"Your confinement will end forever." The evil version of Levi said with pity.

Rizevim suddenly panicked, but after all, he was an old monster who had lived for who knows how many years. Although he was panicking inside, his face was quite stable and still had a smile.

Rizevim said: "Your Majesty, will I never have to face confinement again?"

Li Zeweim pretended to be confused and wanted to extract as much useful information as possible. The evil version of Li Wei's habit of half-talking was quite scary.

The evil version of Levi said: "That's right, because you have no future, so you no longer have to worry about confinement."

Rizevim has the means of "resurrection", so facing the current situation, he feels that he still has some initiative. The worst result is to go back and resurrect. Thinking of this, he gradually calmed down.

Rizevim said: "Your Majesty, is there anything about me that makes you dissatisfied? Or am I of no use to you? I am confident that I have certain abilities in this regard, and maybe I can help. Your Majesty, you are busy."

Although he has the ability to "resurrection", Rizevim is very clear about the essence of the so-called resurrection technique, so he does not intend to let himself die until necessary, because he has not lived enough.

The evil version of Levi said: "That's right, because you have no use value to me anymore, and I investigated and found that you are a huge factor of instability. I don't hate risks, but I hate risks. There is a completely uncontrolled risk, I can accept the people under my command being stupid, but I cannot accept the people under my command having uncontrolled lunatics.”

Li Zeweim wanted to complain in his heart. If this were the case, he would still believe it for others. But the evil version of Levi in ​​front of him, who is like a demon king, is the biggest unstable factor in the world. What qualifications does the evil version of Levi have? He, he should be the one to say this.

Rizevim said: "Your Majesty, why are you so sure that I am a lunatic? I admit that I used to be a bit dissolute, but I was very sober, and I have never done anything harmful. It can be said that I Whether he is a fallen angel or a demon, he can be regarded as a moral model."

The evil version of Levi curled his lips. Just listen to what Rizevim said. Whoever takes it seriously is a fool. According to the information he found, Rizevim has deceived many people. Rizevim is very good at using his appearance to carry out actions. The existence of deception can be said to be the "original devil".

There is no so-called "devil" in this world. The angels who rebelled from heaven have only fallen angels and demons, and there is no branch of "devil".

Levi said: "My understanding of you is no worse than your understanding of yourself. I know your purpose of coming to me. You just want to use me as a springboard to go to other worlds. Do you think Am I a fool? I can’t even see the use of such a thing.”

Rizevim clapped his hands and said with a smile: "As expected of Your Majesty, I didn't expect you to see through it, but it doesn't matter, so what if you know my true purpose? I didn't intend to threaten your interests, just Simply wanting to travel to other worlds is just a humble wish of a person who likes to travel, isn’t it too much?”

When Rizevim faced an existence that he was unable to defeat, he would start his own deception mode. There were many people who fell into his trap.

The evil version of Levi said: "Even now, you still refuse to tell me the truth. It seems that you are very confident in your cards."

Rizeweim smiled and said: "When you go out, you have to have some ability to save your life. After all, the outside world is very dangerous. I am just a weak rebel in heaven. It is normal to have a little trump card."

Chapter 4. The end of Rizevim

Looking at Rizevim's confident smile, the evil version of Levi said: "You are really confident in yourself, even when you are facing me. To be honest, I quite like your unruly look. of."

Rizeweim hit the snake and followed the stick and said: "Since this is the case, then I will try my best to satisfy your Majesty's ideas. I still have considerable experience in how to be a close minister."

The evil version of Li Wei naturally knows such things. Rizevim’s life experience can be said to be quite rich. In ancient times, Rizevim served as a civil servant and a tax collector for the king. It can be said that Rizevim is a Taibaijin star. As long as things are arranged for him, he will use his subjective initiative to complete things beautifully.

Of course, when things are done beautifully, there will also be some small tricks inside. The emperors and kings he once served did not end well because of the happy monster Rizevim who made trouble while doing things. His own boss laid the groundwork.

Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal. What's more, Rizevim himself is the type of absolutely disloyal.

Levi never minds trying to speculate on others with the greatest malice, so he has always been quite suspicious. It is precisely because of this that after he developed such a useful ability as the puppet clone technique, he no longer I plan to stop. The puppet clone is much easier to use than his subordinates. In addition, he can differentiate his own thinking circuit. The puppet clone can perform tasks much more efficiently than ordinary subordinates. Therefore, he has developed the habit of only trusting himself.

The evil version of Levi said: "Do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

Rizeweim smiled and said: "To Your Majesty, a little shrimp like me is just an ant that can be crushed to death at will. I can't resist His Majesty's power, so I should be more humble, okay?"

Levi smiled and said: "You still don't really treat me. You think I am a fool who can be fooled at will, just like those unlucky people you have fooled before. But you are wrong, that is, I It’s different from those unlucky ones. Look, what is this.”

Levi spread his hand, and in the palm of his hand was a delicate and small crystal piece. When he saw this thing, Rizevim's expression changed and became frightened.

Rizevim's face was pale, his lips were bloodless, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Rizevim's weak point was found, and now he finally understood why Levi was so fearless. It turned out that Levi had found his real weakness.

Rizevim thought that it was very likely that when he first came here, the evil version of Levi had already had the idea to plot against him, and trapping him was just a delaying tactic.

Levi said: "I asked the people below to go to the paradise of this world and found something interesting. Do you think this thing is very interesting?"

The smile on Levi's face looked quite evil to Rizevim, like a naughty child playing with bugs. Rizevim felt a chill in his chest. He never thought that he would face such an ending.

Rizevim showed a forced smile and said: "Your Majesty, you won this round. Can you give me a decent move?"

Rizevim knew that he had really lost and there was no room for a comeback. Continuing to struggle would be nothing but an ugly continuation. This was not "aesthetic" and was not in line with his habits.

The evil version of Levi said: "You have no choice. There is only one ending waiting for you, and that is to become the food for my growth."

The evil version of Levi snapped his fingers, and a huge suction force was created out of thin air. Rizevim disappeared in an instant. Now, he has been sucked into the Soul-Dancing Bell.

Just when Li Zeweim's existence disappeared from the world, the crystal in Levi's hand reacted, and a translucent shadow began to gradually take shape. When this shadow looked at the evil version of Levi, a look on its face With a horrified expression.

"Your Majesty, spare my life! I am willing to be a slave!" After experiencing "death", Rizevim was really scared. Although this was just a copy of his memory, this memory copy also inherited him. His emotions and character made him cherish his life and chose to beg for mercy.

The evil version of Levi smiled and said: "Sorry, I am a person who likes to eradicate people. To be honest, I can't trust such a dangerous existence like you, so just accept your own doom in despair."

"No!!! Your Majesty! Give me a chance! Give me a chance to prove myself! Give..."

Before Rizevim finished speaking, the phylactery was crushed to pieces by Li Wei, and his voice stopped abruptly.

The evil version of Levi said: "It's exactly what I thought. The moment the connection is disconnected, the phylactery will be activated. If you hadn't taken precautions in advance, it would have been quite troublesome to clean up the mess, and it might even be possible." My secret will be exposed."

The evil version of Levi feels that in many things, it is always right to be cautious. Just like this time, if he rashly attacks Rizevim, he will only scare the snake. If a poisonous snake like Rizevim cannot be beaten to death at once, , the consequences are endless.

Now that Rizeweim has been imprisoned in the Soul Soul Bell, the next step is to wait for Rizeweim to be digested and refined into new elixirs. By then, his cultivation will be able to increase again.

"Next, it's the turn of the Infinite Dragon God. Well, this old unlucky guy." The evil version of Levi whispered to himself.

In the original plot, the Infinite Dragon God can be said to be an unlucky old man. Although he is powerful, he is always being plotted by others. In the original plot, there are few occasions where he can use his full strength, and his record in the original plot is not It's very cool. He was kicked out of his old nest by his old enemy, and was plotted by Rizevim outside. Part of his power was stolen, so he was unable to exert % of his strength.


The evil version of Levi looked at the desolation in the distance and the dark sky above his head, and sighed in his heart that the real moon is not as romantic as many people imagine.

The moon is not that far from the earth. For the evil version of Levi, traveling back and forth is very convenient. For such a distance, teleportation is not even needed. Short-distance teleportation is enough. After all, the straight-line distance between the moon and the earth is only 4,000 kilometers, and now Levi can cover such a distance even with short-distance teleportation.

The evil version of Levi moved forward, and not long after, he reached the abnormal point of perception. The evil version of Levi, who had hidden his figure, saw a huge crater. At the top of the crater was a black dragon with a head as big as a mountain. , that is the Infinite Dragon God.

"Good guy, with this body type, even if you were on the set of Ultraman, you would be considered a big guy." The evil version of Levi sighed.

Chapter.Go to the moon

At this time, the Infinite Dragon God is lying in his "little nest", enjoying his own sleep time. As one of the most powerful beings in the solar system, the Infinite Dragon God does not need to pay attention to anyone's opinions or dissatisfaction. .

Because, except for the great red, no one else is his opponent.

It is precisely because of this that the Infinite Dragon God has always maintained its own way of doing things. The gods have always maintained a disregard for the two special existences of the Infinite Dragon God and the Great Red, and the two sides have not crossed paths.

The Infinite Dragon God suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head, and looked around.

The evil version of Li Wei secretly said that the other party's vigilance is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary gods. You must know that this body has been greatly strengthened, but even so, the abnormality was still detected. If it was the previous strength , if you want to take down the Infinite Dragon God, you may not have to take action with your own body.

The Infinite Dragon God stood up with its four legs supporting its body, and at the same time its huge membrane wings flapped. It was obviously a vacuum environment, but the "wind" suddenly appeared, and it was also a crazy storm. The dust in the crater was blown up, like a violent storm. Like bullets, it shoots in all directions. This is a clearing skill. The Infinite Dragon God's combat awareness is online.

Facing the "sandstorm" that hit him all over, the evil version of Levi teleported directly to distance himself, but the space fluctuation caused by the teleport also made the Infinite Dragon God realize that someone was lurking next to him.

The huge membrane wings of the Infinite Dragon God unfolded, and a large number of energy bombs scattered from the wings, and began to focus on the location of the impact point of the space fluctuation.

"Damn, that's a bad idea." The evil version of Levi had just teleported to the ground when he saw overwhelming energy bombs coming towards him, and the speed was terrifying. These energy bombs actually used a "leap" method to eliminate themselves. The attack trajectory is almost "shooting and killing".

The evil version of Levi activated the "spiritual shield" prepared in advance, put a layer of defense on himself, and resisted this wave of attacks.

The dull loud noise in the electromagnetic channel spreads outward. The universe is in a vacuum state, and sound cannot be transmitted in such an environment. However, electromagnetic waves will not be affected in any way. It should be said that the universe itself is full of all kinds of chaos. of electromagnetic waves.

But now, from the chaotic "sizzling" sound, there was suddenly a loud "bang" sound.

Energy bombs covered the location of the evil version of Levi like a rain curtain. In an instant, the earth collapsed. The moon was directly shattered by the series of barrages. A large number of fragments fell in the direction of the earth. The evil version of Li Wei Wei looked at it and quickly calculated the landing points in his mind. It turned out that most of the landing points were in Amei and Canada, so it would be fine.

Before the rain of barrages had dissipated, the Infinite Dragon God had already appeared in front of the evil version of Levi. The huge dragon's mouth imploded and shot out a beam of light, instantly drowning the evil version of Levi who opened his shield.

Judging from the current scene, it seems that the Infinite Dragon God has taken the initiative.

The evil version of Levi built another layer of shield on the inside of the aura shield. At the same time, the mana in his body materialized and turned into a huge external body. A giant who was no taller than the Infinite Dragon God appeared, and the giant pinched his hand. The Infinite Dragon God's slender neck pressed down hard, and the Infinite Dragon God's huge body was directly pushed down by brute force.

The violent impact caused the overwhelmed moon to collapse into a large number of fragments again. Some of these fragments fell toward the earth, while other parts headed towards the depths of the universe under the influence of huge initial velocity.

The Infinite Dragon God was strangled by the neck, his figure flashed with light, turned into a big snake, and broke away from the giant's hand.

The evil version of Levi thought in his heart that in the original plot, Li Zeweim stole the power of the Infinite Dragon God and gave it to the group of disasters called "Snake". The so-called power of the snake is the power of the Infinite Dragon God in the serpent form. .

The giant snake swam quickly, entangled the giant, and tightened it hard. Cracks appeared on the giant's body, and some mana fragments escaped and exploded, leaving the surrounding environment in a mess.

The evil version of Levi underestimated the power of the Infinite Dragon God. The opponent had abilities that were not described in the setting. The description of the Infinite Dragon God in the setting said that he was a being with extremely strong spell casting ability. The evil version of Levi did not expect that the opponent His close combat ability isn't bad either. If his body hadn't been strengthened before he stood, it would probably be deflated by now.

····Ask for flowers······

The Infinite Dragon God in the serpent state said in a deep voice: "Who are you? What do you want to do when you sneak up on me?!"

The evil version of Levi in ​​giant outer armor state smiled and said: "I am missing a mount, how about you be my mount?"

The body of the Infinite Dragon God shrank even more, and there were more and more cracks on the giant's body.

The Infinite Dragon God said: "Another person who overestimates his capabilities and commits suicide dares to challenge my majesty! Mount? After I defeat you, I will treat you as a mount!"

The evil version of Levi dispelled the giant outer armor on his body, took advantage of the Infinite Dragon God's opportunity to raise his height, and at the same time cast a new spell, and a large number of ice cones fell, instantly covering the giant snake that transformed into an infinite dragon. In the area where the god was, most of the broken moon was instantly covered in ice, and the fragments of the moon that were still escaping were also frozen.

After restraining the Infinite Dragon God, the evil version of Levi once again fired spells. First, black chains penetrated into the ice, binding the Infinite Dragon God. At the same time, the second spell followed closely, and black clouds penetrated. Entering the ice, he began to devour the power within the Infinite Dragon God's body, extracting these powers, and then fed them back to the evil version of Levi.

Levi's spells can be used as he pleases, and they don't even have names. These two tricks are temporarily named "Block" and "Stealing Blue" by Levi. The names are quite simple and crude.

The energy in his body was stolen, and the Infinite Dragon God became angry. He broke free from the ice, and some of the black chains were also broken, but more black chains were still on his body, and the black mist was constantly stealing his energy. .

"Despicable bug, you will pay the price for what you have done!" Infinite Dragon God yelled.

The evil version of Levi didn't say anything and continued the spell chain. With the support of remote energy transmission from the main body, the evil version of Levi didn't have to worry about his blue bar at all, just like turning on the "unlimited firepower" mode. The spells were thrown out like splashes. A large number of spells bombarded the Infinite Dragon God, instantly suppressing the Infinite Dragon God Qian.

Chapter. Capture the Infinite Dragon God

The evil version of Levi can be said to be the strongest puppet clone that Levi has ever made so far. Whether it is its own defense ability, mana storage ability, or spell casting speed, it is far superior to other puppet clones. It is said to be Li Wei's masterpiece so far.

A large number of spells fell like rain, explaining what a spell machine gun was, and the Infinite Dragon God was suddenly blinded.

The Infinite Dragon God is quite confident in his own strength. In his opinion, except for his old enemy, the Great Red, all other beings are just fish. If he shows some seriousness, he can sweep through large areas.

Therefore, after being accustomed to the cruelty games, Infinite Dragon God is now not used to playing evenly matched high-end games with the evil version of Levi. There is no way to end the battle in a very short period of time, and Infinite Dragon God seems to be a little weak. .

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