As a professional winemaker and the owner of a wine shop, Sui Jin has a very in-depth understanding of wine. There are many blue wines on the market, but no wine has such a transparent blue color. Looking at the bottle of sample in front of her, she even felt that this bottle of wine had a faint fluorescence.

Suijin said: "This is one of the most beautiful wines I have ever seen. There has been an international wine exhibition here in Tokyo before, and I have also seen famous wines from all over the world. I have never seen this kind of wine." The new products, even those famous wines, don’t have this terrible transparency.”

As a professional, Suijin was a layman who watched the excitement, and an expert watched the door. Details like this caught her attention.

Levi came back with a few small wine glasses, sat down, and said, "You can't believe what you say. Even if the seller boasts about wine, as long as the customer tastes it, he will know whether it is worth the price." .”

Levi took out the bottle opener used to open red wine from the drawer of the small table. When he skillfully pulled out the cork, a light and strange fragrance wafted out.

Sui Jin's eyes brightened instantly. She smelled the smell of sea salt. In addition to sea salt, there was also a faint fragrance of coconut. When she closed her eyes, she felt like she was at the beach, and she could even hear the sound of the tide in her ears.

Sui Jin said with an excited expression on her face: "This?! What kind of fairy fragrance is this? There are so many wines with clear fragrance, and no one has ever tasted this extreme. I even feel like I'm at the beach! I can't wait. I want to taste it."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Don't worry, you need to add some seasoning to drink this."

Levi had already taken the porcelain jar used to store salt from the kitchen, pushed it next to the wine bottle, and said: "If you want to maximize the flavor of this wine, you must add a little salt. When I got the recipe, I also felt It’s quite strange that there are wines that must add salt to achieve the most delicious effect. But after I tried it, I found that the recipe said it was simple. Adding salt and not adding salt are completely different levels. "

Levi poured the wine into a beaker used to sober up the wine, added a spoonful of salt, and left half of the wine in it, pouring it directly into the wine glass.

Sui Jin said: "No wonder I have to take so many wine glasses. It turns out to be a comparison. Can I have a taste now?"

,?;.;:;"!'.?":『,::;"?』'"?'':,『::?"!.!""』?!,!'!,'!" .';,'.""Save!':?.?'". Levi smiled and said: "Of course, we don't have the habit here of having to toast before starting to drink. "

Sui Jin smiled and said, "Then I won't be polite."

Sui Jin picked up a glass of unsalted sample wine and took a sip. There was no overwhelming taste in her mouth, but after a few seconds, when the wine slid down her throat, she felt her tongue change. She had to become more sensitive and tasted the aroma of flowers, coconut, light salt, and several other flavors that she couldn't tell what they were, but they were so fragrant that people couldn't leave them. This rich but not irritating aftertaste made her feel like she was... When tasting liquid art, this wine is so lively.

Each wine has its own character, some are as heavy and steady as an elderly gentleman; some are as passionate and romantic as a young prodigal; some are as sweet and simple as a mountain girl. And this kind of wine made her feel like she was wearing a swimsuit, walking on the beach, and playfully splashing the sea towards the girl next door who was drinking. It was lively and cute to the core. She had never thought that there was such a cute style of wine in the world, it was simply incredible.

Levi pushed the salted sample wine in front of Sui Jin and said with a smile: "Try this taste, you will open up a whole new world."

Sui Jin nodded, took the wine glass from Levi's hand, and also took a gentle sip. Wine tasting itself is a very delicate job. It is difficult to taste the details of the wine with a large mouth. Especially those professional wine tasters. In order to maintain the sensitivity of their own taste buds, they not only need specialized training, but also recipes. All are strictly controlled to prevent external flavors from affecting your own taste.

Suijin is extremely talented in wine tasting. Her taste buds have very good tolerance. Even after being "bombed" by various flavors, she can still maintain her sharpest state. She has participated in international wine tastings in the past few years. In the Sommelier Competition, she was ranked No. 1 in the world. As for the monsters in front of her, they were all self-disciplined professional madmen who were almost masochistic. They almost gave up cutting in order to taste wine, and their tongues existed only to taste the taste of wine.

As for Sui Jin, although her results were not outstanding compared to those of the monsters, she still ate and drank normally during the competition, which made other wine tasters jealous because in order to maintain the sensitivity of their taste buds, they could only Eat all kinds of bland food, and some people even live on bread and a small amount of deodorized meat products. Sui Jin's talent for taste buds surprised both the organizers and the judging panel.

As the wine entered her throat, Sui Jin's eyes widened instantly. The originally cute girl next door grew up in an instant. Her cute swimsuit with bubble edges turned into a fiery red string bikini that highlighted her figure. The fiery red smeared in her eyes, making her look both flirtatious and cold. If just now it was just the girl next door throwing the sea on the body of the wine taster, then now, the feeling is that I was pushed into the sea by the beautiful and powerful lady, and at the same time, the other party suppressed her without giving her any time to react. Come up.

"`. Wow! Yeah!" Sui Jin's hands were dancing wildly, and her whole body seemed extremely agitated.

Chunyuan Ayaka said: "Nishiki, are you okay?"

After Sui Jin reacted, she felt a little embarrassed, but she immediately became excited. The bottle of sample wine given by Levi was really cheating. If such fine wine can really be made into a flagship product, then the revival of wine shops will only be a matter of time. But she realized a problem. This formula was too precious.

Sui Jin said: "Such a formula must be very expensive. What price do I have to pay to get this formula? I don't hope to be able to buy it out, as long as I can get the right to use it."

Sui Jin knew her strength and it was unrealistic to win such a formula. Although she had been running a wine shop for several years, compared to ordinary people, she was still considered a wealthy woman. But a good formula is of immeasurable value, just like the formula of Coca-Cola, which is beyond what money can measure. In her opinion, the formula of this bottle of wine is undoubtedly as Coca-Cola-like in the beverage industry to the wine industry. How dare she expect to be able to buy such a formula? Even if she dismantles and sells it, she I can't raise that much money.

Chapter. Suijin’s worries

Seeing her friend's exaggerated expression, Haruhara Ayaka felt a little unbelievable, so she took a taste herself. Then, she became just like Suijin, looking astonished.

Haruhara Ayaka said: "If this kind of wine can be mass-produced and sold, it can become a niche high-end brand. Moreover, as long as it passes the initial publicity period, this kind of wine will not be popular at all. There will be a shortage of customers.”

Sui Jin sighed and said: "But for a small wine shop like mine, the most difficult thing is the publicity at the beginning, and if the formula is not kept confidential, it will be easy for competitors to crack the formula. The most troublesome thing is that Wan caused Industry giants should pay attention, as the other party is likely to use some dirty tricks to seize this formula. Retail investors like me may be even more dangerous if they have the formula in their hands."

Sui Jin is a very sober girl. Although she was shocked by the delicious taste of this recipe at the beginning, she soon understood that she might not be able to hold on to this recipe with her own strength. of.

After all, never overestimate the bottom line of the family. For the sake of profit, the family can even sell the noose to hang themselves, let alone just let an ordinary person like her perish. This kind of thing is very difficult for those family members. , is very simple.

Li Wei said: "I am afraid that someone will steal this formula. I have heard that the business competition here in Neon is very fierce. For their own interests, those masters are not interested in learning from Amei. Have you seen the country?" The arms dealers use various methods to humanely destroy their competitors."

Sui Jin said: "Yes, so it is simply too difficult for ordinary people to get ahead in such an environment. Even the small fortune I am now is because of the success of my ancestors. If I start from scratch, I How can we do this now?”

Sui Jin is very sober. She is just a lucky person who relies on the legacy of her ancestors. If she didn't have the foundation laid by her ancestors and the large savings left behind, how could she be able to survive like this by herself?

She knows very well that she is just an ordinary person, so she never believes in those poisonous chicken soups and hard work. In her opinion, it is a joke. She comes from a bad background and it is too difficult to get ahead. Except for a few top academics and athletic geniuses in the sports world, how many people have truly changed their lives against the odds? Some people may say that some cartoonists’ family backgrounds are not good, so they are also successful. But such a small probability thing is simply smaller than the probability of a lottery, and extreme cases cannot represent the whole situation.

She knew that she took the elevator up the mountain, while other young people without family support used their legs to climb the mountain. No matter what she did in the elevator, whether she was lying down or doing push-ups, her height was constantly rising. When we reached the top of the mountain, it was because of the elevator, not because she did push-ups quickly and accurately. In this regard, she was very sober.

Chunhara Ayaka said: "Nishiki, there is no need to belittle yourself like this. Although the wine shop was passed down from your ancestors, you have been running it in the past few years. Has your efforts been wiped out like this? And the wine shop has been run by you for the past few years. It’s just the foundation. If it’s not run well, it will go bankrupt. Before the fire, your wine shop could be said to be thriving, and it’s all due to your efforts.”

Sui Jin didn't intend to refute her friend. After all, there were some things that others couldn't detect unless they experienced them. During the period when she first took over the wine shop, she operated the store independently, basically relying on the regular customers left by her ancestors to survive that period. It was only in the third year after taking over the wine shop that she gradually and fully grasped the business. Store and open up your own network channels.

Without the connections left by her ancestors, the liquor store would probably have closed down in the first year she took over, so she understands that the money and high-quality connections left by her ancestors are much more important than her own efforts.

Sui Jin smiled and said: "I still know my abilities, but I'm not that powerful. I can't ask for Li Weijun's formula. If I really use this formula to make money, I will not only get myself into trouble, but even He will also draw the fire to Li Weijun, those Ben can really eat people."

Li Wei smiled and said: "If it is such a problem, I can help you solve it. Ben is weak and only bullies the weak and fears the strong. Ben is very powerful when bullying ordinary people, but when facing opponents of the same level, or When I encounter some ruthless people who don't act according to common sense, I will shrink into my own head. Unfortunately, I have both, so you can safely use this recipe to brew wine, as long as it is not disclosed to the public. Well, as for confidentiality and anti-theft, leave it to me."

Sui Jin said: "You can't joke about this kind of thing. Li Weijun, you are a foreigner. You don't know how powerful the chaebols here in Neon are. They are unreasonable villains. It is not a wise choice to provoke them. This recipe , once they know it, it will be enough for them to take action against you and me!"

Li Wei smiled and said: "Even foreigners like me have heard of the reputation of the Neon Chaebol. However, many people overestimate the ability of the Neon Chaebol. In fact, the ability of the Neon Chaebol exists. At the limit, there are many things they can't do. For example, they can't force me to nod. If they really have the courage to provoke me, I don't mind letting them leave the earth. disappeared."

Sui Jin was speechless. She didn't expect Levi's tone to be so loud. It seemed that to him, the chaebol was just a glutinous rice ball that could be rounded and flattened. Suijin looked at Chunhara Ayaka and whispered: "Please advise Li Weijun, this kind of thing is no joke. Those chaebols are inextricably related to the Yakuza organization, and they are also related to some big figures in the political world. Hooking up, as long as it is something they like, no one can protect it. If we resist forcefully, we may be targeted by the other side with dirty tricks. We are just ordinary people, and our arms cannot hold our thighs!"

Haruhara Ayaka smiled and said: "Jin, you don't know much about Li Weijun, so you think Li Weijun is bragging. However, Li Weijun is really capable of fighting against the chaebol, and even trampling the chaebol to the ground. In this world, there is always some knowledge of ordinary people. Incomprehensible powerful beings, these powerful beings are able to trample on the law and even the underlying rules. Neon's chaebols are just threshold kings and can only bully the people of their own country. Who have you seen in this chaos? The neon chaebol emerged?"

Suijin frowned. She felt that Haruhara Ayaka's paintings contained other information that she didn't know. This feeling of only being able to understand half of the meaning was really terrible for her.

Chapter. Straight to the point

Haruhara Ayaka doesn't intend to keep it secret. Suijin will live here for two months. For such a long time, things like this cannot be concealed at all, so it doesn't matter if she talks about it now.

Haruhara Ayaka looked at Li Wei, who nodded, so she started to talk about what happened in Tokyo during this period. After Suijin learned the truth of the matter, she was completely confused. Forced.

And Suijin also understood why Levi and Haruhara Ayaka didn't pay attention to the local chaebol organization, because Levi's giant Buddha was here, and such chaebols didn't dare to come and provoke them. After all, people like Levi Boss, it’s too late to please, how can you offend him so easily.

At the same time, Li Wei's strong personal strength and his terrifyingly vast network of connections can also ensure that whatever he wants to do can be carried out smoothly, and these are things that ordinary people can't even think of. of.

Sui Jin understood why Li Wei had such confidence. If she had Li Wei's ability and connections, she would be so crazy.

Levi smiled and said: "Now you can rest assured. You can use that formula as you like, as long as it is kept secret. As for other troubles, I will help you block them. You don't need to think about so many messy issues. Just do your job well with peace of mind.”

Levi has the ability to read people's minds and can see into other people's hearts. He knows that Sui Jin really loves the wine making industry. Her wine shop has a group of regular customers just by making her own wine, which is very rare. things. Most wine shops are doing the work of salesmen. There are very few small wine shops that actually make their own wine. Moreover, the work of making wine is already considered a strenuous job for a girl. She can bear such hardship. , in addition to her own personality, there is also her love for wine.

Levi himself is not a person who likes to drink, but even if he doesn't like to drink, he can understand Suijin's emotion in making wine and selling wine.

Although he was not a master of dream fulfillment, when Sui Jin encountered such an unfortunate thing, he felt that he should comfort her.

The greater the ability of an individual, the greater the number of things he can do. Levi gave the formula of fine wine to Sui Jin for free. In the eyes of ordinary people, it can be said to be very poisonous. For the sake of a woman, he actually gave this precious formula to Sui Jin. Give the other party free use.

However, at Levi's current level, the existence that ordinary people regard as treasures is just that in his opinion. Just like the wine brewed with this recipe, it is already an excellent wine for ordinary people. , but for him, it’s no problem to drink as much wine as he wants in his inventory. And he also has a more precious wine formula, which is an immortal wine that can nourish all immortal cultivators. In myths and legends, it is also on the level of the Tianjia Royal Wine at the Peach Banquet.

Precisely because he has so many good things in his hands, even if Levi uses a wine recipe of this level to prop up the table legs, he won't feel bad about it. If he gives it to his little girlfriend to have fun, it doesn't count at all. question.

Suijin said: "If that's the case, then I will no longer refuse. But having said that, what happened here in Tokyo is just like the plot of those anime, where people are fighting for the legendary treasure. It’s bloody. I just hope this dispute can end soon. If these people continue to make trouble, this life will be impossible.”

Haruhara Ayaka said: "This kind of thing is not something we can decide. Moreover, the "Secret Book of Qin" was brought to Tokyo. The person who brought it over did not consider this at all. For the safety of local personnel, it is best to throw dangerous things like this on those uninhabited desert islands. In this case, no matter how many people fight for it, it will not cause any harm to ordinary people. Influence."

Levi said: "If that person hadn't brought such dangerous things to Tokyo, I wouldn't have met you. Although from the perspective of local residents in Tokyo, my statement is somewhat inappropriate. Kind. However, I am very grateful to that person, because of him, I was able to meet you."

Neither Suijin nor Haruhara Ayaka knew how to answer Levi's words, and both girls blushed a little.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Levi said: "Nothing can be distinguished by pure good or bad. It may be a bad thing for others, but for me, it is a good thing. If I had not come to Tokyo, I would not have encountered These things would have prevented me from meeting you. It’s hard to imagine what my life would be like without meeting you.”

The two girls looked at Li Wei's sighing look and thought in their hearts that they were also lucky to meet Li Wei in the vast sea of ​​people. This was the so-called fate.

Levi said: "Come and have a toast. This kind of wine is not intoxicating anyway. As long as you are over ten years old, it will not be affected. I still have some in stock. We can drink to our heart's content."


Sui Jin said: "This is wine, no matter how low the alcohol content is, it is still wine. If you really open your mouth and drink, you will get drunk very easily. It is the afternoon now. If you get drunk at this time, you will be drunk for other people." If you vomit it out, it will be even more troublesome to clean up."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Not getting drunk is the selling point of this kind of wine. Although the brewing time of this kind of medicinal wine is a little longer, even if it uses the ultrasonic acceleration method, it will take half a month to batch, but the inside The chemical reaction produced by the medicinal materials produces a substance that can react with a common enzyme in the human liver. This substance can quickly decompose alcohol after coming into contact with the enzyme, thereby protecting the liver and strengthening the liver failure effect. It can be said that , this kind of wine not only does not put a burden on the liver, but can also protect the liver. This is its magic. If it weren’t for the fact that I didn’t store enough in the cellar before, this thing could be used as a drink.”

Haruhara Ayaka doesn't know much about wine. She just drinks some sake to celebrate during festivals. She could only roughly distinguish the type of wine, such as the brand of wine and the brewing process, but she had no idea.

A layman can watch the excitement, an expert can watch the door. As a wine shop owner and someone who can also make wine herself, Sui Jin was instantly shocked after hearing Li Wei's explanation. This was the first time she had a wine that could relieve hangover on her own. See the gentleman.

Chapter. Open-minded

Sui Jin said: "Does such wine really exist in this world? If such wine really existed, I am afraid it would have been sold at a high price by those wine merchants."

Levi smiled and said: "Because this kind of wine has only been circulated in a small circle. Except for me, no one else in the world knows how to make this kind of wine. And I am a very lazy person, too lazy To promote this kind of thing, so as of now, except for a few of my friends and acquaintances, no one else knows about this kind of thing. And I have always used this thing as a gift, and I have never thought about it. Use this to make money.”

Sui Jin nodded. Levi's explanation made sense. After all, Levi's main job was as a doctor, so it was normal not to pay attention to this aspect. After all, everyone’s pursuit is different. Just like some people purely pursue money, but there are also people who pursue justice and fairness, or knowledge and truth. As a doctor, Levi puts the focus of his life on himself. In terms of the main business, it is a very normal thing. Besides, Li Wei was not short of money, so there was no need to do such a thing and cause trouble to himself.

Chunyuan Ayaka said: "Although we are celebrating Jin now, Li Weijun, how should Yashu deal with it? I always feel that it is a little unkind for us to celebrate and drink here now that he is missing."

After all, this kind of thing does seem very strange. It seems like they are celebrating because Shiina Aki is missing, and no one else knows about such a thing. Otherwise, it would definitely be very unpleasant if word spread.

Suishin also nodded. She could understand Ayaka Haruhara's concerns. After all, they have been old friends for so many years and they are already very familiar with each other. Ayaka Chunhara is a very by-the-book person, which can be said to be kind. , to put it bluntly, it is pedantic.

However, in today's society, we happen to need more people like Chunhara Ayaka. Only if there are more and more good people like her can the atmosphere of the entire society be changed.

Levi said: "Okay, I'll keep this wine for now. After we find Mr. Yashu, how about we open the wine to celebrate?"

Levi's words were approved by the two girls, so the three of them began to clean up the somewhat messy table, and soon restored the living room to its original state.

Suijin followed Chunhara Ayaka to her own room.

Sui Jin said: "This place is really spacious. It feels like it has completely changed after the reconstruction. When I came here before, the environment was not as good as it is now. This place is much more spacious than my small shop. For this reconstruction, I planned to build a three-story building, and the entire third floor would be my personal living space. The place I lived in before was really too narrow.”

Haruhara Ayaka took out the summer quilt from the closet, put it on the floor that had been laid, and said: "It just so happens that you can realize your idea during this reconstruction. To be honest, the structure of the old wine shop was a bit unsatisfactory. It’s reasonable, now it’s time to rebuild and deal with all the previous problems.”

Sui Jin sat on the floor and said, "How many years have we known each other?"

Chunyuan Ayaka smiled and said: "It must have been ten years, why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

Sui Jin said: "Maybe it's because of fear. The outside environment is not stable now. Anyone may be involved in chaos and lose their life. When people are afraid, they will be nostalgic and indulge in the past. To be honest, I envy you so much, Ayaka."

Chunyuan Ayaka smiled and said: "What do I have to envy? I was almost kidnapped by human traffickers and taken to Europe before. Like you, I don't have much luck."

Sui Jin said: "But blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, right? When you fall into the most desperate situation, life has hit the bottom, and at this time, whether it is good or not, Li Weijun comes to you. Why can't I encounter such a good thing? Woolen cloth."

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