Sui Jin grabbed the edge of the wine box with both hands and lifted it up hard. Then her expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Chunyuan Ayaka asked curiously when she saw Suijin's bitter face.

Sui Jin put her hands on the box and said with a bitter expression: "I accidentally twisted my waist."

Haruhara Ayaka walked to Suijin's side, supported her with her hand, and said: "How could you be so careless and hurt your waist? It must be because you have been too tired during this period, and you refused to rest."

Sui Jin smiled bitterly and said: "I also want to rest, but there is no chance. If I hire more people as permanent clerks, the work will cost a lot of money, and a small store like mine cannot afford it. Let me rest for a while, wait a while I still have to deliver the goods, and the order from the izakaya must be processed. That izakaya is an old relationship that I had cooperated with when my grandfather was alive. Old customers like this must be treated more carefully."

Haruhara Ayaka helped Suijin sit down on the wooden bench and said: "I can understand, but your waist is injured and you can't ride by yourself. If you want to drink, I will help you."

Suijin said: "Thank you, but the location of the izakaya is a little bit out of the way. If you go there, you may not be able to find it."

Levi said: "Leave this matter to me, Miss Jin, what do you think? I am a doctor, and I have considerable research on bruises. I will first use massage to relieve your back pain, and then I'll ride the bike, you sit behind and help me show the way, and the two of us will deliver the goods. What do you think? When we come back, we'll stop by Chunyuan Village. There are medicines for bruises there. When we come back Then I’ll give you medicine to ensure you’re back to your best tomorrow.”

There was an expression of surprise on Suijin's face. She didn't expect that the overly handsome guy brought over by Haruhara Ayaka was actually a doctor. The doctor's status in the neon social system was transcendent. Not only was he respected, but his income was also high. It was very high. She was naturally surprised that such a doctor was willing to come to a small wine shop like hers to help.

"Thank you, I'll excuse you then. But I don't know your name yet, or how you call it, Caihua's boyfriend." Sui Jin said with a smile.

Chunyuan Ayaka's face turned crimson and said, "Jin, Li Weijun is not my boyfriend."

"Eh? Really? It turns out his name is Li Wei. Since Li Weijun is not your boyfriend, does that mean I also have a chance?" Sui Jin laughed.

Ayaka Haruhara showed a helpless expression. She and Hoskin had known each other since their junior high school. They were classmates in both their junior high school and junior high school. Afterwards, Ayaka Haruhara went to college. After graduating from high school, Hoskin passed away from her late grandfather. He inherited this wine shop. The two of them can be said to be old friends who have known each other for many years, so the scope of joking between them is much larger than that of outsiders.

Chunyuan Ayaka sighed: "`. You have to ask Li Weijun about this."

Sui Jin smiled and said: "But I think I'm out of luck. I can't control such a good-looking man. Grandma once said that good-looking men are the best at lying. Although this sentence is a bit extreme, it still has its meaning. It stands to reason that for an ordinary girl like me, the most likely thing is to find an ordinary man and live an ordinary life."

Li Wei wanted to complain in his heart. Suijin is a "sane" girl with a clear understanding and positioning of herself, but she is not as ordinary as she said. For ordinary people, like her and Haruhara Ayaka, She can be regarded as a little rich woman, and she is much richer than Chunhara Ayaka. A century-old wine shop with a stable cash flow brings her an income that is definitely higher than that of ordinary people. She was reluctant to hire permanent workers because she wanted to save labor costs, not because she couldn't afford them.

Levi said: "Let's not talk so much. Let's deal with your waist first. I have to check your lumbar spine to see if there are any problems such as dislocation."

Sui Jin lay down on the wooden bench obediently and said: "Then I'll bother you, Li Weijun. I really envy you Caihua. You have a doctor by your side, so you don't have to worry if you have a headache or a fever."

Levi squatted down in front of the bench, put his hands on the back of Sui Jin's waist, and began to pinch the bones to check.

"Ah! It's right here, it hurts!" Sui Jin cried out in pain, and Levi's hand happened to press on her painful spot.

Levi said: "Fortunately, it's not a dislocation, it's just a simple erector spinae muscle strain. This is a typical fatigue injury. You must be very tired during this period, and you haven't had a good rest, so it causes muscle fatigue. ”.

Chapter. Cute man-in-law

Li Wei put his hand on Sui Jin's lower back and started massaging. Others thought Li Wei's technique was very professional. Although they didn't know much about this aspect, they could see the stability of Li Wei's hand and Sui Jin's. The comfortable expression on Jin's face showed that Li Wei really had two brushes when it came to massage.

"Hmm... It's so comfortable. I feel like my whole waist has relaxed all of a sudden. This is amazing." Sui Jin lay on the bench and said with her head sideways.

Levi said: "This only temporarily relieves muscle fatigue. It does not solve the problem in a real sense. You have to learn to combine work and rest. When you need to hire workers, hire workers. If you continue like this, you will not be able to escape with lumbar muscle strain." Yes, it will only hurt more when the time comes.”

Sui Jin said: "But if we hire workers, it will cost 3 million yuan more per year. And I am not so busy all the time. Most of the time, I can manage it. That is to say, this time I have to hold a celebration." , that’s why I’m so tired. Once the celebration is over, I won’t have to work as hard as I do now.”

Levi said: "If that's the case, then you have to hire a temporary worker during this period. Your waist is a muscle strain. If the muscle is strained, if you don't pay attention later, it will be strained again. Yes, this thing is like a habitual dislocation of the joints. As long as you make a bad start, it will be easy to do it again if you don't pay attention."

Sui Jin said: "Yeah, I know, it would be bad if you let yourself suffer in order to save that little money. Although Caihua will come to help from time to time, it is not a long-term solution. After all, some heavy work is not suitable for her. It took me two years to fully adapt to all the work in the store."

Although Chunyuan Ayaka comes to work from time to time, Chunyuan Ayaka does relatively easy chores. She does the real heavy work by herself. Long-term fatigue has accumulated, which has led to the current problem.

Levi let go of his hand and said, "Okay, as long as you don't exert any force, your waist won't hurt for the time being."

Sui Jin got up and gently pressed her lower back. It still hurt a little when she pressed it, but if she didn't touch it, she wouldn't feel the pain anymore.

Sui Jin smiled and said: "Then let's go deliver the goods now. My motorcycle is outside, but if there are two people, we have to remove the roof of the motorcycle first."

Here in Neon, there are small motorcycles with their own roofs, and the removal and assembly of the roofs are very simple, even women without any technical foundation can operate them.

Levi nodded, picked up the box of wine on the ground, and followed Sui Jin outside the store. He saw the small motorcycle in the small parking space on the side of the store. The sky blue small motorcycle with a roof was quite petite. , it seems to be a model only for women. The tail box at the rear of the scooter has been removed and converted into a shelf for placing goods. The shelf is also tied with elastic straps to secure the goods.

Sui Jin removed the roof in a few seconds, her movements were very skillful. Levi put the wine box on the rack at the rear of the car, fixed the box with the belt on the rack, and then took the motorcycle key from Sui Jin.

The tall Li Wei sat astride the small motorcycle. It was just the right shape for Sui Jin, but it seemed a bit too small for him. His legs had to be bent when they were placed on the ground, giving the impression that It's like an adult riding a children's bicycle.

Sui Jin sighed and said: "Li Weijun, you are really tall. I'm afraid you are already 1 meter tall, right? Most Neon people are not that tall."

Li Wei said: "I am from Chongguo. In the north of Chongguo, there are many strong men with a height of more than 1 meter."

Sui Jin smiled and said: "Nowadays, people in Chongguo are getting taller and taller. It should be said that young people all over the world are getting taller. After all, the new generation of young people have not lacked nutrition since they were young, so their average height is higher than ours." This generation is much higher.”

Li Wei looked at Sui Jin and said, "You are pretty good, you are already above the average height of women here in Neon."

Sui Jin raised her legs, crossed the back cushion of the scooter, and sat behind Levi. Because the motorcycle was too small, and there was a box of wine tied to the shelf at the back, there wasn't much space left for her. Sitting in the back seat, she could only press tightly against Levi. on the body.

Levi started the motorcycle's engine and said, "I'm ready to go out, Jin. Now I'll ask you to show me the way out."

"No problem, just leave this kind of thing to me. After you go out, leave the shopping street first." Sui Jin didn't know where to put his hands, hesitated, and honestly put his hands on Li Wei's waist.

Levi said: "If I had known better, I would have driven the pickup truck out. That way, you wouldn't have to squeeze in like this."

Sui Jin pressed her face against Li Wei's back. She felt her face was burning. This was the first time she had such close contact with a man, and Li Wei was such a handsome guy that made people's hearts beat faster. Just hugging Li Wei Wei, she felt that it was difficult to control herself. Her heart was moved. It was probably love at first sight.

Moreover, Levi had a very pleasant smell, which was like sunshine and gave her an indescribable sense of security.

The two people left the shopping street on their scooters and entered the road. Sui Jin began to give Levi directions.

Sui Jin said: "Actually, I also thought about buying a walking scooter. A small K-car is quite good, but then I found that parking is difficult, and some stores' routes are inaccessible even for K-cars, so I bought a small motorcycle, which is enough for me, especially in small alleys. As long as I don’t transport a large amount of goods at once, there won’t be any problem.”

Sui Jin is also an experienced motorcycle driver. If she rides a motorcycle, she can transport a full box of wine like this. It has been several years since she took over this shop from her grandfather. What did she do from the beginning? I don’t understand anything, I don’t know anything, and now I’m living like a tomboy.

Originally, when she was a student, her sports performance was only average, but after becoming the owner of a liquor store, she actually developed muscle lines. By running a wine shop, she was a wealthy woman with more than ten million in savings. She felt that it was time for her to take a break and consider her own personal happiness, and Levi's words were very attractive. But she still felt a little worried in her heart. After all, there must be many attractive women around a person like Li Wei. Can a manly woman like her really be competitive? .


Levi said: "It's really hard for you, you have to do everything by yourself. There are few girls who can endure hardship like you, but Caihua is also very able to endure hardship. She is quite good at doing housework. Fugitive."

Suijin said: "It's not easy for Caihua. Chunyuanzhuang is an old house that has not been overhauled for a long time. In a few years, it will inevitably be overhauled or even demolished and rebuilt. And these things are very expensive. , the last time I heard her say that she had saved one million yuan, but she was still far away from the cost of rebuilding the house. If she needs it, I can lend her tens of millions of yuan, hoping that this can alleviate her pain. pressure."

Levi, who is proficient in mind reading, can see that the relationship between Suijin and Haruhara Ayaka is very good. Suijin really wants to help Haruhara Ayaka. In this era, the relationship between Suijin and Haruhara Ayaka is good enough to Friends who lend each other huge sums of money can be said to be very rare. In today's society, people have lost trust among each other, and this crisis of trust makes everyone only care about themselves. Over time, the atmosphere of the entire society has changed, and people have become suspicious of each other, even over trivial matters. It can cause conflicts, let alone borrow money, and borrow huge sums of money.

As long as you have such a friend in your life, you are happy, because in today's era, there are too few close friends like this. On the contrary, in ancient times when technology and information were not developed, at that time, there were more close friends who were willing to keep their promises and stand together through thick and thin.

Levi said: "Thank you for your kindness, but the renovation of Chunyuan Manor has been completed. If you have the opportunity, you can go and take a look. Compared with the past, Chunyuan Manor has changed a lot."

Because Li Wei was not short of money, he restored Chunyuan Villa according to the top-end standard. The decoration and construction company was also happy to make money from wealthy people like Li Wei, so he tried his best to repair the villa with the highest standard. After the reconstruction work has been completed, Chunyuanzhuang is now a two-story luxury apartment. In an environment like this, it can charge an accommodation fee of two million yuan per student living in it. It is aimed at those relatively wealthy student bodies. .

However, Haruhara Ayaka rejected Levi's proposal to increase the price and still maintained the original price, which was 700,000 yen per person per year for accommodation. After sending away the last batch of students, there are now only four students in Chunyuan Village. In other words, without other extra income, Chunyuan Ayaka's annual income is only one million yuan, which is equivalent to an ordinary person's annual salary. That’s all.

When Chunyuanzhuang had the most students, she had to take care of ten students at the same time. Although they were all female students, it was quite convenient to take care of them, but it was still very tiring to take care of ten and a half-year-old children individually. Just making breakfast and dinner every day It takes a lot of time, and she has to make lunch on holidays, so her work intensity is not low.

Because Sui Jin was busy with her own shop, she didn't know that Chunyuan Village had undergone tremendous changes. In her impression, Chunyuan Village still looked the same as before.

Suijin said in surprise: "The renovation of Chunyuan Village has been completed? When did Caihua save so much money? This guy, he didn't agree with me on such an important matter."

Levi said: "I guess I want to give you a surprise. As for Caihua, she mentioned you to me before. I can feel that she attaches great importance to you. You should be one of her few friends."

Sui Jin said: "Neither of us have many friends. To each other, it is indeed like what you said, Li Weijun, the worldly people in Tokyo are too cold. My hometown is in Osaka. Bian Ke is much more humane.”

Levi's impression of Osaka is probably the loud-voiced and bold leopard-print aunt. Osaka is to Neon what Tianjin is to Chongguo. In the eyes of most Neon people, Osaka people speak with a sense of humor. The accent is like a natural cross talk actor. People from other regions think that Tianjin people have a sense of joy in their speech, and even their daily conversations are like cross talk jokes.

Levi said: "I can't tell you have an Osaka accent at all. If you just listen to the accent, Nishiki, you give the impression that you are a native of Tokyo."

Suijin smiled and said: "After all, I have been here in Tokyo for so many years, and my accent has long been assimilated by the locals. Now, my Osaka dialect is no longer standard."

Suishin calculated his time in Tokyo. Counting from his student days, it has been more than ten years. There can be several decades in life, and a lot of things can be changed in ten years. Not only her accent, but now her living habits are no different from those of the locals.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

The two of them rode a scooter through the streets. Li Wei understood why Suijin had the financial resources to buy a car but didn't because the terrain here was too complicated. In many alleys, only motorcycles were passable. It is the smallest four-wheeled vehicle and cannot take these routes.

Under Suijin's command, it only took Levi about seven minutes to arrive at the destination izakaya. His home was located in a laneway in a residential area. It was clearly broad daylight, but there were already busy izakayas starting to drink.


As soon as the two people opened the door, they heard the boss's wife's loud and bold voice.

"Welcome! Excuse me...isn't this Nishiki? I didn't expect you to come so soon. I thought you wouldn't come until the afternoon!" The proprietress, who looks to be in her forties but still has her charm, speaks with an Osaka accent. Said loudly.

The reason why the wine shop is able to maintain a cooperative relationship with the izakaya here is also due to the relationship between the locals.

"Sister Mihui, I brought you the wine." Sui Jin also said loudly with an Osaka accent. The inside of the izakaya was very noisy, and the voice was soft, and it was difficult to hear clearly from a little distance.

The guests in the izakaya were quite familiar with Suijin, and when they saw the tall and handsome Levi behind her, they all started joking.

"Hahaha, Jin Yatou finally got the idea and found such a handsome boyfriend."

"Xiao Jin, where did you find such a handsome boyfriend?"

Sui Jin knew that her explanation at this time would only make things darker, so she could only whisper to Li Wei: "These uncles like to joke the most. Li Weijun, don't mind, they don't mean any harm."

Levi smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I can feel their kindness, they are just joking."

Of course Levi won't be angry. After all, these uncles' words can be regarded as assists. Sui Jin already has a good impression of him. These uncles are teasing him in such an environment, which can make Sui Jin's impression of him even more profound.

Chapter. The boss lady’s teasing

Li Wei brought it to the counter and said: "Excuse me if we meet for the first time, I am Jin's friend. Originally, she came to deliver the goods personally this time, but because she injured her waist, she could not carry the heavy objects, so I Just follow her and come here.”

The landlady smiled boldly and said: "Hahahaha, that's what happened. I thought you were that girl's boyfriend. However, that girl is a good girl and she is single. I personally suggest you give it a try. Get along with her, and then you will find out how good that girl is."

"Sister Meihui! I'm going to be angry!" Sui Jin said with her cheeks puffed up.

"Hahaha, Xiaojin is going to be angry. I won't say it anymore. But you can really consider my suggestion. Xiaojin is a very good girl. In this day and age, there are very few girls like her. , Sister’s advice will definitely not let you suffer." The landlady patted Li Wei on the shoulder and smiled.

Levi said: "I know she is a good girl, but feelings must be voluntary on both sides. Jin, she doesn't feel that way about me."

The landlady looked at the handsome Levi and said, "Young people should have some confidence in themselves. A handsome guy like you is very popular with girls. If my sister was ten years younger, how could she still be there?" Because of that girl, sister, I will take the first step myself."

Li Wei felt a little helpless at the other party's boldness. Although the half-aged lady in front of him was pretty, to be honest, she was not his type and not his cup of tea.

The diners were also making noises, saying loudly: "Meihui, how about you consider me? I promise I won't make you so tired again!"

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