It can be said that many people in the demon world know that the four demon kings of this generation are not in the right position. However, except for Sajax, who is a reckless man, the other three demon kings of this generation are not easy to get along with. They were caught Talking about this matter will cost you your life.

However, if you don’t want others to know it, unless you do nothing yourself, a lot of history is passed down through other methods, such as books and videos, or even word of mouth. Of course, the demon world officials have been trying to destroy these things. But the more suppressed they are, the more these things are spread secretly, and are now beyond the official control of the demon world.

Veins popped out on Sirzechs' forehead, and a red light rose from his hand. The red light turned into a stream of arrows and went down, bombarding the defensive area where the shield was deployed.

Mark. deliberately adjusted the reaction method of the shield. Originally, the shield would absorb the opponent's attack, but now the shield's defense mode has changed to diffusion. The destruction magic cast by Sarzechs was deflected after hitting the shield's defense. It went out in all directions and landed in the city. In an instant, the entire main city of the Gremory family shook violently as if it had been hit by an earthquake.

Sherpa showed an "incredible" expression and said loudly: "Sagex, are you crazy?! The people in the city are all your people, don't you care about their life and death?!"

Sirzechs was speechless. He was not good at words. He realized that he had taken advantage of the opponent's aggressive tactics and rashly attacked on impulse. This led to the destruction of most places in the city.

He knew that his destruction magic was extremely destructive and could be called the ultimate form of energy-shaping magic. If such an attack fell within the city, one could imagine how terrible the casualties would be.

This is indeed the strategy of Sherpa and Mark. The shield chose to absorb when facing the first round of offensive, in order to paralyze Sajax, and then Sherpa used a verbal offensive to anger Sajax and make Sajax He takes action with anger, and at this time Mark. will control the shield to use the deflection mode to deflect Sarjax's attack and guide it to other places in the city, creating the established fact that Sarjax attacks his own people.

The civilian demons will not know the characteristics of the shield artifact that originally belonged to the Dantalin family. They will only know that Sarzechs did not care about the lives of civilians in order to fight against the suffering and save the alliance.

Such a plan would be easy to see through when facing the other three demon kings, but Sarzechs himself was not good at words and could easily be induced, so the main city of the Gremory family was chosen for this operation.

Normally speaking, in the main city of the four demon kings' families, it is most dangerous to choose the Gremory family, because Sajax is the most capable being of the four demon kings. If you are not prepared in advance, the Suffering Alliance will be saved. Even if everyone tries, it won't be enough for Sajax to fight alone. It is precisely because of this that before this operation, the Suffering Alliance first launched a sneak attack on the Dantalin family, used trickery to seize the Dantalin family's artifact, and destroyed the Dantalin family. Nothing will go wrong with this operation.

And the current results are also very good. Not only did the alliance get the manpower they wanted, but they also got the video of Sagex taking human life lightly, which can be said to be very profitable.

After all, everyone in the alliance was very angry about being screwed before. However, the alliance, whose publicity channels are at an absolute disadvantage, can be said to be unable to defend itself in the face of slander and accusations. But now it's different. Now they've got the situation back. The living batteries in the magic power plant are the best witnesses to show the cruel side of the devil. These victims will show the official cruel side of the devil to all the civilians in the underworld. .

Although the alliance's rescue team was interfered with the teleportation, they successfully deployed the teleportation array. Sajax could only watch his enemies leave.

On the balcony of the Gremory family mansion, Levi said: "The damage caused by Sajax is much greater than that caused by the people of the Disaster Group. The people of the Disaster Group only destroyed The magic power plant rescued those unlucky ones who were used as living batteries. On Sajax's side, the minimum number of casualties was a few thousand. Oh, by the way, the people from the Disaster Group gave their organization a new one. The name is the Suffering Rescue Alliance, and it seems that they have found their own path."

Rias found this name unspeakably ironic, the Sufferers Save the Alliance, so who caused the Sufferers?

Thinking of this, Rias' face became even more ugly.

Rias said: "Li Weijun, I feel a little uncomfortable. Please excuse me."

Levi said: "I know you feel bad now, but there are some things that are difficult to change with one's own power, unless that person is strong enough to shut everyone up. Your brother Sajax has this power, but he has his own position and will not do such a thing."

Rias showed a bitter smile and said, "Thank you for your comfort, but I'm not that fragile yet."

Rias was wavering in her heart at this time. All the civilians in the demon world, as well as her family, were constantly fluctuating at both ends of the scale. She didn't know how to choose. However, when she saw Li Wei, she felt an inexplicable sense of security in her heart, making her feel that even if she made a wrong choice, as long as Li Wei was around, he could save her from the mistake. Pulled back from the abyss.

Chapter. National Extraordinary Plan

In the next few days, Rias was obviously out of sorts, and would become distracted from time to time when she was with Levi.

When Li Wei was in the Demon Realm, he got some inspiration while watching the volcanoes in the Demon Realm, so he left behind a puppet clone whose identity was difficult to distinguish from the real one and continued to stay in the Demon Realm, while his own body went to the sun.

On the high orbit of the sun, Levi slowly revolves around the sun due to gravity. For him, who is a successful practitioner, the temperature of the sun's surface is like sunbathing, just a little hot, even in the sauna. The feeling is not as good as.

Of course, Levi was able to survive in such an extreme environment because he had given himself the spell to adapt to the environment in advance. Simply fighting against such an environment with his physical body, he would not be able to do so with ease for the time being.

In front of Levi, closer to the sun, a huge humanoid object floats in orbit. Levi has installed a large number of energy storage devices on the surface of this humanoid object. The light and heat of the sun continue to provide This huge humanoid provided energy, and even Levi himself passively entered a state of cultivation.

As one of the high-energy celestial bodies in the universe, stars themselves contain huge amounts of energy. You must know that in the solar system itself, the sun occupies % of the mass of the entire galaxy, and the remaining % is made up of large planets plus other quasars. Adding in the asteroid belt, you can imagine how amazing the mass of the sun is, and the violently burning sun releases huge amounts of heat energy all the time.

Levi could sense that huge energy was rapidly flowing into the wishing machine. With such efficiency, charging could be completed in as little as a week or as little as half a month.

Levi thought about pulling the wishing machine out to bask in the sun. He also saw the device in the demon world that uses volcanic heat to generate electricity, and suddenly thought that heat is also energy. He was stuck in a blind corner of his thinking before, and he never thought that the greatest thermal energy in the entire solar system would be hanging in the sky.

After figuring this out, Levi left his puppet clone in the demon world. The main body took the wishing machine and ran very close to the sun. Levi and the wishing machine were only three thousand kilometers away from the surface of the sun. At this height , the solar storm erupted from the surface of the sun directly smeared the faces of Levi and the wishing machine, but to the observer, this temperature was like blowing a hair dryer on the face, but it felt a little warm.

As a Qi practitioner, Li Wei himself has achieved a certain degree of "no creation". He will not be limited by the so-called "spiritual energy of heaven and earth" and "roots" like those novels about cultivating immortals or fantasy novels. No matter where he is, he can extract magic power.

Levi himself can recharge the wishing machine, but doing so will slow down his progress in cultivation, so unless absolutely necessary, Levi will not use his own magic power to recharge the wishing machine.

But now, the sun acts as a large power bank, constantly filling the wishing machine with energy. Now it is not the energy that limits the charging speed, but the energy circuit of the wishing machine itself that cannot withstand the huge energy of the sun.

An astronomer once said that stars are the most romantic stars in the universe. When they are alive, they provide light and heat, providing the most basic conditions for the birth of life. After death, they turn into black holes and swallow everything.

Just like the yin and yang of Tai Chi, stars also have opposite sides. Now Li Wei is enjoying the light and heat of stars.

Directly absorbing the heat energy of stars to practice, even though the technique practiced by Li Wei has its own problems and is not efficient when practicing alone, but relying on the infinite light and heat of the sun, his practice efficiency is still much higher than usual. Most, the only negative effect is that the body is a little hot, like sunbathing. If the time is too long, you will hurt yourself.

While Levi's body was sunbathing with the wishing machine, his various puppet clones were performing their respective duties and advancing the plan a lot further. The evil version of the clone had already locked two people who were unable to move. As for the divine system, as long as his main body solves the problem of magic weapon refining efficiency, the evil version of the clone will immediately launch an offensive, take away the two locked divine systems and use them to refine the elixir.

On the other hand, under the matchmaking of the puppet clone Mark., the Suffering Rescue Alliance successfully established a line with the Chongguo of this world, and the two parties have negotiated terms. Now, all the members of the Suffering Savior Alliance have I have obtained an ID card and become a serious citizen of the country, and I am treated according to the treatment of high-level talents who have returned from overseas.

This is Li Wei's secret back-up plan for the country's destruction of this world, which is the demonization of all people.

The people of Chongguo know themselves more by culture than by blood. Since the Qin Shihuang in this world completed the unification, all subsequent dynasties, no matter how they change, no matter how the civil war is, the dynasties that have completed the unification will inherit the orthodoxy of the previous dynasty, and at the same time determine themselves to be the successors. The orthodoxy of the country passed the baton of orthodoxy from the previous dynasty, and it was passed down from generation to generation.

Excluding those eras of chaotic wars that did not last long, the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties were large dynasties. The Yuan Dynasty was dominated by foreign races. However, after the Yuan Dynasty entered the customs, they still considered themselves to be the orthodox of the Song Dynasty, even if their bloodline was classified according to classification. He is considered a barbarian.

After the Ming Dynasty overthrew the Yuan Dynasty, Yang decided that the Yuan Dynasty was also against the orthodoxy of the country. He was the orthodox heir to the orthodox scriptures. Even the Qing Dynasty did the same thing.

Therefore, Chongguo is a civilization disguised as a country. Those who come out are barbarians and those who enter are Han. Chongguo is a super-large aggregate maintained by culture and tradition. This is something that European and American countries cannot understand.

It is precisely because of this that after the senior officials of Chongguo learned about the current situation of the demon world and the arrival of the Suffering Savior Alliance, after holding a meeting for almost a week, they weighed the pros and cons and Chongguo decided to save the Suffering Alliance. All people are included in themselves.

Of course, Chongguo's top leaders also have their own purposes for doing this, and they also have requirements for giving such high treatment to alliance personnel. Alliance personnel must try their best to turn officially selected personnel into demons so that the designated personnel can gain extraordinary powers. Then, when the time is right, all the people will become demons and all people will master extraordinary power.

Mark only mentioned this plan vaguely, but the leaders of Chongguo are very courageous. The proposed plan can bring huge benefits to all citizens, and even make the entire Chongguo leave the earth and set its own pace. Step out. As a result, this plan, which was so bold that it was almost crazy, was unanimously approved at the meeting.

Levi is very pleased with this matter. Demons are a derivative of angels. Although they are branches of artificial gods and their innate status is much worse than that of existing ancient gods and demons, the people of the country have never relied on barbarism. Strength, but wisdom. The Chongguo people will not use this extraordinary power simply for destruction, but will use it on the right path of construction.

You know, whether it is the real world or this world, Chongguo is the only country that can grow vegetables in Antarctica. In the bitter cold land of Antarctica, scientific researchers from other countries can only eat tasteless vegetables, while Chongguo Chinese people rely on their own unique greenhouse technology to have fresh vegetables to eat every day. This is something that scientific researchers from other countries can only envy and hate, but cannot do.

Chongguo people love construction and farming. After landing on the moon, the first piece of news they received was "Sad news, the lunar soil cannot grow vegetables." This was ridiculous news.

It can be seen from all kinds of things that the Chongguo people have a deep love for construction and development. The Chongguo people who have not mastered the extraordinary power have been able to create so many miracles. Once the Chongguo people are allowed to master the extraordinary power, I am afraid that it will not be possible within ten years. Plant vegetables on Mars.

Li Wei has already thoroughly studied the body structure of demons, so he demonized all the people of the Chongguo through Mark. In fact, it was only demonization on the surface, and it was a completely new existence on the inside. Li Wei called it "Cultivation of Immortal Civilized Individuals".

In other words, the transformed person will not grow devil horns and devil wings. There will be no change in what he looked like when he was a human being and what he will look like after the transformation is completed. However, after it was completed, it truly possessed the power called magic.

In fact, in order to complete such transformation, Li Wei not only studied the body structure of demons, but also secretly captured some immortals from the heaven in this world to study. Then Li Wei discovered that the fairy arts and magic in this world were actually It's a thing, it's just that its name and outward appearance are different.

It is precisely because of this that Li Wei calls the completed individual a "civilized individual".

After staying in the high orbit of the sun for almost half a month, Levi completed charging the wishing machine, and then he made a wish again, greatly strengthening the soul clock and golden armor.

After being strengthened by the wishes of the wishing machine, the quality of the golden armor on Levi's body has been improved, and its defensive capabilities have become more outstanding. This allows Levi to face various attacks, even if the opponent takes the lead. You won't be caught off guard.

As for Levi's current offensive magic weapon, the Soul-Draining Bell, after the Wishing Machine's wishes were strengthened, its sturdiness has been further improved. Enemies that Levi did not dare to suck in before can now be sucked directly without worrying about the opponent coming from the inside. After destroying the Danghun Bell, the digestion ability of the Danghun Bell itself has also been extremely improved, by nearly ten times, which is quite exaggerated.

The current soul-stirring bell can quickly digest and refine the enemies sucked into it, turning them into elixirs used to improve their cultivation, or they can refine the opponents into materials for various weapon refinings, allowing Li Wei to refine the weapons. There is no need to worry about the shortage of materials.

These two wishes emptied the wishing machine again, and now the wishing machine has entered the state of "suspended death" again.

However, this is enough for now. Under these conditions, Levi's plan can enter the final stage. Without the convenience brought by the wishing machine, Levi would probably have to stay here for several years, but now, it can be done in a few months at most.

Chapter 4. Declaration of War

Levi has read this novel in the real world, and it describes the story of a so-called "traveler" who becomes a "witch" and lives in a society where all people are witches.

Levi only needs to use a few tricks to artificially create a race called witches. To be honest, for a powerful being like him, he can create a brand new extraordinary creature with a template to refer to. Race is not a difficult thing.

Moreover, Levi can guarantee that the growth limit of the witch race he created will never be low. Even if it is not as powerful as a Qi practitioner, it will never stretch its hips.

But after thinking about it, a world filled only with girls seems beautiful at first glance, but in fact it has quite a lot of problems. The main issue is the character of women. If the entire society was made up of women, there would be quite a lot of internal disputes.

Li Wei has read many books on psychology, and he also has considerable research on psychology. With his current knowledge, he can blow up the entire psychology academic community by writing just a few papers. .

It was precisely because of his in-depth study of psychology that Levi discovered that there were huge hidden dangers in a society where all people were witches. Although the world described in the novel is beautiful, it is based on the fact that the witch clan can plunder the outside world and use it to expand the clan. For the witches in the novel, landing on another planet is a trivial matter to them. They already control life and death, control time, and it is not difficult to travel to another world. It is precisely because of this that they are all witches. society can be maintained.

However, the initial stage of this extremely extroverted civilization is very difficult. Even if Levi really creates a tribe called witches, the witch tribe can easily destroy itself. Therefore, in terms of evolution, Levi still retains the sexual differentiation of human beings. At least, the current situation is better than A completely fictional witch civilization is much more stable.

Of course, Levi can also give up his bottom line as a human being and create a small-scale witch civilization to observe and observe their development and process. However, this kind of behavior of playing with the lives of his compatriots is taboo for Levi. This is something he absolutely A bottom line that will not be crossed.

Levi will treat the lives he created as his own children and compatriots. It is precisely because of this that he will not use the lives he carefully created to conduct cruel social experiments with an unknown future.

The efficiency of the evil version of the clone was quite high. After strengthening the Soul Soul Bell on the main body, it immediately eliminated the two locked gods. More than a hundred gods were sent into the Soul Soul Bell. inside, and then they are quickly digested.

Because the performance of the Soul Drifting Bell has been extremely enhanced, the internal digestion speed has reached an exaggerated rate. The Lizevim thrown in before has been completely digested, and most of the power of the Infinite Dragon God, who is still in the illusion, has also been digested. , now Li Wei has another batch of high-quality cultivation elixirs.

The clones are still handling various chores, while Levi's body continues to stay in the high orbit of the sun, swallowing pills to improve his cultivation. Qi Practitioner is a very free cultivation system. It is precisely because of this that Li Wei learned from the Taoist inner alchemy sect and outer alchemy sect he saw in the real world, and realized two auxiliary cultivation paths to supplement the skills. defect.

After all, the real world is a place where Li Wei's extraordinary power exists, but now there is no place for extraordinary power. Regardless of whether it is the inner alchemy sect or the outer alchemy sect, it is most likely that they are practice methods developed by ordinary practitioners. Although they are crossing the river by feeling for the stones, they have also summarized some useful concepts in Li Wei's opinion.

The Inner Alchemy Sect emphasizes that oneself is the cauldron, and the emphasis is on cultivating the body first. The foundation of the Inner Alchemy Sect is martial arts training. Through martial arts training, the muscles and bones are strengthened. It is difficult to get started, but it is difficult to get started by laying a good foundation before practicing. It is a very fast route to enter the country after getting started. However, due to the limitations of the environment and system, it is impossible to become an immortal or something, but it can also extend your life and strengthen your body. In ancient times, ordinary people, even if they were rich and powerful, could only live for about 4 years. However, monks who practiced the inner alchemy sect could live to be over 10 years old, and they would not suffer from physical aging or mental coma when they lived over 10 years old. It will only age rapidly when the oil is exhausted, just like a full balloon that is suddenly deflated.

To put it bluntly, the Outer Alchemy Sect is a krypton gold flow, and the difficulty of getting started is much lower than that of the Inner Alchemy Sect. As long as you have enough, you can open a furnace to refine elixirs and use the effectiveness of the elixirs to practice.

In ancient times, those who practiced inner alchemy were relatively grassroots monks, while most of the outer alchemy sects who practiced alchemy were either rich or noble, and they also had a considerable amount of metaphysical knowledge, so they could follow this path.

In the ancient era when knowledge was wealth, both the Inner and Outer Alchemy sects were practitioners, and the practitioners who could get started could be said to be outnumbered or even out of ten compared to the population at that time. Very rare.

Li Wei also learned about all kinds of occult knowledge in the real world. Whether it was Eastern metaphysics, Western occult science, or forbidden secret black magic, Li Wei studied all by himself.

Then Li Wei discovered something interesting. The cultivation methods developed by practitioners in the real world can really develop the extraordinary power of concentration, but the difficulty is like climbing to the sky on foot, and only a few people can achieve results.

I have to mention an individual here, and that is Tesla. Levi conducted reverse tracing through research and found that the scientific giant Tesla turned out to be a learner of black magic. Of course, Levi could not provide direct evidence. , but talking about some anomalies related to Tesla is enough to make people feel surprised.

The power Tesla mastered could not affect reality, but he could build a perfect spiritual world and use this spiritual world to influence his own and other people's spirits.

Unlike other researchers, Tesla left very few drawings and manuscripts. The reason is because he mastered the power called "super brain consciousness".

Super Brain can simulate various environments in his mind, so when Tesla was building a machine, he actually built a machine model in his mind and let the machine run in his mind. Just modify the problem directly in your mind until there is no problem at all.

Therefore, other scientists will always leave a large number of manuscripts, such as Darwin, but Tesla is a "brain-feeding maniac". He puts all his knowledge in his own mind, but this great power also has its own The problem is that with the death of Tesla himself, the knowledge he mastered will disappear, unlike other scientists who can leave a large number of manuscripts for future generations to study.

When Levi discovered this fact, he thought he had made a mistake. Scientific giants like Tesla would even use his name as a brand for electric cars in later generations. In the minds of many people, the name Tesla itself can be compared with science, but the truth he discovered is enough to destroy many people's views. Tesla turned out to be a very accomplished person in super-brain consciousness. The black magician.

If he doesn't show his holiness in front of others, even if he tells the truth, he will only be thought to be sensationalizing.

Levi's body returned to the demon world, and the puppet clone he used to disguise his existence was taken back to the sea of ​​​​consciousness space.

The weather in the demon world is always so gloomy, but the demon nobles still have the traditional habit of afternoon tea. On the balcony on the top floor of the mansion, Levi and the ladies of the Gremory family are enjoying the breeze and delicious refreshments.

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