Mei Zai sighed and said: "Sometimes, I also want to leave everything here and travel, but there are too many things that tie me down, and I can't leave even if I want to."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Then, after the wagtail game is over, Sister Meizai, you will be free. By then, you can go wherever you want."

Mei Zai said: "Indeed, I will be able to regain my freedom by then. But I always feel a little lonely. Will you take those children away, right?"

Li Wei said: "Well, I am their Wei Ya. No matter where I go, I will never leave them behind. We will always be together and never be separated."

Mei Zai said with some surprise: "You guys haven't known each other for a long time, right? I didn't expect you to have such deep feelings for them."

Li Wei smiled and said: "I am a very macho man. Since I have become their Wei Ya, I naturally have to protect them well."

Mei Zai said: "Such a topic feels a bit too heavy. Li Weijun, tell me about the interesting things about your journey. I think you should have traveled through many worlds, and there are always two worlds that will be special. Interesting."

Mei Zai felt that she could not continue to dwell on this topic, and she was also a little entangled in her heart. Although she was the No. of the wagtail sequence, she was not a complete wagtail, but a special existence like half human and half wagtail. It is precisely because of this that even though she has a good impression of Levi in ​​her heart, and even the wagtail pattern on her back reacts, she can still control her emotions well.

However, after knowing that Levi would eventually leave this world, Mei Zai felt a little heartbroken. She sighed in her heart that there is no such thing as a banquet that never ends. There are some things that no matter how reluctant you are to let go, you still have to go through it and go. bearable.

Levi said: "Speaking of it, my journey can be described as troubled, because I don't know what the next world I will jump to is like, so I often encounter some weird situations. For example, once , I arrived at the Earth in a different universe. Who knew that the Earth over there was actually experiencing a biochemical crisis? Biochemical crisis, sister Meizai, you should know about it, right?"

Mei Zai nodded and said: "This is a very well-known thing. Although I have never played games, I have watched Resident Evil movies in my spare time. I still have a certain understanding of so-called zombies."

Resident Evil is considered a national IP in Neon. Even people like Mei Zai who are not sensitive to changes in the external environment are aware of the existence of Resident Evil.

Levi said: "When I went to that world, I originally planned to travel there, but who knew that something like a biochemical crisis happened, and the whole world became a mess. In just a few days, human society The order was completely destroyed, and the remaining survivors lived like wild beasts, fighting zombies in a cruel environment, killing each other with their own kind, and fighting for the things that allowed them to survive. Out of compassion, I established a survivor camp , and finally saved some people. Unfortunately, that world was completely hopeless. Out of good intentions, I moved those survivors to other worlds, and then I left the earth that had been completely destroyed. "

Mei Zai said: "It's really heavy. Compared with that world, the Wagtail Game in this world is simply a ridiculous farce. But fortunately, no matter how bad the final result is, the Wagtail Game will not lead to destruction. The level of all mankind.”

Levi said: "Yes, for me, the Wagtail game is a game with a relatively small scope. I have also experienced wars between gods and demons before, including angels, demons, devils, dragons, and various mythical beings. A big melee is called a real war. For me, this world is a place where I can take a rest."

Mei Zai sighed inwardly, the more places I go and the more things I see, the more tired I feel. As a traveler traveling through different worlds, Levi would sometimes want to take a rest.

Mei Zai said: "Thank you, Li Weijun. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to interfere too much in the wagtail game. After all, I'm already in the game. But, you are different. You have the idea to change all this, and you also have the The power to change that. You can do things that I can’t and I want to say thank you on behalf of all the other Wagtails out there.”

Levi said: "I'm just confused about things like girls crying. The wagtail game is very disgusting in my opinion. Maybe the Yuguang people have a beautiful purpose, but if the process of achieving this purpose is very disturbing, It's disgusting, but I still hate this kind of thing. Moreover, from the information I have collected so far, it seems that Yuguang people have no good intentions. This kind of game that treats wagtails as consumables is itself a mistake. "

Although Li Wei is a hopeless villain, he also has a soft spot in his heart. Yu Guangren's actions undoubtedly touched his bottom line, so it is normal for him to hate Yu Guangren so much. .

Yuhiroto wants to reenact myths and legends through the wagtail game, use the power of the wagtail to absorb enough emotional power, and then use this power to put himself on the throne of God.

The so-called victorious Wagtail was able to enter Gaotian Plains with his Wei Ya, which is a lie that will never be fulfilled. At that point, the Wagtail and Wei Ya who won the final are just tools used to collect emotional power. , don’t even think about getting a share of the pie later.

If Levi had not intervened in the development of the world here, the plot might not have gone as it did in the original plot. After all, the Yuguang people here were a bit too sinister compared to the anime and manga versions.

And would such a careerist care about the lives of his children? Levi, who has read Yuhiro's heart, can say with certainty that Yuhiro doesn't care about such problems at all. If sacrificing Minato Sahashi can make him become a god quickly, Yuhiro will not care at all. Those who do this hesitantly should never underestimate the limits of a careerist. This principle will not work for careerists.

Chapter. New Goals

Mei Zai said: "Li Weijun, aren't you going to play with them? Girls in swimsuits are quite cute, right?"

Levi wanted to complain in his heart. Mei Zai would unconsciously change the subject when she encountered something that made her shy. And because she always had a smile on her face, it was easy for her to get passed by her if she didn't pay attention. , unaware that she was changing the subject.

However, Mei Zai is a very conservative person. Improper relations between men and women are strictly prohibited in Izumo Village. If girls want to spend the night in Levi's room, they will be frightened by Mei Zai and go back to their own rooms. They have no choice but to Needless to say, it's quite scary when Mei Zai gets angry, and it feels like her whole personality has changed.

Li Wei turned away slightly and said: "Now I just want to bask in the sun. I still like this lazy life, playing and stuff, it's too childish.~"

Song ran over at this time, holding the tablet he carried with him, and said with an excited expression on his face: "Li Weijun, there is good news!"

Li Wei actually knew Song's so-called good news in his heart, but in order not to expose his secret, he still pretended to be curious, sat up and said, "What is the good news? "

Song put his tablet in front of Levi, and Mei Zai also came over curiously. On the tablet, the information of two wagtails was displayed.

Song said: "No.'s light and No.'s ring, they are two people we can win over. Although the number of the two numbers did not enter single digits, their strength is not weak. Both of them control the thunder." In terms of strength, most wagtails are no match for the two of them. If the two of them can join our team, our strength will be increased again!"

Song was very excited. After all, she had been looking for wagtails suitable to be recruited into the team during this period. However, during this period, the wagtails released by MBI were all crooked children with very serious problems. Song Song was very excited. It was a headache even behind the scenes.

Now, individuals like Guang Hexiang, who are powerful and have normal outlook on life, are simply better than those crooked melons and split dates.

It is precisely because of the various negative teaching materials as comparison objects that the two talents of Hikari and Hibiki are so valuable.

Levi said: "This is indeed a good thing, but now is a non-working break time. Don't you feel tired if you are still thinking about these things at this time?"

Levi gently nodded Song's forehead, with a gentle smile on his face.

Song said: "I used to be very desperate. I couldn't break the situation with my personal strength, so I could only hide in the gutter and be a smelly rat. It was Li Weijun who gave me hope and let me know that this The ridiculous game of letting wagtails kill each other can finally end. Light and Hibiki are both good girls. They are not the unlucky ones who have gone crazy. I don’t want to see them meet bad people outside and join our team. , they can at least gain the strength to resist, so that they will not continue to be played by fate."

The pine tree used to be a clay Bodhisattva crossing the river, unable to save itself, so it naturally has no extra sympathy and will find ways to save its own kind. But now she is different. With Li Wei's power as a backing up, the winning team has been locked in and will definitely win to the end, so now she naturally has extra energy to help her own kind. Of course, the premise is She felt worthy of help.

She has been observing Hikari and Hibiki for a long time, and she can confirm that there is no problem with their psychology. Although both of them are a little impatient in character, this is not a problem. Beings with strong action skills are good for them. A good performer for the team. Uranium Girl, as the team's only visible combat power, is still too lazy. The addition of Hikari and Hibiki can hide Levi's specialness very well, so that Levi himself will not be needed to come to the rescue at critical moments.

Levi said: "Since you think so, then I will try it. It won't be a loss if I try it. It's a sure thing."

To be honest, it's not that Li Wei is confident, but that he has already sensed the light and sound. There is also mutual attraction between Wagtail and Wei Ya, just like stand-in messengers will attract each other. The two sides are like They are the two poles of a magnet, which will touch each other horizontally and vertically. However, Li Wei's situation is quite special. Many wagtails react to him, which means that for these wagtails that react to him, he will most likely be able to easily complete the contract. This alone is enough to cheat. .

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Of course, there are some things that you can just understand in your heart, but it won't be nice if you say it out loud, so Li Wei pretended to be nothing, and was too calm to seem like someone who was not involved in the matter. Because he already knows that some things are bound to happen, and since he has received "spoilers", there will naturally be no surprises.

As for Hikari and Hibiki, they also have a lot of roles in the original plot. Among all the wagtails, their strength belongs to the first echelon. Without "awakening", they can defeat all wagtails except for a few special individuals. However, the opponents they encountered every time were very difficult, so despite their strong strength, they had very few results. In terms of pure performance, the performance of the two sisters was not good.

....... .......

Song said: "The information I got here, Guang and Hibiki have been taken away from the laboratory. If my inference is correct, the two of them are likely to be released tonight, but the specific release location is , and continued monitoring is needed.”

Songyou has a drone and Levi knows how to hack it, so there is no need to consider tracking this aspect at all.

Hu Die, wearing a black one-piece swimsuit, came over and said: "Senior Song, your drone can be prepared in advance. I think it is not just us who can get the news. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of ten thousand. Now in the Eastern Imperial Capital Several relatively large forces have appeared here, and we have to be wary of those potential competitors."

Song nodded.

Li Wei said: "Factions have emerged so soon? Song, you are engaged in intelligence. Please introduce the current faction situation."

Song laughed and said: "Let Hu Die do this kind of thing. I am just a technician. When it comes to situation assessment and strategy, it has to be done by professionals."

Song gave the opportunity to explain to Hu Die. Hu Die always felt that her presence in the team was insufficient. Song decided to let Butterfly play her role. With professional brains, technical personnel like her would not have to He no longer has the duties of a military advisor. Although both of these things use her brain, she personally prefers the technical type. Things like scheming with others are still too tiring for her.

Chapter.Current Situation

Hu Die pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, took the tablet from Song Song's hand, and switched the interface to the map. The map of the entire Eastern Imperial Capital was intuitively displayed in front of Li Wei.

Hu Die said: "Sir, let me now explain to you the general division of power of Wei Ya Ti in the Eastern Imperial Capital. The headquarters building of MBI is located at the center of the entire Eastern Imperial Capital. Starting from the building as the center point, the divisions are divided. There are four general areas: southeast, northwest, and northwest. Currently, the most powerful force is the Bing'equan force in the east. According to the information obtained by Senior Song, Bing'equan himself and others under his command already have more than ten Wagtails in the entire team. Hey, many of the 'lunatics' released this time have joined this force. Bing'equan is the helmsman of the giant multinational company AGN. According to the information provided by Matsu-senpai, I analyzed that this man and the helmsman of MBI There are irreconcilable conflicts between Ren Yuguang and Ren. However, this person is cold and suspicious by nature, and is not a good partner. In addition, there are many problem children among the Wagtails under his command. I conclude that we and Sooner or later the other side will have a fight."

Li Wei nodded. In the original plot, Hu Die belonged to the eastern forces in Bing'equan. Now Hu Die is under his command, and he has made a prediction that the team and the eastern forces will inevitably collide. Li Wei, who knows the original plot, sees Come on, no matter how you look at it, it’s a bit joyful.

However, Hu Die's prediction was correct. Bing'equan was also quite ambitious. Although he was not as crazy as Yu Guangren, his nature as an ambitious person could not be denied.

Levi said: "You don't need to pay too much attention to the eastern forces. They are just chickens and dogs. No matter how many people gather together, they can't change anything. Let's talk about the other forces."

Hu Die nodded and said: "So far, our side is the most powerful in the north. Counting myself, you have gathered three wagtails. I don't know why there are very few wagtails in the north. He and Wei Ya are active here."

Next to him, Song laughed secretly, because what Hu Die didn't know was that Mei Zai was in charge of the northern region. Although most people didn't know Mei Zai's past, they also knew how powerful Mei Zai was. This kind of humanoid Godzilla-like existence would be difficult for anyone with a normal mind. The Wagtails and Wei Ya did not dare to cause trouble in the northern region just by hearing the rumors.

Hu Die continued: "The largest force in the northern region is ours, and as for the southern force, it is a force led by a rich man named Hayato Mikogami. Although this force does not have many people, its overall strength is very strong. Their team, Mutsu, who holds the No., according to the information provided by Matsu-senpai, this Mutsu was once a member of the first-generation Punishment Team. He participated in the battle of Starship Island, or Kamiza Island, against the multinational coalition, and personally destroyed many countries. The coalition's land vehicle force is a very powerful existence. Although it is nothing compared to ours, it is an unstoppable force for the other Sanren Wei Ya and Wagtail."

Hu Die didn't know that Matsuwa Miya was the captain and vice-captain of the first-generation punishment team. After all, she was No., and she woke up fourteen years after the Battle of Starship Island. At that time, Mei Ya and Matsu had already left the Punishment Team. The Punishment Team she was familiar with was the third generation. . Hu Die is now also in a state of confusion among the authorities.

Hu Die continued: "Now, there are only three of the largest wagtail power groups in the Eastern Imperial Capital, including ours, and the rest are all scattered, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Li Wei pretended to be confused and said: "Now, how many Wagtails are there who are not under the direct jurisdiction of MBI?"

Hu Die replied without hesitation: "Including our forces, there are forty feathers in total."

Li Wei nodded. Less than half of the hundred feathers officially compiled and the dozens of feathers compiled as extras are now on the stage. It will take quite some time to enter the first stage.

The adjustment of wagtails also takes time, and MBI cannot release a large number of wagtails in a short period of time. It is very troublesome to modulate special alien life forms such as wagtails, even if MBI has mastered the technology in the starship. , this is a matter of slow work and careful work, and there is no need to rush.

Li Wei said: "Including Hu Die, our force only has three Wagtails. Without me taking action, this force is still a bit weak. In order to cover up my existence, our team needs more partners. Just join.”

Li Wei had an extra piece of white paper in his hand. The white paper quickly took shape in Li Wei's hand and was quickly folded into a beautiful paper crane. Li Wei blew on the paper crane and received the thousand paper cranes of life. The paper crane stood up and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Levi said: "There is no harm in monitoring in advance. Since we don't know when MBI will release people, we should start tracking them from now on to avoid missing important things."

The uranium girl who came over said: "If anyone dares to hinder us, then I will beat him. But as Hu Die said, it is very likely that more than just our family has MBI's information. Senior Song can use hacking technology To obtain information, but AGN can completely rely on its financial resources to conduct espionage operations and obtain information in this way."

No matter whether it is a white cat or a black cat, the one that can catch mice is a good cat. This kind of thing is very common in intelligence work. Intelligence work is a special industry that judges heroes based on results. As a giant multinational company, AGN cannot keep up with the hard scale. It is almost independent of the country and has become the first MBI. However, AGN must also have its own complete intelligence channels. Therefore, the Hyogesen forces located in the eastern region pose a greater potential threat to Izumo Village than Mikogami Hayato in the south. Much more powerful.

Hu Die said: "I remembered a joke."

The girl said: "What's the joke?"

Hu Die said: "An Internet company was threatened by hackers and was forced to pay a security fee. If they did not pay, their network would be disconnected every ten minutes. Internet companies do not believe in evil. They have the most complete network protection measures, so they Did not agree to the hacker's request. Then, ten minutes later, the company's network was indeed disconnected. After several attempts, the Internet company finally bowed its head and paid the security fee to the other party. If only this was the case , this is not a joke. Later, people in the company discovered the truth about the disconnection. The hacker paid to bribe the security guard guarding the computer room. When the hacker believed it, the security guard directly pulled out the network cable. It was weird that the network was not connected. "

Uranium Girl said: "High-end cyber warfare often uses some simple techniques, but having said that, this is too simple! No, it is too outrageous!"

Chapter 4. Good mood on a sunny day

Hu Die said: "From the perspective of others, this kind of thing is indeed outrageous and funny, but it is inevitable. The power of money is often so powerful. We Wagtails have credit cards issued by MBI, plus Wagtail Games For the sake of money, we don’t care about issues like money, but ordinary humans need to care about such issues, so it is not strange to be bribed by money. There will definitely not be a monolith inside MBI, and AGN, as long as they are willing to play heavy Be careful, there are always people who will take risks."

Whether there is a mole in MBI or not, Hu Die’s personal opinion is yes, it’s just a matter of position. Moreover, MBI has definitely ambushed chess pieces within AGN. Mutual penetration between the two parties definitely exists, but MBI, which has technical advantages, will have more advantages overall.

As the brains of the team, Hu Die began to deduce the current situation after obtaining various information from Song. For her, this was as instinctive as possible. Even if others don't take the initiative to mention it, she will do it. This is her duty as the team's strategist.

Li Wei said: "Hu Die, the joke you told me didn't feel too funny when I first heard it, but when I think about it carefully, it has a kind of black humor that goes deep into my bones."

Levi thought of business wars in the real world. Business wars in film and television dramas involve either manipulating stock prices or using commercial espionage to steal the opponent's intelligence, monitoring and counter-monitoring, instigating and counter-inciting rebellion, or using black hands to cut off the opponent's golden chain. It can be said that It's wonderful.

However, what is the real business war like in the real world? The regional general manager of a shared bicycle group found the parking spot of his opponent's shared bicycles and scratched the seat cushions of more than 70 shared bicycles opposite.

A person who makes a community dating APP deliberately spread bad information on a rival's APP and then reported it. However, it was revealed that he was responsible and he was arrested and detained.

The chairman of a certain group took advantage of a competitor's change of business license and dispatched more than ten big men to grab the opposite business license in front of the public. There was also a chairman of a certain group who took more than 30 people to the competitor. The company snatches the official seal.

There have also been some comedic incidents among manufacturers of drone technology. One manufacturer took advantage of a competitor's demonstration of drones and asked employees to carry jamming guns to cause trouble. There was also a leading director of an innovative company who climbed over the wall to secretly take photos. Competitors' patented technologies, as well as power struggles within the company, poison competitors.

It can be said that most of the real business wars in the real world are very nonsensical and even more spoof than Xingye's comedies, but these things are all real. Again, the creation of literature and film and television still needs to follow the most basic logic, but the real world never needs it, which is why the real world is so funny and exciting.

In Levi's view, the battle between MBI and AGN was too serious and not dramatic at all. Fake business wars, intrigues, strategizing, real business wars, just wait, I will come over and hammer you to death (Physics). The kind of business war that Li Wei likes to watch is the first kind.

Hu Die said: "The world is unreasonable and anything can happen. Recommendations and logic cannot explain everything. Therefore, I am used to planning in advance and minimizing risks as much as possible. But sir, your My abilities are here, but in fact, I, as a strategist, am just like a decoration."

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