the Nohara family."

Himejima Akeno didn't lie. She really envied Nohara Shinnosuke's family's daily life of laughter and laughter. Although they would go through many ups and downs and there would be some tears, as long as the family was together, no difficulty would be insurmountable.

It is a pity that her family is broken. In order to save her, her mother died at the hands of a warlock. In order to protect her, her father could only entrust her to an old friend and could not stay with her.

At the beginning, she resented her father for not being able to protect her mother or being by her side. But now she has become sensible and knows that her father also has his own difficulties. If he really lets her stay in the fallen angel camp, it will actually harm her.

Levi noticed the slight change in Himejima Akeno's expression and knew that she was remembering something sad. However, he was not suitable to show his foresight about the plot now, so he could only pretend to be confused about some things.

Levi said: "People must learn to look forward. Unhappy things will eventually pass. Cherishing the happy moments now will make you happier in the future~¨."

Himejima Akeno was a little surprised. She didn't expect Levi to detect her emotional changes so keenly.

When the perceptual ability reaches a certain level, the external sensory input combined with its own super processing efficiency is like a multi-threaded supercomputer, able to respond instantly.

Levi noticed Himejima Akeno's emotional changes and his reaction time was less than a second. This was something even a demon could not do.

Himejima Akeno thought about the present. Although many things happened in the past, there were also many good things in these things, and there were many happy times. Plus, now that Levi is by her side, what else does she have to be sad about? .

"Today is really not a good time to remember. Seizing the little happiness now is what I have to do." Himejima Akeno patted her cheek. When she put down her hands, she found that Levi had already held her left hand.

"Let's buy the tickets first. To be honest, this is my first time coming to the amusement park, and I don't know what to play. Since you said you want to come to the amusement park, Akeno, then it's up to you to decide what to do. Yes." Levi smiled.

Himejima Akeno's face turned red, Levi's hand was hot and powerful, and the broad palm did not appear rough. When her hand was held, an indescribable sense of security came to her, as if the sky was falling and it would not be scary anymore.

Rias, who was hiding in the dark, saw the two walking hand in hand towards the entrance, her brows almost furrowed into a "Chuan", and then she sighed.

If it were anyone else, she might still be a little angry, but if it was Himejima Akeno, her heart wanted to cheer for Levi. Himejima Akeno was a good girl, and she deserved her own happiness.

Rias knew Himejima Akeno's life experience, and she knew very well what Himejima Akeno had experienced. Himejima Akeno has suffered too much, and now that all the hardships are over, it is also a good thing for Himejima Akeno.

However, Rias will still be sulky when she should be. After all, the person beside Levi is not her. Just thinking about this kind of thing makes her feel uncomfortable. Forget about Uberuna, Revel and others. After all, they are Levi's trophies, and their status is inherently lower. Rias feels that they are not a big threat to her, but what Akeno Himejima said , that’s another story.

After buying the tickets, Levi and Himejima Akeno entered the inside of the amusement park. Levi himself was not very interested in Disney-style works. Although he had seen several of its works, he had never been able to take a look. He just looked at it and didn't leave any deep impression. Himejima Akeno's passion for the princess series made her very excited when she entered this place, like a child.

Himejima Akeno took Levi's hand and trotted forward, smiling: "々. If you start the game, of course it will be the jumping machine. After jumping off the building, you will take the Ferris wheel to slow down."

"Okay, but is it okay to choose such an exciting project at the beginning?" Levi said.

Himejima Akeno turned around, with a smile on her face, which made Levi feel like a sea of ​​flowers in spring, extremely stunning.

Himejima Akeno smiled and said: "For ordinary people, it is a big problem, but for us, there is no problem!"

Two people buy a package ticket, and they can experience all the projects as many times as they like, but the unit price is more expensive, but for two people, this package ticket is the most cost-effective. Because the physiques of the two of them are not as fragile as ordinary people, they can create all kinds of exciting projects at will, even riding a roller coaster for several hours. It's all up to you.

With the ticket package, the two people passed the inspection and fixed themselves on the seats with the help of the staff. The jumping machine in the amusement park here is a large machine with a stable structure. All the seats form a ring, surrounding a giant cylinder at the core. The top height of this cylinder reaches meters. When dropped from a height of meters, the acceleration reaches For people who have traveled more than a hundred kilometers and have weak physical and mental qualities, this feeling of falling is enough to scare them out of heart disease.

The elderly and children are not allowed to play on the jumping machine. The other participants on both sides of Levi and Akeno Himejima are all healthy young and old people. At the beginning, they were very calm, but as the whole row moved The seats rose higher and higher, and except for Levi and Himejima Akeno, everyone else's faces turned a little pale.

Chapter 4. Good and fun-loving

Looking at the ugly behavior of the people around him, Levi found it quite interesting. People are such strange creatures. They are obviously afraid of these exciting adventure projects, but they still insist on participating. It seems that this can prove that they have courage.

However, Li Wei really likes to see them screaming in fear. He has already prepared paper cranes. The paper cranes with shooting functions will perfectly capture the ugly appearance of these people riding the jumping machine. Looking at it this way, this kind of entertainment of watching others make fools of themselves is a little bit naughty, but Levi just likes to do this kind of thing.

In addition to Levi and Himejima Akeno, there are other male and female combinations on the jumping machine. Young men and women are in love. Many people like this style. The two of them participated in exciting projects and screamed in fright. This makes young men and women who are passionately in love feel that they have a hard time sharing the same situation.

Levi held Himejima Akeno's slender hand tightly and said with a smile: "There are quite a few people shouting around, and they haven't started to fall yet."

Just as Levi finished speaking, the rows of seats surrounding the jumping machine had already risen to the top of the column, and then plummeted downwards. In an instant, screams came one after another.

Due to the acceleration of her fall, Himejima Akeno's long black hair floated upwards, but her face was filled with a smile, which was in huge contrast to the other ferocious-looking people around her.

Through the perspective of Qian Zhihe, Li Wei saw many funny scenes. Young men and women in love were holding each other's hands tightly. Both of them had good looks. The boy was not handsome, but he was also handsome. , the girls are not said to be pretty, but they are also pretty, but now the faces of the two of them are like Yan Yiyang in a funny cartoon, their whole face is turning up, and the two of them even start to roll their eyes upwards, the girl's mouth All were thrown out.

This scene almost made Levi laugh out loud. Sure enough, it is quite pleasant to base one's own happiness on the pain of others.

There was another scene on the other side that made Levi couldn't help but laugh. A certain brother's fake appearance was gone, and his original bushy short hair was instantly revealed. It was a typical local support room, especially the stubborn tuft of hair. Being blown from side to side by the strong wind, this picture is really amazing.

And on the side directly behind him, a certain old man has dentures. I really don’t know which lucky viewer this pair of dentures will hit, but having said that, the man wearing dentures looks like he is only in his forties. , I lost all my teeth in my forties. This is really a tragedy.

The jumping machine landed quickly. Except for Levi and Akeno Himejima who still looked normal, the others more or less showed their ugly looks, especially the two brothers with dentures and dentures. After the staff opened it, the smoker ran out.

Levi can also understand the two brothers. After all, in Neon, dentures and false teeth are not cheap. If they are really lost, it will be a loss.

After Himejima Akeno got off the chair of the jumping machine, she stretched out. Her proud posture attracted the attention of everyone around her. Then, the young couple who had just come down from the jumping stairs were still in shock. , the girl pulled the boy's ear and walked aside, completely ignoring the boy's plea.

Levi wanted to complain in his heart, it was quite rare for a girl to be so strong these days. After all, the neon female boxers in this world have been beaten to the ground after the millennium. Girls' requirements for their partners have also been lowered and lowered. As long as they don't show off, they still dare to play the "sassy girlfriend" routine. Girls are as rare as giant pandas. Levi feels that the boy can endure his girlfriend pulling his ears in public in the hall. This is a sure sign that true love has not escaped.

Himejima Akeno said in a low voice: "Although it is worse than when I dived by myself, this kind of landing that is completely out of my control is quite interesting."

Himejima Akeno is a high-level demon with outstanding walking ability. When she gets up, her maximum speed can exceed the speed of sound. Coupled with the effect of auxiliary spells, her speed can even reach more than Mach 2. The falling speed of the jumping machine is only a little over 100 kilometers per hour. For any high-ranking demon, this is nothing.

The people around him were different. As ordinary human beings, their fragile bodies had low endurance limits. Most of the people who came down from the jumping stairs had bad expressions on their faces. The few who were smiling were forced to do so. , more like holding on for dear life.

Himejima Akeno looked over and saw a young man lying on the ground not far away, vomiting out, and the acid in his stomach almost came out.

Levi said: "Human beings are very strange beings. Sometimes they are both lazy and fun-loving, including me. Car rollovers and the like happen from time to time."

Himejima Akeno held Levi's hand and smiled and said: "It's enough to take a ride on the jumping machine. It also fulfills my little wish. Next, I will go to the Ferris wheel."

Levi nodded, and the two of them walked towards the Ferris wheel. The Ferris wheel is one of the favorite amusement park projects for young men and women. After all, Neon has an old tradition of confessing in the Ferris wheel, so many times , Ferris wheels are often associated with romantic paintings.

Rias, who had disguised herself through the camouflage technique in the distance, couldn't help but laugh when she saw Akeno Himejima's childish smile. Akeno usually wanted to maintain her own personality so that everyone around her could rely on her. She always wears a mask.

This kind of pressure is great. Just like Rias herself, she is accustomed to relying on the power of her family many times. After all, many things are not so easy to do by herself. As for Himejima Akeno, because of her own status, even if Rias wanted her to pull a tiger skin as a banner, others would not believe it, so Himejima Akeno could only take the route of forging iron that requires her own hard work, and this The route is very tiring.

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