Levi was very proficient in editing intelligence. He quickly completed the intelligence exchange with the country, and then he closed the communication.

Levi sat on the chair in front of the desk and stretched out. So far, the plan has gone smoothly. Except for a few unstable factors, most of the situations are as he expected.

The force that Li Weiwei couldn't control was the subjugated machine industry, but he didn't need to worry about this aspect. There was a department in the country specifically targeting this terrorist force.

If you simply use violent means, you can quickly obtain information related to this organization, but such a large-scale war is very troublesome, and it will also attract unnecessary domestic attention. Therefore, professional matters are left to professionals, and All he has to do is wait for the net to be closed.

Levi did the math and found that he had established a solid relationship with all the important female characters in the original plot. In addition to the Shino no bundle floating in the sky and Madoka Oribara who had just entered the academy, these two girls still needed to spend some time. time.

Originally, Levi didn't like Xiao Zhizhi very much. After all, the original White Knight incident was the root of the distortion of human society. But after he understood the inside story, his prejudice against Xiao Zhizhi was lifted.

Under the circumstances at that time, Xiao Zhizhi, as a neon person, was trying to protect her country and family. In addition, it was not an invasion, but pure self-defense without crossing the line. This shows that she was not a war madman. .

After the White Knight incident, she withstood the pressure of countries around the world and did not disclose the secrets of the IS armor core. All major countries that wanted to manufacture new armor had to purchase it from her. Xiao Zhizhi deliberately lowered the core production, so ten years later, the total number of IS armors in the world is only more than 2,000.

If she had not withstood external pressure and handed over the technology of the armor core, then there would be more than two thousand IS armors in the world now, and the number would at least double. And the use of this kind of weapon If it comes to war, the intensity of the war will become quite terrifying.

Finally, the thing that made Levi change his mind was the signing of the IS armor prohibition militarization treaty, which she facilitated.

Xiao Zhizhi used the threat of cutting off supplies to bring many major powers back to the negotiating table and signed a treaty prohibiting the militarization of IS armor. Now it is clear that major powers do not support the militarization of armor, even if they want to engage in armed Transformation is also done secretly and secretly, and one does not dare to put it on the table.

Because the treaty is written, if any country that signed the agreement dares to openly militarize armor, then she will cancel the country's armor core supply. The countries that signed the agreement were naturally unwilling to give up such interests, so the arming of the armor was carried out in the name of competition, and they did not dare to go too far, lest they force Xiao Zhizhi to cut off his confession.

In Levi's view, IS armor technology is like a disaster in Pandora's box. Xiao Zhizhi is the unlucky guy who opened the box. However, although the box was opened, it was not fully opened. Xiao Zhizhi died. It has severely blocked the lifeblood of each major country, controlled the number of IS armored cores, and prevented the world from completely sliding into the abyss.

Levi used his own intelligence channels to find out who had hijacked so many missiles, and frantically targeted Neon, hoping to completely wipe Neon off the world map. .

The results of the investigation did not surprise him. Subjugated Machinery Industry is still the king of lice and debts. However, this matter also made Li Wei see clearly. Subjugated Machinery Industry will definitely not be the leader. An extremist organization led by neon people, and all Asian countries have been cleared of suspicion.

Because Neon is on the plate moving zone, once Neon is really completely blown up, it will not only be Neon itself that will be unlucky, but also Chongguo, Beibang, Nanbang, Rakshasa, and every country in East Asia will be affected. Huge negative impact on my nephew.

So far, the countries with the highest suspicions are Amei Kan Country, Yu Country, Falai Xi Country, and Neon Lu Chen. These countries can gain the greatest benefits.

Chapter 4. White lies

Li Wei's prejudice against Xiao Zhizhi disappeared. When he looked at the girl from a rational perspective, he realized that Xiao Zhizhi himself was also a very unlucky guy.

At this time, in the production workshop of a small space station equipped with optical camouflage located in the high orbit of the earth, Xiao Zhizhizhu was standing in front of the experimental bench, busy working on the body that had not yet been armored.

Next to her, Sophia, the puppet clone who looked exactly like Tifa, was sitting on a chair, looking in the direction of the experimental table with curiosity.

Sophia put her chin on her hands and said, "Zhu, it's so boring. You don't even play with me anymore."

Xiao Zhizhi didn't even look back. For her companion who came from another world, she was already used to his off-line character. She always thought that she was enough to get off the line, but after meeting the carefree Sophia, she felt that she was already very diligent.

Xiao Zhizhishu said: "I don't have time to play with you now. There are game consoles in the lounge. Although you can't play online games, there are all stand-alone games."

Sofia lay on the small desk and said feebly: "But I want to play two-player Mario Kart with you. Personally, it's not fun at all. When will your work over there end?"

Xiao Zhizhi said without raising his head: "If you can wait, you can give me two hours. Within two hours, I should be able to complete this part of the work."

Sophia said: "It's really strange. I didn't expect you to have real time. But having said that, you are really willing to give it away. This armor is a gift. This is a collector's edition that you made purely by hand. Your sister is really lucky. "

Sophia is Levi's puppet clone. Levi's body can use this puppet as a base to use spells remotely. However, because his body is not here, the effect of the spell will be attenuated to a certain extent and cannot reach the effect of using the body. .

Xiao Zhizhi said without raising her head: "Because I only have such a sister, so I must be a qualified sister. I have destroyed the beautiful environment in which she grew up. The only thing I can do now is Just equip her with powerful armor to protect her from harm.”

Xiao Zhizhi knows very well in his heart that the current situation is getting more and more chaotic. On the surface, it looks like singing and dancing, but underneath it is an undercurrent. The current situation, even if it is the outbreak of the Third World War, She won't find it strange, because the world now is a dynamite barrel, and any spark can detonate it.

How can the eggs be completed under the whole nest? In such a chaotic environment, it is not easy to protect the people around you, so she spent such effort to customize a fourth-generation IS for her sister Xiao Zhizhen, which is unique in the world. Armor.

Sophia said: "Here we go again, the world will become what it is now, and it is not caused by you personally. You are just a fuse at best. Even without you, the situation will still become quite bad."

Xiao Zhishu said: "But after all, I became the fuse and detonated the explosive barrel. This is a fact, and I will not deny it."

Sophia said: "If there was a chance to atone, how would you choose?"

Xiao Zhizhi froze. This question also appeared in her mind when she couldn't sleep at night. Guilt, regret, pain, powerlessness, and all kinds of negative emotions tortured her. For a long time, she was in a state of self-consciousness. closed state.

During that time, she was in a state of confusion and almost starved to death in the space station. When she felt that she was about to die, the figures of her family appeared in front of her, so she slapped herself hard. Slap in the face, determined to live an ugly life for the sake of his family and to make up for the harm he caused to the world.

Xiao Zhizhi knows that many people want her to die, but before she completes her atonement, she will struggle to live. This is her apology to the world.

Xiao Zhizhi said: "You can't turn back time, but in that situation, activating the White Knight was my only choice. Even if it were to happen again, I would make that choice. After all, if I don't do this, there will be consequences. Nearly 200 million people have completely disappeared from the world. Such a death toll is already more exaggerated than a world war. Sophia, was there any major war in the world you were in before? "

Sophia smiled and said: "I came to this world because I was unlucky to die in the war. Don't look at my lazy appearance. I can be regarded as a great witch and there is no way to escape military service."

Xiao Zhizhi stopped what he was doing and said curiously: "Do witches also need to perform military service? The word witch sounds unusual. You should be an extraordinary person in your world, right? Don't there be extraordinary people? Privilege?”

Sophia said: "We are all witches. There are no privileges. I am just a research-oriented witch who is not good at frontal combat. I stay in the rear and do my own research. Who knows that I will be attacked by the opponent? The troops made a sneak attack on the floating continent where they were located, and the entire floating continent was blown into pieces. I remember that I was also shattered into pieces at that time. Who knew that I would come to this world after closing my eyes."

Xiao Zhizhi was very curious in her heart, what would a world full of witches be like.

Sophia said: "Thank you for taking me in during this period, but I have to go home. Once I heal my injuries and repair the damaged blood roots, I will be able to locate the location of my home universe and then teleport back."

Xiao Zhizhi was surprised in her heart. In her opinion, it is difficult to explain the principle of cross-universe teleportation using existing science. However, considering that the black girl in front of her is a witch with magical power, she can do it. This kind of thing doesn't seem strange.

Xiao Zhizhishu said: "Sofia, your hometown was at war before? Who was fighting whom? What is the situation in the entire world?"

As a scientific researcher, Xiao Zhizhi is also quite curious, so he will naturally be interested in such things.

Levi's original statement is also giving this puppet a reason to quit. It's like the researcher's clone now in the country. It's because of his physical injuries. He relies on burning himself to advance the research progress. When his original body becomes like this After Bian's plan is over, the researcher's clone can take a lunch and leave.

As for Sophia, after getting along for a period of time, Xiao Zhizhi has developed a certain dependence on it, so she cannot be allowed to leave hastily like a researcher clone. It is precisely because of this that Levi came up with the idea Such a reason. Use the reason of going home to fool Xiao Zhizhi, so that when Sophia disappears, Xiao Zhizhi will not be sad.

In Levi's opinion, this was a white lie.

Chapter. Props to deceive people

Lies can hurt, but sometimes without the lies, the hurt would be greater and more painful.

Li Wei knows this very well, and Xiao Zhizhi looks quite optimistic on the surface, but in fact she is mentally very fragile, and her long-term negative emotions are tormenting her. Although she has gotten rid of this negative state now, but before The influence is still there for her.

The meaning of the existence of Sofia's puppet clone was initially just a tool used to spy on intelligence. However, after discovering that the truth of the matter was not what he imagined, the meaning of the existence of Sofia's puppet changed. This clone He is a psychotherapist who exists to help Xiao Zhizhi get out of his original shadow.

Sophia said: "Your world has had two world wars. All the mainstream countries in the world have participated in the war. The lives of hundreds of millions of people have been completely destroyed by the war. This is really a sad thing. But our side The situation is not much better. Witches from all countries have been involved in the war. Even the dead witches have been summoned back from the underworld by various countries and joined the army. However, the witches' war has caused the greatest casualties. As a cannon fodder servant race, for the witch who has conquered death and time, death is just a long vacation in the underworld. When everyone's servant race is almost dead, we can sit down and have a good negotiation."

Xiao Zhizhi wanted to complain, but didn't know where to start. The war between the witches seemed to have done little harm to the tribe itself. The ones who died the most were the servant races below.

Sophia continued: "Only witches can truly kill witches. In my current situation, I originally thought I was going to the underworld, but who knew I was sent to a different universe. In this situation, I would rather go to the underworld." Well, with my research skills, I will be resurrected after the war is over. Then I will continue my research and they will continue to quarrel with theirs. How wonderful is that?"

Xiao Zhizhi's expression at this time was very much like a subway old man's mobile phone.jpg. Sure enough, it is difficult for humans and witches, a superhuman race that has conquered death, to have a common language.

But after hearing Sofia's talk about the witches' daily life that made people want to complain, she felt better unconsciously. Maybe witches are very happy existences. It would be great if she could be as cheerful as those witches. .

Sofia looked at Xiao Zhizhi who smiled, and the corners of her mouth curved. The function of this clone was pistachio, and now it seems~, the effect is pretty good.

Xiao Zhizhi glanced at the machine that was still being assembled on the experimental table, patted his forehead, and said: "I almost forgot important things while chatting. When I have free time later, let's talk about things about your hometown, Sophia. Well. I am very curious about a world where all witches are, the social structure of witches, the reproductive inheritance of witches, and the culture of witches. Can you tell me all of this!"

Sophia had a proud smile on her face, Xiao Zhizhi's current state was pretty good.

As for the strange questions in Shinozhizhu's head, Sophia is not worried at all. The ontology has made detailed settings for her thinking circuit. Using a huge database, the ontology has built a complete world view of the witch. Various related settings, if made into paper documents, would be enough to fill half a small library.

After all, the world view of the Witch of All Nations itself has a reference object. Li Wei quite likes this novel. When Li Wei reads the novel, he not only pays attention to the plot, but also pays attention to the assumptions of the world view. A complete and excellent world view is not just a novel. If you can write this novel, you can even go further and construct an entire series. If you don't pay attention to the posture of the world view, writing a part may be your limit.

Li Wei withdrew his extra attention. If Xiao Zhizhi's side was in good condition, there would be no need for him to rush for the two sides to meet. Now, there is still some time before closing the net, and he is confident that within this period of time A thorough strategy for Shino no Bunch.

Levi shifted his perspective to the other girls, and fixed his perspective on Yamada Maya. At this time, Yamada Maya was only wearing a very cool silk nightgown, sitting in front of the desk, writing tomorrow's lesson plan.

Yamada Maya is a very talented girl, but while God rewards her with food, she also works very hard. It is precisely because of this that she is able to gain the recognition of the college and the respect of the students. Although, Yamada Maya really doesn't have any dignity when facing the students. The students regard her as a talkative big sister.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

Yamada Maya stretched and whispered: "I wonder what Li Weijun is doing now... Is he dating other girls? Really, he is obviously a playboy, but I just can't control myself... …”

The figure of Levi appeared in Yamada Maya's mind, and her breathing became rapid. Levi's figure became clearer and clearer, like a mark engraved on her heart that was difficult to erase.

Yamada Maya opened the drawer of the desk. Inside the drawer, there were stacks of various photos of Levi. These were secretly taken by students in private. Because of the advanced technology and equipment technology, even if it is a candid shot, the clarity is still high. Equivalent to the original SLR camera HD mode.

......... .... ...

Yamada Maya pulled out a photo from the photo pile. It was a photo of Levi wearing IS armor and secretly taken while repairing the ground.

Li Wei was indifferent to things like being secretly photographed. As a person who practices immortality and qi, he has very keen perception. If someone secretly photographed him, how could he know? He simply didn't want to care about this kind of thing.

It is also a comedy. His photos have become something similar to the equivalent of the girls in the college. They can even be spent directly as money. Of course, it is limited to private transactions.

Li Wei is very popular in the college, so there is no need to worry about getting rid of his photos. Whether they are in the upper division or the university division, many girls have his photos in their hands. Of course, they all tacitly agreed to keep this kind of thing a secret from Li Wei himself, although this kind of confidentiality was of little use to Li Wei.

Yamada Maya looked at the photo in fascination, took a deep breath, put the photo on her chest, squeezed it hard on the car light, reached down with her free hand, and started to self-electrify the backup brain.

Li Wei was delighted. He didn't expect that Maya Yamada, who was usually dignified and graceful, also looked like a little girl. A naughty idea came to Levi's mind. If he suddenly knocked on the door of Maya Yamada's room at this time, he didn't know how she would react.

Chapter. Supernatural Powers

Levi is a very action-oriented person who does what he says he will do.

However, there is a considerable distance between the student dormitory and the teacher's dormitory. It would take a long time to walk there, so Li Weibei continued to watch the show and waited until the right time to teleport directly there. This distance is a bit far for ordinary people, but For his transmission, there is almost no delay.

Maya Yamada was doing some weird things with Levi's photos, but from a male perspective, they were quite eye-catching.

At this time, Levi used the cleaning spell to clean himself up, and at the same time added a light layer of incense. He also changed the clothes he was wearing when going out, and used a gourmet tablecloth to display the entire box of sushi, as well as two small bottles of exquisitely packaged sushi. of sake.

Levi also has a good understanding of Yamada Maya's dietary preferences. He has established a corresponding database for each of his partners and updated them in real time. Every girl on the floating island, whether she is a formal partner or a maid with a lower status, Li Wei knows all their information.

Soon, Yamada Maya reached the peak, and at this time, Levi directly started the teleportation, came to the door of Yamada Maya's apartment, and knocked on the door at the same time.

In the room, Yamada Maya was startled by the sudden knock on the door. She jumped up like a frightened cat, and then her calf hit the desk leg. She squatted down instantly. painful.

Levi, who has an external sense of perception, is well aware of everything happening in the room, but he didn't expect that his knock on the door would cause such a big stimulus to the other party.

Levi did not open the door rashly and enter, but waited patiently and said at the same time: "Sister Zhenye, open the door, I am Levi."

In the dormitories in the college, when the user is in the dormitory, there will be a status prompt on the electronic screen next to the door. This is to facilitate the dormitory manager to check whether there is anyone in the room. It is precisely because of this that Yamada Maya cannot pretend that she is not at home.

After hearing Levi's voice, Yamada Maya climbed up despite the pain and began to quickly clean up the battlefield. All the photos were locked in the desk drawer. At the same time, she found a sports coat, put it on, and zipped it up.

After doing all this, Yamada Maya suppressed the pain in her calf, ran to the door in small steps, and opened the door for Levi. Levi looked at Yamada Maya who was a little embarrassed and said, "Sister Maye, are you crying?"

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