Levi, who was staying in his room, heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Levi said.

The door to the room was opened, and Chun Yuan Nana walked in, rubbing her eyes.

Haruhara Nana said: "Brother Levi, I heard that Shiina Aki ran away. Do we still want to buy tutoring materials in the afternoon?"

Levi said: "The original plan was not to go, but if you are already awake, then let's go. As for Shiina Yashu's side, I have already ordered the people below to look for it, but whether we can find it or not is not up to us. It’s something that can be decided.”

Haruhara Nana said: "That guy ran away from home to avoid training. It's so shameless. There are only two or three days of training left. Why run? Can't we just carry these few days through? "

Levi thought that although the intensity of the training arranged by his puppet Alex was much stronger than that of ordinary student military training, it was all based on Shiina Aki's physical limit, and there was no problem of overtraining. In other words, Aki Shiina has the perseverance to keep up, and it is not too difficult to complete the training. This kind of training is mainly tiring, but there is no risk of injury, because true excessive training will squeeze the body's physical functions. , and in that case, the trained person will not even be able to eat due to physical function problems. And Aki Shiina can cook two large bowls of dry rice every noon, and drink soup and eat vegetables in large gulps, which shows that his physical function is maintained very well. If it were another person to train, Aki Shiina would have been trained to the point of collapse.

Aki Shiina simply chose to run away because she couldn't keep up with her perseverance and was afraid of getting tired. However, this should be the choice Shiina Aju regrets most in his life, but there is no regret medicine in this world. Everyone who makes a choice must be responsible for the consequences of the choice.

Levi said: "Everyone has different ideas. We can't use our own standards to demand others. However, I am really disappointed that he would run away because of such a thing. After all, he just talked to me two days ago. I said I wanted to change myself, but I forgot my words before I thought about it.”

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Chunyuan Nana said: "That kind of person has no shame. What he says is just like farting, and it's over. That means Brother Li Wei has a good heart and will believe what that kind of person says."

At this time, Yuzu Yukimoto and others also entered the room.

"Ah, I didn't expect you, Sister Nana, to be up already. I thought we would get here first. Brother Levi, are we still going out in the afternoon?" Yuzu Yukimoto said.

Levi said: "Since everyone is already here, let's go out. I promised you that each of you will be admitted to a good public university, preferably the University of Tokyo. Say something to Caihua, Let’s go out, the sun is getting smaller now.”


"Okay!" Yuzu Yukimoto smiled.

Several girls don't care about the whereabouts of Shiina Aki. To them, Shiina Aki is a bad neighbor with dirty hands and feet. In their opinion, it is a good thing for a person like this to leave Chunyuan Village, at least. In this way, they don't have to worry about Shiina Aki doing dirty things with their underwear when they aren't paying attention.

After Levi took a few girls and said hello to Chunyuan Ayaka and Sui Nishiki, he drove a few people away from Chunyuanzhuang and went to a large bookstore in Chiyoda District.

After the dozens of minutes' drive, Levi parked the car in the underground parking lot of the large bookstore, then took the elevator with a few girls and passed the elevator to the entrance hall of the bookstore on the first floor.

Several girls looked around curiously.

Feng Jian Lily smiled: "This is my first time here. I only know that the teaching materials here are very complete, but the prices of the teaching materials are very expensive, so I had no idea of ​​coming here before."

Li Wei said: "Anyway, I'm supporting you. I've covered all the expenses for studying. The teaching aid materials here in Neon are not as exaggerated as those in Amei. You see, both sides are just having fun." Education, but Neon has to leave a narrow path for ordinary people. Amei, look at the country. Everything related to learning is made very expensive. Ordinary families simply cannot afford it, so ordinary people The gap in ability between the people and the powerful is wider than even here in Neon." Shi.

Chapter. Promise with the girls

The land here in Tokyo is extremely valuable. Being able to build a private bookstore of this size in such a core area shows the financial resources of its boss. However, on Neon's side, except for a few extremely special entities, the vast majority of the public sector has been contracted to private individuals, including some entities that in other countries may be considered the economic lifeline. On Neon's side, It is also controlled by plutocrats and powerful people.

For example, in the area of ​​education and Neon, the private sector dominates the public sector, including teaching aids and more monopolies in education. They are all related to the powerful and plutocrats. We cannot delve into the matters here. If we really want to go further. Digging means pulling out the carrots and bringing out the mud, and you can find out the connections with big votes.

The entire education system is in ruins, and this has also resulted in Neon’s industry being very developed related to private education.

Pedestrians entered the interior of the bookstore. The air conditioning in the bookstore was fully turned on. They went up to the third floor through the escalator and asked the staff. Only then did they realize that the entire floor was filled with various teaching aids, covering everything from Career advancement materials for primary school to university, and even postgraduate entrance examinations and various adult education.

After answering everyone's questions, the staff returned to their posts.

Chunyuan Nana was stunned and said: "This whole floor is full of teaching aids, which is really scary. And there are quite a lot of people here. It seems that there are many people who have the same plan as us."

Levi said: "Although many young people here in Neon have already died, there are always people who are desperate. In addition, with their own abilities, it is normal to fight while they are young."

Most of the guests on this floor are young people. They hold heavy professional books in their hands and really flip through them. After confirming that the books are the type they want, they decisively take the books down the elevator and head upstairs. These people are all Someone who wants to make himself better.

Of course, in Neon, wanting to become excellent also means spending money. The teaching materials here, no matter what type they are, are very expensive.

Levi recalled that when he was in junior high school, the school also provided make-up classes at that time. However, in order to reduce the pressure on students, the school reached an agreement with an off-campus copy shop to print large-scale copies of teaching supplementary materials at a cheap price. Version, the teaching aid materials originally cost dozens of yuan, but the school was forced to pay a few yuan.

But that era has passed. Both schools and teachers have become money-oriented. In the past, students were forced to purchase teaching aids directly. The cheapest teaching aids started at thirty, and the cost of on-campus tutoring was also was gradually pulled up.

But now, tutoring has been banned in China. The purpose of this is to level education and make education as fair as possible. However, rules are dead, but people are alive. Private tutoring can never be prohibited. Really rich people can directly hire tutors to tutor their children, and those affected are ordinary people. That’s all.

Levi said: "I have already seen the national area and high-end area, but I didn't expect that these two areas account for quite a large proportion."

Li Wei led everyone to select the necessary teaching materials. On the other hand, his puppet clone had found a cram school teacher suitable for reading memory. He cast a spell through a remote medium and read the other party's professional memory. Now he uses his own The memory received here quickly determines the various materials required.

It only took ten minutes for Levi to find all the materials needed by the girls.

Levi said: "I'm not in a hurry to go back now. I'm driving here anyway. If you have any books you want, you can find them by yourself, no matter what kind of books they are. I will pay the bill when you check out later."

The eyes of several girls lit up. Apart from the weirdo Chong Guo, books can be said to be small luxuries in any country, especially those advanced professional books, which are even more expensive. Even those ordinary reading materials are not cheap, so Levi's treat is a huge attraction for them.

Sumire Tsukimi said excitedly: "Really, can any type of book be used?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "Of course, it doesn't matter what type of book it is, even novels and comics. There is no limit to the quantity. After all, reading is a good habit. Reading books is better than browsing forums and playing krypton gold on mobile phones. The game is strong.”

Several girls high-fived each other and were able to buy the books they wanted. They couldn't refuse such a good thing. In Neon, the price gap between books is also huge. The cheapest ones are light novels and comic magazines. , the price of a single copy generally does not exceed a thousand yen, which is equivalent to the price of a large bowl of ramen. That is why light novels and comic magazines are so popular. The reason is that they are cheap.

The price of slightly higher-end novels and various popular reading materials is mostly in the range of 2,000 to 1,000 yuan, which can be said to be cheap or expensive. On top of this, there are various professional-related books. The cheapest of these books starts at a thousand yuan, which is not cheap for ordinary people.

What is more expensive than professional books and tomes are teaching aids for students. Books of this type are highly sought after. The best teaching aids can cost more than 20,000 yuan. The expense of teaching aid materials is one of the consequences of the industrialization of education. In addition, Neon has done very good copyright protection. Those who secretly print and sell teaching aid materials will be sentenced, although there will be no The death penalty, but not many people can bear to spend more than ten years in prison.

For their own benefit, the power of action of Ben and the powerful is directly full when it comes to safeguarding their own interests.

Several girls chose to disperse, went to the counter to pick up a small trailer, and then started their own purchases. Levi himself is a person who likes to read, and the people around him can develop the hobby of reading. In his opinion, it is also a good thing. Today's era is becoming more and more impetuous, and fewer and fewer people can calm down and read this book. He does not want the girls around him to become so impetuous, which can make the girls around him Precipitating knowledge is better than letting them become superficial.

Levi attached a magic mark to each girl. Although he is also in the bookstore now, he does not want the girls to encounter any danger. After completing the backup plan, Levi also began to wander around the bookstore. Like a few girls, he was preparing to pick some books he liked to take back. For him who likes reading, he can make his library more accessible. Expanding and gaining more knowledge is a pleasure in itself.


Levi was wandering around the bookstore. He had no purpose. He just saw books that he found interesting, so he walked up and flipped through them casually. However, there were not many books that caught his eye.

Neon is an interesting place in Li Wei's opinion. It should be said that the more distorted and depressing the environment is, the more sparks of thinking can burst out. Therefore, in such an environment, many literary powerhouses can appear.

Putting it into perspective, domestic literature burst out with high frequency during the late Qing and early Ming dynasties and before it stabilized. Lu Xun, Lao She, Wen Duo, Liang Qichao and others, in Li Wei’s mind, could all be called Someone who says "Sir". A country thrives through hardships, and these hardships will also bring the most outstanding literati to the surface and become part of history.

In Neon, the repressive social environment and the control of the powerful forces ordinary people to bow their heads, but some ideas can never be sealed. Some literary works are about current affairs and the powerful people holding guns and sticks, which is ordinary people. The embodiment of the spirit of resistance.

But it is interesting to say that the powerful can control the lifeblood of all walks of life in society, but they only let go of literature, allowing those literati who enjoy scolding to have room to breathe. In Li Wei's view, this is also a reflection of the wisdom of the powerful. Some things are better blocked than cleared. Because the Internet is so popular now, the powerful have to care about the influence of public opinion, so they have not completely eliminated the Internet and literature.

It is precisely because of this that Levi found many interesting literary works in the bookstore that satirized the powerful and society. These works to Li Wei feel like modern versions of "Camel Xiangzi" and "Tea House", which are just a slap in the face of the powerful. However, Neon's powerful people are not so thick-skinned. When faced with beings that are more powerful than themselves, it is common for them to act in spite of themselves. Being scolded by ordinary people is not a problem at all for them.

Levi put these interesting books into his shopping basket, plus some illustration collections, poetry collections, and some landscape photography collections. Soon, his shopping basket was filled with books.

When everyone met again, everyone was carrying a basket of loot.

Levi looked at this scene and said with a smile: "The bookstore must be eager to have customers like us come to the door every day. Every time we come here, we can bring them a lot of business."

Chunyuan Nana smiled and said: "Who told them to set the price of books so high? Although I know that things like price have nothing to do with bookstores, I still feel like I am losing money if I don't get more books that I like this time."

Levi asked several girls to bring all the books they selected. The pedestrians came to the checkout bar at the exit, completed the checkout under the surprised eyes of the clerk, and asked the staff to pack all the books.

Levi directly carried the large package of books on his shoulders, returned to the garage along the original road, and drove back to Chunyuan Village.

After entering Chunyuan Manor, Levi brought the large package of books to the living room, then took scissors and began to unpack the outermost package, taking out the contents without damaging the individual packages inside.

Seeing this scene, Sui Jin said in surprise: "How many books have you bought? Ordinary small bookstores don't have as many books as you buy at one time."

On the Neon side, in addition to the large bookstores that are almost like "book supermarkets", various small bookstores that focus on reading experience also have many die-hard fans, and because of copyright protection, the Neon world here Hong, traditional rental bookstores can still survive to this day, and they can still live a good life.

For small bookstores like these, the quantity of a single purchase is unstable and not large, so Sui Jin said this.

Levi smiled and said: "Just think of it as a gift from me to everyone. I think giving books is more meaningful than giving other things. At least this thing is much more valuable than simple bags and cosmetics."

Sui Jin thought about it and realized that what Li Wei said was indeed true. For a person with a normal mind, books like this are indeed more valuable than consumer goods such as bags and cosmetics, because after reading After learning the relevant professional skills from books on related majors, readers can make various fine handicrafts themselves, including making bags and so on. After learning all kinds of chemical knowledge through reading, you can also make cosmetics and other things by yourself. It can be said that books are the most precious treasure of mankind and a medium for passing on knowledge. Mastering knowledge is far more valuable than mastering those non-essential substances. Meaningful and valuable.

As a wine shop owner and winemaker, Sui Jin's thinking is somewhat different from that of ordinary girls. She prefers practical and science-based thinking. To put it mildly, she is a pure "straight girl", that's why she is like this idea. If it were another girl, she would most likely sneer at Levi's words.

Sui Jin said: "It's great to read books. I didn't have any free time to read books before. During this time, while waiting for the wine shop to be rebuilt, I can read more professional books related to winemaking and wine tasting. I I feel like I should supplement my professional knowledge so as not to be unable to keep up with the new stores that have reopened. Especially since Li Weijun, you also gave me a new wine-making recipe. Without sufficient ability, I cannot control this new wine."

Li Wei smiled and said: "It's a good idea that you have such an idea. It's not a bad thing to know more, but have you given the new wine a name? When I received this wine making recipe, I didn't know its name, so I need to Jin, please come up with a new name."

Sui Jin pointed her chin with her index finger, showing a troubled expression, and said, "I'm not good at naming, and this wine is very special and unique, so I don't know how to name it. "

Chunyuan Cainai said: "I really envy you, Brother Li Wei, and Sister Jin. You have reached the age where you can drink. Listening to what you are talking about, I also want to try the kind of wine you are talking about."

Sui Jin smiled and said: "Be patient, you can drink when you are old."

Chun Yuan Nana said: "By the way, wasn't I a hot girl who guest-starred for a while! I saw those hot girls started drinking before they reached the drinking age. As long as they put on hot girl clothes, they can drink!"

At this time, Ayaka Chunhara, who came out of the kitchen with pots and pans, said: "It's hard to learn well, but it's easy to learn bad things. As long as I'm here, you can't even think about drinking without Sui, not even beer."

"Eh?!" Chunyuan Nana's face suddenly fell.

Haruhara Ayaka put the fruit plate on the small table and said, "It's so hot outside, I prepared some fruits to cool down first."

Everyone sat down, the girls grabbed fruits from the fruit bowl and watched the soap opera being played on the TV, while Levi took out his mobile phone and tapped on the simulated keyboard.

Chunyuan Nana leaned on Li Wei and whispered: "Brother Li Wei, aren't you thirsty?"

Levi said: "You guys can eat, I am communicating with the people below who are searching for Shiina Aki."

Chunyuan Nana said: "Have you found the person?"

Li Wei said: "Not yet. The penetration rate of surveillance cameras in public areas here in Neon is very low. I asked people to mobilize the surveillance cameras in public areas in Chunyuanzhuang. I found out that he left here by bus. People below will search along the bus route, but whether they can find someone depends on their luck."

Chapter. Alex exits

Chunyuan Nana said: "Because people here in Neon attach great importance to privacy issues. On this point, whether they are rich people or ordinary people, they all have the same opinions. Even the government itself implements the so-called Skynet plan , have also been resisted by most people. If there are complete video surveillance recordings, it will be much easier to deal with any problems that really arise."

Levi said: "Yes, so the private detective industry here in Neon is so developed. If the surveillance camera system is perfect, the private detective industry will not have much room for activity."

The private detective industry is a product of the "small official" environment. If a country is a "big official", the official has strong control over the order of the entire social environment, such as Chongguo, then the scope of practice of private detectives will be Much narrower. Because in other countries other than Chongguo, what private detectives in these countries do is work that only police and lawyers can do from Chongguo's point of view, but the "small official" system has official execution capabilities and intensity. No, that's why private organizations are contracted to handle this matter.

Haruhara Nana said: "Private detective? I almost forgot that there is such a person. I have also watched "Detective Conan". Although Uncle Maori in it seems unreliable at ordinary times, at critical moments, especially with When his wife is involved, his combat power directly increases a thousand times, and he transforms into a Kamen Rider without a holster, able to do anything."

Levi smiled and said: "Real private detectives are different from what you think. They are not so amazing, and private detectives will disguise themselves, but they will not be as high-profile as in anime. Wherever they go, they will always say that they are private detectives. A real professional private detective even has to learn to disguise and change his appearance to ensure that his image is changeable. For a real private detective to be as conspicuous as Conan and Xiaolang, it is not said to be a failure, but it is also an alternative. pole."

Chun Yuan Nana said: "I see, it seems that animation is a filter-style beautification of the industry, but having said that, Brother Li Wei, does it have anything to do with you using a private detective? "?

Levi said: "It has been mobilized. Now more than a hundred private detectives are active in Tokyo. Their task is to find Shiina Aki. I have offered them a bonus for individuals or teams who can find Shiina Aki. , I will give you a bonus of ten million yuan."

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