Yamada Maya took out a small kitchen knife from the knife holder nearby and began to process various ingredients that can be eaten raw. Onigiri is a very flexible dish. You can decide whether to add fillings to the rice ball and what kind to add according to your own preferences.

4 Yamada Maya feels that she is in very good condition now, so she is planning to do more complicated tricks. If she were like her in the past, she would naturally try to save trouble when making rice balls, and she would make it as simple as possible. But now, with the optimization of her own physique, she is able to control most kitchen utensils with ease, and the efficiency of processing ingredients is completely unmatched by her before.

After a while, the preparation of rice ball fillings is completed. Now you only need to wait for the rice in the rice cooker to be cooked before you can start making rice balls.

Yamada Maya's personality tends to be conservative, and she is a very traditional good wife and mother. After attaching herself to Levi, she only thought about it briefly and found her own position. And she also roughly guessed which girls had an unusual relationship with Levi. As the "big sister", she had to set a certain example.

Yamada Maya said softly: "I don't think our relationship can be disclosed to the public for the time being, right?"

Yamada Maya knew in her heart that if the relationship between the two was made public now, it might have a negative impact on Levi's relationship with other girls. Naturally, she would not make such a mistake if she was sensible.

Levi gently rubbed Yamada Maya's head and said softly: "An Xin, your status will never be less. I am not a bastard who likes the new and hates the old. It's just that Sister Maye, you are a teacher after all. If now If we make our relationship public, you won't be able to control the monkeys in the class. If you want to convince them head-on, that's what Chifuyu-san can do."

Yamada Maya took off her apron, turned around, pushed Levi to the sand, pushed Levi down on the sand, then rode on Levi's lower abdomen, looked at Levi condescendingly, and said: " Speaking of Qianfuyu, I have always felt that your relationship with her is weird, tell me the truth, do you like Qianfuyu?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "Who doesn't like a beauty like Sister Qianfuyu, but the relationship between me and her has not yet reached the level that I have with you now."

After Yamada Maya learned about this reality, she didn't have any thoughts in her heart, because she knew that with Chifuyu Orimaru's excellence, it was normal for Levi to like him. Excellent people are always lovable, as long as their personalities are not too big. defects, no matter where they are. Not to mention, Orima Chifuyu is an outstanding teacher among all teachers.

It can be said that even for a female body, Chifuyu Orimaru is a very attractive existence. Her valiant and heroic appearance has made many girls think, "Sister, don't be too rigid about your gender, I can do it." idea.

Originally, the orientations of these teachers were very normal before they entered the academy to teach, but after spending time with Orima Chifuyu, they were all changed.

Even now, when the conflict between men and women is very serious, Chifuyu Orimadara still has a large number of male supporters outside the academy. Her charm has reached the point where both men and women kill each other.

Therefore, Yamada Maya did not find it strange that Levi said that he had a crush on Chifuyu Orima because she also had a crush on Chifuyu. Of course, her crush was only at the level of a friend, and Chifuyu was nothing to her. She is said to be a strict and reliable senior, but also a target that needs to be pursued. When you are with excellent people, you can become even better. Taking Chifuyu Orima as a benchmark, Maya Yamada spent several years making herself even better.

Yamada Maya said: "As for Chifuyu, if you don't intervene, Li Weijun, what will her future be like?"

Levi has already woven a complete set of lies in his mind. Faced with such a question, it is natural that he will not be unable to answer it.

Levi said: "She can escape. After all, as the world's strongest IS armored pilot, her strength is guaranteed. Even if she can't be beaten, if she wants to run, no one can stop her. "

Yamada Maya said: "In other words, except for Chifuyu, it is difficult for others to survive, right? There is a high probability that I will not be able to survive in the future. But then again, who did it? Such a thing?"

Li Wei said: "I can't see clearly, but there is a high probability that it will be a subjugated machine industry."

Levi directly put the blame on the subjugated machine industry. The largest financial backers behind the subjugated machine industry are various traditional chaebols, and some of these chaebols have traditional patriarchal structures. Therefore, it is not nonsense for Li Wei to throw the blame on the subjugated machine industry.

Yamada Maya nodded. She also had a certain understanding of this terrorist force. This was a terrorist organization that she could not understand at all. From the ultimate goal to the program of action, everything was a mystery.

But every time this organization appears, it will bring serious damage to this fragile world. This organization has existed for a long time, but in the past ten years, the destructive power of this organization can be said to have increased countless times. Big news can come out every time.

Levi said: "Although the future cannot be completely seen, it is enough for me to be able to grasp the current level of information. This kind of information is enough for me to prepare countermeasures in advance."

Levi gently held Yamada Maya's hands, and both parties already had a tacit understanding.

"Continue?" Levi said.

"Continue!" Yamada Maya had a knowing smile on her face. She had already experienced the joy of being a woman. Naturally, she would not refuse such a thing. Moreover, it is still early and there is still quite some time before class. If you don’t do something during this time, it always feels like it is wasted.

Chapter. The secret of the subjugated machine industry

The subjugated machinery industry in this world is very complicated in its composition and has many internal problems, so it feels incomprehensible to people.

According to the intelligence obtained by Li Wei from domestic sources, the Subjugated Machinery Industry is actually a collective name, not an organization, but a union of multiple organizations.

On the surface, these organizations are all known as the Subjugation Machine Industry to the outside world. The organizations are not subordinate to each other. Even the members of the organization do not know the affairs of other organizations. Some people even think that they are the only Subjugation Machinery Industry.

Seeing this kind of operation, Li Wei understood what was going on. In other words, the name "Subjugation Machine Industry" was a target brought to the surface. The people behind the scenes could use these underground forces for their own benefit. Go do something you want to do, but can't do in public.

After the goal was achieved, the people behind the scenes reaped the benefits, while the name of Suiguo Jiye was infamy. The name itself was just a vest, and it had already been used to death by the people behind the scenes.

But this also gave Li Wei inspiration. Since everyone is using the vest of Subjugated Machine Industry, why can't he, Li, use it?

Moreover, Suiguo Machinery Industry had enough scapegoats on its head. Before he came up with such an idea, someone had used Suiguo Machinery Industry's vest to cause trouble.

Levi learned this information through the domestic intelligence database. The country has been fighting against this organization for more than thirty years. In the past, in order to check and balance the Rakshasa Kingdom, the Chongguo in this world was also attracted by Europe and the United States, and the two sides also had a honeymoon period.

With the disintegration of Big Brother, the world situation has suddenly changed, and the sudden rise of Chongguotu has attracted more and more attention. The rulers behind the scenes in Europe and the United States naturally do not want to see such a situation, so they also use various means to This kind of means is an eyesore for the country, and the subjugation machine industry is their black glove, and the subjugation machine industry has really caused real losses to the country, and because of this organization, it has caused thousands of casualties.

It can be said that there is a blood feud between the country and the subjugated machine industry, so the country will be so careful to collect information about this terrorist organization. After decades of hard work, some important information has finally been discovered, and the country has also understood its true identity. Who the enemy is can no longer be deceived by lack of intelligence.

It is said that the authorities are obsessed with people, but in fact, Levi is not immune to this kind of thing. Before entering this world, due to the limited information he obtained, he could not understand this strange terrorist organization that repeatedly jumped into the original plot, and its high-level officials. How do brain circuits grow?

Now, he finally understands that the Subjugation Machinery Industry is just a mad dog released from the cage by the people behind the scenes. Even if the Subjugation Machinery Industry disappears, other organizations of the same type will be born.

As for why the truth was discovered only recently, it was also because Levi was unwilling to use bottom-breaking means on his compatriots, so it took him so long.

If information is obtained from outsiders, Levi can quickly obtain the information he wants without caring about the bottom line.

After the warm morning time was over, Levi teleported back to his dormitory before getting ready.

Charlotte looked at Levi, who had just returned at this time, with curiosity in her eyes, but she felt that the relationship between herself and Levi was not familiar enough to ask such a sensitive question, so she swallowed her curiosity. go back.

Levi said: "I went to the research institution last night to test the new machine. You were taking a shower at that time, and I didn't say hello to you. You should have seen the note I left."

Charlotte nodded. When she came out of the shower yesterday, she saw the note left by Levi at the bathroom door. However, she still had some doubts in her heart as to why this kind of adjustment test needed to be done at night. But considering that the academy is a self-contained department and many rules are different from those of the outside world, in order to protect confidentiality, it is reasonable to conduct tests during that kind of underworld time period.

Levi said: "Char, you have been here for a few days. How do you feel about the environment here? If there is anything, don't keep it in your heart, just tell me directly."

Charlotte nodded and said, "The students are all quite friendly, so far there have been no problems."

Charlotte is a girl herself, and she is quite good-looking and has a good foundation. Even if she wears makeup as a man, it will not damage her charm. That kind of sexual style gave her a certain degree of popularity in the class. After all, this kind of sexual style has a sassy style, which is different from ordinary femininity and does not disgust women, so she has not been attacked by her as expected. There will be some rejection.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

Levi was very clear about Charlotte's situation, but he still nodded pretendingly and said: "If that's the case, that's fine. But if there are no problems now, it doesn't mean there will be no problems in the future. I am in the academy I'm still a bit thin inside, so if you really encounter any trouble, just tell me directly, and I can resolve most problems directly."

Levi's words made Charlotte feel curious, because Levi's tone seemed to be that the academy was run by his family, but everyone has secrets. Although she was curious about this question, she also knew that even if she asked it, she would not be able to do it. will get the answer.

......... .... ...........

The two of them left the dormitory together and went to the cafeteria closest to the dormitory building. Levi had already had breakfast at Yamada Maya's place, but in order not to arouse Charlotte's suspicion, he still went there with Charlotte. In the canteen, I ordered something to satisfy my stomach.

In the following period, everything in the college was calm. The only thing that caught the attention of the students was that the on-campus qualifying competition for the new school year had begun. This is a virtual event for all students. If they get good results, the college will Rewards will be given, so this event is very attractive to ordinary students.

For the class representatives of each class, a new round of class representative competition is about to begin, which means that Levi's college career can be adjusted a little more.

Time passed like this every day, but Levi did not waste time. In order to conquer Xiao Zhizhi later, he secretly made a large number of disposable puppet clones. These disposable puppet clones are all cannon fodder that can be used and thrown away. And these puppet clones all have one characteristic, that is, they almost have "national subjugation industry" written on their faces, clearly telling others that they are members of a terrorist organization.

These mass-produced puppet clones all have a female appearance, and are equipped with IS armor. They are perfectly disguised. No one except himself will know where these puppet clones come from.

Chapter. The movements of Shino no Bunch

In the space station above the Earth's high orbit, Xiao Zhizhi put the completed IS armor into the storage props. After this period of hard work, she exceeded the task, saving almost a week of time than expected, and arrived ahead of schedule. Completed this armor set.

Sofia next to her snapped her fingers, and a large number of fireworks exploded around the two of them, but they did not leave any traces. Apart from the sound, there was neither smoke nor residue.

Xiao Zhizhishu smiled and said: "Magic is really easy to use. Even in places like the space station, you can use fireworks to celebrate, and you don't have to worry about subsequent cleaning."

Sophia smiled and said: "The power of magic is very miraculous. As long as the magic power is enough, magic can do almost anything, even transcend death and time. This is just a super trick, a little trick for the little witch to learn."

Xiao Zhizhi was very envious of the world described by Sophia, but she did not intend to leave with Sophia because she still had family in this world, and she, an ordinary person, could not integrate into a society where all witches were present. of.

Sophia said: "You have contacted your sister before. When do you plan to send the armor down? If I didn't need to recuperate, I would just open a portal for you and drive it to the vicinity of the academy. There would be no need for it. Run away like this."

Xiao Zhizhishu smiled and said: "You are injured after all, so you should stop tormenting yourself less."

Some time ago, a large amount of satellite debris suddenly appeared in high-altitude orbit. These debris rapidly circled the earth in high-altitude orbit, which was very dangerous for the space station.

Sophia showed her own strength and used magic bullets to directly blow up countless space junk into powder, preventing the space station from falling into a dangerous situation.

Humanity is launching more and more artificial satellites into outer space. There are more and more abandoned artificial satellites in high-altitude orbits that have been abandoned because their service life has reached their limit. This not only threatens the safety of satellites of various countries, but also poses a threat to this hidden planet. It had a negative impact on the space station here.

In order to prove her strength, Sophia used her own way to clean up the debris in orbit that could pose a threat to the space station, and then pretended to be recovering from her old injuries. Until now, she is living a life like a rice worm.

However, Sophia's laziness did not make Xiao Zhizhi unhappy. After all, she had prevented the space station from being attacked by space junk. For this reason alone, she was willing to raise this rice bug for her whole life, let alone Sophia for her. Providing a lot of cross-border technology and inspiration, this favor is not so easy to return.

The reason why Sophia pretended that she was recovering from her old injuries was also for her own plan. After all, with the magical power of magic, Xiao Zhizhi didn't need to wear armor and break into the atmosphere to deliver goods in this troublesome way. Without this process, Levi's main body would have to think of other ways to achieve his own strategy.

Sophia lay on the sand, picked up the handheld game console next to her, continued to play her own game, and said, "Then when are you going to send the things down?"

Xiao Zhizhishu said: "Now."

Sophia put down the game console and said with a puzzled expression on her face: "This is a newly completed armor. Isn't there any testing?"

Xiao Zhizhi confidently patted the headlights of his own car and said with a smile: "As for this armor, as early as the design stage, I have already produced a large number of prototypes and tested them countless times. , I know the performance and stability of the finished product. Moreover, I can feel more at ease if this armor is delivered to Chen as soon as possible."

Xiao Zhizhi had an ominous premonition. She had always been uneasy in her heart. She always felt that something bad would happen. She said it didn't matter if she hid here, but the safety of her family had to be considered.

After all, the level of waste of Neon officials is obvious to all. There is no way to protect her parents properly. Her parents are now staying in Neon. Rather than being protected, they are under the surveillance of many forces.

And her sister, Shino no Hiro, stepped into the quagmire on her own initiative because she became an IS armor pilot. It was precisely because of this that she came up with the idea of ​​making this set of armor.

Sophia said: "If you want to go to Earth, I won't go with you. I will stay and look after your home."

After Xiao Zhizhi clicked, Sofia used a lot of magic power rashly, causing her old injuries to relapse. During this period of time, she was unable to do strenuous exercise. She originally wanted to let Sofia open a portal, and she landed directly on the earth. , and then move towards the college.

In this case, since there is no need to break into the atmosphere, no one will know that she has arrived on Earth until she is discovered by the college's monitoring system.

Unfortunately, Sophia is injured now and cannot open this portal for her, so she has to find a way to get off the earth by herself.

However, traveling between high-altitude orbit and the surface is already a very skilled thing for her, so even without Sophia's help, she feels that there is no problem, but it is just a little troublesome.

Xiao Zhizhi began to pack her luggage. After landing on Earth, she planned to stay at the academy for two days. At the same time, she would hand over the batch of cores to the academy, which would then deliver them to the countries that had previously placed orders.

For prudent reasons, Xiao Zhizhi did not deal directly with each country. Instead, it allowed the academy to act as a buffer for both parties to avoid direct conflicts.

Sofia looked at Xiao Zhizhi who was busy packing her luggage indoors with a playful smile on her face. When Xiao Zhizhi came out, a huge surprise would be waiting for her.

It only took about ten minutes for Xiao Zhizhi to pack his luggage and put all the things into the storage space. Xiao Zhizhi looked at Sophia and said: "When I'm not here, I'll ask you. Take care of your house, remember to brush your teeth and go to bed on time, don’t play games all the time, and do more rehabilitation exercises, which will be good for your body.”

Sophia waved her hand impatiently, without taking her eyes away from the game console, and said: "I know, I know, it feels like I'm back home, being nagged by my mother. I didn't expect that I could escape to other worlds. Nothing like this can happen.”

Xiao Zhizhishu smiled. She was already very familiar with her temporary companion. She knew that he had a worm-like personality, and what he feared most was being nagged by others.


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