Li Wei doesn't take credit for such things. In his opinion, he just took more advantage.

Xiao Zhizhihuan gently pushed Li Wei's shoulder and said with a smile: "Here we go again, Li Weijun, you are still so humble. I know my own worth, eh?"

The sensitive Xiao Zhihan's smile froze. She raised her head and saw a strange figure. She was a foreign girl with long golden hair that was as dazzling as gold. She was tall and plump, with a smile on her face. With a slightly proud but reserved indifferent expression, she was wearing the school uniform of her grade. Xiao Zhihan felt that the girl in front of her looked familiar.

Xiao Zhizhihan's eyes fell on the other party's car lights, and then she realized that the size of her own car lights was actually crushed by the other party. It was the size of a large car, right? Xiao Zhizhihan felt in her heart If you want to complain, are all girls in Europe and America so well-nourished? .

Chapter. Battle Agreement

Xiao Zhihuan said warily: "Who are you?"

There was no change in the expression on the pretty face of the golden girl. She just crossed her hands to make her car lights look more majestic. At the same time, she glanced at Xiao Zhizhihan's car lights with a sneer on her face.

Although the golden girl didn't say anything, Xiao Zhizhihan almost exploded.

Li Wei grabbed Xiao Zhizhihan's hand and shook her head slightly. Seeing the secret that Li Wei gave her, Xiaozhizhihan suppressed the anger in her heart. She looked at the golden girl with fierce eyes, like It is recording the appearance of one's enemies.

Li Wei smiled and said: "This classmate, are you looking for us for something?"

The golden girl looked at Levi condescendingly and said, "My name is Cecilia Orcutt. I come from the Ying Empire and am the representative candidate of the Ying Empire."

Levi said: "I see, then, classmate Cecilia, why are you looking for me?"

Cecilia took a deep breath and said, "I heard that your synchronization rate with the test IS is %. There is such a thing, right?"

Levi nodded and said: "It was indeed % during the test. What you heard is correct."

Cecilia said: "Since what I heard is correct, then fine, I'm here to challenge you. In a few months, you and I will compete in, yes, training mode."

Xiao Zhizhen frowned and said, "This is not fair."

Cecilia looked at Xiao Zhizhihan and said, "What's unfair? Didn't I give classmate Li Wei a buffer time of a month?"

Xiao Zhizhihuan said: "You are a representative candidate of the Ying Empire. You have been exposed to IS for a long time. The training time is far more than a month. However, Li Weijun only trained for a month to compete with you, no matter in theory Li Weijun is at an absolute disadvantage both in terms of business and experience. Isn’t this very unfair?”

Xiao Zhizhen argued hard. She didn't want to see Li Wei suffer, especially the golden girl in front of her, who also despised the size of her car lights. This was something she couldn't bear.

Cecilia said: "It seems you don't know enough about synchronization rate. Every % increase in synchronization rate means better talent. My initial synchronization rate is only 4%, and I receive relevant training." It’s only been half a year, so it’s actually a fair thing for me to compete with Li Wei, who has a synchronization rate of %.”

Xiao Zhizhi was a little surprised in her heart. She didn't expect that the basic synchronization rate of the golden girl in front of her was not as high as hers. However, the fact that she could become a representative candidate representing the face of a country showed that she had also put in a lot of effort. , Otherwise, a person with a basic synchronization rate of only 4% can become a representative candidate?

Xiao Zhihuan said: "Why did you do this?"

Cecilia raised her head slightly and said: "I want to test myself, I want to defeat the super genius with a synchronization rate of %, and prove my ability. Of course, if I can win in a few months, I will welcome Levi After the classmates come back from the challenge, the outcome will depend on their own abilities."

Cecilia is a proud person at heart, and precisely because of this, she doesn't want to take advantage of such things. The only thing on her mind now is to defeat Levi in ​​a few months.

Levi said: "I accept your challenge, and the time is set in a month."

Cecilia smiled, the iceberg melted, she was so amazing that even Xiao Zhizhi felt a little jealous in her heart.

Cecilia said: "Very good. Originally, I was ready to start a verbal spat and stimulate you with words, but classmate Li Wei, you accepted it, which is good. In this month, if you have any thoughts about IS If there is anything you don’t understand, you can ask me at any time and I will tell you everything I know.”

Cecilia's words made Xiao Zhizhen beside her a little confused. Cecilia came over to trouble Levi, but now she was willing to help Levi learn how to drive the IS, which made her start to doubt the other party's The real purpose is, could it be that Cecilia has fallen in love with Levi and is using this method to get close to Levi?

With such thoughts in her heart, Xiao Zhizhi suddenly felt a sense of crisis. For a boy like Li Wei to fall into a place like IS Academy, he was like a little sheep in a wolf's den. She had begun to doubt whether she could guard Li Wei. Died.

Levi said: "Don't you want to defeat me? If I have any questions that I don't understand, I can ask you. Aren't you afraid that you will lose?"

Cecilia said: "Although I say it's fair, in fact, I know that this competition is not that fair, so I hope to be as fair as possible and not let this competition become a It's just a formality. I hope you can become stronger in a few months. Although I know this is difficult, you are a genius with % synchronization rate. I think you should be able to do such a thing."

Cecilia is very sincere. She can really do such a thing for Levi, because the synchronization rate determines the lower limit of a pilot. Geniuses with a synchronization rate of % or above are all non-human beings. She can become Representing the country as a representative candidate was achieved entirely through ". liver proficiency". Before coming to the academy, she would train for hours every day. She would have wanted more training if it weren't for the fact that her body could only handle a few hours of intense training.

As an eldest lady with an outstanding family background, Cecilia has done things that others cannot do. It is only through such efforts that she has achieved her current glory.

But Cecilia knew that she had taken advantage of her family background. Before anyone else had access to IS, she had already obtained her own IS. At the same time, she also had a dedicated personal trainer to give the right lessons. In theory, her results could only be said to be average, but when it came to the nuclear test, her ability had surpassed most of her peers.

Levi said: "Okay, one month is enough."

Li Wei received news from the top management of the academy that his exclusive IS has been modified according to his requirements. Of course, there will be no shortage of sensor kits used to deceive others, but the original pure data collection experimental body has become Taiwan's third-generation combat aircraft.

Let me talk about Oribara Natsu here. Oribara Natsu also has a special machine. However, in the original plot, his special machine "White Style" is actually the White Knight with a new skin. Its performance is quite overbearing. It is said to be a first-generation aircraft, but in fact, when fully armed, it can fight back and forth with fourth-generation aircraft. In the environment at that time, this thing was a pure monster or.

It is precisely because of this that Ori Madara, a novice, is able to fight back and forth with the students in the school. In other words, Shino Zhizhi gives him a big enough hook.

Chapter. Little Thoughts

The academy originally planned to allocate this special machine, Shiro Shiki, to Oribara Kasha, and this result was naturally due to Shino Nobushi secretly modifying the academy's internal electronic files, which led to the transformation of the White Knight. It fell into Oribara Xia's hand.

But now, due to Levi's interference, the White Knight has been dismantled into pieces by the academy. The special core has been completely sealed, and the machine allocated to Oribara Xia has become the same test machine as Levi, except that The armament is different from the one used by Levi, but they are both relatively advanced third-generation machines.

The White Shiki is a machine that can actively cooperate with the user to grow. Levi is very interested in its core. However, if the White Shiki falls into the hands of Oribara Xia, it will not be easy to dismantle it. Considering this, Levi directly banned Bai Shi.

Levi also wanted to see whether Oribara Natsu, without Shiro Shiki, could still maintain his ability as a leading actor, or whether he would be lost to everyone. He was quite interested in this.

Levi looked at the proud Cecilia and found that there was a certain difference between her image and the image in the anime. Cecilia in the anime was a charming aristocratic lady with facial makeup, a bit artificial and a bit pretentious. The little girl is delicate, but she is a real person. Levi sees enthusiasm and confidence in her eyes, which are positive emotions brought about by the affirmation of his own abilities. Moreover, he saw Cecilia's past through mind reading, that kind of persistence day after day, and the high standards and requirements for himself, which ordinary people cannot do.

Young people with favorable conditions can easily fall into the trap of pleasure. Not everyone can restrain their desires and achieve extreme self-discipline. However, Cecilia did it. Just before enrolling in IS Academy, she learned many subjects by herself while her peers were having fun. She has considerable abilities in business management and art. Count her. At her age, Levi felt that Cecilia was a roll king.

But it's a laugh. Cecilia has achieved her current abilities through her own efforts. Her pride is based on her own abilities, not her family background, which is quite rare.

Therefore, Levi does not hate Cecilia's "pride". It should be said that if any individual has done the things that Cecilia has done and put in as much effort as she did, it is understandable to be proud.

Cecilia looked into Levi's eyes and said: "I see peace and calmness in your eyes. You are confident that you can catch up with me within a month. You have a strong heart."

Levi smiled and said: "It depends on people. Since you have to believe in me so much, then I will also reciprocate this belief."

Cecilia looked at Levi's always smiling expression and said, "I am different from all the men I have ever seen. You are special."

Cecilia saw the shadow of her father in Levi, which was a kind of absolute confidence, and absolute confidence brought unspeakable charm. She felt that Levi was similar to her in some aspects. She has absolute confidence in herself, and she likes Levi's performance very much.

Cecilia said: "Do you mind if I share a table?"

Xiaozhizhihan became alert instantly, and his eyes towards Cecilia became unkind, and Cecilia also noticed something strange about Xiaozhizhihan. Their eyes collided, but they both looked away in an instant.

Levi said: "It's very spacious next to it. You can sit wherever you like."

Cecilia thanked her and went to the cafeteria window to order her favorite dishes. After a while, she came over with several French dishes and sat down next to Levi.

Xiao Zhizhi said: "Isn't it very spacious next to it? Why do you have to sit here?"

Cecilia said: "Yes, because the side is very spacious and there are seats everywhere, so I can sit in any seat. Or do you mean that I don't even have the right to sit where I want in the cafeteria?"

Xiao Zhizhihuan was silent for a moment and said: "This is your right."

Xiao Zhizhen also had a good understanding of the school rules before coming here, so she realized the trap of Cecilia's words. There was a precedent of being expelled from school for interfering with others because of her beliefs, so once she was If it is determined to be forcing others, it is easy to get a demerit.

IS College cannot avoid campus bullying, but as long as they are caught, the college will deal with the bullies very strictly. There are a lot of students who have been expelled because of campus bullying, so now, students have become They are quite honest, even if it is implicit bullying, they don't have the courage to do so.

Cecilia smiled like a winner and said, "Thank you."

When Cecilia saw Xiao Zhizhi beside Li Wei, she felt a little uncomfortable inexplicably, which is why she was so quarrelsome with him. However, unlike her who had been in the aristocratic social circle for a long time, Xiao Zhizhi Chen was at a disadvantage in terms of language, that's why she was suppressed like this.

Xiao Zhizhi looked at the food on Cecilia's plate and said, "It's really strange. As a Chinese, you don't like the food of your country?"

The smile on Cecilia's face froze when she heard what Shino no Hibiscus said. The country has been nicknamed the "food desert", which means that the country is rich in dark cuisine. Now when it comes to the food of the country, everyone can Thinking of Stargazers.

The topic of food can be said to be a taboo for many Chinese people. After all, the food in Europe is basically supported by French and Italian cuisine. As for French cuisine, it is probably the kind of food that follows two big guys. The miscellaneous fish who shouted "The three of us are really awesome".

Seeing Cecilia's aggrieved expression that she wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it, Xiao Zhihan felt that she had won, and her previous unhappiness instantly disappeared.

Cecilia said quietly: "Actually, China also has its own delicacies..."

Shino no Hoshi said: "Fries and grilled fish with beans?"

Cecilia's eyebrows were raised, and her voice rose unconsciously as she said, "No, it's beef stew with potatoes, roast goose, and Yorkshire pudding!"

Xiao Zhizhi said with a disgusted expression on his face: "It always feels very simple. The country where Li Weijun is located is the world's number one country of gourmet food. Each of the major cuisines can be regarded as a European country if taken separately. Class cuisine. There is a cuisine like this in Chongguo, and that’s not counting the relatively small cuisines.”

The veins on Cecilia's forehead were about to appear, and she said: "Are you looking for trouble? Which country can compare with Chongguo in terms of history and cuisine? At least, the cuisine of Yanguo likes to eat raw food more than Neon, and it is flashy. The cooking faction is strong!”

Both girls stood up and stared at each other like cockfighters.

"Okay, okay, it's dinner time now. If you have anything to say, please say it slowly later. Besides, shouldn't classmates get along with each other in a friendly manner?" Levi took the hands of the two girls and asked them to sit down.

Under Li Wei's comfort, the two frantic girls finally calmed down.

Chapter. Confidentiality

Throughout the lunch hour, Levi could feel that the two girls around him were secretly competing with each other. This was probably due to a disagreement. Some people could be sure that the other girl was someone they hated just at the first glance.

After finishing their lunch, the three of them placed their plates in the recycling area at the door and left the canteen.

Levi and Xiao Zhizhi were walking side by side, while Cecilia was only two or three steps behind the two, so they were following quite closely.

Xiao Zhihan turned back to look at Cecilia and said, "What are you doing with us?"

Cecilia said: "I just want to go back to the dormitory to rest and go the same way as you."

Xiao Zhizhi said curiously: "Do you also live in the dormitory building?"

Cecilia said: "That's right, class starts at two o'clock in the afternoon, and I can leave in time at half past one. There is still plenty of time now, just for lunch break. There is a practical training course in the afternoon. If you can't keep up with the energy, it will be very difficult. It’s easy to miss important content taught by the teacher.”

Cecilia is a person who is very conscientious about her time management. She is used to sorting her important tasks and then completing various tasks within the planned time period. This allows her to live a leisurely life without any worries. Being overwhelmed by the pile of things.

Lunch break is a rare rest time for her, and it is also a buffer method for her to recharge her energy. She once used her family connections to hire an instructor from the Royal Army Special Forces to train herself on how to rest. It took her a week to master the "quick sleep method" that could enter deep sleep within ten seconds. She only needed to sleep for ten minutes. , it can achieve the effect of two hours of deep sleep for ordinary people, and the first lunch break can make her full of energy in the next few hours.

The human brain is very magical. When humans sleep, the cerebrospinal fluid cleans the brain and removes various accumulated stress products in the brain, thereby allowing the human body to restore quick thinking, fatigue and drowsiness. To a certain extent, It is a warning from the brain to the human body.

When an individual feels a buzzing in their ears, the body has actually entered a state of deep fatigue. When such a situation occurs, the best thing to do is to rest immediately. Even if it is just a ten-minute nap, the human body can get timely recovery. Relax and repair.

Cecilia said: "I didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence that we would live in the same dormitory. If we have time in the future, we can visit each other. I am quite confident in my cooking skills."

Xiao Zhizhihuan said: "As long as you don't cook Ying-style cooking, I will come."

Cecilia said: "It doesn't matter whether you come or not. I'm inviting classmate Levi. Classmate Levi, do you want to try the Yorkshire pudding I made? I also have some experience in making desserts, and I am confident in this aspect." Not much worse than a professional pastry chef.”

Levi smiled and said: "There is no need for classmates to be so quarrelsome. She is a person who is easy to get along with, and I believe you are the same, Cecilia. When you get to know each other, I think you can become friends." of."

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