This can be said to be Li Wei’s personal experience. After all, many things are human-made. If you regress before you start, you can’t do anything and get nothing. You have to fight for what you want. It is the law of survival between people and even between countries.

Charlotte's character is also related to the environment in which she grew up. Too much external pressure prevented her from facing her own desires and thoughts, and this also developed her current character. She seems to be a modest gentleman, but in fact But he keeps escaping.

Being able to say these words to him now was because I felt the crisis in my heart and was forced to say it out.

Levi said: "You will feel better if you speak out what is in your heart. I can understand that people all have the desire to talk."

Levi thought in his heart that this kind of thing does not include him, because his situation is very special, he has secrets that cannot be told to anyone, and it is impossible for others to know the foundation of his life.

Charlotte said: "Levi, am I despicable?"

Levi said: "If pursuing your own happiness is despicable, then there is nothing right. Besides, I never said I would refuse."

"Eh?" Charlotte was stunned when she heard Levi's words.

Levi said: "If I reject you here, then I will not only have an uneasy conscience, I hope that the people around me can be happy. If being around me can make you feel happy, I will go all out." Go get this done.”

·Asking for flowers·· ······

Charlotte gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a smile: "Levi, you are so cunning. If you are so gentle, no girl can refuse you."

Levi said: "But being gentle is not a mistake. I just want everyone around me to get their own happiness. For strong people, gentleness can give people around them what they want, but for weak people, no matter how gentle they are, it doesn't matter." The usefulness. Although my words may sound a bit extreme, the world is like this, even gentleness needs to be qualified."

Just like what the great teacher said, this world is neither gentle nor correct. Therefore, it is very hard to live in such a world without sufficient strength.


Levi himself has witnessed many tragedies, so he understands that if he wants to bring happiness to the girls around him, he cannot be like those gentle male protagonists in anime who have no strength and rely solely on the so-called "Asa" West".

Charlotte said: "Then...can I follow you?"

Levi raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you sure? You know that I have magical power, but do you know where I come from?"

Charlotte shook her head and said: "Levi, you taught me one thing, that is, you have to fight for your own happiness."

Levi said: "Is this the case even if I have to leave Wei's relatives?"

Charlotte said without hesitation: "Of course, I am no longer a child. It is understandable to pursue your own happiness, even if you have to pay a price."

Levi sighed and said: "Okay, let me tell the truth. I am not native to this world. Strictly speaking, I come from Chongguo in other worlds. In order to hunt down my dark side, I crossed The distance of the universe has come to this world. There are traces of another me here, so I will stay in this world and follow his traces. Sooner or later, I will leave this world. If you are willing to follow me If you do, you will never see your relatives and friends in this world again.”

Charlotte looked confused.

Chapter. I'm fooled

Levi was proficient in illusions and directly pulled Charlotte into his illusion world, and then let her witness all kinds of destruction and all kinds of grand scenes that far exceeded those of Hollywood blockbusters, which made Charlotte tremble with fear. She huddled in his arms and didn't dare to move randomly.

After seeing hundreds of ways to destroy the earth and the destruction of various other worlds, Charlotte realized the weight of Levi's words.

Levi said: "These are all sins caused by me. If I had not separated the dark side of myself, he would not have been born, and so many other worlds would not have been destroyed."

Levi brought Charlotte back to reality. At this time, Charlotte was covered in cold sweat and her legs were weak. If Levi hadn't supported her, she would have fallen to the ground.

The various scenes of destruction before were too exciting for her.

Charlotte said: "Levi...who are you? Should I say, are you a god?"

The amount of information in the previous scenes was very large. She stayed in that strange space for more than an hour and witnessed various confrontations between Li Wei and his "dark side". Although in general, Li Wei won more and lost less, but every time Losing for the first time would mean that the whole world would be destroyed. This cruel scene sent chills down her spine.

Levi said: "If I were a god, I would have dealt with the other me a long time ago, instead of chasing after him like this, wiping his butt, and at the same time trying to find a way to completely destroy him."

Charlotte said: "Are there traces of another you in this world?"

Levi said: "Yes, that's why I came to this world. Xiaozhizhi got the inspiration to make IS armor. I suspect it was another one of me. He often plays this trick and never shows up. , but uses various hints to influence other people and create trouble in this way. Compared with him, the devils who play with people's hearts are harmless and good babies, at least the devil does not have the ability to easily destroy the entire world. "

Charlotte is a smart girl, and Levi's words made her think a lot in an instant. Over the past ten years, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and conflicts have become more and more acute.

Originally, Charlotte thought this was a normal thing. After all, where there are people, there are disputes. But now that she heard what Levi said about the other person, she felt that things were not that simple. Maybe many things had Levi's dark side behind them.

Charlotte said: "Why would he do this?"

Levi said: "Because he is my dark side, gathering all the darkness in my heart. He is a devil with no bottom line at all. It should be said that he is the devil of devils. An important way for him to gain power is to collect the negative emotions of intelligent life. So now the world is in chaos, and he is indispensable. He is in this world now because he was seriously injured when he lost to me last time, and he is too cautious to dare to show up casually."

Because of the huge information scene before, Charlotte also has a considerable understanding of what Levi said. In her opinion, the individuals formed by Levi's dark side personality are really too dangerous. If Without Li Wei chasing after him, the other party might be so unscrupulous.

Now, because Li Wei was chasing after him, the other Li Wei was so low-key.

Levi said: "After solving the problems here, I will leave this world sooner or later, and by that time, if you want to leave with me, you have to be mentally prepared to never see your relatives again. . This kind of thing is a difficult choice for most people."

However, Levi is very confident in his charm. His attractiveness is enough to make girls who are dazzled by love make decisive choices. When a girl falls in love, her IQ will drop directly. Even if No matter what happens, Li Wei won't be surprised.

Charlotte said: "I am willing to go with you. Of course, before that, I have to say hello to my only family. At least, I have to let my father find a gentle and kind-hearted woman to marry again, so that he can have another wife." Son, in this way, I can leave with peace of mind."

Levi said: "I can understand this. After all, if you are gone, uncle will really be alone. After all, I will definitely deal with Somanaya, and she will not appear in front of uncle again. .”

Charlotte nodded, this result was already very good for her.

Charlotte let go of Levi and said: "Go, go to Cecilia and Chen. I think you must have many things to say to them before going to Europe."

Charlotte is a sensible girl, and now she already knows Levi’s secrets. Levi is willing to tell her these things, which shows that Levi has trusted her, and she is also willing to trust Levi and follow Levi away. In this world, her goal has been achieved, and she no longer has any regrets in her heart, so now she can see things openly, and she can understand even if there are other girls besides her around Li Wei.

Because through the illusion she had seen before, she saw the destruction of some other worlds. When the world was destroyed, Levi would selectively take away some survivors. Although the world here is not in danger of being destroyed for the time being, Levi will still take some people to leave this world, and she is their leader.

Through the illusion, Charlotte obtained a lot of key information, and also learned about the existence of the floating island, which is a refuge independent of the world. It is also an existence similar to the Garden of Eden, where there is no pain and hatred. , only happiness and stability, everyone can obtain peace and joy.

For that kind of future, Charlotte also has some expectations in her heart, because she has experienced too many tragedies and does not want to experience more tragedies, so she would rather leave this world.

Levi said: "Charlotte, I have to leave first."

Charlotte nodded.

Cecilia and Xiao Zhizhihui already knew some of Li Wei's secrets, so they didn't waste much time and after explaining everything that needed to be explained clearly, he started from the two of them. He left and went to report to Yamada Maya and Orima Chifuyu.

Because Yamada Maya has established a relationship with Levi, he knows Levi's secret, that is, he has spent more time with Chifuyu Orimaru.

Afterwards, Levi activated the teleportation spell, and he went directly to the European region. His puppet clones were arranged in advance in the European region. When his body arrived, he entered the harvesting stage directly.

Chapter. Dream Master

Because of the time difference, Levi did not take action immediately. The secret team he had left in Europe had already made a plan, and now he only needed to make the final touches.

After dawn, Levi went to the Denoa family's mansion. Due to the breakdown of their relationship, Charlotte's parents now live in two places. Levi used an invisibility method and entered the interior of the mansion. .

Charlotte's father had received Charlotte's phone call before, so after dawn, he waited for Levi's arrival in the study.

After Levi entered the office, he did not reveal his presence directly, but observed Charlotte's father.

In front of Li Wei was a young man who looked slightly gloomy. He was well-dressed and straight-backed. Even when he was sitting, he had his own demeanor. He was a rather charming Uncle Nian.

At this time, after getting his daughter's phone call, he did not act rashly. He knew that Levi, as a being with extraordinary power, was in an absolutely passive position, so he did not run around, but remained unchanged in response to changes.

Levi suddenly appeared. Charlotte's father was stunned for a moment when he saw Levi, and then came back to his senses in an instant.

With a kind smile on his face, Levi said: "You are Charlotte's father, Uncle Alfonso, right?"

Facing the sudden appearance of Levi, Alfonso was shocked in his heart. However, he had been in a high position for a long time and had long developed the habit of being calm. His eyelids only jumped sharply. If Levi's move was meant to be assassinated, He couldn't defend himself at all.

His daughter Charlotte warned him again that Levi possesses miraculous and powerful power that cannot be explained by science. Never use the tricks of the so-called superiors on Levi, as it will kill someone.

Charlotte is his little cotton-padded jacket, and she is also a good girl who is obedient and will not lie to him, so he also pays special attention to Levi. The premise is that Levi really has him as Charlotte said. An irresistible force.

As a qualified dignitary and a member of the family, Alfonso is cautious and suspicious by nature, but also bold. Although his daughter repeatedly warned him not to test Levi, he also had his own ideas in his heart.

Thinking of the little cabbage he had worked so hard to raise, being humiliated by the pig in front of him, he felt like a father-in-law looking at his son-in-law, and the more he looked at Levi, the more uncomfortable he felt. Why did the baby he worked so hard to raise become so advantageous to Li Wei, his frivolous son-in-law? It was precisely because of this that he was prepared to test Li Wei in a non-malicious way and get as much as possible with Li Wei. dimension-related information.

This is also his love for his daughter as a father. He thinks that he is not a good person, but Charlotte and Charlotte's biological mother are the only human softness left in his heart, and they are also his "human anchor." ", so he must carefully check for Charlotte and ensure that Levi is really capable of giving Charlotte happiness.

As a father, if Levi treats Charlotte badly, he will risk his life to let Levi know how great he is as a father.

Levi, who is proficient in mind reading, did not find it strange when he saw Alfonso's inner thoughts, and the other party really cared about Charlotte, which surprised him, because in his impression, everyone in his family was close. No bastard, he will do anything for money.

But Alfonso told him how far a father could fight for his daughter. If he dares to say something unfavorable to Charlotte, the other person will take out the "Uzi" from the drawer.

If Levi had a daughter, he would be like Alfonso and would feel unhappy no matter how hard he looked at the pig that had stolen his cabbage.

Alfonso tried his best to keep his smile from looking stiff, and said with a smile: "I heard Charlotte mentioned you, and I hope you are someone who can give her happiness."

Levi said: "This is natural. She is a good girl. I have the responsibility and obligation to protect her. I will do anything for her."

Alfonso said: "So you came here, right? Charlotte and I called and advised me to get my wife again. To be honest, I was quite angry because you were taking her away from me. , and it will be taken to another world. I will never see my treasure again!"

Levi did not answer, because Alfonso was a little excited now. He could understand the other party's thoughts, because he would not be able to accept this kind of thing.

Levi said: "If I say that I have found a way to resurrect Charlotte's mother, can this be used as an exchange for coming to Charlotte?"

Alfonso perked up and fell into a state of shock.

Levi said: "Uncle, you know that I have some magical powers, and resurrecting the dead is not a difficult thing for me. Some time ago, I have been looking for my aunt's soul, and I have been very lucky. I have put the fragments of my aunt's soul back together, and now I have all the conditions for her to be resurrected. I think this kind of thing, for you, uncle..."

"Is this true?!" Alfonso suddenly stood up with an uncontrollable expression of surprise on his face. He felt that his life had color again. If Charlotte's mother could be resurrected, then his life would be different. The regrets can be made up for.

Levi snapped his fingers, and a translucent female figure appeared in front of Alfonso. When the translucent woman saw Alfonso, she also showed a surprised expression.

"Mary!" Alfonso rushed over, but he passed through the translucent figure. This calmed him down, and now his wife has not been resurrected and is still in a ghost-like state.

"Alfonso!" Charlotte's mother also wanted to hug her husband, but her hands passed through Alfonso's body and the hug was in vain.

Levi said: "I am a soft-hearted person who cannot bear to leave. After learning that Charlotte's mother was killed, I secretly searched for the fragments of my aunt's soul and dragged them out from the depths of the earth's core. I reassembled them in Get up, and I have also prepared the materials and rituals for my aunt's resurrection. As long as you nod your head, you will be able to see your resurrected aunt again immediately."

Levi felt that the man in front of him was quite pitiful. Although he got everything that ordinary people wanted to have, he lost the most important person in his life. He has been in a semi-crazy state for these years, just like Ikari Wataru in EVA. .

For Charlotte's sake, he became a dream master, so that the unlucky couple who had been separated from each other could meet again.

Alfonso, a tall man with a height of 30 meters, cried like a child, while his wife comforted him. This scene made Levi, who was cold at heart, smile sincerely. He was very tolerant of the people around him, as long as his bottom line was not touched.

Chapter.Bad woman

Alfonso came back to his senses, controlled his emotions, and prevented himself from losing his composure. He said, "What should I do? No matter what you ask me to do, I am willing to do it."

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