Cecilia said: "Women's minds are not so easy to understand, and the college is very strict about campus bullying. No one dares to go too far in this kind of thing. We just help Those stubborn girls who insist on being tough are just looking into their hearts."

Although Cecilia is a French woman, the aristocratic education she received makes her not as conservative as ordinary Chinese women. Many times, she is more like a French woman, who dares to love and hate, and is used to being herself.

Chapter. The Djinn God’s Clone

Levi did not listen to the instigation of the two girls. After all, his current personality was there, and the benefits that could be obtained by breaking his personality were too low. Naturally, it was impossible for him to do such a stupid thing.

The two girls left with disappointed expressions, and Levi also turned his attention to Oribara Xia. At this time, Oribara Xia had just finished her night run and found a bench to sit down. , staring at the bright night sky, the sweat on his body was blown by the cold wind, he couldn't help but shiver, and he felt even more depressed.

"Alas... If there is no Li Wei, I will be the only male in the college. I will definitely be noticed by everyone, and even be chased by many girls. If there is not that guy, My school life will be colorful, everyone will surround me, and all the flowers and applause will be mine!"

Ori Madara's expression was distorted, and every star in the bright starry sky seemed to be laughing at him, reminding him again that he was a loser.

At this time, Levi looked at the incompetent and furious Oribara Natsu. He felt quite amused in his heart. At the same time, he also wanted to complain. The other party was already like this and he didn't even provide him with points. He didn't know what to say about Orima Natsu. Is your mental endurance strong or weak?

However, the predecessors have said it well, if there are conditions, you must do it, and if there are no conditions, you must create conditions. Since Oribara Xia himself is full of malice towards him, then he does not mind being a villain. It should be said that he himself Just a villain.

Levi decided to play the role of a portable grandfather for the first time, allowing Ori Madara to experience the feeling of a real cheat, and then, at the critical moment, he would severely trick Ori Madara and let him see what the dangers of the world are.

Levi was a being with amazing mobility. He had already figured out what to do in just a moment. After using his magic power to create the props he was going to use, he started his actions.

Ori Madara Natsu discovered that a certain star in the sky suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and the light became brighter and brighter, and fell in the direction where he was.

"Meteor? Meteorite? ¨ˇ!" Natsuki Orimaru realized that the thing was getting closer and closer to him, so he decisively left the bench and threw himself to the side.

There was a dull rumbling sound, and Oribana felt some soil fall on his back. He turned his head and found that a hole had been made in the lawn behind the bench. He got up and walked over, and saw what was in the hole. , that is a simple and gorgeous oil lamp, the shape of the oil lamp is quite exquisite, just like the lamp of Aladdin.

"This... I can understand a meteorite falling from the sky, but what about an oil lamp falling?" Natsumi Oribara was confused at this point. He picked up the oil lamp. It looked like it was only the size of a palm, and weighed more than him. I expected it to be heavier, and it feels very heavy in the hand.

A ridiculous thought suddenly came to Ori Madara's heart. He thought that this oil lamp might be some kind of treasure. Thinking of this, he wrapped the oil lamp in his clothes and quickly returned to the dormitory building and his room.

After returning to the room, Oribara Xia didn't care that the sweat all over his body was clinging to his body and it was very uncomfortable. He hurriedly took out the oil lamp and put it on the coffee table.

Oribara Xia swallowed, and put her hand on the side of the oil lamp with a serious expression. Her palm began to rub the side of the oil lamp. The outer wall of the oil lamp was very smooth, and it made a squeaking sound when she put her hand on it.

After a while, the oil lamp began to tremble, separated from Oribara Xia's hands, and floated into the air. At the same time, blue smoke began to emerge from the spout of the oil lamp. The smoke solidified into a human shape in mid-air. This human shape had long hair. He has a face full of oriental style, a high nose and deep eyes, a big beard, and a richly decorated white turban on his head. However, his lower body is different from ordinary people, and is composed of looming smoke.

This blue humanoid is a new clone that Levi made temporarily. Levi gave this clone the name "Deng Shen". When making this clone, in order to prevent Orimamura from connecting this vest with his real body. I got up, so when I pinched my face, I deliberately made it look like an Asian.

After the djinn clone appeared, he pretended to look at the surrounding environment, and then babbled in Arabic. Looking at the confused expression on Natsu Oribara's face that he couldn't understand, the djinn clone's fingers turned into smoke tentacles, weaving. Ban Xia's eyebrows were pointed, and a few seconds later, the lamp god's clone said in neon language: "Are you my master? I didn't expect that I would drift so far away."

Oribara Xia came back to her senses, with an expression of ecstasy on her face, and said in a trembling voice: "Are you the djinn who can make people realize three wishes?!"

The djinn clone folded his hands and smiled: "Yes, I was able to fulfill the three wishes of the person who found me. I am the djinn."

Although Ori Madara was ecstatic, he had not lost his mind yet, so when he heard the details of the Djinn's clone's words, his heart pounded and he began to worry.

Oribara Xia said: "`. Could it be that you, the Djinn God, are no longer able to fulfill your master's wishes?"

The Djinn God clone said: "I really can't do such a thing now. My nature is still strong, but external shackles have interfered with my ability, making it impossible for me to achieve my dreams."

Oribara Natsu is not a hopeless fool. He understands the meaning of the Djinn God's clone. The Djinn God's clone's own strength has not declined, but it has lost the ability to make wishes due to external interference. As long as the external interference is removed, Then the ability to make wishes can be restored.

Oribara Natsu said: "How can I restore your ability to make wishes?"

Ori Madara is quite anxious in his heart. He wants to change his current embarrassing situation. He wants to become the leading actor that attracts everyone's attention. Now he finally has the opportunity, but he is told that this opportunity is gone. It's because he has a good attitude and needs to be replaced by someone else. , I guess Fen has already started smashing things.

The genie of the genie said: "I can understand your mood, but with your ability, you cannot break this shackles. If you are willing to wait, this shackles will be broken by me in ten years. Now, the wish is Impossible. Of course, I still have a weak ability to cast spells, and I can help you in some places. I will never leave you until I fulfill your three wishes."

Hearing the words of the Djinn God clone, Oribara Xia's heart calmed down. Although he was unable to use the ability to make wishes for the time being, the Djinn God clone still had certain magical abilities, which was equivalent to having a weakened version of Duo beside him. La Ameng, he finally has a convenient way to accomplish something, and at the same time, he finally has a way to take revenge on Levi.

Levi's body sensed Oribara Xia's thoughts through the djinn clone, and showed a joking smile.

Chapter 4. Big deception

At this time, Oribara Xia had thoughts of revenge in her heart. Even if the power of the djinn was limited, even if he retained the most basic abilities, he could do many things.

Oribara Natsu said: "Deng Shen, how much do you know about current technology?"

The Djinn God clone said: "My understanding is quite limited. My knowledge of modern technology is based on your knowledge. Unless I start learning from now on, my understanding of modern technology will be limited to the information I obtained from you. Calculating time, it was four years ago that I was last activated. A young Austrian man made a wish to me to bring a future to his country. Unfortunately, his ambition was too great and he wasted three years. A wish.”

When Oribara Xia heard the words of the djinn clone, a slightly crazy figure appeared in his mind. He realized that the seemingly harmless djinn in front of him had the power to change the course of history. If he used this power incorrectly, he would It will bring devastating disaster to the entire world.

Oribara Natsu said: "That young man is not tall and has a mustache under his nose."

The djinn clone showed a surprised expression and said, "It seems that that little guy has left his own reputation in history. Even an Easterner like you knows about him."

Ori Madara wanted to complain in her heart. Mustache could be said to be one of the most famous people in the tenth century. The demon leader who started the war was known as the most evil person in the world.

As a male, Oribara Natsu frequently engages in politics online, so he is quite familiar with various things that happened in the tenth century. It is said that Mustache has always been obsessed with mysticism, and even sent an expedition team to find it. The legendary Ark of the Covenant, and during World War I, the German Empire also developed all kinds of messy black technologies. These products that transcended the times have become a mystery. Now many people are confused about the origin of these black technologies. I'm curious, but there are different opinions on the origin of these things, and there is no final conclusion yet.

Ori Madara Natsu finally understands why Mustache is obsessed with mysticism. Even existences like the Djinn are real, so there must be other extraordinary existences hidden in the dark. The empire's messy black technology was probably related to the djinn in front of him. He guessed that even the restriction of the djinn's power was probably related to World War II.

The brainstorming in his head couldn't stop. Oribara Natsu had already created a script in his mind that could last thirty episodes of a spy drama, and it was also mixed with supernatural power and black technology.

Oribara Natsu said: "Can I know what wishes the people who came to make wishes made?"

The Djinn God clone shook his head and said: "I can't tell you this. Although you are my temporary master, the relationship between us will end when the contract is fulfilled and the wish comes true. You are not my real master. I will keep the wishes and even the personal identities of previous masters confidential."

In fact, Levi didn't think about how to answer Oribara, and it was not very credible to say three wishes at the last minute, so he simply used this reason to reject Oribara, and this statement can also create more With the sense of mystery, even if something goes wrong on the Djinn's clone side, it can more easily justify itself.

Ori Madara was a little disappointed in his heart. He was almost able to solve the mystery of history, but he thought that he would be able to get the help of the djinn for a long time, which was also a good thing. He is not stupid. He knows that the current situation is in a sense the best for him, because after the power of the djinn is restored, no matter whether the wish he makes is big or small, it may be just an ordinary commission. It will be judged to be a wish and then be fulfilled by the djinn.

Therefore, he prepared a thorough study on the three wishes he would make ten years later. When the power of the djinn is restored, he will not even know what wishes he wants to make. But now, he can use the power of the djinn to make them. some things.

Ori Madara said: "Deng Shen, I need you to help me monitor someone. You have read my memory, so you should know who I hate the most, right. Monitor him. If he does anything unusual, just report him directly. I report that if possible, use a pinhole camera to secretly record his daily life, preferably to capture the squalor in his life."

The genie of the genie said: "I'll give it a try. If the other person is an ordinary person, this kind of thing would be very simple for me. However, if you want to secretly photograph him with a pinhole camera, you must first give me the pinhole camera. I can't do such a thing now."

Li Wei had an idea in his heart, and that was to use the trick. Since Ori Madara wanted to use the power of the djinn clone to shoot his daily scenes, he could also use this channel to use false information to confuse Ori Madara. . Oribara Xia would never have imagined that the so-called djinn was actually just his puppet clone.

Ori Madara wanted to complain in her heart, this djinn couldn't even do such a thing now, it was so weak. However, considering that the power of the djinn is now imprisoned, it is understandable that he cannot do such a thing. The ability to monitor individuals without anyone noticing is already considered terrifying, and he does not expect to do so much. Well, if you are too greedy, you will easily be punished by God.

Oribara Natsu said: "I will go outside during the holiday, and then I will find a way to get a pinhole camera. When I get it, I will leave it to you. I think you should have something for ordinary people to see. There’s nothing you can do about it, right?”

The Djinn God clone said: "Although my power is imprisoned now, it is very simple to make myself and something that is not too big invisible."

With a wicked smile on her face, Oribara said: "I hope you can take a video of him pooping, preferably from an angle that makes him ugliest, and then I will make the video public. I want Let him die socially."

Looking at the obscene smile on Oribara Xia's face, Levi didn't know how to complain. He didn't expect that the other party wanted to use a pinhole camera to do such a thing. This was really boring, but it was quite consistent. Oribara Natsu's character is quite boring.

The Djinn clone is an extension of his consciousness, so he can control his limbs and expressions very well, so as not to show any signs of weakness in front of Ori Madara. If he were to stand here in his true form, he was afraid that he would look like in "Mermaid" Like the two policemen, they couldn't control themselves from laughing out loud.

Chapter. Favors

Li Wei didn't care about Weifang Xia anymore. Anyway, there was a separate thinking circuit controlling the djinn clone, which would not take up too much of his "total bandwidth". He was used to "schizophrenia" like this now. He can play the game from his own main perspective plus the independent perspectives of each clone.

In the following days, Levi's life was very ordinary. Every day was just training, time spent on the simulation, and cultivating relationships with Cecilia and Xiao Zhizhi. Soon, Levi put his simulation The travel time was enough for ten hours.

However, it only took Levi half a month to complete the ten-hour simulation trip.

After completing the simulated training, Levi brought his training materials to the office of his head teacher, Chifuyu Orimaru.

After knocking on the door, Levi heard a voice calling him in, and then opened the door of the office. At this time, Oribara Chifuyu was checking a paper document. This paper document was Li Wei's. The itinerary that was monitored by ECHO for a period of time recorded in detail what Levi did during this period.

Oribara Chifuyu looked at the contents of the document and sighed inwardly. Levi has perseverance that ordinary people don't have. He can be said to be a very outstanding young man, who is infinitely better than her useless brother.

During this period, Levi's spare time was spent on various exercises and trainings. Levi's beast-like body was forged in this way, and it only took Levi half a month to complete the simulation. The training has not affected the courses and practical training during the day. This experience alone is amazing enough.

Oribara Chifuyu was even thinking in her heart, could Levi be made of steel and iron beneath his flesh and blood, just like the Terminator in the movie. After all, human energy is limited, and there is no way to be excellent in everything. Even if she is regarded as a monster by the outside world, she cannot maintain high-intensity exercise and training like Levi.

"Did I disturb you, Teacher Chifuyu?" Levi did not approach Chifuyu Orimaru rashly, but stood at the door of the office, waiting for the other party's words.

"Nothing. It's already get out of class time. Come to me. Do you have anything to do?" Oribara Chifuyu put the paper documents on the table into a drawer. After all, the academy monitors students, and most students We don’t know, and the few insiders will not talk about this kind of thing because of interests or gag orders. Therefore, sensitive documents related to this aspect are not suitable to be disclosed to students, especially It was the document on her desk, which was Levi's surveillance report. The person involved was here, and it was even more embarrassing to be seen.

Levi took a few steps forward, put the materials he printed in the training hall on his desk, and said: "I have completed ten hours of simulated training, and now I am applying for the qualification for practical training."

Oribara Chifuyu had already learned about this through the surveillance materials, but she still had to pretend not to know. She picked up the materials on the table and browsed them quickly. Levi's simulation results were quite outstanding. All All the subjects were passed with an A grade, and there were no shortcomings at all. Such results can be said to be very rare.

Chifuyu Orimaru sighed and said: "Your perseverance is the best among all the students I have ever seen. Without it, ordinary people would have died suddenly long ago with this amount of training."

Levi said: "I just wanted to meet the requirements of the actual machine training as soon as possible, so I just increased the training volume. I am very clear about my own endurance limit."

Oribara Chifuyu said: "Don't be so willful in the future. You are the only man in the world who can activate the IS armor. You must know how precious you are. If this happens again in the future, I will arrange a special person." Have a training supervisor watch over you to make sure you don't overtrain."

Li Wei said: "Thank you teacher for your concern. I understand. Can I pass the exam?"

Oribara Chifuyu said: "Your application has been approved. I will help you record the information later. You are the best pilot I have ever seen. Although you have not finished training yet, I have an intuition. In the future, you will most likely become the 'strongest in the world'."

Oribara Chifuyu feels that she still has a good eye for judging people. The achievements of the students she has trained are all in line with her predictions. And the perseverance and talent that Levi has shown so far can be said to be top-notch. As long as If nothing unexpected happens to Levi, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a top pilot.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

The establishment of connections requires considerable time and sufficient investment. Of course, this investment requires precise prediction. You need to use your own abilities to judge who has potential and who is mediocre. Oribara Chifuyu is very confident in her own eyesight. She is convinced that Levi has a bright future in the future, so there is absolutely no harm in extending an olive branch to Levi at this time.

Oribara Chifuyu is obsessed with developing connections, which is actually a kind of protection for her family. After all, the power of connections is huge. Not only is she the strongest pilot in the world, but she also has a large number of admirers in the IS armored forces in various countries. With such a network of connections, even if someone wants to plot against her and her family, they must be mentally prepared for her to counterattack.


Levi is very important to her. After all, Levi's future achievements are limitless. If she can maintain a friendly relationship with Levi, then she will have one more favor card in her hand to defeat her useless brother. If you get into trouble that cannot be solved in the future, you can still have a strong support who can break the situation.

Levi said: "Thank you teacher for your encouragement, I will go back first."

Hearing Levi's words, Orima Chifuyu said: "Wait a minute."

Although Levi read Chifuyu Oribara's inner thoughts through mind reading, he still pretended not to know and said: "Is there anything else you want to say, teacher?"

Oribara Chifuyu said: "Li Weijun, you and Oribara Natsu are the only men in the world who can activate the IS armor. Therefore, you are very eye-catching existences. I think the intelligence databases of all parties should have already I’ve got your materials.”

Levi said: "Teacher, you can be more direct. I am not a person who likes to go around in circles."

Orima Chifuyu didn't expect Levi to be so direct, and said: "Okay, what I want to say is, could you please pay more attention to Orima Natsu?"

Li Wei said: "Is it because Oribara is your biological brother, teacher?"

Chapter. Gradually distorted

Oribara Chifuyu was not surprised and said: "It must have been that child Zhen who told you. Our family and her family used to be neighbors, and she knew my affairs very well."

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