Levi shook his head and said: "Except for you, Sister Qianfuyu, no one else knows about such a thing. Even Cecilia and Chen don't know about it."

Oribara Chifuyu said: "In other words, this is a secret between you and me."

Levi still did not let go of Orima Chifuyu's hand and said: "I want you to know, Chifuyu-san, that I am not an ordinary student. I have a trump card that is enough to protect you, so I can share the burden with you. No matter what difficulties you encounter, Sister Qiandong, I will be your harbor."

Orifara Chifuyu watched her hand turn into a wreath of stars and disappear, and fell silent. She didn't know what to say. She could feel Levi's care for her, and this kind of care had transcended the identity restrictions between brother and sister.

Oribara Chifuyu said: "My affairs are more complicated, and I don't want to cause any trouble to you."

Levi directly hugged Chifuyu Oribara, put his chin on her shoulder, and said: "I hate the Neon people's character of not causing trouble to others. I can help you, Sister Chifuyu. , as long as you ask me for help, I will definitely lend a helping hand. So, don’t refuse in a hurry, okay.”

Oribara Chifuyu felt the sense of reliability brought by Levi's solid chest, and sighed inwardly. It was incredible that she found a sense of security in a boy who was much younger than her.

Chapter 4. Cutting the knot with a sharp knife

Levi hugged Chifuyu Orira tightly and refused to let go. He knew that if he let go at this time, all the previous preparations would be in vain. Chifuyu Oribara had many concerns in his heart. If Chifuyu Oribara reacted If she comes over, then her inner concerns will overwhelm her current impulse, and the two people will become alienated because of the embarrassment at this time.

"Let me go first, okay? I know what you're thinking..."

"No, you don't know." Levi directly interrupted Chifuyu Oribara. This was the critical moment of close combat, and he would not leave any time for Chifuyu Oribara to hesitate.

Although this scene was Li Wei's impromptu idea, he has already launched an attack, and drawing the sword out of its sheath will inevitably lead to blood.

Levi hugged Chifuyu Oribara tightly and said: "Sister Chifuyu, you always treat me as a younger brother, but I don't want you to be just my sister. Moreover, I want to protect you, not just my younger brother. A man protects his sister, but a man protects his own woman, can you understand, Chifuyu-sama?"

Oribara Chifuyu was panicked. She didn't expect that Levi would have such thoughts. Her inner conservatism made her want to escape from this situation, but Levi's hands were so powerful that she couldn't avoid Levi's hand at all. enthusiasm.

Oribara Chifuyu felt like her whole body was burning. Not only was her heartbeat speeding up, but even her face was flushed. She asked herself in her heart, didn't she have a good impression of Levi?

However, the answer she got was no. She didn't know since when, she had become accustomed to paying attention to Li Wei. Seeing every bit of Li Wei's growth, she would be as happy as Li Wei himself. She said to herself in her heart that this was her sister's concern for her brother, which was a very normal feeling. But now facing Li Wei's questioning, she realized that her feelings for Li Wei were not that pure. She also thought in her heart However, whether Levi will become the person who stays with him for the rest of his life.

Levi has the ability to read minds, so he can naturally know the inner fluctuations of Orima Chifuyu, so he will take advantage of this good opportunity to continue the pursuit. If everything goes well, the two parties can confirm their relationship at this time. If this opportunity is missed, there will be a long detour between the two parties.

"Levi, please let me go first. There are so many people watching around me. If students see me, I won't be able to maintain my dignity as a teacher." Chifuyu Oribara said softly.

Levi said: "I will not let go, and Sister Qianfuyu, haven't you noticed yet? People around us haven't noticed the two of us at all."

After hearing Levi's words, Oribara Chifuyu turned around and found that the people passing by regarded them as air, and when passing by them, they would actively avoid them.

"Is this?" Orima Chifuyu was surprised in her heart. She didn't expect Levi to have such a method.

Levi smiled and said: "It's just a little magic. I just minimized the presence of the two of us and made optical invisibility. Now, no matter what we do here, the people around us will not be aware of it. to our existence.”

Hearing Levi's words, Orima Chifuyu's breathing rhythm became a little messy, especially Levi's sentence, no matter what they do here, the people around them will not be aware of their existence. If Levi wants to do something to her As something astringent, how could she resist?

Levi said: "Sister Qianfuyu, I know you have many concerns. Not only do you have to protect yourself, but you also have to protect your family, and you are also caught between the academy and the country. There are many things that you have no control over. But now It’s no problem anymore, because I’m here and I will help you solve all your troubles.”

Oribara Chifuyu swallowed. Levi's slightly domineering words gave her an incomparable sense of security.

Levi knows that for a strong woman like Orima Chifuyu, if she wants to completely conquer her, she must break her hard shell and expose the softest side of her heart.

Without an intelligence advantage, it can be said to be very difficult for someone else to do such a thing. But before Levi entered this world, he had already collected a large amount of information related to Orima Chifuyu. At the same time, he also used mind-reading skills to peek into Orima Chifuyu's heart.

It can be said that if love is compared to a war, then Levi has turned on the cheating device and unilaterally obtained absolute transparency on the battlefield. Chifuyu Orimaru has no secrets in front of him.

It was precisely because of the transparency of one-sided information that Levi dared to launch a swift and violent offensive at this time, preparing to capture Chifuyu Oribara.

Orimaru Chifuyu seemed to have lost her strength, leaning on Levi's arms and sighing: "Why do you have to show up? Because of you, I have a lot of fantasies in my heart that I shouldn't have. Let these fantasies just Isn’t fantasy bad?”

Levi smelled the fragrance of Orima Chifuyu and said softly: "I am a person who wants to do it. I like you, Chifuyu, and I don't want to see you continue to sink like this, so I follow my inner thoughts. , I want to change your life."

Chifuyu Orimaru's only feeling about her life was that she was powerless. Back then, she was tricked by Shino no Bunch and became the pilot of the White Knight, and this was the beginning of her tragedy.

Oribara Chifuyu knew that she was not an ambitious person. If she could, she just wanted to be an ordinary person and experience the troubles and happiness of ordinary people. But there is no regret medicine in the world. Because of the White Knight incident, she entered From all perspectives, the life of ordinary people was completely far away from her. From that moment on, she had no way out.

For herself and her family, she could only keep making compromises. However, the result of Lu's compromise was that she was pushed into a corner step by step. Now, except for IS Academy, she has no place to go.

However, the appearance of Levi brought a dazzling bright color to her already gray life. She was already frightened and did not dare to approach this beauty rashly. She could only look at Levi from a distance, but even so, She also already felt extremely happy. Because of fate's trick, she felt very humble when facing feelings, and she was also used to escaping. Although escaping could not solve the problem, it could at least give Xi peace of mind.

When faced with Levi's confession, Chifuyu Oribara instinctively wanted to escape, but Levi's strong hands made her unable to avoid her heart. Chifuyu Oribara knew that she had to make a choice and had already escaped. She didn't know how many times, when facing her own happiness, she chose to accept it head-on or to escape again.

Levi said softly: "I will hold you Qianfuyu like this forever. If you don't agree, I will hold you forever."

"I...I promise..." Orima Chifuyu's voice became smaller and smaller. The shyness in her heart made her bury her head in Levi's chest. She felt that her whole body was burning, and her brain felt like it was boiling. It looks like a pot, and people are almost confused.

Chapter. Encouragement

Chifuyu Oribara patted Levi's hand gently and whispered: "I promise you, can you let me go now? If you don't go back, they will become suspicious."

Levi had no intention of letting go, and the moment Orima Chifuyu raised his head, he kissed her heavily.

For a long time, it wasn't until Chifuyu Orimaru felt a little lack of oxygen that Levi let her go. However, Levi still didn't let go, because at this time, Chifuyu Orimaru was already weak from his kiss. This If he let go, Orima Chifuyu would inevitably fall to the ground.

Orimaru Chifuyu looked at Levi with blurry eyes. At this time, she felt that her brain was short-circuited due to lack of oxygen. She was addicted to the sweet feeling deep in her soul.

"I...Levi, I can't survive. Can you find a place for me to sit down? My legs are weak." Chifuyu Oribara quickly begged for mercy.

Levi picked her up like a princess, found a bench, and put her down.

Oribara Chifuyu said: "You are such a scoundrel. You didn't give me time to react at all. However, I don't hate it."

Oribara Chifuyu leaned on Levi's shoulder and recalled her encounter with Levi. Maybe she had noticed Levi from that time on, but at that time she just thought Levi was good-looking and a good-looking person. Like a big boy like sunshine, but now it seems that Levi is more complicated than she thought.

Oribara Chifuyu looked at Levi's side face and said, "Aren't you afraid that our words will be heard by the academy? Teachers don't need to have ECHO on their bodies, but every student has this thing on them."

Levi put his arms around Chifuyu Oribara's shoulders and said: "If you can't solve even this small problem, how can I drag you out of the quagmire, Chifuyu? I still have some words in the academy. Right, the intelligence department of the college is already under my control, so I don’t have to be taboo about such questions at all-"

Oribara Chifuyu was a little surprised in her heart. She didn't expect Levi to be able to do such a thing. However, she thought of the extraordinary power that Levi had mastered. It seemed that it was not surprising that he could do such a thing. After all, it was a magic, and it was not a magic weapon. Some technologies are the power of different systems. Isn't it normal that existing technologies cannot detect abnormalities?

Chifuyu Oribara sighed and said: "For you, the academy may be a place where you can come and go freely."

Levi smiled and said: "I actually quite like the college. At least the atmosphere here is good. Because of the White Knight Incident and the rise of extreme feminism in recent years, the outside world can be said to be a mess. In contrast, the outside world is regarded as extreme feminism. The IS academy in the base camp is different from what I imagined. There are still mostly normal people here, unlike outside, where demons are already rampant."

Oribara Chifuyu smiled bitterly and said: "If I hadn't sat on the White Knight, maybe none of this would have happened. In the final analysis, I was a sinner at that turning point in history."

Levi gently patted Chifuyu Oribara on the shoulder and said: "The problem does not lie with you Chifuyu. I checked the relevant information. In the situation at that time, the conflict between men and women had reached an extreme point. Even if there was no Bai The knight incident will cause problems."

Levi was very interested in the White Knight incident that year, so he looked up the situation in the college library and on the Internet. Then he discovered that the time point at that time was very delicate. It was the time of the economic crisis. In order to avert conflicts, he vigorously instigated the relationship between men and women.

How can an egg be completed when all the people are together? No one can escape the impact of the economic crisis, a major event that affects all mankind. The situation at that time was that ordinary people had no money in their hands, the stock and bond markets were both killing each other, and the global property market was jumping. Even precious metals were unable to fulfill their task of preserving value. It can be said that the situation at that time was that the economic system of most of the world collapsed.

Ben knew that if the conflict persisted in this situation, the people behind the scenes would be collectively thrown into the spotlight. In order to reverse this situation, Ben hired a large number of mouthpieces to provoke confrontation between men and women and completely intensify this contradiction. Turn the conflict between Ben and the public into a conflict between men and women.

At this time, the White Knight incident broke out. We used this incident to create hype, but we underestimated the impact of this incident. Because of the IS armor, the social status of women completely overwhelmed men. So much so that there was a big reshuffle within the book. In such a storm, many old books disappeared, and many new books appeared at the same time. However, these new books were basically female supremacist organizations controlled by women. They were An extremist organization wearing its own skin is not even as good as its original self.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

It is difficult for ordinary people to see through this struggle, but they remember a name, Chifuyu Orimaru.

As the pilot of the White Knight, many men regard her as the sinner of the decline of male dominance, so much so that when searching for "Chifuyu Oribara" on the Internet, more than % of the content that comes out is negative.

......... .. ...

Oribara Chifuyu, who was not good at maneuvering, was borrowed a tiger skin, but instead of benefiting from anything, she received countless infamy. Coupled with the strife and struggle within the feminist community, Chifuyu Orimadara became a mascot. Under the constraints of the balance of multiple forces, she was kicked to the IS Academy.

It can be said that the whole world will become like this now. It is not a problem of one person, but a problem of everyone, and all the problems collided and exploded. This directly subverted the order of the entire human society and allowed the continued The patriarchal society of more than two thousand years has returned to a matriarchal society.

Oribara Chifuyu said: "Thank you for your comfort, but as the fuse that triggered all the problems, I know what I have done. At that time, I was a fan of the authorities, and I only wanted to protect Neon. I didn't think about it at all. So many. But looking back now, I didn’t have a choice at all.”

As a Neon person, Orima Chifuyu can't just watch more than two thousand missiles fall on Neon's head. In order to protect her homeland, she has to stand up, and her ability can support her to complete it. She did what she wanted to do, so she did it. As for the impact it would have later, she couldn't predict it at the time, and she didn't have time to predict it.

Therefore, Chifuyu Oribara will not defend her crime. She knows that she is the knife driver who stepped on the accelerator when the car was going downhill. Now that the car is destroyed and people are killed, she must bear the responsibility.

Chapter. Cecilia is eliminated

The two of them rested for a while. After Chifuyu Oribara recovered and tidied up her appearance, the two of them returned to the beach.

Xiao Zhizhihuan saw the two people returning and said: "It's too slow, Li Weijun. It's very rude to keep a girl waiting for a long time."

Levi scratched the back of his head and said with a smile: "People have three urgent needs. I just ran to the toilet, so I don't need to describe the details."

"Hey, who wants to listen to that kind of tasteful content? Just come back. The game of watermelon knocking is waiting for you and Chifuyu-san to arrive." Shino no Hoshi said.

Oribara Chifuyu's expression was still as indifferent as before, but when her eyes fell on Levi, she could not hide the tenderness. Oribara Chifuyu was afraid that her colleagues and students would see something unusual about her, so she decisively refused to look at Levi. She did not want to expose her relationship with Levi yet, because she was a teacher in the academy and had to maintain her dignity. , even if it is to be exposed, it is not at this time.

The others did not notice the change in Orima Chifuyu, and were still noisily preparing for the game to start.

Yamada Maya picked up a watermelon, walked to an open space some distance away from the parasol, and put the watermelon down.

Yamada Maya looked at everyone and smiled: "Who comes first?"

In this kind of game, it doesn't matter who goes first and who comes last. Although as an IS pilot, his anti-vertigo ability is quite good, but continuous circles will still make people lose their sense of direction. When people lose their sense of direction, even if someone is directing, it will be difficult for the person playing the game to find the direction accurately.

However, everyone's performance must be much better than ordinary people. After all, everyone is an IS pilot. They practice so many barrel roll maneuvers every day, and everyone has already developed their ability to resist dizziness.

Cecilia smiled and said: "Whoever proposes to come first, I will come first."

Xiao Zhizhi said: "The first person to play the game will suffer the most. The first person does not have time to adapt, and there is no way to see what other people do. Cecilia, are you sure you want to be the first one?"

Cecilia is quite confident in her physical fitness. After all, after a period of intensive training, her current physical fitness has been significantly improved compared to the beginning of school.

It is precisely because of this that Cecilia has the confidence to become the first vanguard and prepare to give the whole team a good start. She bursts the watermelon on the first appearance. Anyway, there are several fruit shops selling watermelons on the beach commercial street. Even if she bursts the watermelon on her first appearance, she can still go there to buy more.

Everyone already knew the rules of the game, but Levi carefully repeated them again to make sure that Cecilia didn't understand anything before starting the game.

Cecilia was surrounded by everyone, and kept circling, several times counterclockwise, and several times clockwise. After repeated several times, even Cecilia, as a pilot of the IS armor, lost her direction. It feels like my footsteps are floating, and I feel like I'm soaring in the clouds.

"I feel a little nauseous, but it's okay. I can start commanding. I have three chances to drop the stick, right?" Cecilia put on a piece of cloth to cover her eyes and said confidently.

Yamada Maya laughed from the side and said: "Don't underestimate this game. Cecilia, your steps are wandering now. Whether you can find the location of the watermelon is still a problem."

According to the rules of the watermelon knocking game, there is a limit to the number of hints a blindfolded person can get, which will not exceed ten. If he cannot reach the watermelon within ten hints, he will be automatically judged as the loser.

Therefore, the rules of this game are simple, but the difficulty is quite high. Even if it is a professional soldier's physique, it is quite difficult to challenge it. For ordinary people, it is purely a gamble on luck.

"Cecilia, turn 30 degrees to the left, take three steps forward, then turn 10 degrees to the right, and take four steps forward." Oribara Chifuyu said calmly.

In order to ensure the relative fairness of the game and prevent anyone from giving arbitrary orders, the command was handed over to Chifuyu Orimaru, whom everyone trusts. Moreover, Chifuyu Orimaru had clearly stated that she would not participate in the game and that she would be the one to take charge. The command is just right.

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