After filtering through the known plots in his mind, Levi planned to start traveling through time. He did not read the entire comic, but just completed the two seasons of animation. Because he doesn't plan to stay in that world for a long time, he just needs to save the girl he deserves to save. The so-called "wagtail game" itself is very sick, letting girls play cruel battle escape. Kill, the person who can come up with this idea is the male protagonist's sick father. This dear friend is indeed a talent, comparable to the "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix" in "Xihong Shifu".

And the existence of this weirdo also made Levi realize something. For some weirdos, letting them die would actually be an advantage for them. Therefore, Levi has a new way to deal with Minato Sahashi's weird dad, Hiroto. Since you like battle royale games so much, let you play it well enough.

Li Weibei opened a separate experimental area on his floating island, and at the same time used existing spells to create a mature virtual reality world, but this virtual reality world was not for enjoyment, but for punishment.

Li Weibei threw all the weird anime characters he captured into this virtual reality world, allowing them to continuously participate in a battle royale game of a chicken-eating nature. The winner of each round can get a short rest as a reward, and each round The losers will be punished in various ways.

The never-ending infinite reincarnation battle royale game is what Levi can achieve. It is an infinite reincarnation that is even more despairing than the world view of "Infinite Horror".

Li Wei immediately escaped into his own consciousness space and began to build this infinite reincarnation virtual reality world system. On the floating island, it took almost two months to finally perfect the virtual reality world system. After a trial run , after eliminating all known BUGs, Levi encapsulated this virtual reality world~.

Levi placed this system in the underground part of the island. The entire underground space is blocked by various spells to ensure that prisoners thrown into the virtual reality world can never wake up from the virtual world.

After completing his own infinite reincarnation cage, Levi returned to the real world, and then used the paused animation on the screen as a medium to travel through, activating his ability to travel through time.

As his own strength increased, Levi could vaguely perceive the structure of the space channel when traveling through it. He was no longer in a state of complete confusion when passing through the channel like before.

Levi positioned his landing point and entry time node, and chose to enter the year before the official start of the plot. If he started the layout a year in advance, many plots that would have occurred in the original plot would not be repeated because of his arrival. Levi There is no intention to follow the original plot line. If you enter in advance, some tragedies can be completely avoided.

At the same time, he can also gather most of the "Wagtails" who appeared in the original plot. When he personally occupies most of the entire power pie chart, can the Wagtail game continue?

Although Yu Guangren has implanted backdoor programs in the bodies of the Wagtails, which can forcibly stop the body functions of these girls, such technology is too easy for Li Wei to break it, so when he closed When he fell in love with most girls, it was time for Yu Guangren to be thrown into the "infinite reincarnation" space and suffer.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

The reason why Levi chose this time point is because this time point is when the Wagtail game has just started. Although the plan for the Wagtail game was finalized more than ten years before the original plot started, it was not possible to do it on a large scale due to technical reasons. He had to adjust Wagtail's body functions, which resulted in the delay in the official launch of this battle royale game.

That is to say, in the past two years when the plot is about to officially begin, Yuguang's technology has gradually matured and is able to carry out batch modulation. At the same time, the financial resources and power of the giant enterprise MBI he created have also reached the standards at the beginning of the game, and can essentially ignore the country. Will, completely control the neon capital of that world, the Eastern Imperial Capital, so this battle royale game can be launched.

. .

Choosing this time to enter that world is equivalent to standing outside the door of MBI. As long as a wagtail is released on the opposite side, he will take away a wagtail. When most of the wagtails are in the camp, Yu Guang The big melee that people want to see cannot unfold.

In the original plot, the male protagonist has a wagtail beside him, who is considered to be the relatively powerful one among all parties, but Levi can completely expand this camp to the point where Yuguo Ren's game cannot continue.

As for why not jump in directly from the beginning? Because Levi hates waiting for too long, and he has never thought about gathering all the wagtails, because all the wagtail sequences have some anti-social personality, brutal killing, no bottom line, like this femme fatale , to be honest, he didn't have much interest in it, even if he was used as a foot washer, he wouldn't be able to do it. After all, bringing these unstable factors to the floating island, the problem child Wagtail, is likely to harm other girls on the floating island. Considering this, Li Wei this time from the world of "Wagtail Goddess" The mark for taking people away will be set higher, and there will be no room for exceptions for anyone who does not meet his mark.

Chapter. The appearance of Uranium Girl

After completing the landing, Levi did not act rashly, but lurked down, and at the same time used magic to search for the information he needed. At the same time, he also hacked into MBI's internal server and began to collect all the Wagtail information. information.

Because it is the early stage of the game, the entire Wagtail game has just officially started. There are a hundred Wagtails in total, and they have only been released to single digits now. Now, it can be said that this is the earliest test version of the game, and there are only single digits of Wagtails. After being released, the battle royale game becomes unplayable at all.

Several important Wagtails who appeared in the original plot are still undergoing final adjustments within MBI before leaving the company. After MBI completes the adjustment for each wagtail, it will release these wagtails to the outside world and let them fend for themselves. However, considering that each wagtail has a special credit card issued by MBI, every month There will be a fixed amount of money in it, and the balance will be refreshed at the beginning of each month, so as long as the money is not used randomly, the Wagtail itself will not go hungry.

Because Wagtails have to participate in battles, various items on their bodies are easily damaged. After credit cards or clothing are damaged, MBI will be responsible for logistical supplies and deliver the items to Wagtails. If the wagtail has fledged, it will be delivered directly to Wei Ya.

Here, we have to explain in detail what a wagtail is and what a reed bud is.

And this has to start from ten years ago. At that time, Yu Guangren, who was just a college student, and his classmates boarded an uninhabited island near Neon, and found the wreckage of a starship on the island. , after opening the starship by chance.

The two people entered the interior of the starship, and then discovered the dormant "wagtails" from a space similar to the body's life support cabin.

Strictly speaking, although wagtails have the same appearance as humans, they are not humans and can be regarded as aliens. They also possess powers that ordinary people cannot imagine, although they are not the same as those in special photography films. They can't be compared to other monsters, but when compared to other works with super powers, their (their) abilities are pretty good.

Wagtails are not only female, there are also a few males, and there are even rarer ones whose gender is in a state of ambiguity. The final gender will change according to the wishes of Wei Ya who contracted with him. In other words, this extremely special wagtail can be a girl, a boy, or even a cute boy, or even a more peculiar state, it all depends on Wei Ya's wishes.

After talking about Wagtail, we have to explain what Wei Ya is. To a certain extent, the so-called Wei Ya is a bit like the master of the heroic spirit in the world of Xingyue, but the Wei Ya here does not look like the master of the heroic spirit. In that case, certain basic qualities are needed. Here, as long as you can steal the wagtail's kiss, you can establish a symbiotic contract with the wagtail, and such a kiss can be forced.

In other words, as long as you can win the wagtail's kiss, you can forcibly establish a symbiotic contract. Such a symbiotic contract is an unequal treaty. The wagtail cannot harm its own Wei Ya, but Wei Ya can harm the wagtail. Various punishments were carried out, including torture with fists and kicks.

It can be said that in the wagtail game, there are many bad people who contract wagtails through sneak attacks and forced kisses, and then use wagtails as toys to vent their desires and as tools for obtaining money. Wagtail's credit card is a fixed living expense for those bad people Wei Ya. As long as he can contract with Wagtail, he can live a worry-free life until the battle eliminates his Wagtail.

Moreover, there are differences between Li Weixian and animation and comics in this world. If he had just embarked on the path of spiritual practice and entered this world in that state, he might have overturned here. Because here, it is different from anime and comics. Some places are specious, and these differences are enough to kill people. If an ordinary person is lucky enough to travel to this world and wants to benefit from the so-called plot prophetic advantage, he will die, and he will die miserably.

And this confirms Li Wei's view that most tragedies come from the lack of ability of the parties involved. It is impossible to solve the tragedies of the wagtails in this world with skills, and can only be solved with absolute power. , so he planned to play with Yu Guangren.

It took only a few days for Levi to figure out the current situation. It was still very early for the plot to unfold, so he did not rush to take action, but settled down locally.

The Eastern Imperial Capital in this world is the equivalent of Tokyo in the real world. Li Wei traveled around the world several times and collected a lot of gold, but he was not in a hurry to settle in the Eastern Imperial Capital, because if he settled down now, It was directly exposed to MBI's eyes. MBI's control over the Eastern Imperial Capital has surpassed that of Neon officials. Although he is not afraid of such things, in order to avoid trouble, he is not in a hurry to show up.

Levi waited patiently for MBI to release the wagtails. Although there were already wandering wagtails in the outside world, these wagtails were not easy to acquire, so he did not plan to expose himself too much at this time and took care of the wagtails first. Let’s talk about getting started.

The wagtail released now is the uranium girl of No.

As for Uranium Girl, she has a lot of scenes in both seasons of the anime, but there is a huge difference between her experience in the anime and the manga. In the anime, she blocked a fatal injury for the heroine and was defeated by No. hand. In the comics, she was defeated by No. But now, the world itself is hugely different from comics and animations. It is unknown whether the situation will develop like the original plot. Coupled with Levi's intervention, she will not have the tragic experience of the original plot.


In the lobby of the MBI building, a beautiful girl with long black hair wearing casual clothes and a sports backpack on her back turned around and said to the young woman behind her with silver shorts and a white researcher's coat: "Sister Gao Mei, then I will Out."

The silver-short young woman named Sahashi Takami is the mother of the male protagonist in the original plot. She is also the manager of the Wagtail game. She is a genius scientist who has adjusted all Wagtails. She is the right-hand man of Mihiro.

At the same time, although she and Mihiroto are not named husband and wife, they are already married. Their two children have grown up, and these two children are the male protagonist Minato Sahashi and the protagonist's sister Yukari Sahashi. .

In the anime, No. to No. were adjusted by another person, but here, all the wagtails in front were adjusted by her hands. This is the difference between reality, animation and comics. Just this point is enough to send people who feel that they have the advantage of plot prediction into the gutter.

Sahashi Takami smiled and said: "Congratulations, you have successfully completed the adjustment. From now on, you will have limited freedom."

The uranium girl said: "I know, you can't leave the East Imperial Capital, right, I have a sense of propriety. I really hope that bastard Yu can die early and can come up with this kind of game. If I have the chance, I will kill that guy myself. .”

Sahashi Takami sighed: "With your strength, you can only say harsh words here. Unless you have the strength of No., she might be able to do such a thing, as long as she is willing."

The woman said: "But it's not easy to move that person. I'm leaving. Goodbye."

The uranium girl waved her hand and walked out of the building. The dazzling sunlight made her narrow her eyes slightly unconsciously. Now she is a little confused. Unlike when she was in the laboratory, she has gained limited freedom. She can move freely within the Eastern Imperial Capital until she completes the final game goal. This makes her don't know what to do. What happened.

The uranium girl thought for a while and felt that she should find a place to live first. After all, the game ended who knows when, and she had to have various places to live.

"Well, where are we going..." The uranium girl opened her smartphone, pulled out the map, and looked at the city area map of the Eastern Imperial Capital. She closed her eyes and clicked on a random point. When she opened her eyes, , found that it was a residential area.

"If God directs me to go here, then I will go here first." The uranium girl whispered to herself.


What the girl didn't know was that the moment she closed her eyes, the screen of her phone shook slightly. The position where her finger pressed was not the original position, but the result that someone had arranged for her. .

Everyone in the hall didn't know that a paper crane invisible to the naked eye was hovering above their heads, and the shaking on the screen of Uranium Girl's phone was caused by the owner behind the crane.

Li Wei, who was hiding behind the scenes, had a smile on his face. She was already stable. She had a cheerful and generous personality, but also had a calm mechanism. Such a girl was suitable to be his initial wagtail.

Uranium Girl is a girl with strong mobility. After she decided to go somewhere, she decisively opened her legs and used her far superior jumping ability to jump and run quickly on top of the buildings. Just like those superpowers in superhero movies, their speed is far faster than ordinary cars.

Uranium Girl walked completely in a straight line towards her target. She used her special ability to control the cloth strips infused with her own energy, maneuvering quickly between buildings like Spider-Man, and quickly arrived at her destination.

She stopped at the lawn park in the residential area. This is a slightly remote residential area. It is located in the economically underdeveloped Nerima District. In this slightly decayed lawn park, not even a person can be seen. It is not far away. The houses here also look a bit old. Compared with the bustling central area, this place is like another world.

The uranium girl was not in a hurry to leave. She saw the old mud pipes piled up on the lawn, and she didn't mind the dust on the pipes. She sat on them and waited patiently. She believed that this was the guidance of fate. Since fate had guided her here, she had to be a little patient to avoid missing her destiny.

Minutes passed...

Ten minutes passed...

Just when the uranium girl was hesitating in her heart whether to leave here or not, a sudden change occurred. Not far away from her, a circular halo suddenly appeared in the air. The figure fell out of it and rolled several times on the grass. He opened his mouth and closed his eyes, which was like a Kamen Rider being defeated.

Uranium Girl was immediately shocked. Although she stayed in the laboratory for a long time, MBI did not restrict her access to information about the outside world, so she was very familiar with the level of technological development in the outside world. A sudden appearance like this, This is something that existing technology cannot explain at all.

The woman looked carefully at the figure that fell to the ground. It was a tall man wearing an ancient light-colored robe, with a crown on his head and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. Not only was this mix of ancient and modern looks not funny, On the contrary, it gave him an elegance that was different from his tall stature.

The tall man got up and spoke in a language that was obviously not neon language. However, for some reason, she was able to understand the other party's language without any problems.

"What's going on? Where was I thrown into this strange universe? I just went home and encountered a space storm. This is really unlucky." The tall man got up and patted him gently. He patted the dust on his body, and then his body shone with light, and his whole person seemed to be refreshed. The previous embarrassed appearance was completely gone. He was full of dignity and appearance, like a handsome man coming out of an ancient painting.

When the tall man saw the uranium girl, his expression suddenly turned ugly. Then he held out an extra brick and said, "You saw it just now, right?"

The uranium girl swallowed, nodded, and said: "I did see it, but can you put down the guy in your hand first before talking? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

The tall man said seriously: "How can this happen? What if you lied to me? If the secret that I am not from this universe is exposed, it will cause a lot of trouble. In order to ensure that you can erase the memory, let me Just tap the back of the head gently and don't worry, I will be very gentle and I guarantee that no one will die."

The girl said with a horrified face: "It's true that people won't die, but if you knock like this, you will become a fool!"

The tall man was Li Wei. At this time, Li Wei was already laughing out loud. This girl was really fun to tease.

Levi said: "If you become a fool, I will support you for the rest of your life."

The uranium girl showed a desperate expression. She could feel the huge energy carried by the other party. It was an existence that she could not resist at all. If the other party really wanted to attack her, he would have no room to resist.

Just after she closed her eyes in despair, she felt a headache on her forehead. When she opened her eyes, she found that the other party was standing in front of her with a smile on her face, and he just flicked her forehead gently with his fingers.

"I'm lying to you. Do you really believe that I will beat you into a fool? The thing I hate most is being rough with girls." Levi laughed.

The uranium girl was stunned when she looked at Li Wei's smile as bright and warm as the sun. She thought she would never have a crush on men. After all, every time she received adjustments, that idiot Yu Guangren would come over to check on the progress. , every time she saw Yu Guangren's stupid face, she would feel sick to her stomach.

She thought that she would never be attracted to men, but the feeling of her heart beating faster now was not a lie. She felt that her body was getting hot, especially the wagtail pattern on her back, which was burning.

Uranium Girl knew that she had met Wei Ya, who was destined to be her.

The bold uranium girl took the initiative to move closer and complete her own feathering. The moment the mucous membranes came into contact, the wagtail's light wings spread out behind her, and the gorgeous light wings enveloped the two of them.

When their lips parted, Levi said with a strange expression: "Are the humans on the earth in this universe so strange? Or are you an extraordinary human being? What you just did was some kind of ritual, I think. You and I have been linked together. Although this link is rough, it is indeed a ritual spell."

The uranium girl said: "Although I don't know what you are talking about, I feel very powerful. It's over. I was impulsive. I actually completed the eclosion with a complete stranger. I'm a fool! I'm a fool!"

The uranium girl held her head and squatted on the defensive. The Levi just now was too tempting. She was so hot-headed that she did impulsive things.

Levi said: "Although I don't know what happened, the two of us now have a relationship where we both prosper and suffer. Can you introduce yourself?"

The uranium girl came back to her senses and felt that this was indeed the case. Now was not the time to complain. Since the two parties had formed a contract, it was time to share the information of both parties. And now it seems that her Wei Ya is no ordinary person. Maybe she can really win the final wagtail game and tear off Yu Guangren's head.

Chapter. Visit Meizai

After the two people had had enough wine and food, they lay down on the lawn. The uranium girl watched Li Wei lie down, and the previously withered lawn began to regain its vitality. She wanted to complain in her heart that Li Wei was more capable than Wagtail. More unreasonable.

But what Uranium Girl doesn't know is that No., which is still in the preparation stage and has not been released yet, that is, the "final work", a little loli named Kusano, has the ability to control plants. In other words, as long as Kusano improves the control level of his abilities, he can control the vitality of animals other than plants. He can truly live the life of human flesh and bones, and his potential is very great.

It's a pity that Kusano is too young and can't control her own abilities. When the plot officially begins, she is only about ~ years old in human form. As a child, even if she has huge power, she can't. There is a good way to control this power.

As for Uranium Girl, her strength is the highest among all wagtails, and she belongs to the upper group. She is not as good as the ones above, but more than the ones below. When bullying those relatively weak wagtails, she is possessed by the God of War. She can be unparalleled in seconds and can defeat anyone. but. But when she encounters those bugs, the weak Shiba Inu appears, and no one can defeat them.

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