Chunyuan Ayaka smiled and said: "Jin, you won't understand. If Li Weijun allows me to reveal more information to you, you will know why I said this. Don't be curious about the things in this. Some things, no It’s a blessing to know.”

Sui Jin said: "Damn it, it's Caihua, you have aroused my curiosity, but you don't allow me to ask further. Is Li Weijun some kind of underground emperor?"

Chunyuan Ayaka smiled and said: "Although there are still some deviations, it is close to the truth. I know that you also have a good impression of Li Weijun. In fact, I don't mind such a thing. If you have the courage, then go get close to Li Weijun. "

Suijin didn't know what to say. Haruhara Ayaka's attitude was completely beyond her expectation. She originally thought that the other party would be angry because of such a thing, but she didn't expect that she would be like this now.

Sui Jin said: "You are really generous. You are not angry if there are other women around the man you like."

Chunyuan Ayaka said: "Because I know it's useless to be angry. After all, what woman can resist Li Weijun's charm? It is precisely because I know this that I know there is no use in blocking some things. I only hope that I can be in front of him." It’s enough to have a seat next to you.”

Suijin didn't know what to say. Levi had a good impression of Haruhara Ayaka. This was a fact that had to be said. However, the two parties were like this now. She felt that this was probably because neither of them knew how to face this. A relationship.

Although Sui Jin didn't get along with Li Wei for a long time, she could feel that Li Wei was a gentle person, and gentle people tend to care about other people's feelings and ignore their own feelings, so when facing important feelings, You will feel hesitant.

And Haruhara Ayaka is also a gentle person. Both parties care about each other's feelings, so there is only one final step.

Sui Jin said: "Caihua, you won't know the results of some things until you try them. Li Weijun is very fond of you, so don't hesitate! In my impression, Caihua, you are a gentle person, but you are independent. A man of courage. You seem to have changed now, and you are no longer like yourself."

Haruhara Ayaka was stunned for a moment. She did not expect that Suijin, who could be said to be in a competitive relationship, would cheer her up. She was very touched in her heart. To her, Suijin was like a sister who was not related by blood. It is very reliable at critical moments. But now, the other party has given her important courage. Now she knows what she should do, and she will no longer hesitate or be afraid.

At this time, the smile on Levi's face, who was staying upstairs, changed. Although there was no deliberate guidance, Haruhara Ayaka and Sui Jin both moved in the direction he wanted. It must be said that he was lucky. The two girls are almost self-defeating now. Now, he only needs to express his attitude, and the two girls will make a decision.

Sui Jin took off the apron from her waist and said, "I'm going to ask them to come up for dinner. It's time to close the shop today."

Not every store on the shopping street is open very late. There are late-night restaurants that are open at night, as well as convenience stores that are open four hours a day and special cheap bento shops. In addition, Only the pachinko shop will be open for 4 hours, and other shops will close one after another after 7 p.m.

Suijin's wine shop is one of the ones that closes relatively early. After all, for wine, customers usually come in the morning, and the flow of customers is less in the afternoon, let alone at night.

Chunyuan Ayaka said: "Leave the finishing work to me. The three little girls also worked hard this afternoon."

For lunch, due to time constraints, pedestrians went to a lunch shop to buy instant lunch boxes. However, everyone’s lunch boxes were luxury lunch boxes priced at 4 yuan each, and the dishes in them were very rich. It's dinner now, so I need to eat more.

Sui Jin came upstairs and said, "Everyone is ready for dinner. I will close the door. You go upstairs first."

Yukimoto Yuzu held the iron box containing the decoration money, ran quickly to Sui Jin, and said: "Sister Jin, look! This is today's turnover!"

Yukimoto Yuzu opened the lid of the iron box, which was filled with banknotes of various denominations.

"Uh? What happened? What happened while I was cooking up there?" Sui Jin said confused.

Sumire Tsukimi said: "Brother Levi just stood at the door, and the sisters and aunts who passed by came in to buy wine. Although they didn't buy a lot, they couldn't handle the large number of people coming. There are three hundred thousand, four hundred in total here. Yuan, you can check the bill on the QR code scanner."

Most people here in Neon are accustomed to using banknotes to pay, so the iron box can be filled so full.

Sui Jin looked at Li Wei. Li Wei's charm was really terrifying, but other women were not blind. They would definitely use various reasons to get close to Li Wei, a handsome guy like Li Wei. Wei, if you come here to buy wine, I'm afraid not all of you are here for Li Wei.

Chapter. The so-called charm

Sui Jin checked the payment record on the QR code scanner and was immediately surprised. In the afternoon, more than 70 customers came into the store to shop. Although the individual purchases of these customers were not large, the purchases by all of them increased. It was quite scary when I started. Moreover, I heard Yukimoto Yuzu say that all the customers who come into the store to buy drinks are women, and Levi's charm is simply the best living sign.

Sui Jin looked at the records on his old-fashioned desktop computer with a surprised expression on his face and said, "This is too much. Normally, the daily bulk turnover would be 70,000 yuan."

The main source of income for Suijin's wine shop is cooperation with various stores. She supplies many of the wines for nearby izakayas and European-style taverns, as well as various family restaurants. The main income of the wine shop is such business cooperation. The real volume of bulk cargo is actually not high.

The benefits brought by Levi's visit to the store here are intuitive. If he stays here for a long time, it is estimated that the store's sales volume will increase by several levels. But she also knew that Levi had his own affairs. It was okay to come over to help occasionally, but it was unrealistic to stay here for a long time.

Levi smiled and said, "I don't know why. Just standing at the door, people kept coming in to buy drinks. Maybe it's because the location here is very good and it attracted a lot of attention."

Levi is pretending to be confused because he understands. Anyway, his character is that of a gentle guy next door. There is no problem in pretending to be confused appropriately, and for the girl he likes, he is indeed a gentle guy next door, so in To a certain extent, this is not a lie.

Sui Jin said: "I still understand the location of this place. The high turnover today is all thanks to you, Li Weijun. It's dinner time now. Everyone, go up first. Caihua is already waiting for you." .”

"Oh, okay." Yukimoto Yuzu responded and took the two girls upstairs.

Seeing the three girls running up the stairs, Sui Jin looked at Li Wei with a blush, and whispered: "Li Weijun, you helped me so much today, I don't know how to thank you. Yes. Can...can you close your eyes?"

Levi made a confused expression, then obeyed obediently, closed his eyes and smiled: "Are you planning to give me a surprise?"

Sui Jin took a deep breath to calm her racing heartbeat. Seeing that Li Wei had closed his eyes, she stepped lightly, quietly approached Li Wei, and then left a light smile on Li Wei's face. Hickey.

Levi opened his eyes, showing a surprised look. His superb acting skills vividly conveyed the surprise of being suddenly attacked.

"Come up quickly, dinner time is about to begin! I'll come up right after I close the door." Sui Jin stood behind Levi and pushed Levi towards the stairs.

"Okay, okay, I'll just go up." Levi said helplessly.

Sui Jin's face was already red at this time, and even the roots of her ears were starting to feel hot. She never thought that she would be so bold. In the past, she would never have the guts to do such a thing. It can only be said that love will make people do some things. What an irrational thing to do, she had never thought about the consequences of doing this just now.

After seeing Li Wei go upstairs, Sui Jin directly covered her face and whimpered like a small animal. At this time, she no longer had the sassy feeling she usually gave people. At this time, she finally looked like a A normal girl, and the kind that is overly sweet.

"What stupid things have I done? I hope Li Weijun doesn't hate me because of such things. If that happens, I will go crazy." Sui Jin whispered to himself.

Sui Jin closed the door of the shop with anxiety in her heart and came to the building. The building of the wine shop is the living area, and a small part of it is the warehouse. It is a supplement to the building's warehouse. It is not a big store, and the space of the building is natural. It wasn't too big, and her personal life was just fine on weekdays, but after so many guests came, it seemed a little crowded.

Feng Jian Lily smiled and said: "Sister Jin, come and sit down. This is the result of your and Sister Caihua's efforts. It's really unjustifiable if you don't use the chopsticks first."

Sui Jin secretly glanced at Levi, who still had a warm smile on his face. Just sitting there gave people a warm feeling, like the sunshine in spring. What Sui Jin doesn't know is that her feeling is actually true. Levi is emitting mana fluctuations all the time, and the mana fluctuations are affecting the external environment, so she feels comfortable sitting next to Li Wei. Not only the psychological feeling, but also the physical feeling that the body can feel.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

And this kind of fluctuation also creates Levi's sunny temperament. Because of this temperament, Levi is very attractive to women even if he picks his nose. This can also be regarded as a positive feedback brought by the practice. .

The current Li Wei, to some extent, is similar to the so-called "Long Aotian", except that "Long Aotian" attracts women with the so-called domineering spirit, while Li Wei attracts women with this kind of aura. There is no absolute distinction between the two in terms of sunshine-like gentle temperament. After all, temperament is just a means, not an end.

.... ...

Li Wei smiled and said: "Jin, you have worked hard today, it's time to rest. Caihua and I discussed it, aren't you going to be busy with celebrations these days? If you need manpower, we can always Anyone can come and help.”

Sui Jin said: "Thank you, this is really a big help, but help is help, and the remuneration should not be less. I can't let you work in vain."

The dinner was in a pleasant atmosphere. On the other side, at Chunyuan Manor, Shiina Aki, who was still training, felt that life was worse than death. He was currently doing strength training with equipment. Alex didn't know where he got the pile of equipment. Let him start training directly with his small arms and legs.

Shiina Aki felt like he was about to foam at the mouth, while Alex was barbecuing in the open air. Shiina Aki was wondering in his heart, does Chunyuanzhuang have tools for barbecue? Those barbecues were his dinner, but he had to finish his training before he could rest. Now, he is still quite far away from his goal, but now he is very hungry and feels that his body is starting to weaken. He didn't even know how he persisted today. Anyway, he had been scolded to a point of numbness. Now he only felt extremely painful. Alex's training was completely based on the training system in the army. For someone like him, For ordinary people, it is really cruel.

Chapter. Looking for advantages

Alex looked at Shiina Aki, who had little strength left, and said: "You are a sissy with excessive estrogen and a shemale who looks no different from a woman. Is this the only limit you have? I follow your instructions. The training goals are set based on the standards of peers, but it is easy for a leader to complete such training. That is, it is a waste like you that delays the training time until now."

Aki Shiina's heart has become numb to Alex's insults. At the beginning, he would still feel angry and want to argue with the other party. But later on, every word the other party said was aimed at his weakness and poked his vitals, which made it impossible for him to fight back. In addition, fighting back would probably result in a beating, so he just Ability to hold one's anger inside.

Alex, who was flipping the meat on the grill, continued: "You are the worst trainee I have ever trained. Your willpower is the weakest I have ever seen. If no one is supervising you, you will Lazy, don't you want to be a real man? Is this how you treat your dream? If this is the case, then I advise you to have a sex change operation. Being a woman may be the best option for you. A good choice, so that you can hide behind others with peace of mind."

Shiina Aki's whole body was soaked with sweat. Although he gave the impression that he had undergone rigorous training, in fact his training amount was not large. Alex did not really ask him to follow the military standards. , if we really follow the army's standards, Aki Shiina will be knocked down if he can't last for two hours. Alex gave him enough rest time between different projects. How can the regular army do this? The treatment they receive is all training to death.

But even if the difficulty of castration and castration is reduced to a level that even a newborn can easily handle, Aki Shiina still looks like this, so Alex will not give him a good look.

Although everyone has their own rhythm and characteristics, and their own pace of growth, you cannot compare everything with others. However, the premise of saying this is that this person is a normal person with no obvious shortcomings, and someone like Aki Shiina is not qualified to say such things.

Alex's body, Levi has investigated Shiina's past, and directly read Shiina's memory, so he has a considerable understanding of Shiina's memory. As mentioned before, the Shiina family paid more attention to the more outstanding eldest daughter, but did not put too much energy into Shiina Aki, who was extremely mediocre in other aspects except appearance. Shiina Aki was no longer able to do so in many aspects. To describe mediocre, it should be said that a person cannot even reach the average level of his peers.

Individuals always have their own strengths. Maybe these strengths are physical fitness, or mental strength, or hands-on and creative abilities. There are very few absolute losers in the world, even "Doraemon" The protagonist Nobita, who always messes up things, also has his own outstanding side.

However, except for his good skin, Shiina Aki has no merits that can be said. This is what makes Levi feel speechless. It is difficult for him to imagine how useless an individual can be, and Shiina Yashu is the latest sample.

Let’s not talk about sports. Shiina Asaki never passed the physical education test in elementary school. In terms of mental ability, unlike his sisters who are usually at the top of the grade, his grades have always been at the bottom of the grade. , although it has not reached the level of being ranked last in the grade, it is not much better. It is also the national and high school here in Neon that can be admitted as long as you pay money. If you go to the national high school, a student like him What a scumbag, he was already sent to a technical school to hang out.

Neither physical nor mental abilities are good, and Aki Shiina has no advantage in artistic abilities. He knows nothing about art appreciation. He can neither paint nor sculpt. He can even pinch plasticine very badly, and he has no No matter how talented he is in music, he is also tone deaf when singing.

Levi tried hard to find the advantages of Shiina Aki. After searching for a long time, he finally came to the conclusion that apart from his good skin, Shiina Aki really couldn't find any advantages. And even if you have a good skin, it does not mean that you can use this advantage to get away. After all, these days, you need to have good looks and strength to be able to join the entertainment industry. Shiina Aki can neither sing nor If you can’t dance, you’re not even qualified to be a vase idol.

After all, the training that vase idols have to undergo is also very strict. Their singing, dancing, and acting skills must not be too bad. If they fail to meet the standards, they may not even be qualified to debut.

And even if you want to be a cowherd, Shiina Aki's character, which is not good at interpersonal communication, will be difficult for women to obediently pay for drinks. After all, although the threshold for being a cowherd is low, not everyone can do it. Roland, the Neon Cowherd in the real world, is obviously a Cowherd, but he has very strict requirements for himself. He has a figure built through self-discipline training, an eloquence gained through hard training, and he is also strict about his own image. Only through management can we stand out in the industry.

Even being a cowherd requires strict self-discipline and efforts to improve oneself. A weak-tempered person like Aki Shiina, who seriously lacks perseverance, cannot bear such hardship.

There is no way out for Shiina Asaki if she wants to make a living out of her skin. Rich women these days are also very interested in little puppies. As long as Shiina Asaki is willing to give up her dignity and become an obedient little puppy, she can do it. Achieve success in life. However, the prerequisite for this kind of lay-down win is that you don't meet that kind of perverted old lady who likes to play with steel balls to brush your hair. If you meet that kind of rich woman, a small body like Shiina Aki will be too much for her.

It can be said that if Aki Shiina didn't have such a good skin, then he really wouldn't be able to find any advantage. And this kind of good skin can win him some relationships with the opposite sex when he is a student. After he enters the society, whether he is a man or a woman, it will become very realistic. People like Aki Shiina who are looking for him in addition to appearance. Weak people without any advantages will only be disliked or taken advantage of by others.

Alex said: "Today's training ends here. Leave the unfinished training to tomorrow. The doctor will give you medicine when he comes back. If you still can't complete the training tomorrow, your supplementary training volume will increase." The more it accumulates, be prepared, sissy.”

Before Alex finished speaking, Aki Shiina was already lying on the ground. Now he didn't want to move, he just wanted to slow down, but hunger was still tormenting him, and he looked at the food on the grill. The rich aroma of grilled meat made him salivate.

Aki Shiina is used to being called a sissy by Alex, because compared to Alex, who is full of muscles, with limbs like matchsticks, he does seem too weak.

Chapter. Inner cowardice

After a while, Shiina Aki was so hungry that he slowly got up, walked to Alex's side, and sat down next to the grill.

In front of him was beef that had been roasted and placed on a large iron plate. Because of the complete spices, the beef smelled very fragrant. Shiina Aki grabbed a piece and stuffed it into his mouth. Then he felt nauseated. It was not that the beef in his mouth was unpalatable, but that he was too tired and affected the saliva secretion in his mouth. This was caused by insufficient physical fitness. negative effects.

Shiina Aki forced herself to chew the meat in her mouth, and then swallowed it hard. After having something in her stomach, the feeling of hunger was not so strong.

Holding back his nausea, Shiina Asaki bit into the beef. The feeling of fullness coming from his lower abdomen made him feel that he had finally regained some strength.

Shiina Aki looked at the side face of Alex, who was still turning over the roast beef, and said, "Instructor, I feel like you hate me. You are really merciless when you scold me."

Alex really turned over the roast beef and said without raising his head: "I don't hate you, I'm too lazy to hate a bean sprout who only gets along with you for a few weeks. This is a characteristic of Marine Corps training. If you want to change To be strong, you must give up your boring self-esteem."

Aki Shiina said: "But if people don't have self-esteem, wouldn't they be no different from animals?"

It's not training time now, that's why Aki Shiina dares to talk to Alex like this. If it's training time, if he dares to say these words, he has to be mentally prepared to get beaten.

Alex glanced at Shiina Aki and said: "If you had seen the real hell, you would not say such stupid things. In the face of the choice between life and death, self-esteem is the most boring and useless thing , On the battlefield, bean sprouts like you die the fastest because you can't let go of your pride."

Shiina Aki was silent. He suddenly realized something. The man in front of him was not an ordinary person, but a former Marine Corps member. He might have participated in the war. This kind of strong man who climbed out of the dead man, third His outlook is different from that of ordinary people, and it is ridiculous to ask him according to ordinary people's standards.

Shiina Aki said: "The real hell, instructor, have you ever participated in a war?"

Alex said: "It is no longer as simple as participating. I spent the best time of my ordinary life in a meaningless war. In fact, the battlefield has become my home. After retiring, I It took me two full years to gradually adapt to this relatively peaceful world of ordinary people."

Shiina Aki said: "I think your experience, instructor, is quite legendary. The retired veterans are so handsome! If only I could become a strong man like you."

Alex said: "If you want to become a powerful person, you have to pay a price that is far beyond ordinary people. Can you insist on paying such a price?"

Alex's eyes were full of doubt, which made Shiina Aki feel that his self-esteem was provoked, but he did not answer the other party because he knew that what the other party said was indeed a question and he did not have enough perseverance.

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