Chapter. Gathering of acquaintances

Riding a heavy motorcycle, Levi arrived at his destination quickly. The traffic situation in Tokyo was not very good. Most people would choose to use the tram to get around, but for those who have more freedom in their travels, Motorcycles are more convenient. After all, every stop on the tram may not be where you want to go. After getting off the tram, you have to walk for a long time. This kind of thing makes people uncomfortable.

However, Tokyo is so big, and the average small eMule flight is not enough to travel back and forth in such a city, so here in Neon, there are all kinds of motorcycles. You can’t buy a car because there are no parking spaces, but you have to commute. Those who need it, most will get themselves an entire motorcycle.

The old place Saikawa-sensei is talking about is a family restaurant located in Nerima Ward. It is one of the few family restaurants that is cheap and plentiful. The consumption here in Nerima Ward is relatively low, but it has also been praised by several people. A relatively wealthy ward looked down upon it and felt that Nerima Ward was an agricultural area where everyone grew radishes, and that it was a shame to the 13th ward of Tokyo.

The family restaurant located in the food street has a very good business. Even before it gets dark, the drunkards are already drinking. Levi lifted the curtain at the door and opened the paper wooden door. The seats inside were almost full.

In an "elegant seat" in the corner on the right hand side of the entrance, a young man with a slightly messy build, a thin cheek, and a pair of large black-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose waved to Levi.

"Li Weijun, this way!" Because it was very noisy inside the family restaurant, the young man had to increase his voice.

The atmosphere of this family restaurant is very free. Everyone can make rude and loud noises, so you can hear the sounds here during the day. Compared with other family restaurants, this place is more "free".

Neon is a place with a very repressive social environment, and this small family restaurant is like a safe haven for many people. Here, there is no status among customers, no matter what job they have outside or what they are doing. Position, but here, they all have only one identity, that is, diners.

The boss here is very good at his craftsmanship. Li Wei heard that a former star chef has retired across the street. He shouldn't be bragging. In addition, the atmosphere here is free, so it attracts diners from all over the place. Li Wei is already considered a He is a regular customer here, but before that, he always took advantage of the teacher.

Levi walked to the corner seat and sat down, and said, "There was a little traffic jam on the road, so I took a long detour."

The thin young man picked up the wine glass and said: "It's understandable, after all, it's already the rush hour after get off work. What can I drink, oolong tea?"

Levi put the motorcycle helmet aside and said: "As long as you don't give me flammable oolong tea, give me the same style as Uncle Lang."

The thin young man waved, and the proprietress with a triangle scarf on her head and a warm smile came over.

"Li Weijun, long time no see. What are you going to order today?" The proprietress took out a small notebook and pen from the front pocket of her apron to record the names of the dishes Li Wei mentioned. After all, the business in the store is very good. If you don't use a notebook, It's easy to get confused when recording guests' orders.

Levi looked at the wooden sign hanging on the wall. He hadn't been here for a while, and the boss had come up with a lot of new dishes.

"A Xingen bag, fried spring rolls, fried shrimps, a grilled eggplant, two skewers of chicken, and by the way, a big cup of oolong tea." Levi said.

"Okay! Wait a moment. I'll bring you the oolong tea first." The lady boss put the notes in her pocket and quickly left the table.

Li Wei looked at the other party. The thin young man named Saikawa Yasuo was a teacher specializing in sketching. He was also a quite capable oil painter. Although he was not well-known outside the circle, the other party's oil paintings sold for ten thousand dollars. The price shows his talent and skills, but unfortunately he is a fish-catcher, which is loved and hated by collectors and hand sellers who urge him to paint. However, this fish monster is also one of the few teachers in the school who has a good relationship with Levi.

Saikawa Yasuo said: "Li Weijun, I really envy you. You can eat fried food without any scruples. The doctor said that my stomach is not good, so I can only eat light food."

The plates in front of Yasuo Saikawa were all very light dishes. Anyway, Li Wei was not used to such a diet. Li Wei was very particular about eating. His favorite was all kinds of "big dishes" that were heavy in oil and salt. "Taste", light things, he only likes the thick and fresh seafood soup.

Li Wei said: "Teacher Caichuan, the doctor is also doing this for your own good. After all, the banquet in Zhengcheng hurt your stomach. You can't eat anything heavy with oil and salt in the past two years. Those officials, it's hard to keep them entertained." It’s really hard work.”

Saikawa Yasuo sighed, scratched his messy head like a bird's nest, and said: "There is nothing we can do about it. Who made me a teacher in the academy? If I was just an ordinary painter, I would You don’t have to deal with this kind of thing, but you also know the wine shop culture here in Neon, and the whole society is like this."

Li Wei said: "Actually, this is not bad. At least this way the old man (dean) will not drag you to drink with those officials. If he has the ability, he can go by himself."

Saigawa Yasuo said: "I can understand the difficulty of the dean. After all, money is used everywhere in the school. Many times, we have to ask people from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for advice. That time I had a stomach problem after drinking, but at least it allowed me to People from the Ministry of Education spoke up and approved a sum of money for us, which relieved the school’s financial pressure at that time.”

The landlady brought the oolong tea over, and Li Wei took a big gulp of the oolong tea. The landlady knew that Li Wei liked to drink cold drinks, so the oolong tea was filled with ice, which made it very refreshing to drink.

Li Wei didn't like this kind of thing. Even if he was contracted to outsource original paintings, he would only rely on his ability to earn a living and never go to the banquet party. However, the wine culture can be said to be rampant in Asia. Neon’s wine shop is also like the one in Chongguo. Those who are not capable of drinking have to drink under the table.

Li Wei said: "This is understandable. Someone in the financial management department of the school misappropriated funds to speculate in stocks, and ended up losing money. This is probably the case."

A wry smile appeared on Yasuo Saikawa's face. They say that family scandals should not be made public, but there is no airtight wall in the world. This matter has become a joke in the entire Tokyo art circle.

The financial officer who misappropriated the money felt that Neon's stock market was not profitable, so he invested the money in U.S. stocks with higher risks but higher returns. But the person who embezzled funds was very good at stock trading and lost % on the first day. As a result, that person did not believe in evil and wanted to die, so he lost another % on the next day. Under the continuous tricks, when the college discovered When problems arise, only a scant % of the embezzled funds can be repaid, and the school leaders are overwhelmed.

This matter was subject to a silence order, but it could not withstand the prying eyes of well-informed people like Li Wei. Soon, many people knew about it.

Chapter. Completion of small goals

Yasuo Saikawa said: "Although it's a bit unkind, I still want to laugh when I think about this. By the way, I'm calling you out this time because I have two pieces of news to tell you, good news and bad news. Which one do you want to listen to first?"

Levi raised his eyebrows and said: "When I eat strawberry cake, I always like to save the strawberries until the end, so I choose to hear the bad news first."

Yasuo Saikawa said: "Well, the bad news is very simple, Li Weijun, your scholarship is gone."

Levi's expression didn't change much. If it was before, such things would still make him feel unhappy, but now he doesn't lack the money, so the scholarship doesn't matter, but he still wants to know the reason. ~Yes.

Levi said: "Then now you can tell the good news."

Saikawa Yasuo said: "I recommended your paintings to a wealthy German businessman. He liked your paintings very much and was willing to spend 10,000 US dollars to buy two of your paintings. As long as you nod, you can get 10,000 US dollars. First come first." Explain that I didn’t get any price difference. You can contact the wealthy businessman to confirm. Your scholarship was canceled because it was the professor’s decision. During this time, you got a junior sister, and the conditions of her family are very bad. , so the professor is going to give her the scholarship, and it will take less than two days for the professor to call you."

Levi said: "I don't really care about things like scholarships. Recently I made a little money from stock trading and my life problems have been solved. The scholarships will be left to those in need. The unlucky guy from the school before I lost most of my money, but I made a lot of money here, and I even bought an apartment near Akihabara."

Saikawa Yasuo showed a "f*ck" expression on his face. He was Li Wei's sketching teacher and one of Li Wei's senior brothers. Their masters were the old professors mentioned before. Because they had many contacts in daily life, they He is also quite clear about Li Wei's living conditions.

In order to save money to buy a house, Li Wei did a lot of art outsourcing from game companies. The old professor didn't like this kind of thing very much, but considering that Li Wei wanted to save money to buy a house, the old professor just turned a blind eye to such things. With a closed eye, who would have thought that Levi made a huge fortune and directly completed his goal of buying a house.

After Yasuo Saikawa came back to his senses, he said: "I really want to congratulate you, but with such a huge expense of buying a house, you probably don't have much money left, so I will take care of this meal."

Li Wei smiled and said: "I'm not at that point yet. I have sufficient cash flow. I used to come to feed you. This time it's finally my turn to pay the bill. It's a pity that you don't have it now." I'll drink strong alcohol, or I'll order you a bottle of 'Kill the Bear' and I'll have a few drinks too, so we can celebrate."

Saikawa Yasuo smiled and said: "My stomach needs to be nourished for two years. I will just remember your bottle of 'Kill the Bear'. By the way, since you have bought a house here, Bincho lives here." Over here? Anyway, I know you will never be naturalized."

Saikawa Yasuo knew very well that Levi was very proud of his identity as a Chinese, so he knew that Levi would never become a naturalized citizen. However, after having a house here, he got rid of the visa restrictions and could live here. You can stay as long as you want.

The visa here in Neon has certain restrictions for foreign students and tourists, and the length of stay is stipulated. However, after Neon has a fixed industry, it is equivalent to investing here as an investor, and the visa There will be no restrictions on such a situation. After all, the Neon official will only drive the rich out of the house when they are full. Because of Neon's beautiful scenery, some wealthy people in Europe and America will live in Neon. They will stay in vacation villas for a few months when the climate is suitable. Naturally, they will not disgust these rich people with visa issues.

Li Wei said: "That is natural. No matter how the external environment changes, the Yanhuang blood in my body will not change."

With the sighing expression on Yasuo Saikawa's face, Levi can be said to be the best among his peers. Now that he has accomplished his long-term goal, he feels completely different.

All the dishes that Levi ordered were brought out. The kitchen in this store is very efficient. Even in the current state where the restaurant is full of guests, the kitchen can still serve the dishes to the guests in a timely manner.

····Ask for flowers······

Saikawa Yasuo said: "You have accomplished the goals of many of your peers for most of their lives. Do you have any new goals now?"

Yasuo Saikawa had some expectations. Levi's painting talent was absolutely undeniable. He was one of the few students in the past. After all, their master, the old professor, was very strict in accepting apprentices and did not have enough talent and sensibility. In the end, Limited achievements will only waste educational energy.

Although painting is only an aesthetic part, it is still very talented. People who are naturally sensitive to beauty must have a better understanding of beauty than ordinary people, and only with such high sensitivity can they become true masters. Otherwise, painting At most, he is just a painter.

... ....

Saikawa Yasuo knew that he had not been able to achieve much in his forties, and he no longer had any extravagant hopes of establishing a sect. If he could learn all the skills of the old professor and continue to pass on the school inherited by the old professor, he would have Satisfied.

But Li Wei was different. As a genius with top-ranked painting talent since the founding of Dongyi University, the leaders in the school had different expectations for Li Wei. Although Li Wei had poor interpersonal relationships with his classmates, and he didn't look like a neon. The Hong people "read the air" like that, but in their view, all this is just a little bit of genius and uniqueness, and it doesn't matter.

Teachers of the younger generation do not like Li Wei, but the older generation regard Li Wei as the "returner" of the great renaissance of Dongyi. Even Saikawa Yasuo himself has extraordinary hopes for Li Wei.

Levi said: "Right now, I'm a little confused. After all, my life goal has been completed. I will have a lot of time and energy to do what I want to do. I will probably continue to explore the path of oil painting. I plan to study Leng Jun’s surreal style faction.”

When Yasuo Saikawa heard the name, he said: "Is it the 'billion dollar ghost'? That is an arduous road, and most people cannot endure it. After all, that genre is too damaging to the body. .”

Yasuo Saikawa's expression became serious. He didn't want Li Wei to make fun of his painting career.

Chapter. New Directions in Painting Creation

Leng Jun is also quite famous in the neon painting circle. After all, he is a genius who can sell a single painting for more than 10 million yuan, which is equivalent to one billion yuan and more in neon yuan. Hongren named him the "Billion Dollar Genius" and the "King of Realistic Cinema".

The Neon people are comparable in many details. Just like the two national table tennis players from Chongguo, they were replaced by Neon. They were called the "Empire's Destroying Dragon" and "The Empire's Ferocious Tiger". ", and nicknames like "Border Warrior", which will make the person involved feel embarrassed.

Calculated according to the exchange rate, Ten Million Soft Girl Coins is about ten million U.S. dollars. Saikawa Yasuo’s ultimate record is only one hundred thousand U.S. dollars for a single painting. And Levi has not made his official debut so far. The only record he can get now is in art exhibitions. The unit price of the two pictures that have been ordered is only 10,000 US dollars. Compared with Leng Jun, the gap in performance is huge.

Some people sneer at the hyper-realistic style of painting, while others maintain the utmost respect for it. Li Wei, Yasuo Saikawa and others are the latter. It is precisely because they are also painters that they can understand this kind of hyper-realism. Difficulty of style.

If it weren't for the extraordinary strength he gained through chance encounters, it would have been impossible for Li Wei to achieve the level of Leng Jun without ten years of hard training. Now Li Wei can also reproduce Leng Jun's works, and even improve on them, but Li Wei knows very well that he has cheated. Without cheating, it is not possible to catch up with this senior. An easy thing.

Levi wants to integrate the hyper-realistic style into his own painting system. Because he often draws illustrations and conceptual original paintings, Levi's mastery of large scenes can be said to be very skilled and sophisticated.

Li Wei's own painting style is quite complex, and the shadows of various types and schools can be seen in his works. However, the most profound influence on him is actually the Gongbishan style in the domestic Chinese painting circle and the realism in Europe. Artistic oil painting, as well as the niche fantasy style painting on the neon side, combine the advantages of various different styles and genres, and they can still control it, and they are just about to create their own genre.

To be able to do such a thing, and before he got the golden finger, you can imagine how terrible Li Wei's talent in painting is. There is a reason why the seniors at Dongyi University regard Li Wei as the hope of revival.

Levi said: "I know that the hyper-realistic style is very time-consuming and will also put a serious load on the body, but this is only true for ordinary people. How about I show you how to crush a can with my bare hands now?" have a look?"

Levi grabbed a can of beer on the table, and gradually used strength with his hands. The beer can was crushed, but because Levi had blocked it in advance, the liquid in the beer can did not splash outside.

Yasuo Saikawa looked at Levi with a monster expression on his face and said: "Are you a Hercules?! How did you do it?"

Yasuo Saikawa picked up the can of beer and began to exert force on his hands, but no matter how hard he tried, the can of beer was very embarrassing and did not change at all.

Levi smiled and said: "I dare to learn the hyper-realistic style. Good physical fitness is my biggest trump card. The physical problems faced by that genius are nothing to me."

Leng Jun has myopia and severe cervical spondylosis. Especially high-intensity painting makes his myopia and cervical spondylosis worse. This painting school can be said to burn his own life to create, but most of the art creators are "crazy" ”, in order to create a perfect work, it doesn’t matter even if it means burning yourself.

Just like Levi himself, he also had the experience of practicing so hard that he stayed in the studio for two days and two nights just to break through his own bottleneck. Never underestimate the madness of painters.

Levi said: "I have always been serious about fitness, but my fitness style is street fitness, so I don't have to build muscles with large dimensions like gym equipment training, but my muscles, It is enough to support me in high-intensity painting creation. Moreover, when exercising, I can also free my mind to pursue inspiration. When I am inspired, I will stop immediately and continue creating, which can be said to be a perfect use of time."

Yasuo Saikawa looked at Levi. Levi was wearing relatively tight-fitting clothes and could vaguely see the outline of his muscles. It was indeed as Levi said, quite strong. Saikawa Yasuo thought about whether he should also start exercising. After all, only with a good body can he complete his creation better, just like Haruki Murakami, a runner who has been accompanying the Nobel Prize for Literature for 10,000 years, and is also an avid runner. Those who have developed a good figure because of running... .

Saikawa Yasuo said: "When I go back, I will renovate my home and build a small gym for myself. I also have to exercise."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Exercise is a good thing. I will make a list for you later. What personal fitness equipment is needed and how to arrange the fitness room. I can also find you some exercise materials so that you can walk less. If you really don’t understand the detour, you can ask me directly.”

Yasuo Saikawa picked up the wine glass, touched it with Levi's oolong tea cup, and said, "Then I will have to trouble you."

Li Wei just smiled. After all, they were both students of the old professor. Although Yasuo Saikawa was a teacher in the school, and he was also the teacher who taught sketching classes in the same grade and taught him, they were both called seniors in private. After all, they were both He is a student of the old professor.

But what Li Weiqiang wanted to complain about was that the old professor turned out to be a fervent admirer of Taizu, and he was very "red" at heart. Even the disciples below him became "red" too, and he also created many anti-war and anti-war works. A work that criticizes current affairs is also an old professor with high moral standards. If someone else did such a thing, he would probably have been caught eating pork chops and rice.

4. After having enough wine and food, Levi said goodbye to his senior brother Saikawa Yasuo, and then rode on his heavy motorcycle and returned to the apartment. It was getting dark now, so he planned to contact Jincheng Zai Qianye when he got back. Levi himself found it a bit incredible to be able to meet a girl who made his heart beat in the real world, so he planned to take the initiative.

Parking the heavy motorcycle in the underground garage of the apartment, locking the motorcycle, Levi took the elevator back to the floor of his apartment.

At this time, Jinchengzhai Qianye had just finished working at a convenience store and had just returned to his rental house. Although Levi gave her a large amount of tips during the day, she was not someone who just sat there and took advantage of the situation. Even if she suddenly tipped her off, she would not raise her tail like others, but would do whatever she had to do. What, the pace of life is not chaotic at all.

Chapter. Night chat

Jinchengzhai Qianye took off her coat and put it on a simple clothes rack at the door. After a tiring day, what she wanted to do most now was to lie down and rest. University courses were not as comprehensive as those in junior high school and high school. There are classes every day, so most of the time there are only morning or afternoon classes, and only Wednesdays are full-day classes.

In order to support her life in Tokyo, she worked most of the time when she was not in class, but this also caused her to accumulate a lot of pressure. After all, Neon's service industry is really difficult to do, but any service In the industry, you basically pretend to be a grandson, and you can only endure it no matter how weird the guests are, so this kind of life will only make people feel more and more tired.

Turning on the lights, the whole house lit up. The place she rented was a small single apartment with an area of ​​only three square meters (square meters equal to . After the utensils, even the sleeping floor must be found somewhere to stuff it up when not in use. This situation can be said to be experienced by the vast majority of young people who come to Tokyo to work hard.

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