Entering a fork in the road, you enter an underground bar from an alley. This is one of Qiandao Kashiwa's industries, and it is also his secret lair. He usually stays here most of the time, and remotely controls his organization to carry out various illegal activities. , seeking benefits for himself and his family, Qiandao Kashiwa is a traditional neon villain. While doing evil, he also abides by certain underground rules and belongs to the "lawful evil" camp. However, Levi is more ruthless than him and is a " Really, chaotic evil” camp.

Entering the bar, the tall, sunny and handsome Levi attracted everyone's attention. In the slightly dark underground bar, because of Levi's arrival, the whole environment felt a lot brighter. The women looked at Levi's There was greed and desire in his eyes, while the male was quite fearful, as if he had seen some terrible monster.

Levi walked to the bar, sat down, and said, "A glass of screwdriver."

The bartender wiped the glass and said without raising his head: "Young master, this is not the place you should come. If you want to have fun, it will be everywhere."

"The visitor is a guest, isn't he?" Levi showed a smile as dazzling as the sun.

Levi's perception has enveloped the entire nearby area. His target, Qiandao Kashiwa, is currently at the bottom of the bar, that is, in the secret room on the third underground floor. At this time, Qiandao Kashiwa is staring at a pile of surveillance videos. He was making an external phone call, and his words had already been "heard" by Levi.

The bartender said nothing more, took out the wine ingredients, and began to make the screwdriver that Levi needed. Just like what Levi said, the bar is open for business, so naturally it cannot turn away customers.

The bartender is an experienced veteran. He sensed the dangerous aura from Levi's body, so he wanted to let Levi leave. After all, there are too many secrets in this bar. Such a place is like the sun. Generally dazzling people are definitely not simple.

A young girl wearing scantily clad clothes came over, sat next to Li Wei, and said with a smile: "Is the little brother alone?"

"If you want to buy you a drink, can you leave me alone?" Levi smiled and said something that would make people thousands of miles away.

"Hey, you are so heartless, little brother." The young girl came over and wanted to lean on Levi, but Levi's body was slightly to one side, and the young girl leaned against the empty space and almost fell down. If If Li Wei hadn't helped her, she would have made a fool of herself... …

She almost fell down, but was supported by Li Wei. The young girl was startled, but felt warm in her heart and said with a smile: "Brother is quite gentle."

"I just don't want to disturb the other guests, madam." Levi let go of the young girl, pushed her slightly, made the opposite person sit upright again, and said to the bartender: "A glass of gold fizz for this beautiful lady."

There was some resentment in the young girl's eyes, and Li Wei's meaning was already obvious. She was also a little ashamed of herself in her heart. She was like a sun-like existence like Li Wei, and she, a mouse hiding in the gutter, was illuminated by such sunshine. While feeling warm in her heart, there was also some sadness. If she could have met such a sunshine-like existence a few years ago before she fell, maybe she would have had the opportunity to bask in the sunshine.

After the bartender prepared Levi's screwdriver and pushed it in front of Levi, he began to prepare the girl's golden fizz.

Levi picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and said: "We are all God's children, but we are special, the people closest to God." After hearing Levi's words, the bartender's hand froze, and he almost held the wine in his hand. Throw the shaker out.

"So, God will be the first to lead us into His kingdom." The bartender said softly.

The bartender took out a key from under the counter while bartending, put it on the bar, and pushed it gently in front of Levi. Levi pressed the sliding key, drank the wine in the cup 2.7, and said: "Yes, we will all enter his kingdom."

Levi grabbed the key, placed a Fukuzawa Yukichi on the bar, walked towards the door on the side of the bar, opened the door with the key, and walked in.

The bar returned to calm. With Levi's departure, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Levi's existence seemed to be some kind of high-ranking existence. Just sitting there made them feel on pins and needles.

After Levi entered the door, he walked in the familiar direction of the underground passage. After scanning the nearby environment with his senses, he found that the entire bar had no secrets in front of him.

The previous code word was also an important piece of information mentioned in the intelligence. It was the core idea of ​​the Harmony Sect organization founded by Qiandao Kashiwa, and the code words derived from it. .

Chapter 128. The Yakuza Boss Puppet

When Levi came to the door of the secret room where Qiandao Kashi was, Qian Dao Kashi was still monitoring his casino and contacting his subordinates by phone from time to time.

As a villain, Qiandao Kashiwa is undoubtedly qualified. The son of a rich man cannot sit down in court, but he never puts himself in danger.

Unfortunately, this evil beast was targeted by an even more terrifying and unspeakable predator.

Levi snapped his fingers, and the invisible spiritual power turned into the shape of a key, opening the reinforced mechanical door of the secret room.

Hearing the sound coming from the mechanical door, Chishima Kashiwa, who was on the phone, hung up the phone, threw the phone aside, and pulled out the two pistols from the holster on his waist. The two pistols were turned in his hands and opened. With the safety on, Qiandao Kashiwa threw down his hands, used centrifugal force to load the two guns, and then pointed the muzzles at the mechanical door.

The mechanical door slowly opened. Levi held the door calmly and said, "Hey, good afternoon, Mr. Qiandao."

"Friend, you are in the wrong place." Qiandao Kashiwa's face was expressionless, and his eyes were extremely cold. He looked at Levi as if he were looking at a dead person.

"Since Mr. Qiandao, you called me a friend, it's not too much for me to ask for a drink, right?" Levi sat down in a familiar manner, opened the small cabinet skillfully, and took out a bottle of Gray Goose Vodka. , biting open the bottle cork with his teeth, smelling the faint aroma of wine.

Seeing that Li Wei was so familiar with the environment here, Qiandao Kashiwa was wary in his heart, but also a little confused. This was his most secret place. Even his wife and children didn't know there was such a place. What was happening on the other side? Found here? The bar has three underground floors, but only the first floor is open to the public. The second floor is a warehouse used by internal staff. The third floor is a place only he knows. Even the decoration staff here were killed by him. It can be said that , this is a secret base that only he knows.

But such a secret base was invaded by a stranger. He wanted to kill the old bartender guarding the door with a shot, but after thinking about it, if the other party could enter here, the old bartender was probably in danger.

What Qiandao Kashiwa didn't know was that the old bartender guarding the door would let Levi enter the second underground floor because Levi said the core code word.

There were less than five people in the entire Harmony Organization who knew the code word. After Li Wei said it, the old bartender would naturally not doubt Li Wei's identity, and would only think that it was "one of his own" whom he didn't know existed.

"If you like drinking, I will burn it for you every year. Stranger, no one can get out of here alive." Chidao Kashiwa said sternly, the gun in his hand was already pointed at Levi's head, if anything happens to Levi , he would shoot Levi in ​​the head.

"Mr. Qiandao, aren't you afraid that I have spread the secrets here? As long as I don't go out for a certain period of time, your secret base will be useless." Levi smiled and took out two items from the small cabinet. He held a small cup and shook it towards Qiandao Kashiwa: "Would you like to have a drink with me?"

"Then you go to hell first!" Qiandao Kashiwa decisively pulled the trigger. In the sealed underground space, there was no need to worry about the gunshots being heard. The pistol did not use a silencer, and the gunshots were very crisp.

However, all the bullets stopped about half a meter away from Levi, as if they hit an invisible barrier.

Qiandao Kashiwa had a ghostly expression on his face, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"We are all children of God, but we are special, the people closest to God." Levi said with an indifferent expression. "monster!"

Chishima Kashiwa kept pulling the trigger until the magazine was empty, and in front of Levi, there were densely packed bullets hovering in mid-air.

"As the son of God, you actually disobey me who has mastered the power of God?" Levi spread his hands and asked a certain Huangmao who asked, "Do you dare to disobey me who has Bayeli?"

The horrified expression on Qiandao Kashiwa's face showed what was going on in his heart at this time.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Be decent, Qiandao-san, you are also a big boss who controls a Yakuza organization with a size of 500 people. At the same time, you also have a religious organization with more than 200 people under your control. A party like yours Boss, with such an expression, the gap between the front and the back is really too big, and it’s not decent at all.”

"Oh, decency? What's the use of decency? If a being like you comes to my door, do I still have a chance to live?" Although Qiandao Kashiwa is a big boss, he is still just an ordinary person facing death. Even when I was in the movie, I couldn't be cool and calm. What I acted in the movie was always fake.

"Well, indeed, you will die. Of course, I will give you a happy life, and it will not harm your wife and children. This is my promise to you." Levi smiled.

"Thank you, then... let's do it." Qiandao Kashiwa closed his eyes. Qiandao Kashiwa can only believe that Levi will keep his promise now, because he is at an absolute disadvantage and can do nothing except trust the opponent's bottom line.

Levi walked up to Qiandao Kashiwa, put his hand on the opponent's forehead, and began to use his magical power. Qiandao Kashiwa seemed to have been shocked by electricity. His whole body began to convulse, his eyes turned white, and he foamed at the mouth.

Like watching a movie, Levi quickly browsed Qiandao Kashiwa's memories. This method does not cause mental pollution like first-person memory reading, and is very suitable for Levi whose thinking speed is much faster than ordinary people.

"I see. I didn't expect this guy to have so many properties, so he gave me an advantage. But it doesn't matter. It's just a vest that can be thrown away after being used once. Then I can just convert his properties into gold. ." Levi murmured.

In just a few minutes, Levi completed the formatting of Qiandao Kashiwa's soul. All the other party's memories have been deleted, and now the soul and body are taken over by Levi's separate thinking circuit.

To a certain extent, Chishima Kashiwa is still alive, but after losing all his memories, can he still be himself? Moreover, after the soul was formatted, he was now in a vegetative state. Without Levi's thinking circuit control, he would not be able to respond to the stimulation of the external environment.

Qiandao Kashiwa opened his eyes. Although his face still looked the same, his eyes and body movements seemed to be that of a different person, less sinister and more majestic.

"Ahem, it's quite novel to watch yourself." Qiandao Kashiwa showed a hearty smile.

Levi didn't say anything because this was his branched thinking circuit. From a fundamental point of view, it wasn't even a clone, it was just a puppet controlled remotely with the help of spiritual power.

Levi began to transform Chishima Kashiwa's body. Although it was just a disposable vest that was used once and then thrown away, he was still willing to spend a certain amount of money in order to perform the scene well.

It took more than an hour for Levi to build a set of spiritual power circuits in Qiandao Kashiwa's body that could circulate internally. However, Qiandao Kashiwa is not a cultivator after all, and the spiritual power "charged" in his body will be reduced with each use. , but with Levi's huge spiritual power and Qiandao Bai's excellent spiritual power storage capacity, which can be said to be the same as Nanfu battery compared to ordinary batteries, as long as it is not squandered randomly, the spiritual power stored in Qiandao Bai's body can perform well. The play is more than enough. .

Chapter 129. Puppet in action

When Levi left, he left the information about Bo Daohai in the secret room.

After Qiandao Kashiwa's main body left, he dialed a phone number and contacted two of his closest associates, preparing to hold a meeting in the evening to discuss important matters.

After Levi left the bar, he still felt a little unaccustomed. After branching off a thinking circuit, he felt that his thinking speed was not as agile as before, and there was always a sense of sluggishness.

Levi can feel the somatosensory feedback of the puppet. In other words, if the puppet is injured, although Levi will not be directly injured, he will also be affected by certain negative effects, plus the number of things that cannot be solved due to the number of thinking circuits. The problem is, this kind of puppet technique, which is like seizing a body, actually has an extremely narrow scope of application.

Back home, Machida Enko had already come back first, holding a box in her hand and sorting out the clutter at home.

Although the entire apartment has become a paradise-like existence under Levi's transformation, this does not mean that the space in the apartment can have the ability to clean itself, so daily cleaning is still a must.

Levi looked at the time on the wall. It was only around 4:30 in the afternoon. Today was a very fulfilling day.

Levi sat on the sofa. He was responsible for cleaning. After all, magic is much easier to use than a vacuum cleaner, but if you throw things away, you have to sort them out yourself, because Levi doesn't know. What can be tidied up and what needs to be used, so Machida Enko is responsible for cleaning up the house.

"Sister Yuanzi, my second volume has been self-examined, and the illustrations have been matched. It can be sent directly to the library." Li Wei said.

Although if Li Wei wants money now, he has many means to accumulate a lot of wealth in a very short period of time, but for him, writing light novels is his hobby, so he does not plan to just become a eunuch. Lose. Anyway, there is still some time before he leaves this world. He can publish as many volumes as possible and present his works in front of readers as much as possible.

"I'll bring the manuscript over tomorrow. By the way, how's Yinglili doing over there?" "Machida Enzi piled the packed things together and took off the apron around her waist.

Machida Eonko dresses quite coolly at home. The combination of a T-shirt and shorts puts her figure to the test, but for her, such a combination is not difficult to control.

Machida Enzi brought a glass of water to Levi and placed it on the coffee table.

Levi sighed and said: "I was really shocked today. Eirili's father was blown up to the sky by the hostile military-industrial complex. Now it is estimated that even the body cannot be recovered. Now, Eirili and Sayuri Auntie’s side is in trouble."

"Mr. Spencer is gone?!" Machida Enzi was shocked by the news that Levi had brought him back.

"Yes, I have to say that ordinary people are really fragile." Levi sighed.

The reason why ordinary people must abide by the rules is because if everyone does not abide by the rules, everyone will easily end the game. It is precisely because of fear of the worst consequences that social rules are established.

As experts in word games and a long-established aristocratic family in the Republic of China, the Spencer family can be said to be one of the few people on earth who are best at exploiting rules. It can be said that as long as they play within the rules, the Spencer family will be able to play within the rules. The Spencer family is not said to be invincible, but it still has great advantages.

It is a pity that the old aristocrats who are accustomed to winning by rules encountered the military-industrial complex that likes to physically destroy their opponents. This is what happens when a scholar meets a soldier. As a result, important members of the Spencer family were almost brought to a standstill. It can be said that a negotiation directly severely damaged the vitality of the Spencer family.

Levi said: "I don't want to get involved in such a thing, but I also have to give an explanation to Ying Lili, so I will help her deal with the mastermind behind the explosion. Of course, if she wants to As long as I can help her catch those who are enemies."

Machida Enzi showed a worried expression and said: "Such a thing is very dangerous, can we not do it?"

Levi shook his head and said, "I have to do this because I am your husband. When you are wronged, no matter what the situation is, I will stand firmly by your side and stand up for you."

Machida Enzi showed a helpless smile. Although Levi is easy to talk in life, he is very responsible in key matters. It can even be said that he is a bit chauvinistic, but Li Wei's chauvinism is priority. Protect them, she doesn't hate this kind of male chauvinism.

Machida Enzi sat down next to Levi and leaned on Levi's shoulder. Neither of them spoke, just enjoying the warm feeling of being alone.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but Levi heard the sound of the door opening. He knew without looking back that three people were coming back.

When he turned his head, Machida Enko had already stood up and walked towards the kitchen. At the door were three people in different states. Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kato Megumi were in excellent condition, while Hyōdo Michiru seemed Somewhat tired.

While Levi was enjoying the warm daily life with the girls, the puppet Qiandao Kashiwa, controlled by the thinking circuit, left the bar and drove back to his antique mansion.

Most of Neon's traditional Yakuza organizations have inherited ancestral properties. A large house like this is almost a standard feature of traditional Yakuza.

After returning to the mansion, Qiandao Kashiwa did not bother with his wife and children, but went directly to the conference room. When he opened the paper wooden door, two confidants were already waiting indoors. Seeing Qiandao Kashiwa's arrival, they were initially a little agitated. The two people who were sloppy immediately straightened their postures, and their original cross-legged posture was instantly adjusted to a sitting posture.

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