Ori Madara was a little angry in his heart, but he thought to himself that he was the one who told the Djinn clone to stay in the lamp and not come out. What's the use of blaming the Djinn clone? Now they are already locked up here. The main thing is to find a way to get out of here. The academy seems to regard him as a spy. Various interrogations have been carried out one after another. In addition to not torturing him, other methods have been tried. If it were not for the djinn clone By sealing his brain in advance, he has exposed the secret of the magic lamp.

To be honest, Ori Madara is not worried about the interrogation from the academy. After all, he is a decent person and is not afraid of shadow distortion. There is no way to convict him of espionage for something he has never done at all, unless someone slaps him in the face. And his sister, Orima Chifuyu, has a transcendent status in the academy. Anyone who wants to frame him must first get through his sister, so he is not worried that he will be framed. Now, he only needs to ensure his secret Just don't expose it.

(Deng Shen, you were not found by them, right?)

Ori Madara is worried that his magic lamp will be taken away. After all, the magic lamp is his biggest trump card for future rise. If he loses the magic lamp, he will be knocked back to his original shape. He cannot accept such a thing.

(No, when Oribara-sama you were taken away, I was still in the lamp and did not notice any changes outside. When I noticed something abnormal, I directly reduced my presence to the minimum, and the people who searched the room ignored me. The presence.)

Hearing the words of the lamp god's clone, Oribara Xia finally felt relieved, as long as there was nothing wrong with the lamp.

(That's enough, then just hide yourself.)

(Don’t you need me to come and save you, Orimaru-sama?)

(This is not necessary, and doing so will expose your existence, so it is not worth it.)

Chifuyu Orima still has confidence in her sister. With Chifuyu Orima's transcendent status and the fact that he himself has no espionage behavior, it is only a matter of time before he is released. Therefore, he directly accepted the kindness of the djinn clone. Refused.

The previous interrogation also made him realize what had happened. The communicators given to everyone by the school actually had surveillance capabilities. For some reason, his whereabouts had been blocked in the past few days, so he It attracted the attention of the college, and even his sister personally led a team to arrest the person.

Thinking of this, Oribara Xia was also a little scared. The shielding should be done by the "djinn". Although he was arrested for such a thing, he did not blame the djinn, because if the surveillance was not blocked, the existence of the magic lamp would He will inevitably be exposed, and without the magic lamp, his future will be simply gloomy.

Oribara Kasumi was thinking about how to solve this tricky situation. In short, the magic lamp must be hidden. The academy's ECHO machine, as a spy device, must have camera and recording functions, so he will not do it again in the future. Whenever you mention any words related to the magic lamp, you will also find a place to hide the magic lamp. All communication with the lamp god is completed through conscious dialogue. Anyway, the magic lamp must not be exposed.

(Give me another ten years. After ten years, I will return as the king, and everyone will crawl at my feet.)

Oribara Xia has already formed a prototype of his three wishes. He is still thinking carefully about the first two wishes, but he has already figured out the third wish, that is, the djinn can never serve the next master again.

The act of taking advantage of the loopholes of wanting more wishes has been proven to be unworkable by the dungeon. Since you can't make more wishes, you have to ensure that you are the last master of the dungeon to prevent the next person from getting the god. After the lamp, threatening his interests.

What he can't get, others don't want to get. Oribara Xia's thinking is out of the protection of his own interests, and at the same time, he is afraid that other people will threaten him. Being able to completely eliminate this hidden danger with a wish is a very cost-effective thing.

Levi, who controlled the djinn clone behind the scenes, saw Oribara Xia's inner thoughts through remote mind reading. He had to admire this young man for his thoughtfulness. He completely cut off his own hidden dangers at the cost of a wish. Indeed, It's quite a bargain. Oribara Natsu now has the prototype of the first two wishes. To put it bluntly, he wants strong power and unlimited lifespan. To be honest, these two wishes do not exceed Levi's expectations. Immortality is for human beings. , has a taboo attraction.

There is a limit to human cell division ability. Once the division limit is reached, the human body will gradually age. There is a saying that human beings are just carriers of genes. Genes want to continue themselves. Genes do not care whether the human body lives or lives. . The Ship of Theseus is what mankind dreams of, but genes directly cut off the path to immortality for ordinary people.

Li Wei does have the ability to make Ori Madara Xia gain immortality, but why would Ori Madara Xia let him do this? Is it because Ori Madara Xia will become his brother-in-law in the future?

Li Wei saw Oribara Xia's inner thoughts through remote mind reading. He could only say that the young man had been fooled by him. There might be magic lamps and djinn gods in other worlds, but the earth in this world, The magic lamp and the djinn are just the products of fairy tales. The earth in this world follows the world line of the science and technology exhibition. The mysterious existence of the djinn is completely different from the world line exhibition here. If there is no interference from external forces, there will be no connection between the two.

Unlike the earth in the real world, which still has some mysterious remnants after the "ebb", the earth in this world is truly devoid of any mystery, and all mysteries are nothing but myths and legends.

Using the identity of the Djinn God's clone, Levi comforted Oribara Xia. Then, Levi turned his attention to the office of the chairman of the college. The chairman can be said to be his most important tool. He can pass the director He can call everything in the academy justifiably. This is enough for him to accomplish all the things he wants to do in the academy.

In the chairman's office, Oribara Chifuyu stood in front of the desk, looked at the young beauty sitting on top, and said: "Chairman, have the results of the interrogation come out now?"

The chairman smiled and said: "Teacher Chifuyu, it turns out that your brother Kaori Oribara is not a spy. Although we still don't know why the device is blocked, it is somewhat certain that this is not his problem."

Hearing the words of the chairman, Chifuyu Origarabara finally felt relieved. It was better that the worst-case scenario had not happened.

Chapter 4. Punishment

The chairman's expression changed and he said seriously: "Although Orimaru-san has been cleared of the suspicion of being a spy, doing such dirty things in the dormitory is still a problem. This is a girls' school after all, and there must be punishment for such things. of."

Orimadara Chifuyu nodded, expressing her understanding. After all, even she, a sister, felt disgusted by things like that before. She herself would feel unreasonable if such a matter was not dealt with. It would be a good thing to make Oribara Xia suffer a little in this matter, at least to make him promise not to do such a thing again in the future.

The chairman said: "Teacher Chifuyu, what do you think is the appropriate punishment?"

Oribara Chifuyu was speechless in her heart. The chairman kicked the ball to her. How to punish Oribara Natsu became a question for her to think about. If the punishment was light, people would think she was showing favoritism, but the punishment was reasonable. If it's serious, although it can convince the public, it will break Oribara Xia's heart. It can be said that this is a dilemma.

Orima Chifuyu was a little dissatisfied in her heart. The former chairman did not dare to embarrass her on this kind of matter. After all, she was the pillar of the academy. However, now, such a thing happened, which made her confused at the same time. , feeling a little uncomfortable inside.

The chairman smiled and said: "Do you think this question is difficult to choose?"

Orimadara Chifuyu nodded and accepted honestly.

The chairman said: "To be honest, I was under a lot of pressure to let Orimaru-san enter the academy. After all, he is not a genius with a % synchronization rate. Although he started IS as a man, he has both strength and He is not considered outstanding in terms of potential, and there are many students in the academy who are better than him."

Oribara Chifuyu said: "Thank you, Chairman, for making an exception, but I believe he is a late-blooming pilot, but he is indeed not an outstanding pilot now."

The chairman said: "Yes, he is not outstanding now, but we can't just look at the present. No one can say about Oribara's future. However, compared with the other male student, the gap is really too big Please understand, Mr. Chifuyu, you have to know that the academy is not my school. Although the student body does not know about this matter, the senior leaders of the academy already know about it. Now I am under a lot of pressure."

Chifuyu Oribara lowered his head slightly and said, "I'm sorry."

Oribara Chifuyu can understand why the chairman raised this issue to her, because the chairman was also one of the people who was grilled on the fire. IS Academy is not a property of a certain country, but is jointly managed by multiple major countries. In this place, just like the beauty in front of me, the chairman's term is only three years. This year is the other party's first year in office. In two years, the chairman's position will be re-selected, and then it will be During the gathering, everyone showed their magical powers.

The previous chairpersons have all successfully completed their careers as chairpersons, but they are not willing to just serve as chairpersons. As long as they have the opportunity, they will sideline the current chairperson or even oust him. Go to emergency elections and regain power.

Thinking of this, Orima Chifuyu felt a little guilty in her heart. At the same time, she felt a little disgusted with her unsatisfactory brother. Orima Chifuyu didn't realize that she had changed unknowingly. Originally, no matter what she did wrong, she would not feel bad about Orima Ka, but now, in her heart, She felt disgusted with her brother, which she never had before.

Orima Chifuyu said: "I will deal with this matter seriously, but I would like to ask the other people on the council, how do they plan to deal with Orima Natsu?"

The chairman took a deep breath and said: "After reporting the criticism, drop out of school."

Oribara Chifuyu clenched her hands behind her back and clenched her fists instantly. Those people were really trying to kill her, and they didn't leave any way for her brother to escape. It would be a shame to be expelled from school, even if he was placed in an ordinary school. Things like this, let alone being kicked out of school, if such a thing really happened, Oribara wouldn't be able to hold his head up and be a good person after the summer meeting.

Oribara Chifuyu understood that it was the young beauty in front of her who had shouldered the pressure for her. If it weren't for the chairman, Oribara Natsu's matter would not have been able to go through like this. In order for Oribara Natsu to stay, she would have to ask for help. If those people compromise, there will definitely be a lot of messy things waiting for her. It is infuriating to think about such terrible things.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

This world does not mean that as long as you have power, you can do whatever you want, and the power she has is after all a foreign object, not her own power. Her own fragility means that without armor, a bullet can Killed her. It is precisely because she is clearly aware of this that Orima Chifuyu keeps a low profile and tries her best to avoid provoking unnecessary enemies for herself. However, there are always some very troublesome people who think they can seize her weaknesses and To blackmail her.

There is no way to solve these people with force, especially those in the council, who have the shadow of a big country behind them. Those in the council are not as simple as it seems on the surface to take action against her. This means, It is very likely that they have received instructions from people at a higher level, that is to say, someone wants to kill the donkey.

........ ........

This kind of thing couldn't be helped by Chifuyu Orimaru not thinking in this direction. She was very clear about Ogoku's face. It was not like similar things had never happened before. Ogoku's attitude towards her was very simple, that is, to force her to stand in line and express her position. Join a specific camp, and in the most extreme case, what you can't get will be destroyed directly.

The world is always changing, and the world has never changed. Although the Cold War has ended on the surface, many things have continued to this day. Why is it that even if the IS armor is subject to restrictions on its use, there are still various competitive competitions It is held because such a conference is a continuation of ZZ and war, but it will not openly shed blood.

Oribara Chifuyu said: "I have already thought of his punishment. I will confiscate his special machine. At the same time, the whole school will announce the criticism and designate a separate dormitory for him, independent of all dormitory buildings. And, all holidays, He has no qualifications to leave school."

The chairman put his hands under his chin and said: "I probably understand your idea, punish him with loneliness. However, won't this cause him psychological problems?"

Oribara Chifuyu said: "People always have to pay the price for their actions."

Chapter 4. Extreme twist

At this time, Levi, as the mastermind behind all this, had seen all Chifuyu Oribara's inner thoughts, and his goal had been achieved;,!,;;,::!.':, ?!"'!:;'?,,,Alternate:";,'!."!., successfully made Orima Chifuyu feel disgusted with Orima Natsu, but Orima Natsu herself is easy to slip. Abyss, Li Wei even does not need it. Just push the handle gently from behind, just to tell him that there is something good ahead of him, Oribara Xia will step into the abyss.

To be honest, Levi didn't think that much about the content that Chifuyu Orimaru had imagined at all. It was just a reflection of Chifuyu Orimaru's own thinking. However, the entire board of directors belongs to him, from the chairman to all the important officials, everything belongs to him. Li Wei has complete control over the entire academy from the ground up, so for everything in the academy, Li Wei only needs to say a word, and the people below will get it done.

The chairman looked at Orima Chifuyu, who was a little distracted, and said, "Now that the punishment decision has been made, there is no need to imprison Orimaru-san anymore. Teacher Chifuyu, you can go and bring him out."

Oribara Chifuyu nodded, thanked her, and then rushed to the confinement room. When she learned that Oribara Xia was locked up in the confinement room, she felt very complicated. Although the matter this time could not be solved, It’s considered complete, but at least it’s a new chapter, which is not bad.

After Oribara Chifuyu rushed to the confinement room, she was led by the staff to the single room where Oribara Natsu was.

Oribara Chifuyu looked through the iron window at Oribara Natsu, who was lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. She tapped her hand lightly on the iron railing.

"Aren't you bothered? I told you that I don't know anything and I don't know anything. How should I answer you and make up stories?!" Oribara said loudly.

Orima Chifuyu's face looked a little ugly. She didn't expect that her younger brother, who seemed to be very well-behaved in front of her, would have such a bad attitude when facing other people. This kind of "disappearance" made her She had a suspicion, whether Oribara's obedient behavior in the past was all an illusion, and the real Oribara was looking like this careless person now.

When Oribara Natsu turned around and saw that the person who came was not the previous interrogator, but his sister Orima Chifuyu, his expression changed instantly, with a surprise smile on his face, and he rushed to the railing, He said in an excited tone: "Sister, please rescue me quickly. I was wronged!"

Oribara Chifuyu felt a little sad inside, but she still maintained her usual slightly serious and indifferent expression on her face, saying: "I came here to rescue you. This time your incident caused trouble for the series, but the problem is temporary. It has been settled. If nothing else happens, this matter has been revealed. Of course, you will also receive a certain punishment after you go out. "

Oribara Natsu's face fell instantly and she said: "I've already said that I'm not a spy, so why should I pay for their problems? I'm the one who was wronged. I was wronged. Not only will I not be compensated, but I will also be punished. , this is simply unreasonable.”

Seeing Ori Madara's impatient face, Ori Madara Chifuyu clenched her fists instantly. She wanted to punch Orima Natsu. She found that her brother was getting more and more in need of a beating now. The obedient Ori Madara is just a disguise, and now the bad-tempered Madara is the real him.

Oribara Chifuyu said: "Do you think you have made no mistakes?"

Orima Chifuyu still has a headache. What she hates the most is those people with abnormal views, because those people with different views cannot communicate in the same way as normal people. She didn't expect that she would be able to Encountered the current situation.

Oribara Xia said directly without thinking: "Did I do anything wrong?"

Oribara Chifuyu sighed and did not intend to continue to struggle with this issue, but she also saw clearly the other side of Oribara Natsu. She no longer planned to care about Oribara Natsu. Such a character had been completely distorted. She wanted to It's not easy to come back. Now Ori Madara is no longer the child he was before. He already has his own three views. Under such circumstances, it is simply unrealistic for her to change Orima Natsu.

Oribara Chifuyu said: "Forget it, you are right if you think you are right, but you cannot escape your punishment. Your dedicated machine will be taken back, and your dormitory will be separated from the same dormitory. , the college will prepare a separate dormitory just for you."

Ori Madara's heart was a little unbalanced. He didn't have any requirements for the dormitory. It didn't matter where he lived, but he couldn't accept the matter of taking back his special machine.

Oribara Natsu said: "I can understand changing my dormitory, but why do they take back my special machine? Obviously I am the victim. I have to bear the consequences of a machine like ECHO malfunction. Shouldn't the academy Isn’t there a place where we can reason?!”

Ori Madara was very unhappy. In his opinion, this was a mistake on the part of the academy. As a victim, he had already made a mistake without holding the academy accountable. Now he was oppressed by the academy in this way. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. .

Oribara Xia's heart has already expanded. In his opinion, he will eventually become a king in the future. When the power of the djinn is restored, he will make his wish, and by that time, he will rule the entire world and all people. They will all crawl at his feet and humbly lick his toes.

The higher-ups of the college dared to challenge him, the future king of the world. He was secretly cruel and almost gritted his teeth thinking that after he became the king of the world, all these women who had sinned against him would become his RBQ. He wanted to Humiliate those women severely and let them know what mistakes they have made.

A sneer appeared on Chifuyu Oribara's face. She was no longer disappointed with Natsu Oribara, but completely desperate. The boy with a distorted expression in front of her was no longer the kind and polite brother she remembered, but a man with a different appearance. ., a stranger with an extreme ego.

Oribara Chifuyu sighed inwardly. Although she already hated the brother in front of her, she was still a family member whose mother came from the family. At most, she would not care what Oribara Natsu would do in the future, but this time, she would help to the end.

Oribara Chifuyu said: "Do you think the current punishment is too severe? The person on the board of directors wants you to drop out of school. If the chairman hadn't withstood the pressure, you would no longer be qualified to stand here and speak."

Orima Chifuyu still has the slightly indifferent expression of the past, but she used to pretend to be indifferent, but now it's different. She really doesn't want to care about the hopeless Orima Natsu. If she gets pregnant again in the future, For such things, she would just watch the show with her hands folded. In her opinion, the current Oribara Natsu was really beaten by a lack of life.

Chapter 4. Bad mood

Oribara Natsu had a sneer on her face and said: "So I have to thank her, at least she didn't let me get kicked out of school, but this kind of thing will only happen once, and I will never allow this kind of thing to happen again."

Oribara Chifuyu wanted to complain in her heart. With Orima Natsu's current mental state, it was inevitable that problems would arise. She could only keep an eye on it to ensure that Orima Natsu would not be expelled from school. As for more, just It's not something she can do anymore, because in her opinion, the current Oribara Natsu is really unable to hold up the wall.

However, Oribara Chifuyu did not understand the true meaning of Oribara Natsu's words. She thought Oribara Natsu was reflecting on his mistakes, but Oribara Natsu's real idea was that he wanted to master more powerful power to prepare for his future ascension to the throne. The king was prepared, and he would never allow his dignity to be trampled on again.

Oribara Chifuyu said: "It would be nice if this kind of thing would never happen again. However, boys should do less manual work. This kind of thing is not good for the health."

Oribara Natsu said with an indifferent expression: "I know this kind of thing, sister, don't worry. Can you let me out now? I haven't even had time to eat dinner yet."

Oribara Chifuyu sighed inwardly and entered the password on the combination lock. The iron door of the confinement room opened. Oribara Chifuyu opened the iron door and came outside.

"They put a hood on me when I came here. I don't know the way out. I have to ask my sister to show me the way." Oribara Natsu said.

Orima Chifuyu said: "Come with me, this is not a place where you can wander around."

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