Shino Nobushi poured the wine into the cup and gently pushed it in front of Orima Chifuyu, who happened to sit down and caught the pushed wine with his hand.

Oribara Chifuyu twisted her neck, making a crackling sound, and said: "During this period, the house ranking competition and the class representative competition were held at the same time, so I didn't even have enough time to rest."

Xiao Zhizhishu smiled and said: "But I think you are enjoying it. You were not as energetic as you are now."


Orima Chifuyu was really tired during this period, but just like Shino Nobushi said, she enjoyed it. With nowhere to go, she regards the college as her home, so this kind of thing is like having an event at home and having a party, no different from a carnival.

Moreover, the school festival will be held in a while, and by then, she will be able to have a good rest. The custom of school festivals did not exist in the college at the beginning. However, considering that being in a long-term high-pressure state, the physical and mental health of both students and faculty will be negatively affected, so starting from the fourth year of the school’s establishment, the college will hold school festivals every day. Every semester, a week will be set aside to hold a school festival.

Xiao Zhizhishu said: "The college is getting better and better now. It feels like this is a rare pure land, not as smoky as the outside."

Oribara Chifuyu nodded. In the past, she had some complaints about the current situation. After all, her scope of activities was limited to the academy, and she could not even travel.

However, as the world changes, the world outside becomes more and more chaotic. Except for a few big countries that can maintain stability in such a big environment, small countries are no longer able to protect themselves.

In the current environment, the tourism industry around the world has shrunk a lot. Why take you to see the romantic Turkish riding? The Turkish riding is currently in civil strife. Real-life versions of chicken fighting are staged every day, and they still bring heavy vehicles and The kind of fighter plane. Then we went to Tokyo and Bali. Tokyo was not bad. Parades were held in Bali every three days, and the Bai Zuo Precious Materials Movement was causing a stir.

Among the major major countries, only the Great Empire and the Tu Family are at peace. The other major countries are all in disgrace. My sister, you see, this is the election year in our country. Nowadays, there is turmoil every day, and a red-blue war is imminent. Even the older brothers in the mainstream are having a hard time, let alone the younger brothers waiting in line to receive relief food.

Xiao Zhizhi thought of the ground information he had obtained through intelligence channels. All countries in the world were stuck in their own difficulties and wallowing in the mud. These days were indeed not very suitable for traveling around the world.

Oribara Chifuyu said: "So my mentality is now balanced. If I can't get out, it's not a big deal. And now, hasn't Google Maps launched a cloud map street view? When connected to the IS virtual training machine, it can be used as a I’ve traveled around the world by myself¨ˇ.”

Shino Nobuki wanted to complain about Chifuyu Orimaru's behavior, but traveling these days is really boring. Even though the photos of the scenery are very beautiful, the editing actually takes up most of the credit. , if there is no filter, most scenery is actually the same.

Xiao Zhizhi also disguised herself and used a false identity to travel to Europe. Those beautiful places gave her the illusion that she was in Tujia. She did not go to see the scenery, but to count heads.

However, in the past two years, although tourists still go to the European scenic spots she has visited, compared with the peak period, the passenger flow is less than before/, and the chaos spreading around the world has affected many people's pocketbooks. .

Xiao Zhizhishu said: "Actually, traveling is quite tiring. Using a training machine to watch the cloud street view saves you time and money, and you don't have to encounter those bad things. When I went When I was traveling in the country of Hetalia, I was even troubled by the local mafia.”

Xiao Zhizhi remembered her experience of traveling to the country of Hetalia. Those scum could not steal things but rob them. Her opponent was beaten up, and then she beat the younger one and then the older one. , she uprooted the mafia organization and said so in a bad tone.

She was using a false identity at the time, so local officials didn't know she was responsible.

Oribara Chifuyu showed a gloating smile. It was only when she faced Shino Nobuki, her best friend, that she was able to completely let go of the baggage of her image and show her true self in front of him. Anyway, both parties are just funny in each other's eyes. The two people who grew up since childhood are very aware of each other's dark history, so when they get along, they don't need to pretend at all.

Shino Nobushi has become accustomed to Chifuyu Orima's sinister smile, because she does the same thing, and when she discovers something embarrassing about Chifuyu Orima, she will rush to the scene as soon as possible to laugh at him.

Chifuyu Oribara sighed and said: "We are both trapped in the academy, and we have been living in the sky for a long time. We cannot run around casually. Speaking of which, how long do you plan to stay in the academy this time?"

Xiao Zhizhi said: "This time, I am not in a hurry to leave. Maybe I will stay until after the school festival is over and stay in the space station for a long time. To be honest, it is quite uncomfortable. I will just take it as a breather when I come down this time." It’s fresh air.”

Oribara Chifuyu said: "This is really strange. I didn't expect you to have such an idea."

Xiao Zhizhi wants to complain. She is also a human being, and it is difficult for humans to survive alone. Just like her space station, the construction materials are purchased from all over the world. If she wants to build it individually from the beginning A space station will take more than ten years to complete. And because she was willing to spend money, the construction of her space station was completed in only half a year.

In addition to the construction of the space station itself, the meat and vegetables she eats are all imported from Earth. She usually likes to purchase ingredients from China and Germany, purchasing them directly from local farmers. Whether it is price or quality, they are relatively good. Guaranteed.

The scale of the space station itself does not support breeding and planting, because these will consume a lot of oxygen and water. For a space station that has not yet been able to escape the supply of food from the earth, raising animals and growing food are luxury things, and they are not a last resort. I will do it myself.

Of course, if a large-scale war breaks out on the surface, then the space station located in high orbit will become a refuge, and at the same time, various backup tools for survival will also be used.

Xiao Zhizhi said: "I'm just an ordinary human being. Isn't it normal to have such thoughts? The school festival is coming soon. I haven't enjoyed such excitement for a long time. And it's only here. , I don’t need special effects makeup.”

Neither Shino Nobushi nor Oribara Chifuyu can move freely outside. However, Shino Nobukuro, who has mastered superb special effects makeup technology, can go out after being heavily disguised. However, the makeup is very The trouble is that when I go out for a walk, I often have to put on makeup three or four hours in advance, which is very troublesome.

Chifuyu Orimaru filled both herself and the other party with wine. Both of them were adults. When they vented their emotions, they both liked to have some wine to cheer them up.

Oribara Chifuyu sighed and said: "No one's life is easy these days. In this situation, the smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger. I really don't know when a fight will happen."

Xiao Zhizhi held the cup and shook it gently. The ice cubes in the cup collided with each other, causing the wine to reflect colorful light under the light.

Xiao Zhizhishu said with a smile: "A hot war is definitely difficult to fight, but the trade war has already started the year before last. But thanks to the trade war, I can get great discounts when purchasing certain items. Bigger.”.

Chapter. Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite.

Xiao Zhizhi's drinking capacity is quite good. To her, low-alcohol wine is no different from a drink, so after drinking several large glasses, she is still neither blushing nor out of breath. It seems that the amount just now is, for her, just Just rinse your mouth.

Compared with the free and easy manner of Shino Nobushi, Orimaru Chifuyu is not that good at drinking. She already had a thin blush on her face, but she just drank alcohol on her face. She wanted to get completely drunk, but she still I need to fill a few more large bottles.

Xiao Zhizhishu said: "Have you noticed? Compared with the previous years, this year is particularly chaotic. It seems that all the problems have been gathered now. The whole world is like an arsenal filled with explosives. To be honest, , this situation makes me a little scared. Even if a hot war fails, a new round of cold war is likely to start again, but I don’t know who a certain bald eagle will regard as its opponent this time.”

Orima Chifuyu shook his wine glass and said: "There is a high probability that it will be Oikuni. After all, it is not easy to make a fortune in silence these days."

Chifuyu Orimaru is a neon person, and she is a very sober minority. Neon and Oi Kuni are very close, that is, separated by the sea, so she is very aware of the changes that Oi Kuni has brought about due to his wealth over the years. of.

Ten years is enough time for a lot of things to happen. When everyone else regresses due to various reasons, the person who does not regress is the winner. Therefore, it has become increasingly difficult for Chongguo to use the Rakshasa Kingdom as a shield to attract firepower. Not only Chongguo's own people can see this clearly, but she can also see it clearly.

However, compared to a certain bald eagle who has no bottom line, Chifuyu Orimaru feels that it might be much better for a certain rabbit to play the role of big brother. Although the rabbit is also sinister, it is better than a certain rabbit. For a bald eagle, it's important to have face and a bottom line. And a big brother with a bottom line is much better than a big brother who even tries to trick his younger brother.

Xiao Zhizhi nodded. As a free person who wandered among the major forces, if it weren't for the fact that she held the core technology as a death-free gold medal, people like her would have been slapped to death long ago.

Xiao Zhizhishu said: "Let the big guys scratch their heads about the things that the big guys should worry about. Small characters like us should just live in the present and live every day well. By the way, you saved me before. That young man’s name is Li Wei, right? He’s from Chongguo?”

Orima Chifuyu said: "Why, are you curious about him?"

Chifuyu Orimaru has a clear understanding of Levi's charm. Levi's charm is very magical. Even if it just catches her eye, it will never go away, even if she has a strong mind. Therefore, when Xiao Zhizhishu asked Li Wei, she was not surprised in her heart.

Xiaozhizhizhi knew a lot about Levi, but she wanted to hear what Orima Chifuyu had to say, because Orima Chifuyu was Levi's direct class teacher, and the two parties spent a lot of time dealing with each other. The evaluation given by Chifuyu should be relatively objective.

To be honest, she was really curious about Levi. Unlike Oribara Natsu who entered the school through the back door, Levi activated the IS armor as a man in a serious way. It is completely different from Orima Natsu's relationship through the back door. It is not on the same level at all. To say I'm not curious would be a lie.

Considering that Li Wei is likely to become her brother-in-law, it is impossible for her to arrest Li Wei for experiments, so she can only understand Li Wei's situation through people who have frequent contact with Li Wei. It's not the most accurate result, but it can satisfy her curiosity to a certain extent.

Chifuyu Oribara looked at his friend's expression and said without any hesitation, "He is a person who is difficult to explain specifically in words. He can be said to be a very omnipotent existence. What do you want to know about him?"

Oribara Chifuyu is convinced by Levi. Although Levi is younger than her, age has little to do with whether a person is excellent or not. Levi is really excellent. This is what everyone has Facts that can be seen.

Xiao Zhizhi thought for a while and decided to ask the question he was most concerned about first, so he said: "You said he is very popular with girls in school. Are there many girls around him?"

Oribara Chifuyu said: "That is no longer a problem. As the only male in the school, and also a guy with explosive hormones, what do you think will happen? He also has a bottom line and knows how to keep a distance from others, otherwise , the academy has long been in chaos."

Xiao Zhizhishu said: "What about your brother? As for Xia Jun, there should be many girls around him. After all, he is the only male in the school."

Oribara Chifuyu looked a little unhappy, sighed, and said: "Don't mention it, that guy is hopeless. I don't want to say the specific reason. Anyway, he has died socially in the academy, and there are no women." Children will like people like him. To be honest, if he was not my brother, I would not want to control him, and now he is no longer in my control. "

Oribara Chifuyu sighed inwardly. When a person is determined to fall, it is not easy to pull him back. She tried several times but failed. She has done her best to Oribara Kasha. There is nothing more that can be done.

But what Chifuyu Oribara didn't know was that Natsu Oribara had already decided that he would become the king of the world because of Levi's puppet clone "Djinn".

Oribara Natsu is not a pure idiot, so in order to disguise himself and to paralyze everyone around him, he showed a self-destructive look.

In fact, Oribara Kasha had long been mentally prepared to be dropped out of school halfway through, and he was also prepared for his future. He did not use any of the money he received from the academy, but saved it all for future use. As living expenses after leaving the college.

He planned to work part-time after leaving the academy, as long as he could ensure his own survival. For him, as long as he can survive until the "Djinn God" regains his strength, he can get everything he wants. Under the temptation of a bright future, he can endure all the suffering now, and the current situation does not matter to him at all. Not suffering.

Oribara Chifuyu had no idea what kind of ambition her brother had. She simply thought that he had given up on himself after his social death. She didn't know that all of this was just a disguise by Oribara Natsu.

Xiao Zhizhishu sighed and said: "Although I don't know what happened, it looks like it's not a good thing."

Chifuyu Oribara smiled bitterly and said: "Life is unsatisfactory. I have become accustomed to this kind of life. Moreover, although Xia is my younger brother, he and I are different individuals after all. I cannot do everything for him. He has no choice, and he has to clean up the things he did wrong by himself. There are some things I can't help him with."

Shinozuki can understand Orima Chifuyu's difficulties. Within a family, no matter how good the relationship between brothers and sisters is, they are different individuals after all, and they must maintain the most basic distance from each other, regardless of good intentions or malice. in this way.

Every family has sutras that are difficult to recite, so why not her Xiaozhizhizhi.

Chapter. The feeling of heartbeat

Xiao Zhizhi recalled the moment when Li Wei appeared at her most desperate moment. At that time, she felt that she had no hope and was just making her final death struggle unwillingly. But Li Wei appeared, The appearance helped her break through the siege net, and later destroyed the entire siege force of the subjugated machine industry against her.

It is impossible for such a hero to save a beauty without having any thoughts in his heart. Originally, she knew Levi's position very clearly, that is, his future brother-in-law. But it was different now. Now, she had to accept it. She was moved by Levi.

After landing on the ground with Li Wei, looking at Li Wei's face, she felt nervous that she had fallen in love at first sight. The powerful and gentle Li Wei could bring a boundless sense of security just by standing next to him.

Xiao Zhizhishu felt a little regretful in his heart that his sister had taken the lead and met such a good man. She was also a little jealous, why was it Xiao Zhizhen who met Li Wei first? She also wanted to have such luck.

There was a moment of silence between the two, and Xiao Zhizhi ended the silence and said: "This time I was rescued by that boy. If he hadn't arrived in time, I might have been kidnapped by the people of the subjugation industry. Yes. I owe him a huge favor, and it’s really a difficult problem to repay this favor."

Oribara Chifuyu picked up a piece of chocolate from the snack plate nearby and threw it into her mouth. While chewing it, she said: "It is indeed difficult to repay such a favor, even in a lifetime, but I believe that with your You should be able to repay this favor with your financial resources. Unlike a poor teacher like me, you are a rich woman."

Chifuyu Orimaru's tone was a bit sour. As a teacher at IS Academy, compared to the outside workers, she can be said to be a golden-collar worker with guaranteed income despite droughts and floods. Her annual income is more than 400,000 U.S. dollars. Plus, within the academy Adding up all kinds of benefits and miscellaneous things, her total income reached an annual salary of more than 100,000 US dollars.

With an annual salary of 100,000 US dollars, one can be said to be at the top of the earth's labor force, and can be regarded as one of the top % of people in the world. However, this pink-haired girl with a nasty figure and mechanical bunny ears on her head is actually a person with a personal wealth of A rich woman with billions of dollars.

Oribara Chifuyu still has a clear idea of ​​how rich she is. Although the pink-furred bunny-eared girl in front of her does not have many fixed assets in the world, her assets are all kinds of high-tech equipment, which can be converted into productivity at any time. This is not comparable to those antique mansions.

Chifuyu Orimaru knew very well that this pink-furred bunny-eared girl could become the world's largest arms supplier at any time if she wanted to. It’s also because she has a high bottom line and won’t do dirty things just for money. Otherwise, her production will exceed tens of billions of dollars and she won’t do anything like that.

Xiao Zhizhishu said: "Money is indeed very important, but Li Weijun is very special. If I use money to repay a favor, it would not only be an insult to him, but also an insult to myself. Favors cannot be repaid only if you have money. , I am a little troubled now, how can I repay this favor so that it is not out of place, and I can still keep in touch with him. After all, if such a strong man can gain his friendship, it will be a sure profit."

Oribara Chifuyu said with a smile: "Then you might as well pledge yourself to me. Isn't this what Okinawa's martial arts novels say, 'A great hero cannot repay his kindness, but a little girl is willing to pledge herself to me in return.'" Hero's grace'."

Xiaozhizhi puffed up her cheeks and said: "Qianfuyu is really mean-spirited. He is obviously making fun of me even though I am so distressed. But to be honest, he is indeed a very charming boy. If you want to say whether he is attracted or not, That’s false, and aren’t you tempted?”

Oribara Chifuyu looked in the direction of the bar, avoided Shino Nobushi's gaze and looked directly at her, and said: "I am also a woman, and it is normal to have a liking for outstanding members of the opposite sex. But I am His teacher is also his sister. This double shackles makes me don’t know how to face him. Recently, I seem to be too strict with him."

Xiao Zhizhishu showed an expression of surprise and said: "You devil instructor still cares about such a thing. You don't really like Li Weijun, do you? Tsk tsk, then your competitive pressure is quite high."

Because of the White Knight Incident ten years ago, extreme feminism has risen, and ordinary women have also been affected by these people. They have become unable to see their own position clearly, so their vision has become higher and higher.

These days, there are quite a lot of women who are obviously not very good, but have very high demands on men, and these women are considered to be out of the marriage market.

However, there are indeed fewer and fewer excellent men these days. Because of the harsh external environment, women who have gained advantages are always trying to suppress men's self-esteem. In such a social environment, men who can still stand out , everyone has two brushes.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

Either they are very rich, so rich that they can silence their partners with money, or they are not that rich, but they are good-looking and talented, and can provide good psychological feedback value to their partners.

Most of the relatively ordinary men have given up on marriage. Therefore, such extreme situations also cause women to be more proactive than men. After all, men have a very long shelf life, while women will begin to decline rapidly after they are thirty years old. The shelf life is only about half that of men of the same age. This huge difference caused by physiological reasons also gives women more motivation than men to find a partner.

Therefore, in the marriage and love markets around the world, outstanding men have become more popular. Beings like Levi who are top-notch in every aspect, even in an environment like IS Academy, still have huge appeal.

......... ..... ...

Oribara Chifuyu said: "It is impossible for me and him. I am a teacher and he is a student. This alone determines that we are destined to not get along. Moreover, I am several years older than him. , It doesn’t matter now, but I am almost thirty years old, and by the time he reaches the new year, I will have already started to grow old.”

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