With the addition of Matsu, the daily life of Izumo Village has become more lively. However, neither the girl nor Matsu are the kind of girls who are very possessive, so they get along very harmoniously, and they are not as messy as the original plot. Jump.

Matsuda generously disclosed her room. Izumo Village "doesn't exist". After no longer having to hide herself, Matsuya no longer has to shut herself in the room. She can walk around in Izumo Village, which seems to Extremely lively.

"Levi! Levi! MBI is going to release a new series!" He ran to the door of Levi's room, pulled and pushed the door hard, and said excitedly.

At this time, Levi was sitting cross-legged on the ground. When he heard the sound of pine trees, he slowly opened his eyes. He was meditating. Next to her was the girl from the abandoned house who was playing a game. The uranium girl was wearing big headphones and couldn't hear the outside sounds at all, and was immersed in the world of the game.

Levi already knew the news, but he still pretended to be surprised and said, "Is there any movement at MBI?"

Song sat down and said: "I hacked into the internal server on the other side and got the first information. The other side has completed the adjustment of No. and is preparing to release it this afternoon."

Levi said: "I don't know what kind of person the other person is. I hope the other person can patiently listen to what we have to say."

Song said: "The information I got, No. Hu Die, showed quite high intelligence and good at strategy during the internal test, but correspondingly, her combat effectiveness is very poor, even worse than me.~"

Levi said: "I don't care about things like combat prowess. After all, no matter how good the wagtail is, how can Meiya and I fight? I just hope that the other party can be easy to get along with, and don't have a weird temper."

Song nodded. She could understand Li Wei. It was impossible for Li Wei to be a saint who asked for nothing in return. There was never love and hate for no reason in this world. If you want to be saved, you always have to pay a price. .

Following Li Wei was not a bad thing, or so she felt. After all, Li Wei was not only charming, but also powerful, and could in turn provide shelter for the wagtails. More importantly, Li Wei had a good temper. He has a gentle personality and treats Wagtails with enough respect and love. For example, Li Wei almost dotes on Uranium Girl.

But what Song didn't know was that Li Wei's feelings for the girl were not only the love between a man and a woman, but also a brother's love for his sister, so he showed a level that looked like doting to others.

The uranium girl took off her earphones and said, "I will definitely go to such an important thing."

Song said: "I can't go out under special circumstances. When the MBI is resolved, I can go out freely without restrictions."

Levi said: "If it is this kind of thing, you should tell me earlier, I will have a way to solve it."

When Song heard Li Wei's words, he showed an incredible expression and said, "Li Weijun, do you have any idea?"

Levi said: "Of course, you also know that I am a traveler who loves traveling. During the journey, I will be exposed to all kinds of novel knowledge, and I am a very easy to learn person, so all kinds of messy knowledge, I know a little bit about it. It just so happens that I also have a little bit of experience in how to disguise it."

Li Wei took out a gorgeous gold necklace from his consciousness sea space, put it in Song's hand, and said: "This is a prop that allows people to transform and disguise themselves. It allows you to transform from one person to another." .”

Song hung the necklace around her neck. The pendant of the necklace just hung on her collarbone, looking luxurious and beautiful.

Song said: "Then how to use this prop?"

Levi said: "Meditate in your mind on the shape you want to change, and then you can change it into the shape you imagined. After the change is completed, press a small button on the necklace to solidify this image. This The necklace can solidify up to ten images. But let me make it clear first that the prop I made has its limits. First of all, this change only affects your own body and will not change the corresponding clothes. Secondly, This prop cannot disguise your gender, nor can it turn a big man into a dwarf, or a dwarf into a big man, nor can it significantly change your body shape. What you can do is change your color. Shape, skin color, face and body, such as the size of the palms and soles of the feet, such details cannot be changed."

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Levi pointed his hand in mid-air, and the mask appeared in front of everyone.

Song started her transformation according to what Li Wei said. She closed her eyes, mentally imagined the image she was about to change, and then pressed the fixed button on the necklace. When she opened her eyes again, she saw herself in the mirror. He has become someone else. Although still beautiful, it was very unfamiliar.

Such a change made Song Song cover her mouth in surprise. She didn't expect that the problem that had been bothering her would be solved so easily by Levi.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Levi said: "Song, the only thing you have to do now is to change into suitable clothes. Well, clothes are easy to deal with, and I also know how to be a tailor. When I finish measuring your figure, I will make one for you." With ten sets of clothes, you can completely disguise yourself according to different styles.”

The uranium girl said with some amusement: "I also want new clothes."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Everyone has a share, and you will definitely have a share of Uranium Girl, but I don't think you need those kind of disguise props."

The uranium girl nodded and said: "Well, I don't need to share this, but that kind of prop should be very precious, right?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "Is it precious? I have a lot of gold as raw material. If I want to make a strip, it only takes a few minutes."

Uranium Girl doesn't know what to say. She can only say that the world of bosses is different from ordinary people.

While laughing and joking, Li Wei started measuring the two girls' bodies. Physical contact is inevitable when measuring bodies. In an instant, the room was filled with fragrance.

After some fun, Levi resisted the urge to execute the two girls on the spot, left the room, found an empty room, and began to use magic to make costumes for the two girls. After all, this is Mei Zai's territory, and Mei Zai has not been captured yet, so he has to be more low-key in his work. When he conquers Mei Zai, he can do whatever he wants.

Chapter.Hu Die

It didn't take long to make clothes. After all, using magic, Levi's personal efficiency could surpass that of the entire garment factory. Most of the time spent making clothes was in the design process. As long as the design draft is finalized, the actual production process is evenly divided into each set of clothing. The unit time for each set of clothing is less than a second. From cutting to sewing to later optimization, the efficiency directly crushes the machinery. This is Qi refining. With the unreasonable and terrible productivity of scholars, an individual can support an entire civilization.

After finishing their lunch with gourmet tablecloths, Levi and the two Wagtail girls took a brief rest and then left Izumo Village on their motorcycles.

Harley motorcycles are inherently much stronger than ordinary motorcycles, so even if they seat three people, they are still relatively loose.

MBI has not released Hu Die yet, so Li Wei is not in a hurry to find someone.

Song, who was sitting in the middle position, put the tablet he made on Levi's back and quickly typed on the virtual keyboard.

"I found some interesting information, let me take a look... This is not interesting at all. There is a mysterious organization secretly eyeing Wagtail. This is really a wolf in the front and a tiger in the back. It is simply terrible." Song said. It caught the attention of the uranium girl sitting behind.

"Is there anyone else who is also plotting against us?! Can we find out who they are?" Uranium Girl put her chin on Song's shoulder and put her hands around Song's waist.

"Even MBI doesn't know about this kind of thing. Only when MBI has new clues can I get new information," Song said.

"There are more and more troubles. This feeling that the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light is really uncomfortable." Uranium Girl said.

"That mysterious organization sent personnel to sneak into the MBI headquarters building a few days ago, and almost entered the experimental area. No. 4 Crow Feather, the current captain of the Punishment Team, discovered the intruder through intuition. There was a fight between the two sides, and the mysterious intruder retreated after leaving an arm. According to MBI data, the mysterious intruder was a half-biological, half-mechanical modified person. Most of the parts of his body had been transformed into machines, and his strength was comparable to that of a wagtail. Yudu is strong and can even fight against Crow Feather in a short period of time without falling behind. If you were to use Uranium Girl instead, you would probably be killed instantly by the opponent," Song said.

"No way? Is the opponent so strong?" Uranium Girl said with a confused face.

"Uranium girl, you haven't dealt with Crow Feather, so you don't know her. It's normal. She is the only one in the wagtail sequence, second only to Mei Zai in strength. Before, I hid in Izumo Manor and didn't dare to go out. To put it bluntly, I was in Avoid her. Even if I am prepared and bring all kinds of equipment and props, I am still no match for her," Song said.

Uranium Girl also has a certain understanding of Song's abilities. Although she has not actually fought against Song, looking at the props in Song's room, she knows that if Song takes the initiative to plot against someone, he can completely target him. Use various restrained equipment and props to achieve quick kills. Although she is fast, her own defensive weaknesses make her unable to afford to lose. Song can make many mistakes with various defensive methods, but as long as she makes one mistake, she will be defeated by Song.

It can be said that a well-prepared pine can win the battle against most wagtails. But Song Song couldn't defeat Crow Feather with all the props, which can also be inferred how amazing Crow Feather's strength is.

The motorcycles were roaming aimlessly in the city. The three of them were all waiting for time. After all, it was not easy for them to go directly to the entrance of the MBI building to block people, so they had to wait until Hu Die left the MBI building. After a certain distance, they Reappear.

On the other side, Levi's puppet clone was also secretly preparing to take action.


Hu Die was sent to the lobby of the building by the staff. Next to her was Takami Sahashi, who was responsible for adjusting the technology.

Takami Sahashi said with complicated emotions: "Hu Die, from now on, you have limited freedom. Except that you cannot leave the Eastern Imperial Capital, you can do anything now."

Hu Die nodded and took the sports backpack from Takami Sahashi's hand.

Hu Die is a tall and plump silver beauty with a mature and cool face. Although she is not short-sighted, she wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, which makes her look like she possesses the wisdom of the human race. She was wearing a modified light blue tight-fitting kimono. The close-fitting clothing perfectly showed off her beautiful figure that could occupy a place in the D zone.

"Thank you for taking care of me during this time. I hope you can also take good care of yourself." Hu Die said softly.

Although Hu Die looks very cool, her voice is quite soft, which is in huge contrast with her own temperament. Hu Die had stayed in the laboratory for such a long time, searching for various materials in her own way. She also felt that there was something wrong with the Wagtail Plan, but under the eaves, she had to lower her head. She was not good at fighting, so she could only do The thing is to remind Sahashi Takami that a place of right and wrong like MBI should not stay for a long time.

Sahashi Takami said: "Instead of caring about me, you should think about your future. You are a smart person and have noticed something. Next, you have to look at your own destiny."

Hu Die nodded, put on his backpack and left the building. And when she left the building, two groups of people secretly stared at her. One group was Li Wei and his two wagtails, and the other group was Li Wei's mechanized puppet clone.

The micro-drone launched by the uranium girl has already seen Hu Die going out, and the universal tablet is the remote control she uses to control the drone.

"She has already gone out. The next step is to wait for her to go far away and we will find a suitable opportunity to appear in front of her." Song said.

Li Wei took out a piece of yellow paper from her consciousness space and began to fold the paper on the spot, folding it into a thousand paper cranes. She blew on the paper crane, and the paper crane instantly gained life and flew out with wings.

"What is that?" Uranium Girl asked curiously.

"Grow a prop for tracking. As long as this little thing can land on Hu Die, no matter where she goes, we don't have to worry about losing the target. Moreover, as long as we have this paper crane as the coordinates, I can take you to teleport at any time. She can't run away even if she wants to." Levi laughed.

"Wow, this method is just like cheating." Uranium Girl said.

Before long, the paper crane had landed on the backpack behind Hu Die and entered the invisible state.

"Okay, done. Now you don't have to worry about getting lost." Levi smiled.

Levi did not intend to expose his ability to find and locate people. Using this relatively cumbersome method, he could hide his true trump card very well.

Chapter. Incident

The direction that Hu Die is moving now is exactly where the three of them are. If the other party does not change direction, they will meet each other in only a few minutes at most.

Song controlled the drone and transmitted back the picture from Hu Die. At this time, Hu Die did not know that she was being monitored by others. Although she had wisdom that surpassed that of Wagtail, she was overwhelmed by technology. When I was there, I was also very slow to respond.

To be on the safe side, Song deployed another drone to ensure that his surveillance would be flawless.

"Very good, continue on this path. If my estimate is correct, she will arrive at our side in a few minutes at most." Song Song said confidently.

The girl sitting at the back, with her hands behind her head, was already thinking about continuing to play games after going back. Both of them felt that things were stable this time.

As for Levi, who was sitting at the front of the Harley motorcycle, the corners of his mouth turned slightly upward. He knew that it was time for his puppet clone to appear.

At this moment, the surveillance picture suddenly became blurry. The Taoist figure suddenly appeared behind Hu Die, and the hand knife lightly struck the back of Hu Die's neck. Butterfly, whose combat effectiveness was not good in the first place, naturally had a poor physique. Not so good, this hand strike directly knocked her unconscious.

Seeing this scene on the surveillance screen, Song couldn't control his voice and said: "It's from that mysterious organization! Only they have mastered such optical camouflage technology! Hu Die is in danger!"

The uranium girl was startled, and she quickly turned her body and looked at the surveillance screen. At this moment, the mysterious cyborg man who was monitoring the screen suddenly raised his hand, and then the surveillance screen was completely blurred.

"My drone was shot down." Song's face was very ugly. She didn't expect that the reconnaissance drone she was so proud of would be discovered. This was something that even MBI's technicians found difficult to counteract. Unexpectedly, the opponent could destroy it easily.

This means that the technology the other party has mastered is no worse than hers. Song Song is alert. The technology the other party has mastered is a combination of biology and machinery. It is normal for someone who can achieve this level to have a technology that is not weaker than hers. thing, it seems that the other party's technology may be higher than MBI, which means that the remaining Wagtails are already in danger.

Levi said: "Don't panic, I have placed the teleportation coordinates on the butterfly's body. We can use space teleportation to run over. No matter where the opponent goes, we can catch up."

Song Song showed a surprised expression. Levi is a person with many secrets, and every time he reveals a new secret of his, she will be shocked in her heart. After all, Levi's ability is too buggy. If Levi really gets up, It is estimated that no one else has any gaming experience, because if Li Wei really gets up, he can beat the entire game overnight.

However, the sudden appearance of this mysterious enemy has brought new variables to the entire Wagtail game. The technical capabilities of this mysterious organization are probably still higher than MBI. Before they understand the confidence of this mysterious enemy, they act rashly. It is very likely that other wagtails will suffer unnecessary harm.

Levi started the motorcycle, and a portal appeared in front of the motorcycle. The motorcycle rushed in. When the uranium girl and Song came back to their senses, the surrounding scenery had changed drastically, and the mysterious man was coming from The backpack was cut off from Hu Die's body.

Uranium Girl knew that the backpack MBI gave to each wagtail contained not only short-term survival items, but also a messenger. When she met Levi, Levi conveniently gave the messenger to Crushed. But the other party doesn't know where the transmitter is in the backpack, so the simplest and crudest way is to just throw away the entire backpack.

The motorcycle stopped in front of the mysterious man.

Levi said: "Can you give her to me? I don't like violence."

The mysterious man squatted down slightly, and the long knife on his back suddenly unsheathed, and he rushed towards Li Wei and others. His speed was so fast that even the uranium woman was caught off guard. It took time for her to accelerate. To "accumulate power", before completing the acceleration, her speed can only be said to be faster than the average wagtail. The two white strips of cloth were intertwined together as if they were alive, turning into a spiral drill bit and spinning towards the mysterious man at high speed.

The mysterious man used a long knife to block it, and the strip of cloth spinning at high speed was cut directly, which surprised the uranium girl. After the ordinary cloth is infused with her power, its strength and toughness have reached the level of alloy. Coupled with the sharp edges of the cloth, her attack penetration ability will not be worse than that of an ordinary tank main gun, but The opponent directly cut off her cloth strips, which meant that the opponent could use a long knife to cut off rows of artillery shells. With such strength, when facing a modern army, special warfare can already be used to gain an advantage.

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