Seeing that there was no excitement and they could continue watching, Levi and Uranium didn't stay any longer, and rode back to Izumo Village.


Song stays in her room most of the time. After all, MBI is still looking for her everywhere, so she can do it without showing up. Through the surveillance camera, she saw Levi and Uranium Woman parking their motorcycle behind the courtyard.

After parking the car, Levi's hand reached into the air, and half of it disappeared in an instant. Seeing this scene, Song was not surprised. From the first day Levi came to Izumo Manor, she already knew that the other party was not ordinary. People, this ability to manipulate space is one of the abilities that Li Wei masters.

Levi took out a large bag of food from the Consciousness Sea Space and said: "We also need some food reserves at home. After all, except for me, we are all girls. Girls always like to eat sweet things."

The uranium girl said: "But some of the food you bought, Levi, is not that shelf-stable."

Levi said: "Don't worry, you have to believe in the power of magic. Even if it's a green vegetable, I can make it not rot for a hundred years and keep it in the freshest state at all times. I just want to keep the food in the best shelf life state. For me, It’s a very simple thing.”

The girl sighed and said, "Is there anything else you can't do?"

Levi pretended to be thoughtful and said: "I can't do such a thing as giving birth to a child now."

The girl's face turned red and she said, "Who told you to say such a thing! How can a man give birth to a child?"

The monitor Song installed in the yard had a listening accessory, so she could hear the conversation between the two people very clearly. Hearing that this batch of food was used as a reserve for the apartment, a smile suddenly appeared on Song's face. She had not gone out for a long time, and the food reserve in her room had long been exhausted.

Originally, she planned to go out for supplies in the past few days, but who knew that Levi and Nuanv suddenly moved in here. Before she was sure that they were trustworthy, she did not dare to show up openly in the apartment, so she could only try her best to It is possible to avoid the two people, so there is no chance to go out for shopping. Now Levi suddenly came back with a lot of food to fill up the food reserve in the apartment, which was a good thing for her.

Levi said: "Uranium Girl, are you so innocent?! Who was the person who told me about Bijiri just now? Please return Uranium Girl to me!"

The blushing girl quickly said: "Can these two things be confused?!"

Levi raised his palms and said: "Okay, that's it. If we continue talking about this topic, it will be troublesome if Mei Zai hears it. I will put things in the living room later. I remember that there are lockers in the living room. Just put it there when the time comes.”

Song, who was staying in her room, heard Levi's words and punched several times in excitement. If she put it in the living room, it would be very convenient for her to get things. Because there was a secret passage from her room to the roof of the living room. When no one was in the living room, she would go down to get food. I just heard Li Wei say that these foods are protected by a preservation spell and will not deteriorate no matter how long they are kept. This is a good thing for her. If she takes a small amount, it should not be discovered.

Chapter. Wagtail Game

After Levi put the food in the locker in the living room, he didn't leave in a hurry. Instead, he turned on the TV, sat on the couch and started watching.

The uranium girl opened the cabinet, took out some food from it, and put it on the coffee table. Because of the magical preservation, the baked food she took out was still hot and exuding a strong fragrance.

Song, who was hiding in the secret passage, felt a little anxious. Neither Levi nor Uranium looked like they were leaving.

"This roasted chicken is so delicious. I didn't expect there to be a boss with such skills on Temple Fair Street. I will bring more with me next time I go there." The woman tore off the wings of the roasted chicken and separated the chicken from the skin. , the scent spreads like a bomb exploding~.

Song Song, who was hiding in the secret passage, could naturally smell such a fragrance. She sniffed and felt that her stomach was growling. There was nothing wrong with it. She just had to watch when she was hungry. Others eat even more cruelly -.

Levi said: "I have copied all the food ingredients I bought this time onto the gourmet tablecloth. If I get greedy, I can just use the gourmet tablecloth to realize it in batches."

The girl's eyes lit up and she said, "Is there such a good thing?"

Levi said: "I have been to many places anyway. Everywhere I go, I will learn the local cooking memory and master many samples. The best quality samples will be copied after my improvement." Enter Gourmet Tablecloth. How else would Gourmet Tablecloth’s comprehensive collection of recipes come to be.”

Uranium Girl said: "I see, that means we can taste delicious food from all over the world without leaving home."

Song, who was staying in the secret passage, was confused when she heard the conversation between the two. She didn't expect that Li Wei had such a hand. Although she had long known that Li Wei was not an ordinary person, even a wagtail with extraordinary power , could not do such a thing, so Songyue became more curious about the mysterious origin of Levi.

The rich fragrance spread throughout the room, and you could naturally smell such a smell in the secret passage. Song decided to return to his room first. After all, it was too pitiful to stay here. Watching others enjoying the delicious food, he could only hide in the room. Swallowing in the dark, this feeling made her feel as pitiful as a mouse. This feeling was quite uncomfortable.

Sitting in the living room, Li Wei can naturally feel Song's presence, but sometimes it's also a skill to pretend to be confused while pretending to understand. Although the two sides have not met yet, Li Wei has become accustomed to teasing Song in details. , for example, like now, after knowing the other party's plan, he still stays in the living room for a long time.

The uranium girl looked up at the ceiling, showing a puzzled expression, and said: "Why do I always feel like someone is staring at us? Is there anyone else here besides us? Meizai is still cultivating her in the courtyard. Hua Hua Cao Cao, is there a ghost in the apartment?”

Levi smiled and said: "I don't know if there are ghosts, but besides us, there should be other tenants in Izumo Villa, but for some reason, this tenant doesn't want to appear in front of us."

The uranium girl bit into the chicken leg and said inarticulately: "The guy who hides his head and shows his tail probably has some shady secret, so he is hiding from us."

Uranium Girl's statement is somewhat preconceived, but Levi has no intention of correcting Uranium Girl's statement. After all, if you have not experienced some things yourself, you will not have empathy.

Song, as the No. Becoming so vigilant, after all, it is about your own life. Any carelessness may bring disaster to yourself. In such a situation, can you not be vigilant?


In the MBI building, in the large conference room on the top floor, there were only three people sitting on the seats, which made the already huge conference room look even more empty.

The man in white sitting on the main seat has a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He folds his hands to cover his chin, just like Ikari Watari on the set next door. Unfortunately, the man in white has something to say. He was so angry that he acted a little funny.

And even when he was sitting on a chair, he did not take off his white cloak, but folded it and put it on the back of the chair, which made him look even more shady.

However, the other two people present at the meeting were used to the informal style of the man in white and did not say anything. Because they know that even if they say it, it will be useless. The man in white in front of them cannot be inferred with normal people's thinking.

The man in white wearing glasses is the father of the male protagonist in the original plot, Yu Guangren. Although he is already in his forties, he looks very young, only in his teens, because of the biotechnology mastered by his company. appearance. And his voice is also full of youthful energy. It's hard to imagine that a young man can still maintain such enthusiasm at such an age.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Takami Sahashi, who was wearing a researcher's white coat, said: "Mistress, I have explained all the available materials. Even so, do you still plan to continue to promote the Wagtail Project?"

Yu Guangren smiled and said: "It's just an external threat. If we stop the plan because of such a thing, wouldn't all our previous investment be in vain?"

Sahashi Takami said: "But the unknown force is obviously coming for the wagtails. If you continue to carry out the plan, the wagtails outside will be quite dangerous. They are likely to be plotted by the unknown force. This will affect your plan. It also has a great influence.”

. . . . . .

Yu Guangren smiled and said: "As long as there are no problems with the core compilation, it doesn't matter. The products of the general compilation are themselves consumables for completing the plan. After the plan enters the fourth stage, everything will be destroyed, even if the opponent gets it. It doesn’t matter, they can’t get more skills from Wagtail’s body, I still have confidence in this aspect.”

Yuhiro himself started out in technology. In addition to Sahashi Takami, he also made great efforts in adjusting the various technologies used by Wagtail, so he is confident in MBI's existing technological barriers to external barriers. , the technical barriers he set up are not something that cats and dogs can break through. After all, Wagtail's power involves the very metaphysical existence of emotions and feelings. This is a completely different system of technology from existing human technology. Outsiders do not have his technology. Guidance, even the most basic threshold is out of reach. Moreover, the technologies used by those non-core editors are just that. Even if they fall into the hands of the enemy, it doesn't matter to him.

As for the safety of the wagtails? If he cared about such a problem, he wouldn't have started the wagtail game. He had already made a plan in his mind. If the wagtail could survive to the fourth stage, except for the individual members of the punishment team, ten fingers would be eliminated. I can count them all on my head. Except for a few core editors, the remaining lucky ones who can survive will all die in the final stage. Even the core editors cannot escape this step.

The Wagtail Game, as his plan on the way to becoming a god, cannot be opposed. In order to achieve his goal, even if all the Wagtails die, he thinks it is a necessary sacrifice.

Chapter.Plan begins

The two people sitting below have very complicated expressions. One of the two people below is the technical director Takami Sahashi, and the other is the three Wagtails of the Punishment Team, Sasaro Nomiya.

Yuhiroto's cold approach of treating the wagtail as a consumable made the two of them feel physically uncomfortable. At that moment, Nomiya Sharan even had an idea in his heart, that is, let Crow Feather chop Yuhiroto. , this kind of demon in human skin is really chilling.

Sahashi Takami said: "Our enemies cannot be underestimated. You have also seen that mechanical arm. That kind of technology is no joke. And compared with biological bodies, machines have a huge advantage, that is, they can For large-scale mass production, our main force here is only wagtails, and we don’t know how many high-end combat forces are on the opposite side. Moreover, not every wagtail can reach the level of No. ”

Takami Sahashi is very clear about the current situation. After Mei Zai left MBI, the group's high-end combat power system has actually collapsed. Mei Zai's strength is the foundation of MBI. Without this After fixing the Poseidon Needle, Yu Guangren was still as wild as ever. In her opinion, this was simply seeking death.

Yu Guangren smiled and said: "I regret No.'s departure, but MBI is not incapable of playing without her. I have also developed new technologies in recent years. The Wagtail Project is only part of the application of technology. Believe me, I have enough cards in my hand to cope with all changes in the outside world."

Before Mikoto landed on Starship Island, he and Sahashi Takami were both top students in the Department of Biology at Teito University. They were the most talented biotechnology researchers in the entire school since its establishment. It is precisely because of this that the information obtained from Starship Biotechnology has only been able to be used to this extent. If it were someone else, even if they got the starship, they would not be able to reversely crack those technologies. The only people who could do this were him and Takashi Sahashi. Beautiful.

Sahashi Takami said with an ugly face: "Did you do other research behind my back?"

Yu Guangren crossed his legs and said: "Eggs cannot be put in one basket. This is common sense."

Sahashi Takami sighed. The research of biotechnology itself is against ethics and even against the most basic morality. In fact, the current feathers are not the only wagtails. If all the numbers are counted, there are actually more than There were four hundred feathers, which was the number she knew, not counting those that she didn't even know about.

The current feathers are the ones left after going through many experiments, instead of just so many at the beginning.

As for those abandoned ones, most of them are already experimenting with death or distortion. To be honest, during the cruel early experiments, although the wagtails themselves had no self-awareness at that period, they were still alive. If the experiment failed, Death is a relief. The vast majority of individuals whose experiments failed have turned into twisted monsters with no self-awareness and only know how to destroy.

Sahashi Takami herself had such an experience. In her hands, a wagtail was deformed due to the failure of the previous experiment. She watched with her own eyes as the lovely girl twisted into a ball of squirming flesh in a very short period of time. A large number of tentacles and eyes sprouted from this piece of flesh, and it made a syllable sound that was similar to humans but meaningless.

In the end, the lump of meat was thrown into the incinerator and was destroyed by the high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees, but this incident also became a psychological shadow that she would never forget in her life.

However, the white man in front of me, who seemed a bit funny, had conducted countless similar experiments. The number of wagtails was at least 400, and now there are only one official one, and a few extra staff. You can imagine how high the failure rate of this kind of experiment is, and how terrible the consequences are. The white man in front of him feels like a clown, but Takami Sahashi, who knows his inner nature, knows that the other man is a devil in clown skin. If there is a devil in the world, maybe he will be There is such an existence as Yu Guangren.

Sahashi Takami said with an ugly face: "Mi, do you know what you are doing? People like you will go to hell even if they die!"

With a joking smile on his face, Yu Guangren gently pushed the glasses that had slipped on the bridge of his nose and said: "History is always written by the victors, and after the success of the Wagtail Plan, I will become a god above the emperor. .As a god, even if there is a hell, it will be a prison under my jurisdiction. How can I be imprisoned in a prison under my jurisdiction?"

Yuguangren looked to the other side, and said with a smile, Sharan Gong, "Sharan-kun, I believe you will stand firmly on my side."

"This is a matter of course." Nomiya Sharan lowered his head slightly and said respectfully.

Sahashi Takami showed a shocked expression. She did not expect that Nomiya Sharan would completely bow her head.

"You...Miya, do you know what you are doing?" Sahashi Takami said in disbelief.

Sharan Nomiya lowered his head slightly, so that no one could see his complicated expression, and said: "Of course I know what I am doing, and I know my choice very well."

Sharan Nomiya chose to bow his head neatly, also because Mikoto promised him that as long as the wagtail plan is successful and he gets enough power, he will fulfill his wish and resurrect his lover.

Faced with such conditions, Nomiya Sharan could not refuse at all, so now he is no longer skeptical about the cruel plan implemented by Yuhiro. After all, it involves his personal interests. Now he , chose to stand on the same front as Yu Guangren.

Sahashi Takami sighed. She knew that she was unable to change the current situation. Yu. Hiroshi had mastered mature technology and could completely bypass her and continue to promote the plan. Therefore, she wanted to protect those poor people as much as possible. Children, we can only use curves to save the country.

Yu Guangren waved his hand and said: "Let's adjourn the meeting. I will arrange for people to deal with that mysterious enemy. What you have to do is to supervise the entire Wagtail game and at the same time collect enough emotional power for the core terminal."

"Yes!" Nomiya Sharan replied in a serious tone.

On the other hand, Sahashi Takami felt as sick as if she had eaten a fly, but she did not want to reveal her purpose at this time, so she reluctantly followed the example of Sharou Nomiya and responded.

None of the three people knew that on the top of the conference room, the paper crane, invisible to the naked eye, had seen everything here.

Chapter 4. Caught red-handed

At this time, Levi, who was staying in his room reading a book, had slight fluctuations in his originally calm expression.

Using paper cranes as a medium, and through remote mind-reading skills, he saw the inner thoughts of the three people in the meeting. Sure enough, this world is different from the comics and animation versions. At least, the first two versions of Yuguangren , but there are no assholes like the peers here.

Anyone with a normal outlook on the crimes committed by the Yuguang people in this world would feel that it was very reasonable for him to be dragged out of Lingchi or locked up in the Iron Maiden.

The uranium girl came over, lay on Li Wei's back, put her hands around Li Wei's neck, and said, "It's so boring, Li Wei, let's play chess."

Li Wei said: "What's so fun about playing chess? I have something more fun here. Do you want to play?"

"Oh? Is it some new chess game?" Uranium Girl showed a curious expression.

"Tsk, chess is nothing. Go is interesting, but do you know how to do it? This is something much more exciting and interesting than playing chess." A "you know" smile appeared on Levi's face.

The uranium girl swallowed, with an expression of expectation and puzzlement on her face. After all, it was something Levi said was interesting.

Li Wei took out two computers and all the supporting equipment from his Consciousness Sea Space, and said: "Let me teach you what kind of games men play. Come on, click on this Yamaguchi Ding's game." Icon, you will know the pleasure of masturbating.”

The uranium girl still doesn't know what kind of "hell" is waiting for her.

Two hours later...

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