Chunyuan Nana showed a shocked expression. She didn't expect that there were such monsters in the world. The thought of such monsters lurking around ordinary people made her feel numb, because these powerful people in the other world killed ordinary people. It's not much more difficult than squeezing an ant to death.

Chunyuan Nana said: "Since there are so many strong people in this world, why can Chunyuan Village become an absolute stand? It is not easy to make those unruly strong people obey."

Chunyuan Ayaka smiled and said: "Because Li Weijun is stronger. Before he lived in seclusion, he was the top expert in the world and the world's No. 1 medical expert. No one would want to sin against such a strong man, and this strong man He also possesses the extraordinary medical skills of the flesh and bones of the living dead. Unless it is absolutely necessary, no one is willing to offend such a miracle doctor who can snatch people from the hands of the god of death. It is precisely because of this that Chunyuan Village can become an absolute location, because Conflicts between the strong men in this world will inevitably lead to injury or even death of these strong men. Using this place as an absolute base can also be regarded as leaving a way out for yourself."

Chunyuan Nana understands why Chunyuan Village can give her shelter, because Li Wei's personal strength and medical skills have made the strong people in the other world reach a consensus, making this place a "resurrection point", or a "safe zone" ".

Chunyuan Nana felt that Li Wei was simply a living legend. Such a powerful, superb medical skill, and extremely rich tall, rich and handsome man was difficult to find even with a lantern. Her sister's luck in being able to meet such a "child of sunshine" is simply better than the luck of those who won the first prize in the lottery. Compared with such a perfect man, the first prize in the lottery is nothing.


Chunyuan Ayaka said: "Now that you know how dangerous the situation is, you don't want to live outside and be afraid."

Haruhara Nana nodded. Ignorance is fearless. She didn't know these things before, so she just felt that there seemed to be some problems with the security in Tokyo during this period. But now that she knows what happened, she knows that she is afraid. .

Now she knows that walking on the street, if you are unlucky, you will lose your life at any time, and even school will no longer be a safe place. To be honest, such an environment is simply Shura hell.

No wonder the officials conceal information from ordinary people and have special departments responsible for wiping their butts. If such things are exposed to ordinary people, it will definitely cause the collapse of social order.

Ordinary people are too fragile when faced with such chaos. They have no ability to resist risks at all. Once they encounter danger, they cannot even run away. After all, those powerful people in the other world cannot take care of ordinary people when conflicts arise.

Chunyuan Nana said: "I didn't know before that the problem was so serious."

Chunyuan Ayaka said: "I have wanted to talk to you about this issue for a long time, but you are used to being rebellious. If I don't explain these things clearly to you, you will definitely not agree if I ask you to come back."

Haruhara Nana was a little embarrassed. What Haruhara Ayaka said was true. Ever since she entered high school, she felt that she was an adult and there was no need to always listen to her sister. After all, she had to learn to be independent sooner or later.

But now, Chunyuan Nana realized that she had won by being led by her sister. Compared to ordinary people who were still kept in the dark, she had gained some initiative after obtaining inside information.

In addition, Chunyuanzhuang has become a safe zone in Tokyo. It can be said that as long as she does not commit suicide, she can spend this chaotic time more easily than ordinary people. She thought of her two friends. Now she had arrived in the safe zone, but her two friends did not receive such treatment. She was hesitant whether to tell her two friends such a thing.

Chunyuan Nana said: "Sister, can you tell others such a thing?"

Chunyuan Nana wants to listen to her sister's opinion. After all, this is a big deal. Sometimes, information is crucial, and those with the advantage of information can take advantage of it. As for this kind of important information that is related to one's wealth and life, ordinary people have no way to know it.

Precisely because she knew the preciousness of such news, it was absolutely impossible for her to pass on such important information without her sister's consent.

Haruhara Ayaka said: "It's best not to tell this kind of thing to the outside world. Once the news is leaked, it will cause panic, and by then, everyone will suffer."

Haruhara Ayaka looked at her sister's worried expression and said, "Are you trying to protect someone?"

Chun Yuan Nana said: "Well, I have two good friends. I want to save them."

Haruhara Ayaka said: "If you can guarantee that she and her family can keep it a secret, then I don't mind you telling such things. But if you can't keep it a secret, someone will tell them to shut up, and it will be forever. Shut up, only dead people can maintain absolute confidentiality. Now the official department has a special department to take care of such things."

Chunyuan Nana looked at her sister's serious expression and understood the seriousness of the matter. It seemed that the official was blocking the news, and the method of blocking the news was very rough, that is, making the person who leaked the news disappear from his head.

Neon official does have a dedicated department responsible for information control, but this department is mainly responsible for online public opinion. Their best method is to locate the IP, and then follow the IP to look up tables to physically eliminate unstable factors.

In the current situation, the lives of ordinary people are no longer lives to the powerful, they are just numbers. What the powerful want is the stability of order, so any unstable factors that threaten order are their enemies.

That is to say, when doing such immoral things, Neon Official's ability will be so strong. On weekdays, the efficiency of Neon Official's work is called crotch pulling. It can only be said that the butt determines the head. In this kind of threat They will only show their current ability when they rule things.

Chunyuan Ayaka said: "Be careful, don't talk about any news related to this on the Internet, and don't say it on mobile messaging software. You have to be careful to avoid taboos even when making phone calls. In short, you have to do this in this matter Learn to shut up if you don't want to cause trouble for those around you."

Chunyuan Nana nodded. She was aware of the seriousness of the matter. Since the official paid so much attention to such matters, they would naturally guard against it. However, she did not expect that the official would go to this extent and monitor the entire network.

Chunyuan Nana said: "Forget it then. Although I want to help them, I can't guarantee that they and their families can keep the secret. If the secret is leaked from them, the officials will probably follow the clues and find us. Come here, I don’t want to cause this kind of trouble for myself and my family.”

Chunyuan Nana feels that she is just an ordinary person and does not have such a high level of consciousness to risk herself, her family and danger for the sake of friendship. For her, family is always more important than friends, and this is non-negotiable.

Haruhara Ayaka feels happy in her heart. Haruhara Nana has become a lot more mature. Although this decision must be criticized by the Virgin Bitch, from the perspective of ordinary people, this choice is the most correct. of.

At this moment, the two heard the sound of the door opening. After a while, Levi walked in carrying a plastic bag full of things.

Levi put the things on the small low table, sat down, and said, "I went to the nearest convenience store, only to find that the convenience store had been robbed and smashed. Everything inside was looted, and I was so confused. You can only buy things by taking a long detour to a supermarket further away. These thugs only bully ordinary people."

Ayaka Haruhara said: "Those thugs don't have the pride of being strong. They can do anything. Right now they are just robbing convenience stores. Maybe after a while, they will have the courage to break into ordinary people's homes and rob them." .”

Levi said: "Those little thieves, although what they do is ugly, they are not stupid. Convenience stores have all kinds of living things, and they can get away with it for a long time by grabbing the wave, but in ordinary people's homes, that is, It’s just a matter of grabbing some money, but if the social order collapses, the money will be just waste paper, and the daily necessities will become hard currency.”

Chapter 4. Girl’s curiosity

Haruhara Nana said: "Brother Li Wei, will Tokyo still lose social order?"

Levi said: "No one can say no to this kind of thing. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of 10,000. After that, I will reserve some living supplies, as well as fuel for motors and electricity. With the current situation, the whole of Tokyo is like a powder keg. It could explode at any time, and the only thing I can do is ensure the safety of this place."

Both Chunyuan sisters were a little surprised, because even a strong man like Li Wei said that something might go wrong, which meant that the matter was indeed serious.

Haruhara Nana said: "If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that all schools in Tokyo will be closed?!"

Ayaka Haruhara said: "This kind of thing might really happen. After all, when social order collapses, everything in order will be destroyed. At that time, who can still care about going to school? Life-saving is the priority. . Cai Cai, when you come back, follow Li Weijun and learn self-defense techniques. At the same time, you must carry some self-defense weapons with you when you go out. After all, things are different now."

In the past, the overall public security in Neon was pretty good. Although vicious cases occasionally occurred, they were a small minority, and individual cases did not represent the whole. But things are different now. The crime rate in Tokyo has skyrocketed. Ordinary thugs may not know what is going on, but they can also feel that the current atmosphere is not right, and they will act according to this atmosphere.

Haruhara Nana showed an incredible expression, because Haruhara Ayaka used to be a very gentle person. Although she had studied Aikido and her fighting power was stronger than ordinary people, she had never used force to conflict with him in life. She was not interested in anyone. Pleasant and cheerful. She was naturally surprised that such a person who believed in being kind to others actually suggested that she carry weapons when going out.

It can only be said that after an individual encounters a major change, his personality will be more or less affected. Just like Haruhara Ayaka, her whole person has become sharper now and no longer shows weakness like before. This kind of Haruhara Ayaka makes her feel a little strange, but now that such a sister can protect herself better, she feels that this is not a bad thing.

Chunyuan Nana felt that if something like her sister happened to her, she would probably become more cautious and even stop trusting any outsiders. This kind of thing is like this. Being bitten by a snake in the morning and being afraid of well ropes for ten years , not to mention the chaotic environment outside now, it is always right to be more defensive.

Chun Yuan Nana said: "Can I learn those?"

Li Wei said: "It never hurts to learn more. Of course, if you are really in danger, your first reaction is to run, and you will only start to fight back when you can't run away. For people who are not strong enough in martial arts, practicing martial arts is the most important thing." The function of running away is to learn how to escape quickly. As long as you can run faster than ordinary people, danger will not be able to catch up with you. Only when your strength reaches a certain level can you start to fight back the moment you encounter danger. "

Chunyuan Nana said: "Has sister achieved such a goal now?"

Levi said: "As for Caihua, she is still worse. Her current strength is based on the classification of the other world, and she is an inferior existence, that is, she is at the level of minions who help the strong. With such strength, in It’s not enough when facing danger. At the very least, you have to be a third-rate master before you have the ability to proactively counterattack. Before you reach the standard, when you encounter danger, your best choice is to run.”

Chunyuan Nana said: "Is there any division of power in this world?"

Li Wei said: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are levels and rankings. Although such a ranking seems boring to me, and there are certain problems with its accuracy. However, such a ranking also gives It has become a reference mark for many people, and it is said that the shadow of a person's famous tree. If you encounter a strong person ranked among the top 300 in the world, when you learn the name and ranking of the other person, the person's mind will instantly cool down, and then he will Suppress all impulsive thoughts. Unless the rankings are similar, otherwise we won't be able to fight."

Chunyuan Nana said: "Brother Li Wei, what is your ranking?"

Chunyuan Nana is really curious about such questions. Her sister opened the door to a new world for her, and Li Wei himself is a member of the other world, and his understanding of the other world is far better than that of Chunyuan Caihua. She If you have any questions, you should naturally ask them to Li Wei first.

Levi said: "As for me, I don't take many shots, but because the people I defeat are ranked higher, my own ranking is also relatively high. In the last ranking, I was ranked No. 1 in the world."

Chunyuan Caicai swallowed. No wonder Chunyuan Village can become an absolute position. Li Wei's own strength is enough to suppress the strong men in the other world.

Levi said: "At my current level, ordinary powerful people in the other world can no longer use human sea tactics to target me, and ordinary thermal weapons are completely ineffective against me. Anyway, I suffered a round before. The rain of rockets only scratched my skin a little. As for nuclear weapons, I have never carried them, but I probably can’t. That thing is no longer an ordinary thermal weapon, but a country’s sacred weapon. I haven’t offended any nuclear country, and they won’t use that kind of thing against me.”

Chunyuan Ayaka said: "Li Weijun, you have used your medical skills to weave a huge network of relationships. In this world, except for a very small number of careerists and lunatics, most people will not deliberately target you."

After all, Ayaka Haruhara is an adult. She can still understand what Levi does. This is the advantage brought by having skills. Levi has advantages that others cannot have, which means that everyone has Please ask Li Wei. Under such circumstances, Li Wei can be said to be one of the safest masters in the world. If someone even wants to take action against Li Wei, those strong men and rich people who need the help of Li Wei's medical skills will jump out. Block the knife for Levi.

Chunyuan Ayaka feels that in this world, except for the being who can obtain the three volumes of Qin's secret biography, everyone else needs Li Wei to help them extend their lives. Unless there is a major breakthrough in the existing medical science, all Everyone is trapped by Levi's neck.

Levi said: "I am not without weaknesses, so when someone takes advantage of my weakness, even I can only bow my head obediently. After all, I don't have any decent power, a lone wolf like me , sometimes it’s a big disadvantage.”

Hearing Li Wei's words, Chunyuan Ayaka felt a little uncomfortable because she knew that she had become Li Wei's weakness. If someone used her to threaten Li Wei, Li Wei would have to give in. She wants to become strong, and only when she has enough self-protection power can Levi be protected from threats.

Chapter. Half-assed

Levi gave Chunyuan Ayaka a comforting look and said, "Some things cannot be rushed. I will protect you until you grow up."

Chunyuan Nana sat aside, looking at Chunyuan Ayaka and Li Wei who were looking at each other. She felt like she had been stuffed with dog food. Chunyuan Nana felt a little depressed inside. Her sister also said that she and Li Wei were just ordinary friends. Now the two of them Can a personal look be called a normal friendship? Anyway, she was full of dog food.

Chunyuan Nana held her chin with both hands and looked at the two tired people without saying anything.

Haruhara Ayaka was the first to react. She noticed that her sister was still around, which made her feel embarrassed and her face turned a touch of pink.

Li Wei said: "As for Cai Cai, is she a high school student now?"

Chunyuan Nana heard Levi talking to herself. This man who might become her brother-in-law was not only handsome, but his voice was also full of magnetism. Even if you closed your eyes and just listened to the voice, you could feel his charm. , it was a numbing feeling that made her ears feel like they were pregnant just by listening to the voice. She felt that with Li Wei’s voice condition, singing would definitely sound good.

Chunyuan Nana said: "I just got promoted to high school this year, and now I am also an active JK."

Haruhara Nana made a cute scissor hand gesture. Although she is dressed like a hot girl now, her face is a cute oval shape, which makes her look very cute. She seriously lacks the sharpness and majesty of a hot girl. It can even be said that based on her appearance, she is an unqualified half-baked hottie.

Chunyuan Nana gave Li Wei the impression that she was a good girl who was forced to dress up like a hot girl. She only learned the shape of a hot girl, but could not possess the soul of a hot girl, so she was just half-assed.

However, such half-heartedness also means that she may be pulled back to the world of normal people at any time, and will not go further down the road of depravity like the hot girls. Levi doesn't know how to beat a boatman to death with a pole. There are also positive and uplifting existences in the hot girl. Just like Sayaka Kobayashi, the prototype of "Bottom Hot Girl", he studied hard for a year and a half in high school and was admitted to Keio University. In the Department of Comprehensive Policy, I went from being a hot girl whom everyone disliked, to becoming a student at a top university, and entering the winner group in life early, which can be said to be very inspiring.

And there are also dream chasers who have hot bodies. They work harder than ordinary people to achieve their career goals. However, generally speaking, most people with hot girl bodies are self-destructive existences. Even in the eyes of ordinary people, hot girls are just street girls who can get sex for money.

Levi said: "Nainai, is your dressing up like this a new trend recently? Why does it look weird, a bit like the bad girl style in Europe and America."

Hearing Li Wei say such things, Chun Yuan Nana didn't know how to answer. Her current slightly exaggerated dress itself was a manifestation of her rebellious psychology. In order to make herself more like a hot girl, she even went to the rooftop to do it. I sunbathed and taught myself how to apply sunscreen all over my body.

With her sun-kissed tanned skin, paired with the tight-fitting magic modified school uniform, long and short stockings, and small leather boots, as well as her natural golden skin, her current outfit also gave her a hot girl feel.

Chunyuan Caicai said a little embarrassedly: "This is just my personal hobby."

Chunyuan Ayaka was holding back her laughter. She couldn't control Chunyuan Nana, but now she had someone who could control her.

Levi said: "Nacai, you are indeed very good-looking and very cute in the way you are dressed now. But walking on the street is too high-profile. In today's environment, it is easy to attract the attention of bad people. Environment, keeping a low profile is the way for ordinary people to protect themselves. If ordinary people want to be safe in such an environment, they must suppress their own sense of existence like a chameleon."

When Chunyuan Nana heard Li Wei praise her for being cute, her head felt a little hot. Although it was not the first time that she was praised for being cute, it felt different when such words came out of Li Wei's mouth.

But when she thought that Levi might become her brother-in-law, she had nothing to do. Thinking of this, she became depressed again. After all, she couldn't compete with her sister for a man. Moreover, she saw Levi and her sister looking at each other. They only had eyes for each other. How could he get in in such a situation.

Chunyuan Ayaka said: "This child has suddenly become rebellious since she entered high school. Our parents passed away early, and I didn't have enough time, energy, and ability to take care of her, so she became This is what she looks like now. When she was in China, Cai Cai was the president of the student union in the school, a reliable person that all students looked up to. Although I know that her current situation is just a phase, but to be honest, I still feel a headache. . I am afraid that she will encounter any danger outside. After all, her appearance can easily make people misunderstand that she is a bad child who does not learn well. "

Chunyuan Nana felt a little ashamed inside. She originally thought that her sister simply couldn't stand hot girls, but it turned out that her sister was worried about her safety. Thinking of her previous rebellious behavior, she felt even more guilty. Her sister has always cared about her. Even if she no longer stays in Chunyuan Village, her sister still cares about her. Just like letting her move back to Chunyuan Village now is the best proof of her care for her.

Levi said: "Does dressing like this have any special meaning in Neon?"

Ayaka Haruhara said: "It probably feels like a bad girl. As for hot girls, the first impression ordinary people have of hot girls is that they have a chaotic private life, have a pretentious tone, are uneducated, addicted to gambling and nightclubs, drink alcohol, sell sex, and even take drugs. Ordinary people don’t have a good impression of hot girls anyway.”

Levi showed an expression of sudden realization and said: "So that's it. Isn't this the same model as the bad girls in Europe and the United States? The same is true for those so-called bad girls. They are all pitiful and hateful people who have fallen for themselves."

It can be said that almost everyone in Europe and the United States has a bad girl body that is poisonous. It is like poisonous insects with needle holes on its arms, and it is hopeless mud.

Chunyuan Nana lowered her head in embarrassment. She didn't want to be regarded as a bad girl by Li Wei.

Chunyuan Nana said softly: "I know I was wrong. I will return to my normal dress later, but there is nothing I can do about my tanned skin."

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