Chapter 100.Class Reunion

Because both of them are high school students, they cannot drive by themselves.

Although Li Wei's real age is already a college student and he has a driver's license, he also passed Neon's special driver's license test before studying abroad and is very familiar with the control of right-hand drive vehicles.

However, his current status means that he cannot drive any motor vehicles. Although there are no restrictions on motorcycles, Li Wei does not like motorcycles that much, so he and Kasumigaoka Shiyu still choose expensive taxis.

Nowadays, Levi is not short of money at all, so he takes taxis for daily travel. This is something that most ordinary Neon people will not do. In their view, Levi just has too much money.

The venue for the class reunion is a high-end restaurant in Minato City. Today, this restaurant has been reserved, and the whole day belongs to the world of Kasumigaoka Shiu and her junior high school classmates.

The taxi arrived at the destination. Levi looked at the familiar buildings and couldn't help but want to complain. This was really a visit to his old place. When he heard the name before, Levi was still thinking about whether it was the same name. When he actually arrived at the place and took a look, he realized that the venue reserved by the classmate association was the same Western restaurant where he had dinner with Machida Enko last time.

"Actually, I didn't expect those guys to invite me. My popularity in junior high school was not very good. Although I didn't have any specific enemies, I didn't have any friends either. To be honest, they could still remember me. , I'm quite surprised." Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with a sigh.

"This class reunion is an event that only female students and their partners participate in. It is probably a girl who wants to show off her current life. Otherwise, the class reunion will not allow male students to participate." Levi said.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu held Li Wei's hand, and the two of them walked forward. After going up to the third floor, they showed the invitation letter to the waiter at the door, and the two of them entered the restaurant.

Levi observed the surrounding environment. Different from the last time he came here, the layout of the restaurant has been changed for this party. The original layout of the regular restaurant has been changed into a long buffet-style table. A variety of exquisite dishes were placed for guests to enjoy. Girls all dressed up in fancy clothes were chatting and laughing together. Some were accompanied by their male companions, while others were alone.

It can be seen that the girls participating in this class reunion attach great importance to this gathering, and they all want to leave their perfect side in front of their old classmates.

It has to be said that girls will always try to be strong in this aspect. Even if they are not doing well in reality, they will give others the feeling that they are living a good life and try their best to make others envy them. .

"It's really an exaggeration. There are actually girls wearing evening dresses. Although we should pay attention to the class reunion, but to pay such attention to it, isn't it a bit too much?" Levi said softly.

"It's normal, dear, it's hard for you to understand girls' desire to express themselves. Every girl wants to be the most shining star in the audience." Kasumigaoka Shiyu responded in a low voice.

Kasumigaoka Shiu didn't have many friends when she was in junior high school, so she didn't have any acquaintances to come over to chat.

But when she and Li Wei entered the restaurant, this handsome man and beautiful woman had already attracted everyone's attention.

In the venue, the men all cast their eyes on Kasumigaoka Shiha, who was like the moon goddess, while the women cast their eyes on Levi, who was like the sun god.

Levi, who has a very sensitive perception, can detect the emotional changes of the owner of his gaze. The girls at the venue looked at him with enthusiasm in their eyes. Although Li Wei was confident enough in his charm, he didn't expect that his charm would be so wide.

Levi knew that he had aroused the hostility of all the men in the venue, although he didn't care about such things at all.

With excellent hearing, Levi could clearly hear the whispers of the girls around him. They thought their voices were quiet enough, but little did they know that Levi had completely heard their exchanges.

"That girl... seems to be Kasumigaoka Shiu. I remember her name was that, right? We haven't seen her for two years, but she has become beautiful again."

"It turns out it's her, the witch who is hated by all the girls in the school. Damn it, she has stolen the limelight!"

"Look, the boy next to Shiyu Kasumigaoka is so handsome! Why can she have such a handsome boyfriend? Why can't I find a boyfriend? This is unfair!"

"You'd better save it. Your temper has scared away several boys. If you don't change your temper, it will be very difficult for you to get out of singles this semester."

"That's what I'm saying, do any of you dare to go up and ask for that boy's phone number?"

"That's the witch's boyfriend. I don't want to provoke the witch. Oh, it's a pity that such a handsome tall boy fell into the hands of that witch..."

Li Wei felt a little embarrassed when he listened to the girls' gossip. Although it felt good to be liked, when he said this in front of him, Li Wei felt like he was going through a punishment game. , this is shameful, right?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu took Li Wei's hand and found a lonely place to sit down.

Li Wei could feel Kasumigaoka Shiu's restraint. After all, her experience in junior high school had caused indelible damage to her. For her, the so-called old classmates could be regarded as "enemies" to a certain extent. ".

In this situation of "surrounded by enemies", Kasumigaoka Shiyu would feel nervous, and Li Wei could understand it.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no matter what happens, I can't do anything to you. Today, you are the heroine of the entire venue, show some of the momentum of being a heroine!" Levi patted him gently. Touching Kasumigaoka Shiyu's back, encouraging her. .

Chapter 101. There will definitely be trouble in the class reunion

"Thank you for your encouragement, dear, but seeing these people reminds me of my experience in junior high school and makes me feel sick." Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled bitterly.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt that she already had a big heart. If it were someone else, she might not have the courage to come here even if she received an invitation letter from the class reunion.

Her disgust for these girls had risen from psychological to physical levels. Just seeing the faces of these people made her lose her appetite. She had to say that it was indeed the right choice to go out after having a full breakfast.

Although Li Wei and Kasumigaoka Shiu found a corner to sit down, they were the most eye-catching presence in the room. They stole the limelight from all the other men and women. Even if they stayed in the corner, they still attracted a lot of attention. .

"No one came up to talk to me. It looks like we can just sit there until we leave." Levi laughed softly.

"This is better. We can leave after noon. They plan to sing in the afternoon. I'm not interested. Just leave when the time comes." Kasumigaoka Shiyu gently turned her bracelet. It was a gift from Levi, so she put the bracelet on her wrist. When she was nervous, playing with the bracelet could relieve the tension to a certain extent.

Li Wei nodded. In this case, it was equivalent to just accompanying Kasumigaoka Shiyu for a formality.

Li Wei looked around the entire party venue and found no obvious central figure. Most of the girls participating in the party worked in small circles. There were only about twenty girls in total, and they only brought a dozen male companions. The atmosphere was... It's relatively good.

However, as soon as Levi finished this sentence in his mind, he felt a sense of hostility. This hostility was so obvious that he did not make any cover up at all. Li Wei turned his head and looked in the direction of the source of hostility. She was a tall girl with a slightly coquettish style of clothing. Although her figure and appearance were not as good as Kasumigaoka Shiyu's, she could still be called a beauty. The only thing was that The small flaw is that her cheekbones are a bit high, which makes her look a bit mean in the first impression.

However, to be able to exude that level of malice, Levi felt that this girl was mean enough in her own right. He could only say that there was a certain truth to the saying that love comes from the heart, and many things could be seen in the details.

Behind the tall girl, followed a smiling boy. The boy was dressed in decent casual clothes, giving off an elegant and gentle temperament. Judging from the distance between him and the girl, he should be the girl's male companion.

The tall girl walked up to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu condescendingly, and said with a smile: "Isn't this Kasumigaoka Shiyu? She doesn't chat with us old classmates and hides here because she feels that we old classmates are not worthy of being with each other. Do you speak?"

The tall girl's laughter is slightly sharp. When she smiles, her eyes are narrow and fox-like. She is as beautiful as she is beautiful, but she gives people a sinister feeling that is not easy to mess with.

"I'm sorry, who are you? I didn't have many friends when I was in junior high school, so I don't have much impression of you." Kasumigaoka Shiyu's expression was a little confused. Such a reaction made the tall girl feel like she had been punched. In the air, not only did Kasumigaoka Shiyu fail to embarrass him, but he actually looked like a clown.

The handsome boy next to the tall girl gently pulled her arm and said in a low voice: "Forget it, forget it, today is a class reunion, don't make everyone unhappy." Unlike the tall girl who gave people a domineering look, the handsome boy There is a feeling of introversion, and this is also the common characteristic of most neon people. They don't like trouble.

He neither likes to cause trouble to others nor does he like others to cause trouble to himself.

The tall girl gently opened the hand of the handsome boy, and said without lowering her voice much: "Oh, are you still thinking about this fox? People don't even know that there is a person like you, why are you so worried? Besides, , now that you are mine, why are your elbows still turned outward?"

Facing the questioning from the tall girl, her male companion unconsciously smiled bitterly. Having a partner with such a strong personality is a very difficult thing.

...Please give me flowers.

Levi could sense the boy's emotions. All kinds of emotions were mixed together and extremely complicated.

Moreover, Li Wei felt that the way the two of them got along was not like a couple, but rather like a superior and subordinate in a company.

In this situation, Li Wei had two guesses. The first one was that the boy owed the girl a favor, and the favor was huge, so he had no choice but to use this method to repay the favor. It was a bit like the saying in ancient novels: "A little girl has nothing to repay." , I feel like I have no choice but to commit myself.”

In the second case, I feel that this boy should be the son-in-law of a tall girl. Only this kind of unequal relationship can show this kind of disrespect that is completely inconsistent with the mainstream in a place like Neon where male chauvinism is rampant. The humble relationship comes.

What Levi didn't know was that both of his conjectures were very close to the truth.

Li Wei looked like he was watching a good show. He was a man with quite a lot of interests and hobbies. In addition to all kinds of otaku hobbies, he also especially liked to watch other people's misfortune. Every time he watched a sandbox video on the Internet, he could laugh out loud. .

For him, watching other people have fun is a very pleasant way to spend time.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't have as good a hearing as Li Wei, so she was quite surprised when she saw that the girl who came to find trouble actually had a disagreement with her male partner. Li Wei held down Kasumigaoka Shiyu's delicate hand and whispered: "Don't panic, I want to see what kind of medicine she sells in this gourd." The handsome boy Nono said to himself: "Aren't you the same? Are you staring fiercely at the boy next to Kasumigaoka Shiyu?"

Although his voice was very low, it was still heard by the tall girl. Her expression changed instantly, a little ferocious and a little angry: "You have no right to accuse me. If I hadn't begged dad for mercy, you would have been in Niu by now." Liquor is being sold in Lang’s shop! You and your family don’t even have a place to stay!”

Li Wei's eyes lit up, good guy, there is indeed something hidden, a cunning young lady and a poor boy, what a delicious melon. scholar.

Chapter 102. Citrus aroma?

Li Wei shared his ability with Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Li Wei's voice sounded in Kasumigaoka Shiyu's heart.

(It’s me, Shiyu, and I’m going to share part of my listening experience with you, so that you can also come and see this wonderful show)

(Honey, is this a so-called spiritual conversation?)

(That’s right, watch a show, watch a show.)

Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt that her hearing suddenly became much more sensitive, and she could hear all kinds of small sounds clearly, which she was a little uncomfortable with.

However, with this kind of hearing, she could clearly hear the whispers between the tall girl and the handsome boy.

The dispute between the two people shocked her. She didn't expect that the tall girl was originally looking for trouble with her, but it would eventually develop like this.

"Nine-five-three" Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Li Wei's side face with a slight surprise on his face.

The tall girl whispered to the handsome boy: "Today is the day when I hold a class reunion. I don't want to argue with you. I will go to the piano to play a song later and show off your talent."

The handsome boy said in a low voice: "I'm not very used to the grand piano here. I'm afraid that the performance will not meet your expectations."

"I tell you to do it! Just do it! Don't give me reasons, I don't care how well you can play, just play for me!" the tall girl said arrogantly.

The smile on the face of the handsome young man was particularly bitter. Li Wei and Kasumigaoka Shiyu who were listening on the side were both a little surprised. At the same time, they also sighed in their hearts. It is really not easy for this unknown young man to find such a significant other. .

The tall girl said to Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "Today is your luck. I don't want to get angry with you on such a good day."

The tall girl left after saying that. She didn't talk to anyone she knew well. She just sat there and sulked with her arms folded.

When the annoying person left, Kasumigaoka Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I don't know who she is, but I don't want to talk to her because she is too troublesome. Although she has a bottom line in doing things, her character is really lethargic. People are annoying.”

"It's good to have a bottom line. After all, the campus problems here in Neon are quite serious." Levi said.

Kasumigaoka Shiu said: "Actually, to a certain extent, I have to thank her. With her as a shield, I did not encounter direct bullying in the three years of junior high school. How could I not know her name? She His name is Ren Yamashiro, and his family runs a company. Although he is not as wealthy as the Eiriri family, he is still someone that ordinary people need to look up to."

Levi said with a smile: "I feel like she doesn't have many friends."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu nodded and said: "If I am rejected by other girls because of this face, then she relies on her own character to destroy a good hand. She has no friends, only because of various reasons. The followers gathered around her for this reason, but I won’t thank her because she was also one of the people who made trouble for me in the first place.”

Kasumigaoka Shiu knew the other person's mentality. At the beginning, Yamashiro Ren regarded her as his own toy. His strong and twisted possessiveness brought a lot of trouble to Kasumigaoka Shiu, but to a certain extent, Protected her from harassment by others.

Fortunately, Ren Yamashiro still had a certain bottom line. Kasumigaoka Shiu only had to deal with her well and did not encounter any real siege, such as someone smearing glue on a seat, throwing thumbtacks in sneakers, and textbooks being stolen. Kasumigaoka Shiyu had never encountered these extremely bad situations when people were hiding, and it was because of Ren Yamashiro's blessing.

After a spiritual dialogue with Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Li Wei discovered that in a sense, Yamashiro Ren protected Kasumigaoka Shiyu for three years.

Levi looked in the direction of Ren Yamashiro and found that the other person was looking at him with hateful eyes. At this time, Levi realized that the malice just now was not aimed at Kasumigaoka Shiyu, but at him.

It's just that the two people were sitting too close to each other, and because of the angle, Kasumigaoka Shiu was right between him and Yamashiro Ren, so he judged the malice directed at him as the malice directed at Kasumigaoka Shiu... ...Li Wei yelled in his heart, damn, this situation is probably not about the "citrus aroma" unfolding.

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